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RUMOURs - Shiny and new - Spring/Summer 2014



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    The thing is , if this delort isn't good enough for us, he can be cleared out to one of the other clubs were he would probably be their top player
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    Rumours on twitter that Reza has signed for a team in Kuwait.
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    mart77 said:

    Rumours on twitter that Reza has signed for a team in Kuwait.

    Any details about how much?
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    No idea yet. Not sure how true it is but some Kuwait fans welcoming him to their club. With Iraq/Iran relations I was wondering if this could be a wind up by the Iraqi fans as some of the Uranians have already said how pissed they are if its true.

    Something different to this Delort stuff at least!
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    Talal said:

    The guy is bang out of order for not instantly dismissing all other approaches and signing for us immediately. I know unequivocally that if the roles were reversed one of our lads would be straight to Tours for 5 years without a second thought. Scum

    You sound lovely!
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    That is interesting. Couldn't see him making the team at the moment anyway, not as a starter.

    I wonder if we're going for Delort with the money the club know they are getting for Reza, or if we had the money anyway and now that will be used towards a different signing.
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    mart77 said:

    Rumours on twitter that Reza has signed for a team in Kuwait.

    Any details about how much?
    Wrong thread this is the Andy.......opps it i actually a rumour thread. My bad.
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    RD won't be taken for a mug by Tours. If we have agreed a wages and terms with Delort then Tours need to be very careful they don't get too greedy.

    I think they are trying one last go at getting some more money then the deal will go through. A few add ons and he'll be ours.

    I'm not sure why Delort should be getting any stick or people saying 'he better be good for all this' as it seems like it's his club playing silly buggers not him.
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    edited August 2014
    I think it will go through today , I think the everything is agreed.
    if he's retweeting about being Charltons number 9 I'm sure it's done.
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    Plenty of people on here said it's been done. Delort and his Dad have tweeted Thursday or Friday, stop worrying!

    Probably just waiting for the Reza money to go through
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    Did @Atletico Addick‌ confirm Delort was one of his 2 imminent signings?
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    Talal said:

    The guy is bang out of order for not instantly dismissing all other approaches and signing for us immediately. I know unequivocally that if the roles were reversed one of our lads would be straight to Tours for 5 years without a second thought. Scum

    You sound lovely!
    I know I was clearly being serious...
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    Swisdom said:

    Did @Atletico Addick‌ confirm Delort was one of his 2 imminent signings?

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    jac52 said:

    tony1234 said:

    I'm on holiday in Alicante ain't looked since yesterday ......223 posts on this guy !!!! And it seems like nothing's happened , is it ain't it gonna happen cos I'm not reading all of them !!!

    Jesus man. Shitloads has happened you really need to keep up! He's retweeted some Charlton fans. His dad is on twitter. And then he retweeded some Leeds fans and we've somehow even had time for some windups in between. Your loss.
    Sounds good , I'm off to the beach I'll check in again later probably another 200 posts , hoping for a signing or 2 Powell, delort !!
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    Clearly it's his agent trying to get the most money for his client. Can't say I blame them either judging by some of the interest he has received from various clubs.

    Saying that, we have gone a bit mental on this one signing based on a decent you tube video. Hope he is as good as he is sounds.
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    Clearly it's his agent trying to get the most money for his client. Can't say I blame them either judging by some of the interest he has received from various clubs.

    Saying that, we have gone a bit mental on this one signing based on a decent you tube video. Hope he is as good as he is sounds.

    I thought it sounded more like Tours trying to get a higher fee as Delort has already agreed terms?
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    Could be a bit of both I suppose vg. But if his agent is doing his job for his client and all this interest is true. Leeds, boro, athletico etc etc then imo I can't blame then for trying to squeeze a bit more out.
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    Being widespread it's not too bad for people to know we are in for him, other teams coming in is the complication. Deal was meant to be done over the weekend

    Does that insinuate that his Agent was holding out for a better offer and one didn't come along (yet!) then?
    Insulates it was a pack of shit in the first place.

    1. Claim that we are going to sign one or two players before the season starts.
    2. Wait for a strong rumour to emerge, and remain tight lipped
    3. When transfer goes through claim a scoop
    5. Profit

    With a possible 6. if deal collapses keep quiet for a wee while.

    The "we are going to sign 1 or 2 players rumour could have played out for any team in the four leagues.
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    What about the leaving the number 9 shirt open rumour before the squad numbers were revealed.
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    So he is not signing now? This has to be the best transfer saga in the history of the club.
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    I am moving to sheffield today. It would be nice to have some positive transfer news on arrival to soften the blow ;)
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    edited August 2014

    All sounds like balls. How disruptive is this going to be for the new team who are supposed to be playing their first game of the season in 4 days. He's only a second division striker.

    We are only a second division team
    Absolutely. My point is - if it was a prem class striker (you know, like, say, Jimmy Floyd Hasselbaink) that we were somehow in the running for I can understand that it might be worth all the disruption. As it is, he isn't (...yet, anyway).
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    So he is not signing now? This has to be the best transfer saga in the history of the club.

    Apparently finalised today . Everything is agreed.
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    Bye bye Simon Church. Is a shame you are not the best technically, but always thought that as a sub in a good team when wanting to hold on for a win you would be a good player. Enjoy the West Country.
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    Strikers are confidence players and if through all of this adulation on twitter he feels welcome and wanted it may translate into early career goals with us. No bad thing imo.

    Having to trawl through pages and pages of shit posts to get there is a small price for us fans to pay. Oh look, here's another one.
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