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Official CL weekend Lycra warriors thread (cycling)



  • Christ, I had base layers on (top and trousers) then jersey and shorts over the top plus thermo windshield jacket. Must just be me :neutral:
  • Where do you live?

    I'm in Plumstead and it's been really mild this autumn/winter.

    Having said that I rarely wear tights or jackets, usually I'll get by on cold days with long sleeves and winter gloves.
  • James
    have a look at Ribblecycles for overshoes.
  • I took my son football and had pricks riding 5 abreast done the road, cyclists should be single file, how I hate Sunday morning cyclists.

    Start your own thread!
  • Well I finally plucked up the courage to get back on my turbo trainer last night. Managed 90rpm for 30 mins so reasonably pleased with that, just need to start doing that for an hour at a time and the speed should come back.

    Wont be hitting the road again for a while until I'' reasonably confident with my fitness. Cant believe how six months of injury and doing relatively nothing has cost me.
  • I'm retiring next year, which will mean having time to work on my new book about my grandad Jimmy Seed.
    I'm thinking of having a cycling component (he was initially called up to the Sunderland Cycle Corps) in the book. So ideally I'd like to cycle from his place of birth near Consett to Whitburn (where he lived from age two), to the site of Roker Park where he first played professionally.
    Then there are other possibles:
    Sunderland to Tonypandy (where he played for Mid Rhondda after WW1)
    Tonpandy to Tottenham.
    Tottenham to Sheffield (Hillsboro)
    Sheffield to Leyton (Orient)
    Orient to The Valley.

    This is going to be tricky time-wise as my wife still works and we have two boys who need their dinner cooked!

    But how about a sponsored Addicks ride from Orient to The Valley before a home match next year? To raise funds for the museum maybe?

    PS I'm a bit cycling crazy - I write three cycling blogs (one about vintage Rossin bikes) and (currently) own four bikes.

  • JohnBoyUK said:

    Well I finally plucked up the courage to get back on my turbo trainer last night. Managed 90rpm for 30 mins so reasonably pleased with that, just need to start doing that for an hour at a time and the speed should come back.

    Wont be hitting the road again for a while until I'' reasonably confident with my fitness. Cant believe how six months of injury and doing relatively nothing has cost me.

    That's not bad at all mate, after that big of an absence. You'll know from past breaks in riding that the power will still be there, it's just the aerobic fitness that takes time to come back. We've got a bloke in the club who had a horrible crash about two months back - broken collarbone, five broken ribs, punctured lung, spleen damage and hairline cracks to three vertebrae - just working his way back to fitness now. Came out on the fast run with us for the first time on Sunday and hung on all the way until we put some longer efforts in. You'll have the satisfaction of being able to work your way back to a good level knowing that you got there beforehand so it's just a question of progression

    Also, the turbo is a lot more interesting than it used to be if you can get on Zwift - I've joined a race team on there after doing a bit of racing last year over the winter - really helps your training and keeps you competitive
  • jamescafc said:

    Bloody freezing this morning. Wore two pairs of socks and could still barely feel my feet on arrival at worked.

    Googled winter cycling shoes and much to my surprise they are actually a real product.

    Anybody got a pair and are they worth the money over a decent pair of overshoes?

    Northwave do a great pair of winter shoes - but to be honest, the best way to keep your feet warm is to buy a pair of sealskinz winter socks (neoprene, used by divers) and a pair of overshoes. They'll keep the wind out (which is what causes most of the chill on your feet) and have the added advantage of creating a nice warm barrier of water when your feet get wet (as they inevitably will when it rains - no overshoes should be allowed to be marketed as 'waterproof')
  • +1 for Northwave, great shoes.
  • jamescafc said:

    Christ, I had base layers on (top and trousers) then jersey and shorts over the top plus thermo windshield jacket. Must just be me :neutral:

    You wear shorts over your trousers ?
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  • If anybody has done the Tour of Flanders or Paris-Roubaix, I'm riding both (not the pro race, obviously!) next year. They're on consecutive weekends, is it worth me staying the whole week in Belgium (not the most scintillating of places!) or coming back in between? The Schelderprijs is on Wednesday, but unless I spend the rest of the week riding the same cobbled climbs and secteurs as ToF/PR I'm struggling for things to interest me there
  • jamescafc said:

