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Top Gear and "The Falklands"



  • Could have been worse, the number plate could have read - G0TC4A

    5P 1C

    Would have been much more offensive.
  • redsek said:

    More of a Wheeler Dealers man myself - used to love Top Gear but the presenters are just prats - Steve Coogan got the three of them about right:

    "Richard has his tongue so far down the back of Jeremy's trousers he could forge a career as the back end of a pantomime horse. His attempt to foster some Clarkson-like maverick status with his "edgy" humour is truly tragic. He reminds you of the squirt at school as he hangs round Clarkson the bully, as if to say, "I'm with him". Meanwhile, James May stands at the back holding their coats as they beat up the boy with the stutter."<</i>code>

    I like Coogan but if he has such a problem with Top Gear, why did he still appear on it? He's one to talk about sticking tongues down people's trousers, considering when he was attacking Murdoch's news operations for phone hacking he seemed perfectly content to star in shows on Sky. Not sure how someone can take the moral high ground whilst still making money off those he publicly chastises but Coogan, being the genius that he is, has found a way.
  • Keep up the good work Jezza, Hamster and Captain Slow. Would rather watch Top Gear on a Sunday night that Downton Abbey !
  • JohnBoyUK said:

    Keep up the good work Jezza, Hamster and Captain Slow. Would rather watch Top Gear on a Sunday night that Downton Abbey !

    pull yourself together Johnboy you're a cyclist for christs sake!
  • edited October 2014
    I enjoy Top Gear. Clarkson is an offensive twat. Paradox! There's only one thing sadder than a celebrity who believes their opinions matter to the rest of us, and that's other people who think that celebrity's opinions matter. Thank god they don't get to make decisions about anything important.
  • edited October 2014
    Hilarious to use Steve Coogan as a voice of reason. The man has created some fantastic characters but he is a monumental twat.
  • I love Clarkson stirring it up I also love all the ladies reactions on here.
    It's great.
  • The lady on the Andrew Marr show this morning said she would have been happy to see Clarkson banged up in an Argentinian jail for a couple of weeks.
    Totally disagree with the nice lady - they s
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  • The lady on the Andrew Marr show this morning said she would have been happy to see Clarkson banged up in an Argentinian jail for a couple of weeks.
    Totally disagree with the nice lady - I would have been happy for them to bang the obnoxious bloke for a couple of months.
  • Putting it to the argie bstds more people Shouldve done it
  • Probably like the video of the argie fuckas taking the piss on the memorial for their world cup video
  • edited October 2014
    This whole sorry episode really sums the argentine nation.
    They are collectively very brave when faced with three middle aged petrol heads.

    Yet when they faced a small number of paras on goose green that time, they shat themselves and surrendered.
  • Addickted said:

    The lady on the Andrew Marr show this morning said she would have been happy to see Clarkson banged up in an Argentinian jail for a couple of weeks.
    Totally disagree with the nice lady - I would have been happy for them to bang the obnoxious bloke for a couple of months.

    So you'd be happy a British citizen is locked up in a foreign jail for not breaking any laws?

    Probably best you stay in Norfolk then.

    Your obviously assuming he had not broken any laws.

  • And you're assuming he has
  • edited October 2014
    Lets face it, if the Argies weren't so good at football, moaning would be their national sport.
  • Fiiish said:

    redsek said:

    More of a Wheeler Dealers man myself - used to love Top Gear but the presenters are just prats - Steve Coogan got the three of them about right:

    "Richard has his tongue so far down the back of Jeremy's trousers he could forge a career as the back end of a pantomime horse. His attempt to foster some Clarkson-like maverick status with his "edgy" humour is truly tragic. He reminds you of the squirt at school as he hangs round Clarkson the bully, as if to say, "I'm with him". Meanwhile, James May stands at the back holding their coats as they beat up the boy with the stutter."<</i>code>

    I like Coogan but if he has such a problem with Top Gear, why did he still appear on it? He's one to talk about sticking tongues down people's trousers, considering when he was attacking Murdoch's news operations for phone hacking he seemed perfectly content to star in shows on Sky. Not sure how someone can take the moral high ground whilst still making money off those he publicly chastises but Coogan, being the genius that he is, has found a way.
    I think this all written tongue in cheek by Coogan - and almost undoubtedly put up to it by Jezza.

