They suffer from terrorism more than most countries but their land grabbing is relentless and their responses against civilian population is unforgivable. Any political action is vetoed by USA who arm them. Time to sidestep the Yanks. Seeing how we were instrumental in setting up the Zionist state, perhaps up to us to crank up some pressure for them to act responsibly.
The situation in Gaza is worse than the apartheid in SA so anything that helps raise the volume of the global outrage against the illegal occupation and heavy handed illegal slaughtering of innocent civilians should be welcomed.
Edmund Burke
Accordingly I know nothing. Save that the situation is desperate and seems to be locked into some inexorable spiral of futility. Both nations are mere pawns in the game of US foreign policy.
whats the difference between a freedom fighter and a Terrorist beyond the passing of time?
I hate the expression Zi@@ist State unless it is referring to the Matrix films
I have been told by both Palestinians and Israelis that Gaza is a hell hole under Extremist rule. There was actually a recent Israeli proposal to allow those in the West Bank to be ruled by same regime as the Strip...Palastinians voted against it because they know how extreme the current Hamas regime is there.. A big no to any Orthodox society which forces everyone to live by someones interpretation of some old books....
It is easy to be scared by Semitism...It is a somewhat exclusive culture with huge Power and influence across the Centuries.
But many good Men from this Isle died because a Final Solution is never that easy and what I want to say most on this thread is dont be quick to judge something you cannot possibly understand fully.
The Israeli Palestinian Conflict: 10 Myths Preven…:
That said, I have spent a lot of time in Israel and gave many Israeli friends and also understand their concerns about dealing with some of the nutters in Hamas.
Bottom line though is that the violence and killing has to stop, it solves nothing.
I can kinda understand why it could be suggested: it makes it appear like the world is turning it's back on Israel and won't stand for the violence anymore.
In actual fact though, it's sport and we're talking about life and death, livelihoods and some truly horrific atrocities. Sport pales in to insignificance when confronted with that, and it would be a meaningless gesture that borders on being offensive and/or embarrassing.
For what it's worth, I don't know what the answer is. Personally I've always felt quite sympathetic towards the Israelis and can't begin to imagine how terrifying it must be to live in Israel and have the siege mentality that comes with living in a small nation being surrounded by hostile nations who will, and regularly do, indiscriminately fire rockets over the borders.
However, to watch on as a blood bath occurs and the violence goes both ways.. It's not easy, it will encourage further violence and ultimately continue. I don't see how this cycle can be broken. I sincerely hope someone out there can see a solution, and one day (soon) such a solution can exist.
I have no axe to grind, nothing against Jews, in fact if anything I am more hesitant about Islam than Judaism, but what Israel do in the middle east, they would never get away with on the national stage had the holocaust not have happened, and the parralels between the two are undoubtedly there.
I feel for the Palestinians like almost no other group on earth. They are suffering because we in the west decided they would by displacing them, if I was a Palestinian and my entire family had been killed by one of Israels bombs, and I had absolutely nothing, which is the case for most Palestinians, I would go out and do something. But they are largely uneducated and unfunded and are amazingly poor at putting their side across on the world stage in comparison to well funded well educated Israelis who are only to happy to call you an anti Semite if you claim that murder of children with phosphorous bombs is immoral.
People are scared of taking on Israel, along with a complete lack of appetite to take on an ally due to the fact it is a vital stepping stone into the region and one of the only sources of stability in the region. All this means the Palestinians are set to suffer, and ironically, due to the pursuance of a Jewish homeland, the Palestinians have lost theirs.