    Christ, I had base layers on (top and trousers) then jersey and shorts over the top plus thermo windshield jacket. Must just be me :neutral:

    You wear shorts over your trousers ?
    you should try dressing up in tight Lycra sometime.

    er, belay that.
  • @Leroy Ambrose I did the Tour of Flanders a few years ago, stayed just outside Oudernade (sp?) which was about an hour and a half away from Calais, so not too bad to get to/get back from rather than staying.. Fortunately it was a dry weekend as there is no way I'd survive those cobbles in the wet - f*cking treacherous mate.... Suggestion for you: ride the course the day before (or the day after the pros) as you are not going to enjoy the Tour itself due to sheer numbers taking part that mean you absolutely will find yourself walking up at least one of the famous 'Bergs', which is not what you want. Fortunately we went over on the Thursday night, rode the course on the Friday (well, our own version of it) and then could enjoy the official day on the Saturday, without worrying when we were forced off our bikes... Oudenarde has a good square with lots of watering holes, if you stay and are struggling for something to do ;-)
  • jamescafc said:

    Bloody freezing this morning. Wore two pairs of socks and could still barely feel my feet on arrival at worked.

    Googled winter cycling shoes and much to my surprise they are actually a real product.

    Anybody got a pair and are they worth the money over a decent pair of overshoes?

    Northwave do a great pair of winter shoes - but to be honest, the best way to keep your feet warm is to buy a pair of sealskinz winter socks (neoprene, used by divers) and a pair of overshoes. They'll keep the wind out (which is what causes most of the chill on your feet) and have the added advantage of creating a nice warm barrier of water when your feet get wet (as they inevitably will when it rains - no overshoes should be allowed to be marketed as 'waterproof')
    Thanks I'll get researching. Been an expensive week though. Bought new lights (front and back) on Monday and decided to invest in cat eyes only to find my Garmin has packed up so that's another £200+ down the drain :neutral:
  • iainment said:

    Where do you live?

    I'm in Plumstead and it's been really mild this autumn/winter.

    Having said that I rarely wear tights or jackets, usually I'll get by on cold days with long sleeves and winter gloves.

    iainment said:

    Where do you live?

    I'm in Plumstead and it's been really mild this autumn/winter.

    Having said that I rarely wear tights or jackets, usually I'll get by on cold days with long sleeves and winter gloves.

    Based in Welling by Danson Park so ride through Plumstead each morning. Today was even colder than yday. Not much fun. Judging by your comments I clearly need to man up
  • This morning was the first day that I've really noticed the chill in the air. Northerly breeze doesn't help. Coat may come out tomorrow along with every folically challenged cyclists friend the skull-cap!
  • Going for my first Cross Country ski of the season tonight - biking season for me is nearly over although the popularity of Fat Biking (fat as in the tyres not the riders (mostly)) means people bike year round here in the snowy Rockies.
  • Training crit tonight round a soulless industrial estate in Skelmersdale. Absolutely fucking baltic - first time I've felt the cold this year. Went with the A group, so a bit more powerful than I'm used to, with second cat racers amongst them. Fucked up the sprint - got conned into sitting on the front on the back straight and then got jumped on the final corner by three whippets who had twenty years on me. I fucking hate young people. Still finished fourth - and discovered I had a slow puncture. FML
  • Training crit tonight round a soulless industrial estate in Skelmersdale. Absolutely fucking baltic - first time I've felt the cold this year. Went with the A group, so a bit more powerful than I'm used to, with second cat racers amongst them. Fucked up the sprint - got conned into sitting on the front on the back straight and then got jumped on the final corner by three whippets who had twenty years on me. I fucking hate young people. Still finished fourth - and discovered I had a slow puncture. FML

    Young peopke should be shot. The bastards.
  • condor
    JohnBoyUK said:

    I feel your pain @EastStand.

