What amazes me is that he would even be considered! Pulis and DiMatteo must be light years in front of Curbs. The only Palace consideration may be that Curbs would coss less? Be honest, if something happened to SCP Curbs would be very low down our list of people we wanted to Manage?
Think he'd be pretty high on the list - good record in this league, affinity for the club... Whether we,could afford him though us another matter.
I wouldn't blame him if he went to Palace, but I would still hate it. Simple reason - I would desperately want him to fail, and I would much rather he went elsewhere and I could genuinely wish him well.
It'd be like your ex girlfriend , who you had the most amazing loving relationship with , which ended by you both mutually agreeing to go your separate ways(she dumped you), turning up with a geeky harmless fella down the road He was a bit of a spotty twat and it's hard to admit but he is currently a bit more successful , better looking and has a bit of personality about him (and can be heard when he sings) You can't believe she'll end up with him , you hoped she had better taste but at the end of the day they're all whores She may not even go there , let's hope she's got a bit more class and we don't have to see the two of them frolicking and cavorting in public and the geeky twat might not even want her We have to move on we've had some right munters since that relationship , yep those slags may have had a bigger personality than our ex but when it came down to it they were shit in bed and couldn't produce results but we currently have a real hot lover who is very special and let's love and cherish this beauty she's definitely worth being with
Personally am not concerned if Curbs goes there or anywhere else. The question for me is why would a Premier league club even entertain the idea of taking on a manager who has been out of the game for 6 years? There must be better options available! The game has moved on a lot since Curbs was a manager and think it would be too big a risk for anyone, not just palace.
I think it's all about levels of expectation. He sees himself as a Prem man, and doesn't seem to want to drop any lower. To Prem clubs though he's too much of a risk as someone that's only been successful at one club, who is now woefully past his sell-by date and is a potentially litigious employee. There would probably be clubs lower down the league that would take a chance if he'd be prepared to lower his expectations and his salary, but I can't see that happening.
Curbs needs a job. Don't make me laugh! With that lovely part time chat in the studio and a round of golf junket he's secured for himself. He's got it made: stress-free, occasional work on a high salary. And there's still all that cash he got from Wet Sham. Do you think he's blown it already? Come on, this is Curbs; he made a career out of being thrifty.
He's been out of work for ages and rejected many better jobs than this -
tell me what the many better jobs were ?
Hull who were going down and miles away when we all know he wants one a bit closer to home Wolves offered him a 13 game contract which is an insult to a manager of Curbs's calibre
Both still better jobs than Palace for anybody with such strong Charlton connections and who has dismissed to you out of hand the possibility of ever managing Palace.
He may not have been formally offered loads but if he had wanted I am sure be could have had plenty of decent jobs in the champ etc. Palace are going down like Hull regardless and Curbs is surely long enough in the tooth to realise that.
It'd be like your ex girlfriend , who you had the most amazing loving relationship with , which ended by you both mutually agreeing to go your separate ways(she dumped you), turning up with a geeky harmless fella down the road He was a bit of a spotty twat and it's hard to admit but he is currently a bit more successful , better looking and has a bit of personality about him (and can be heard when he sings) You can't believe she'll end up with him , you hoped she had better taste but at the end of the day they're all whores She may not even go there , let's hope she's got a bit more class and we don't have to see the two of them frolicking and cavorting in public and the geeky twat might not even want her We have to move on we've had some right munters since that relationship , yep those slags may have had a bigger personality than our ex but when it came down to it they were shit in bed and couldn't produce results but we currently have a real hot lover who is very special and let's love and cherish this beauty she's definitely worth being with
Wibble wibble wibble
Ha ha like it.
However in the intervening period the ex has become less and less attractive and struggles to pull now.
IF it happens - and that's still a very big if right now - I would be disappointed personally, but objectively I would not blame or criticise Curbs' decision. His loyalty to Charlton ended when he and Murray decided it was time to go their separate ways as far as I'm concerned. If he was managing us right now and was making the same noises, then I would be very disappointed indeed, but he's a proven manager without work. He owes it to himself to at least take an interest in any job that comes up.
I very much doubt he is earning bundles as a media pundit on whatever tv station that link is from.
Having said that I am sure he has paid the mortgage off even pre the West Ham payout.
This is about a bloke who wants another crack at management, with a decent club (not in my opinion obviously) and cant be arsed to drive more than 20 miles a day to the training ground.