  • JohnBoyUK said:

    Keep up the good work Jezza, Hamster and Captain Slow. Would rather watch Top Gear on a Sunday night that Downton Abbey !

    No I won't have this Downton rocks!

    (Am I the only person who likes both?)
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  • WSS said:

    And you're assuming he has

    I am no expert on Argentinian law but would be surprised if no statute existed to prevent people inciting riot.
    I have recently published a book about my experience of world travel 'The Grey Nomads' (Amazon books) and lectured on world travel, my advice to potential travelers, Respect peoples religion, culture and customs.
    Maybe Clarkson needs to pay more attention to the sensitivities of the communities he is lucky enough to visit.

  • edited October 2014
    Clarkson is brilliant at what he does. Of course he is the Marmite presenter - I really like him but I accept others don't.

    If you want to see his no nonsense brand of presenting at its brilliant best go onto YouTube and search for

    Clarkson - The Greatest Raid of All

    The story of the Commandos and St Nazaire Raid which he recounts brilliantly

    or try his one about The Victoria Cross which includes the extraordinary tale of this relative who won the VC at Arnhem

    or his Greatest Briton peace on Isambard Kingdom Brunel - which nearly swung the vote away from Churchill.

    He is dogmatic, ebullient and forthright. It may be a fault in certain circumstances but it can also make for superb reporting/storytelling.

    I am sure that he was in on the number plate piss take. It's brilliant publicity.

    I get the point of the impact locally but frankly if a mob of hundreds is whipped up by a number plate, you have to question why any back packer would travel in that domain.
  • WSS said:

    And you're assuming he has

    I am no expert on Argentinian law but would be surprised if no statute existed to prevent people inciting riot.
    No, you're not. Yet you'd happily jail an innoncent Brit, because he offends your sensitivities.

    I doubt very much that there is a statute in Agrentinian Law that says, "The punishment for taking the piss in shorthand in a foreign language is death by stoning."

    I bet your book is flying off the shelfs in Iraq and Syria at the moment.

  • Addickted said:

    WSS said:

    And you're assuming he has

    I am no expert on Argentinian law but would be surprised if no statute existed to prevent people inciting riot.
    No, you're not. Yet you'd happily jail an innoncent Brit, because he offends your sensitivities.

    I doubt very much that there is a statute in Agrentinian Law that says, "The punishment for taking the piss in shorthand in a foreign language is death by stoning."

    I bet your book is flying off the shelfs in Iraq and Syria at the moment.

    Is he an innocent Brit if his behaviour incites a riot?
    Anyway calm down addickted and read my book.
    Its selling o.k. in the U.K. but not so well in Syria and Iraq.

  • Fiiish said:

    Lets face it, if the Argies weren't so good at football, moaning would be their national sport.

    To be fair we'd just moan about how good we used to be at moaning
  • WSS said:

    And you're assuming he has

    I thought they admitted to speeding
  • Clarkson gets a lot of stick, and rightly so. But I would also like to personally vouch for the fact that James May is a much, much bigger bell-end than people give him credit for.
  • I don't get why anyone would think that stoning people in such a manner is acceptable.
    There is no way that people in England and perhaps any of the UK would react in a similar fashion if some foreigners tried a wind up here.
  • edited October 2014
    Jeremey Clarkson is nothing but a wind up merchant. The people that take him and his opinions seriously are even more of a mug than they think he is and are the left's version of the daily mail knuckle draggers.

    As for this situation the argies look like utter muppets in this, all for political point scoring over an island they have zero to do with except some kind of claim on the land that sounds like it comes from some medieval time when the king of england laid claim to the spanish throne because he used a hankey that a spaniard jizzed in when he was a kid.

    There are far too many people in the world that take themselves and their opinion seriously.
  • The BBC wont have to advertise the next series much now. I sometimes wonder if these stunts are a little too staged.
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