    I've literally had 5 months of doing absolutely nothing. While I was training for the London Marathon, I was suffering from what I thought was sore hip flexors. Managed to get through the training and the marathon but by mile 16, I was in so much pain I was popping Ibuprofen like M&Ms.

    Gave it 2 weeks of proper rest afterwards, tried to run again but I was in agony within 50 yards. I went to the US on Honeymoon for 3.5 weeks, came back and same thing. I went to see my physio and he diagnosed it as hip joint at first. Done some strengthening exercises and it made no difference. Went back to see him then he diagnosed a suspected hernia. Had an ultrasound and the doctor who done it confirmed. I dont do hospitals, I dont do blood and I certainly dont do being cut open so had to go see a hypnotherapist for a few weeks to give me the balls to go see the surgeon.

    Saw the surgeon last week and after a good prodding around my groin, he isnt convinced its a hernia. Its either a tear in the groin muscle which would have repaired itself to a degree or a variety of what is called Gilmour's Groin. Had to have a MRI scan on Wednesday and have to go see him again next week.

    5 bloody months. I've been running 130-140 miles a month for the last 3.5 years with minimal issue and now I cant even run across the road to the other side.

    Sadly, it appears to flair up when I've been riding gently on the turbo. I'm on the verge of losing my mind. Every single bit of fitness I'd built up over 5-6 years has disappeared into the ether.

    Since laying in the scanner, both my hips have been very uncomfortable which is weird. The radiographer had me holding my breath and tensing my abs for various images so god knows what is actually wrong with me.

    that sucks, would've been much simpler if it was a hernia

    mine was confirmed as a double hernia, having an op on the right hand side on Monday week, leaving the left hand side for now as it's tiny
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  • rina said:


    JohnBoyUK said:

    I feel your pain @EastStand.

    I've literally had 5 months of doing absolutely nothing. While I was training for the London Marathon, I was suffering from what I thought was sore hip flexors. Managed to get through the training and the marathon but by mile 16, I was in so much pain I was popping Ibuprofen like M&Ms.

    Gave it 2 weeks of proper rest afterwards, tried to run again but I was in agony within 50 yards. I went to the US on Honeymoon for 3.5 weeks, came back and same thing. I went to see my physio and he diagnosed it as hip joint at first. Done some strengthening exercises and it made no difference. Went back to see him then he diagnosed a suspected hernia. Had an ultrasound and the doctor who done it confirmed. I dont do hospitals, I dont do blood and I certainly dont do being cut open so had to go see a hypnotherapist for a few weeks to give me the balls to go see the surgeon.

    Saw the surgeon last week and after a good prodding around my groin, he isnt convinced its a hernia. Its either a tear in the groin muscle which would have repaired itself to a degree or a variety of what is called Gilmour's Groin. Had to have a MRI scan on Wednesday and have to go see him again next week.

    5 bloody months. I've been running 130-140 miles a month for the last 3.5 years with minimal issue and now I cant even run across the road to the other side.

    Sadly, it appears to flair up when I've been riding gently on the turbo. I'm on the verge of losing my mind. Every single bit of fitness I'd built up over 5-6 years has disappeared into the ether.

    Since laying in the scanner, both my hips have been very uncomfortable which is weird. The radiographer had me holding my breath and tensing my abs for various images so god knows what is actually wrong with me.

    that sucks, would've been much simpler if it was a hernia

    mine was confirmed as a double hernia, having an op on the right hand side on Monday week, leaving the left hand side for now as it's tiny
    MRI results back. No hernia but he tells me there is a small, minute lump on both sides but shouldn't be affecting anything for now. He's convinced I tore part of my groin muscle but its self-repaired itself. So he's given me the all clear to resume some kind of training, avoiding long distance running.

    Sounds great in theory. Went for a gentle two-mile run at the start of last week. It felt reasonably ok but by the time I'd got back, I was aware of it. It doesn't hurt but I'm aware of it if that makes sense. Same with being back on the turbo trainer. Same on the rower. Same just by walking on the treadmill. I'm also aware my hips feel sore now. Not good at all.