Personally, as I spent my first few years watching Charlton at Selhurst I hate the club more than any other by a country mile and will be a bit sad if he gets it, but hey ho, I dont think he will have the ability in the squad that he had when he kept West Ham up by a miracle
I for my part have followed Charlton for many years been season ticket holder since'96. But if a head hunter phoned me and said palace wanted a Marketing Director I'd have no qualms about having my cv put forward or working for them.
Hmm. Well I wouldn't do it.
It isn't entirely rational. It would be stretching it to equate this with my old agency's refusal to work on tobacco, BAE or the Tory party, or our current quiet refusal to work on recruitment for tobacco companies out here. But there is a connection. If everything else is equal a marketing person who is really enthusiastic about the 'product' will do a better job than one who is indifferent, or even worse, finds it distasteful
I'd find the idea of marketing Palace stomach-churningly nauseous. They have no heritage, too many of their fans are Johnny-come-lately types, they have nothing in their history, on or off the field, that makes them exceptional.
It's absurd, but I hate the *****, and I'd rather spend a year on the dole than work to help them.
I hope Curbs feels the same way, but I understand it is different for football pros.
So please let us all wish Curbs good luck. Better than managing Millwall, as Jimmy Seed did after he left Charlton. To think there is a stand at the Valley named after a former Millwall manager,eh?
Let's get over the tribal rivalry and be happy to see Curbs resume his managerial career, if he can. It won't make him any less of a Charlton legend than moving to Millwall tarnished Jimmy Seed's reputation.
I understand your view but I see the facts in a different light.
Seed was sacked by Charlton. Charlton broke the loyalty bit. Plus Seed would not have the luxury of financial independence as Curbs after leaving the club.
Lawrence walked out on Charlton to a club he was supposed to be discussing buying one of there players, as the story goes. Lawrence was mercenary which was his prerogative, it is his career. However from a fan view I don't hold Lawrence in the same light as Curbs for that reason. Even though Lawrence did a good job for us, to me he is just another manager no more than that because of the way he left.
Curbs is financially sound and has had offers from other clubs we understand. When he came back with WHU I still had total regard for him, we all knew he was a hammer, no problem. I will always be grateful to him for restoring the pride of the club and achievements matching Jimmy Seed. However if he went to Palace, although my regard for what he did for this club would not change, I can only wish him the worse football time of his career.
Seeing decades of footballers/managers who don't have a fans loyalty hardens you, which you learn to accept, but it doesn't mean you have to like it or wish them the best with your local rivals.
The man isnt out of work but he isnt in the work he wants. Palarse now have the money, this year next year and the year after. Its a London club and there is no loyalty in football. Why wouldnt he want it ?
If he gets told to feck off by Palarse expect " i didnt go for it because of CAFC etc" from Curbs.
Curbs has been out of management for a long time now, things have moved on I would imagine as far as training methods, club set ups, even tactical ideas etc.. I would be surprised if a premier league club now offered him a sole managers role. Maybe a technical director sort of role would suit him better.I do not think it would be the best move for Palace. No concerns if he does go there and good luck to him as its a job and as others have said footballers / managers do not have the sort of loyalty to clubs that fans do. I'm still hoping that Pardew gets the job. Also a Palace fan told me today that there is a guy at Real Madrid who is a coach whos name has been mentioned, - apparently his surname is Charlton, sabotage from the inside maybe?
Seed and Lawrence have been mentioned already. I also give you Steve Gritt who went to Millwall.
It's a job for players and managers and providing it pays the bills and fits in with the rest of their lives players and managers won't give a toss about which club they work at.
It's only us fans who have our heads screwed up by the emotion of it all.
I've met Curbs a couple of times and he strikes me as an honourable man. My take is that he hears all the guff about "an experienced premiership manager" and is simply reminding people that he still exists.
There are some parallels between the Palace board now and our board in the nineties in that wealthy fans are involved and Curbs is shrewd enough to work out that he would get the support he needs.
He'd take the job if offered and if (when) he keeps them up he is right back in the frame for a bigger, better job anywhere else that suits him.
I hope Curbs feels the same way, but I understand it is different for football pros.
I'd argue it's different for most 'advertising pros', too. But there aren't thousands of Saatchi fans groaning when a top planner joins J Walter Thompson...
However committed we might be towards our current employer (meanwhile regarding the competition with contempt), the reality is that commitment can be shattered or diverted in an instant, if you're offered something interesting, a big bag of cash or both.
