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RUMOURs - Shiny and new - Spring/Summer 2014



  • If it doesn't happen today it's never gonna happen
  • His old man did say Thursday or Friday.
  • been out to lunch in a bar with no signal................back now........and breathe!!!!!
  • God, this is tedious now....F5F5F5
  • This guy is gonna be our greatest ever signing that we never make
  • If Leeds get Francis Jeffers after all of this it would genuinely be comedy gold
  • I think the Jeffers thing is a windup by a CAFC fan on Twitter and not an actual rumour, unless I am mistaken.
  • Can anyone ITK update us? Been a very quiet day...
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  • colin1961 said:

    That's why Andy D was at the training ground last Friday and there today watching the lads train .
    Management speak ......

    Cheers Col.
  • Just going off the fact he saw it on Facebook.

    Unfortunately Delort now saying on Facebook it was a false report and he still hasn't signed anything. So given that he wouldn't false report on himself either a fake account or just a fan of his reporting.
  • @Colin - any idea when this whole episode is likely to be wrapped up? Are we any closer to an announcement than we were 24 hours ago?
  • This has got a collapsed deal written all over it. And frankly, I am so sick to death of it, I would rather we moved on to new targets. Nobody had even heard of him a week ago!
  • Can anyone ITK update us? Been a very quiet day...

    Colinnnnnnnnnn where are you man!?
  • I would say he is definitely coming so relax. I'm hearing that all the twitter etc activity that has happened in the last couple of days is all about him and us and no one else. That tells its own story I think. Relax :-)
  • This deal has been going on for a week. People need to get a life when they say it's been dragging.

    People find anything to complain about these days. I'm guessing deals that involve millions of pounds take a while. Unless you have a few million just sitting there on hand at the bank.
  • edited August 2014
    Whoops, I mean @Athletico Charlton
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  • Madz said:

    Just going off the fact he saw it on Facebook.

    Unfortunately Delort now saying on Facebook it was a false report and he still hasn't signed anything. So given that he wouldn't false report on himself either a fake account or just a fan of his reporting.
    Just translated a few more of the comments. There are more than one administrators on that Facebook page. One of the admins saw that he had signed for us on another page and updated that Facebook page with the same information and has now said the information was false.

    Not concerned this is dragging on as things can take time and it may not even happen. With Reza going we need another striker in and i am sure we will get one before the window closes. Patience :-)
  • I really can't see this happening now. It has dragged on too long. I expect to see a report in the next day or two that we can't reach agreement with Tours.
  • Charlton evolves Championship, English second division. This is certainly not the most welcoming destination for Andy Delort, 22, author of a great season in the colors of Tours FC last season.
    But it-is to recognize that the choice is more appropriate in order to confirm his talent finisher.
    The former FC Metz have been seduced by the project team managed by the Belgian Bob Peeters. In exchange for a promise of consistent play, the young striker is expected to sign in the next few days with the English club.
    In case, a small pocket Tours should check for € 3 million plus undisclosed bonuses.
    Andy Delort

    Still plenty of French sites saying we've got him this is just one of them.
  • Could be a simple case where were waiting for International Clearance
  • Dont think it matters if he signs this week at all... Really cant see him being part of the Brentford Squad anyway
  • bobcafc7 said:

    PL54 said:

    can't understand those negative comments toward Delort. He agreed his contract ages ago and quite quickly, it's us wanting the fee structured our way and Tours wanting it there way. Any delay is nothing to do with Andy.

    Retweeting both Charlton and Leeds fans constantly, replying to both telling them different things. Dad getting involved and doing the same. Think it's understandable tbh
    Is he still mucking about with both sets of fans ? Would he not be better served to keep quiet at this time ?
    Na he's only been retweeting stuff to Charlton fans since yesterday but he hasn't really put much on there today.
    No signal on his flight to London.....
    Flight to London? If he is on easyjet I hope he remembered to enter his passport details - maybe that's what the delay is about...
  • jonno said:

    BREAKING NEWS #lufc are in line to get Francis Jeffers on a seasons long loan after losing out to #cafc for Andy delort


    Bargain at 2.75 million quid.
  • I have it on good authority that the deal will be announced once Scarfy is back from his holiday!
This discussion has been closed.

Roland Out Forever!