    Helpfully, the surgeon reminded me that most professional athlete's retire early-to-mid 30s and I really shouldn't expect to be doing anything ridiculous like running marathons at 40+. Just what I wanted to hear. I'd like to exercise without discomfort. I worked so hard to get fit and now its fading away. I'm not going to give up though. I'll do what I can but I fear my running days are properly over now unfortunately.
  • edited November 2016

    Training crit tonight round a soulless industrial estate in Skelmersdale. Absolutely fucking baltic - first time I've felt the cold this year. Went with the A group, so a bit more powerful than I'm used to, with second cat racers amongst them. Fucked up the sprint - got conned into sitting on the front on the back straight and then got jumped on the final corner by three whippets who had twenty years on me. I fucking hate young people. Still finished fourth - and discovered I had a slow puncture. FML

    Is that the Pimbo circuit? I raced the Duncan Sparrow RR on that in March this year, great little drag up towards the finish there.
  • JohnBoyUK said:

    rina said:


    JohnBoyUK said:

    I feel your pain @EastStand.

    I've literally had 5 months of doing absolutely nothing. While I was training for the London Marathon, I was suffering from what I thought was sore hip flexors. Managed to get through the training and the marathon but by mile 16, I was in so much pain I was popping Ibuprofen like M&Ms.

    Gave it 2 weeks of proper rest afterwards, tried to run again but I was in agony within 50 yards. I went to the US on Honeymoon for 3.5 weeks, came back and same thing. I went to see my physio and he diagnosed it as hip joint at first. Done some strengthening exercises and it made no difference. Went back to see him then he diagnosed a suspected hernia. Had an ultrasound and the doctor who done it confirmed. I dont do hospitals, I dont do blood and I certainly dont do being cut open so had to go see a hypnotherapist for a few weeks to give me the balls to go see the surgeon.

    Saw the surgeon last week and after a good prodding around my groin, he isnt convinced its a hernia. Its either a tear in the groin muscle which would have repaired itself to a degree or a variety of what is called Gilmour's Groin. Had to have a MRI scan on Wednesday and have to go see him again next week.

    5 bloody months. I've been running 130-140 miles a month for the last 3.5 years with minimal issue and now I cant even run across the road to the other side.

    Sadly, it appears to flair up when I've been riding gently on the turbo. I'm on the verge of losing my mind. Every single bit of fitness I'd built up over 5-6 years has disappeared into the ether.

    Since laying in the scanner, both my hips have been very uncomfortable which is weird. The radiographer had me holding my breath and tensing my abs for various images so god knows what is actually wrong with me.

    that sucks, would've been much simpler if it was a hernia

    mine was confirmed as a double hernia, having an op on the right hand side on Monday week, leaving the left hand side for now as it's tiny
    MRI results back. No hernia but he tells me there is a small, minute lump on both sides but shouldn't be affecting anything for now. He's convinced I tore part of my groin muscle but its self-repaired itself. So he's given me the all clear to resume some kind of training, avoiding long distance running.

    Sounds great in theory. Went for a gentle two-mile run at the start of last week. It felt reasonably ok but by the time I'd got back, I was aware of it. It doesn't hurt but I'm aware of it if that makes sense. Same with being back on the turbo trainer. Same on the rower. Same just by walking on the treadmill. I'm also aware my hips feel sore now. Not good at all.

    Helpfully, the surgeon reminded me that most professional athlete's retire early-to-mid 30s and I really shouldn't expect to be doing anything ridiculous like running marathons at 40+. Just what I wanted to hear. I'd like to exercise without discomfort. I worked so hard to get fit and now its fading away. I'm not going to give up though. I'll do what I can but I fear my running days are properly over now unfortunately.
    that makes complete sense, sounds like a bit of scar tissue where the tear has repaired. I've had similar in my hammy- at first it's hard to convince yourself that it's not about to pull/tear again as it can feel like it is, but once you realise it's fine you can just run with it and the feeling will eventually go away
  • JohnBoyUK said:

    rina said:


    JohnBoyUK said:

    I feel your pain @EastStand.

    I've literally had 5 months of doing absolutely nothing. While I was training for the London Marathon, I was suffering from what I thought was sore hip flexors. Managed to get through the training and the marathon but by mile 16, I was in so much pain I was popping Ibuprofen like M&Ms.