We just have to accept that it's different being a fan - THAT is the point of difference, that rare part of life where 'loyalty' really means something, can be lifelong (plenty of people here have had multiple spouses/partners but have supported 1 club for life).
At the risk of diverting the thread & going over old ground, Richard Murray's biggest mistake was to think like a fan at a crucial time - wasn't one step ahead of Curbs when it was time to think of a successor, and then possibly revelled in the possibility of getting one over on a rival,,,
SO i don't begrudge Curbs going for it, and certainly don't feel "let down" (I'll save that emotion for the likes of Marcus Bent & others who took loads of CAFC cash & gave us little in return). But I don't think he'll get a sniff at landing the job, and actually i find his predicament a little sad - he seems like a spent force already
Could those of you stating that Curbs has been out of it for too long give me an idea of what you mean? In what way is the game so vastly different than it was 4 or 5 years ago?
He had to deal with "star" players and their pushy agents, the media, boardroom shenanigans, the FA, fitness coaches, psychologists, Nutritionist Prozone statistics and everything else back then didn't he?
If he goes then I look forward to clapping him next seasons game against them at The Valley but I won't be sobbing into my Bovril or tearing my shrine to Lord Alan apart...
Very easy for people to say what they would and wouldn't do. He's a professional that's not getting to do the job that he's best at. Regardless of whether he's financially comfortable or not he might really want the job to prove a point and they might be offering a structure and finances that really suit him. Would make his attendance at the forthcoming dinner interesting though.
Curbs said that the palace chairman wanted someone with more top flight experience and he has experience and said what his experience was i think everyone is too over analytical on what he said
in my pissed conversation a couple of years back i asked if he'd ever manage palace or millwall and he did say 'no way' but he was hammered as well
I heard him say something very similar and laughed at the thought of going to Palace and said no way. Doesn't mean he wouldn't be tempted now of course. However even if he did I would give him a round of applause next time we play ANY team he manages.
Seed and Lawrence have been mentioned already. I also give you Steve Gritt who went to Millwall.
It's a job for players and managers and providing it pays the bills and fits in with the rest of their lives players and managers won't give a toss about which club they work at.
It's only us fans who have our heads screwed up by the emotion of it all.
I've met Curbs a couple of times and he strikes me as an honourable man. My take is that he hears all the guff about "an experienced premiership manager" and is simply reminding people that he still exists.
There are some parallels between the Palace board now and our board in the nineties in that wealthy fans are involved and Curbs is shrewd enough to work out that he would get the support he needs.
He'd take the job if offered and if (when) he keeps them up he is right back in the frame for a bigger, better job anywhere else that suits him.
I find the word "whoring" in this context to be offensive; grow up. Curbs is a football manager who seemingly wants to manage another club. Does it really matter whether it is CP or Hartlepool United? His choice as to which team he seeks to manage. That simple.
I won't really like how it will make me feel as I truley adored the bloke
I don't want to see him fail anywhere he goes but really would want to see him fail there
Paul sturgess
I can understyand your title and thread from the video and the fact he gave you your first start 8}
Curbs needs a job. Don't make me laugh! With that lovely part time chat in the studio and a round of golf junket he's secured for himself. He's got it made: stress-free, occasional work on a high salary. And there's still all that cash he got from Wet Sham. Do you think he's blown it already? Come on, this is Curbs; he made a career out of being thrifty.
He may not have been formally offered loads but if he had wanted I am sure be could have had plenty of decent jobs in the champ etc. Palace are going down like Hull regardless and Curbs is surely long enough in the tooth to realise that.
Having said that I am sure he has paid the mortgage off even pre the West Ham payout.
This is about a bloke who wants another crack at management, with a decent club (not in my opinion obviously) and cant be arsed to drive more than 20 miles a day to the training ground.
Personally, as I spent my first few years watching Charlton at Selhurst I hate the club more than any other by a country mile and will be a bit sad if he gets it, but hey ho, I dont think he will have the ability in the squad that he had when he kept West Ham up by a miracle
It isn't entirely rational. It would be stretching it to equate this with my old agency's refusal to work on tobacco, BAE or the Tory party, or our current quiet refusal to work on recruitment for tobacco companies out here. But there is a connection. If everything else is equal a marketing person who is really enthusiastic about the 'product' will do a better job than one who is indifferent, or even worse, finds it distasteful
I'd find the idea of marketing Palace stomach-churningly nauseous. They have no heritage, too many of their fans are Johnny-come-lately types, they have nothing in their history, on or off the field, that makes them exceptional.