    Gave it 2 weeks of proper rest afterwards, tried to run again but I was in agony within 50 yards. I went to the US on Honeymoon for 3.5 weeks, came back and same thing. I went to see my physio and he diagnosed it as hip joint at first. Done some strengthening exercises and it made no difference. Went back to see him then he diagnosed a suspected hernia. Had an ultrasound and the doctor who done it confirmed. I dont do hospitals, I dont do blood and I certainly dont do being cut open so had to go see a hypnotherapist for a few weeks to give me the balls to go see the surgeon.

    Saw the surgeon last week and after a good prodding around my groin, he isnt convinced its a hernia. Its either a tear in the groin muscle which would have repaired itself to a degree or a variety of what is called Gilmour's Groin. Had to have a MRI scan on Wednesday and have to go see him again next week.

    5 bloody months. I've been running 130-140 miles a month for the last 3.5 years with minimal issue and now I cant even run across the road to the other side.

    Sadly, it appears to flair up when I've been riding gently on the turbo. I'm on the verge of losing my mind. Every single bit of fitness I'd built up over 5-6 years has disappeared into the ether.

    Since laying in the scanner, both my hips have been very uncomfortable which is weird. The radiographer had me holding my breath and tensing my abs for various images so god knows what is actually wrong with me.

    that sucks, would've been much simpler if it was a hernia

    mine was confirmed as a double hernia, having an op on the right hand side on Monday week, leaving the left hand side for now as it's tiny
    MRI results back. No hernia but he tells me there is a small, minute lump on both sides but shouldn't be affecting anything for now. He's convinced I tore part of my groin muscle but its self-repaired itself. So he's given me the all clear to resume some kind of training, avoiding long distance running.

    Sounds great in theory. Went for a gentle two-mile run at the start of last week. It felt reasonably ok but by the time I'd got back, I was aware of it. It doesn't hurt but I'm aware of it if that makes sense. Same with being back on the turbo trainer. Same on the rower. Same just by walking on the treadmill. I'm also aware my hips feel sore now. Not good at all.

    Helpfully, the surgeon reminded me that most professional athlete's retire early-to-mid 30s and I really shouldn't expect to be doing anything ridiculous like running marathons at 40+. Just what I wanted to hear. I'd like to exercise without discomfort. I worked so hard to get fit and now its fading away. I'm not going to give up though. I'll do what I can but I fear my running days are properly over now unfortunately.
    If that's a 'Sports Hernia' I've had that and it took ages to heal up, but never stopped me running/riding.

    A sports hernia is a strain or tear of any soft tissue (muscle, tendon, ligament) in the lower abdomen or groin area. Because different tissues may be affected and a traditional hernia may not exist, the medical community prefers the term "athletic pubalgia" to refer to this type of injury.
  • Training crit tonight round a soulless industrial estate in Skelmersdale. Absolutely fucking baltic - first time I've felt the cold this year. Went with the A group, so a bit more powerful than I'm used to, with second cat racers amongst them. Fucked up the sprint - got conned into sitting on the front on the back straight and then got jumped on the final corner by three whippets who had twenty years on me. I fucking hate young people. Still finished fourth - and discovered I had a slow puncture. FML

    Is that the Pimbo circuit? I raced the Duncan Sparrow RR on that in March this year, great little drag up towards the finish there.
    Yeah. Suits a fat old chopper like me - corners are nice and wide, and I can put power out on the drags. Didn't even know it existed until a few weeks back - will try and race there often next year as I think it suits me better than Tameside or Litherland

    Who do you race for?
  • JohnBoyUK said:

    rina said:


    JohnBoyUK said:

    I feel your pain @EastStand.

    I've literally had 5 months of doing absolutely nothing. While I was training for the London Marathon, I was suffering from what I thought was sore hip flexors. Managed to get through the training and the marathon but by mile 16, I was in so much pain I was popping Ibuprofen like M&Ms.

    Gave it 2 weeks of proper rest afterwards, tried to run again but I was in agony within 50 yards. I went to the US on Honeymoon for 3.5 weeks, came back and same thing. I went to see my physio and he diagnosed it as hip joint at first. Done some strengthening exercises and it made no difference. Went back to see him then he diagnosed a suspected hernia. Had an ultrasound and the doctor who done it confirmed. I dont do hospitals, I dont do blood and I certainly dont do being cut open so had to go see a hypnotherapist for a few weeks to give me the balls to go see the surgeon.

    Saw the surgeon last week and after a good prodding around my groin, he isnt convinced its a hernia. Its either a tear in the groin muscle which would have repaired itself to a degree or a variety of what is called Gilmour's Groin. Had to have a MRI scan on Wednesday and have to go see him again next week.

    5 bloody months. I've been running 130-140 miles a month for the last 3.5 years with minimal issue and now I cant even run across the road to the other side.

    Sadly, it appears to flair up when I've been riding gently on the turbo. I'm on the verge of losing my mind. Every single bit of fitness I'd built up over 5-6 years has disappeared into the ether.

    Since laying in the scanner, both my hips have been very uncomfortable which is weird. The radiographer had me holding my breath and tensing my abs for various images so god knows what is actually wrong with me.

    that sucks, would've been much simpler if it was a hernia

    mine was confirmed as a double hernia, having an op on the right hand side on Monday week, leaving the left hand side for now as it's tiny
    MRI results back. No hernia but he tells me there is a small, minute lump on both sides but shouldn't be affecting anything for now. He's convinced I tore part of my groin muscle but its self-repaired itself. So he's given me the all clear to resume some kind of training, avoiding long distance running.

    Sounds great in theory. Went for a gentle two-mile run at the start of last week. It felt reasonably ok but by the time I'd got back, I was aware of it. It doesn't hurt but I'm aware of it if that makes sense. Same with being back on the turbo trainer. Same on the rower. Same just by walking on the treadmill. I'm also aware my hips feel sore now. Not good at all.

    Helpfully, the surgeon reminded me that most professional athlete's retire early-to-mid 30s and I really shouldn't expect to be doing anything ridiculous like running marathons at 40+. Just what I wanted to hear. I'd like to exercise without discomfort. I worked so hard to get fit and now its fading away. I'm not going to give up though. I'll do what I can but I fear my running days are properly over now unfortunately.
    Feel your pain. Everyday something else hurts at the moment. Back, knees, shoulder, shins, ankles. Think I'm over training and have ramped up my mileage on the bike too quickly. Am just trying to ride it out at the moment, but may have to scale things back.

    Have you thought about swimming? Might be a way of re-adjusting your body to exercise without the impact issues running causes?

  • Feel your pain. Everyday something else hurts at the moment. Back, knees, shoulder, shins, ankles. Think I'm over training and have ramped up my mileage on the bike too quickly. Am just trying to ride it out at the moment, but may have to scale things back.

    Have you thought about swimming? Might be a way of re-adjusting your body to exercise without the impact issues running causes?

    I have...but I can't stand the boredom of swimming. I may well have to get over that boredom very quickly.
    At least it is something both my wife and daughter can do too.
  • Need some help in buying Mudguards. have been putting this off for a couple of months and with the poor weather today can't hold back any more... so, what does everyone ride, and what would you recommend?

    People have suggested Raceblade Longs but reviews seem hit and miss. any one know of anything better?
  • I have race blades on my Sirrus and they're fine. On my Diverge I have proper full guards which again are fine.
    Depends on why you cycle really. If it's commutin and leisure go for proper guards. If you're a roady then race blades are what you need.
  • CAFC Luke said:

    Need some help in buying Mudguards. have been putting this off for a couple of months and with the poor weather today can't hold back any more... so, what does everyone ride, and what would you recommend?

    People have suggested Raceblade Longs but reviews seem hit and miss. any one know of anything better?

    Personally don't like Raceblades. Found them a pain in the arse to fit and no matter what I did they rattled. The attachment bungs also left a nasty mark on Carbon forks.

    Have had Crud Raceguards in the past and they were better, am going to order the new Mk3 version from Tredz. They have them marked down to £30 at the moment.
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