It's absurd, but I hate the *****, and I'd rather spend a year on the dole than work to help them.
I hope Curbs feels the same way, but I understand it is different for football pros.
I don't get why anyone thinks his connection with us would mean he would turn this down
I got told it was his job if he wants it and I believed it
Its football people shit on each other every day
Seed was sacked by Charlton. Charlton broke the loyalty bit. Plus Seed would not have the luxury of financial independence as Curbs after leaving the club.
Lawrence walked out on Charlton to a club he was supposed to be discussing buying one of there players, as the story goes. Lawrence was mercenary which was his prerogative, it is his career. However from a fan view I don't hold Lawrence in the same light as Curbs for that reason. Even though Lawrence did a good job for us, to me he is just another manager no more than that because of the way he left.
Curbs is financially sound and has had offers from other clubs we understand. When he came back with WHU I still had total regard for him, we all knew he was a hammer, no problem. I will always be grateful to him for restoring the pride of the club and achievements matching Jimmy Seed. However if he went to Palace, although my regard for what he did for this club would not change, I can only wish him the worse football time of his career.
Seeing decades of footballers/managers who don't have a fans loyalty hardens you, which you learn to accept, but it doesn't mean you have to like it or wish them the best with your local rivals.
If he gets told to feck off by Palarse expect " i didnt go for it because of CAFC etc" from Curbs.
Angy? No.
Too much time has passed since he left us. Going by some reactions on here, You'd have thought he left us to go straight to them...................
Also a Palace fan told me today that there is a guy at Real Madrid who is a coach whos name has been mentioned, - apparently his surname is Charlton, sabotage from the inside maybe?
Seed and Lawrence have been mentioned already. I also give you Steve Gritt who went to Millwall.
It's a job for players and managers and providing it pays the bills and fits in with the rest of their lives players and managers won't give a toss about which club they work at.
It's only us fans who have our heads screwed up by the emotion of it all.
I've met Curbs a couple of times and he strikes me as an honourable man. My take is that he hears all the guff about "an experienced premiership manager" and is simply reminding people that he still exists.
There are some parallels between the Palace board now and our board in the nineties in that wealthy fans are involved and Curbs is shrewd enough to work out that he would get the support he needs.
He'd take the job if offered and if (when) he keeps them up he is right back in the frame for a bigger, better job anywhere else that suits him.
R di M will get the job.
However committed we might be towards our current employer (meanwhile regarding the competition with contempt), the reality is that commitment can be shattered or diverted in an instant, if you're offered something interesting, a big bag of cash or both.
We just have to accept that it's different being a fan - THAT is the point of difference, that rare part of life where 'loyalty' really means something, can be lifelong (plenty of people here have had multiple spouses/partners but have supported 1 club for life).
At the risk of diverting the thread & going over old ground, Richard Murray's biggest mistake was to think like a fan at a crucial time - wasn't one step ahead of Curbs when it was time to think of a successor, and then possibly revelled in the possibility of getting one over on a rival,,,
SO i don't begrudge Curbs going for it, and certainly don't feel "let down" (I'll save that emotion for the likes of Marcus Bent & others who took loads of CAFC cash & gave us little in return). But I don't think he'll get a sniff at landing the job, and actually i find his predicament a little sad - he seems like a spent force already
None of us want to see Curbs take the Palace job.
It's a business though....he needs a job and there's one going.
He had to deal with "star" players and their pushy agents, the media, boardroom shenanigans, the FA, fitness coaches, psychologists, Nutritionist Prozone statistics and everything else back then didn't he?
If he goes then I look forward to clapping him next seasons game against them at The Valley but I won't be sobbing into my Bovril or tearing my shrine to Lord Alan apart...
He's made it reasonably clear, that he's only interested in Prem or thr possibility of Prem jobs, where he doesn't have to move home.
He's done Charlton & W Ham. He'd never get Arsenal, Spurs or Chelsea.
That only leaves Palace & QPR.
TBH if you ignore the Charlton factor, then Palace could be his ideal job.
I think he'd do well there. I'd be gutted & hope he doesn't get offered it.
It's not like he is jumping ship here and going straight there while we are battling each other for top of the league etc.
If you get it, all the best Curbs.
Besides, Agent Curbs, your time has come