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Top Gear and "The Falklands"



  • cafcfan said:

    WayneK said:

    " To Argentina. We of the CL offended bus apologise to you over the antics of Top Gear. It was very wrong of them to remind you of a war you started"

    I don't care about the Argentinians sensibilities at all. My concern is a bunch of overgrown schoolboys pissing vast quantities of the BBC's money down the bog on an aborted production which will, now, no doubt have to be replaced with another expensive overseas jaunt at the licence payers expense.
    It actually makes money and so will this series.
    Yes, but much less so than it would have done, which is a cost
  • cafcfan said:

    cafcfan said:

    WayneK said:

    " To Argentina. We of the CL offended bus apologise to you over the antics of Top Gear. It was very wrong of them to remind you of a war you started"

    I don't care about the Argentinians sensibilities at all. My concern is a bunch of overgrown schoolboys pissing vast quantities of the BBC's money down the bog on an aborted production which will, now, no doubt have to be replaced with another expensive overseas jaunt at the licence payers expense.
    It actually makes money and so will this series.
    Yes, but much less so than it would have done, which is a cost
    That now is debatable, no such thing as bad publicty for these guys.
  • cafcfan said:

    WayneK said:

    " To Argentina. We of the CL offended bus apologise to you over the antics of Top Gear. It was very wrong of them to remind you of a war you started"

    I don't care about the Argentinians sensibilities at all. My concern is a bunch of overgrown schoolboys pissing vast quantities of the BBC's money down the bog on an aborted production which will, now, no doubt have to be replaced with another expensive overseas jaunt at the licence payers expense.
    Er... it's the biggest selling show on the planet. By far the biggest earning show the BBC make - do you really think they ''pissing vast quantities down the bog''? because by this, the 21st series, sold to 174 countries (and wierdly claimed to be watched in 211 countries!) with over 350 million viewers, will earn them well over £50 million.I'd like some of that going down my bog!
    If you want money loss at the BBC, look at Lonely Planet. BBC Worldwide sold it in March 2013 for £51.5m, after controversially paying £130m for the travel guides business. At the time of the sale the BBC Trust criticised Worldwide for incurring a "significant financial loss".

    Oh and every bloke in the world is an 'overgrown schoolboy'. Even you.
  • By the way AFAIK the Argentina footage will still be used for an episode and I imagine the hype it will generate will make it the most anticipated episode of the series thanks to the Argies' idiocy.

    The thing is, the Argentinian government and authorities spread so much anti-British propaganda it borders on racism.
  • Obviously its just what I think because they (Top Gear) never admit to any wrong doing....they never do.

    They may not have based the whole idea of the trip around the offending plate but they certainly knew of its significance and chose to go with it anyway. They could have gone with any number of car/plate but specifically chose that one....and we all know why.

    I'm pleased they did, otherwise I would have had to do some work for the last hour!
  • Fiiish said:

    By the way AFAIK the Argentina footage will still be used for an episode and I imagine the hype it will generate will make it the most anticipated episode of the series thanks to the Argies' idiocy.

    The thing is, the Argentinian government and authorities spread so much anti-British propaganda it borders on racism.

    It doesn't border on racism. It is racist. Caused by getting whacked on there own doorstep, despite overwhelming superiority in numbers.
  • Anyone watching? I've been looking forward to this special since it all kicked off!
  • Anyone watching? I've been looking forward to this special since it all kicked off!

    Yep, nothing contentious tonight, but obviously set up for tomorrow.
  • Anyone watching? I've been looking forward to this special since it all kicked off!

    Yep, nothing contentious tonight, but obviously set up for tomorrow.
    There was some top gear gold in it,
    The lads repair the bridge by putting a ramp on it.
    JC "Does that bridge look straight to you?"
    RH (Very nervous) "Oh yes. Definatley."
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  • Having lived there and ridden my motorbike to Ushuaia three times, their route is simply a comedy one.

    Enjoyuing the show, though
  • What a beautiful part of the world eh?

    As for the routes, I doubt the fastest A to B no frills tarmac would ever make the script for one of these things.
  • What a beautiful part of the world eh?

    As for the routes, I doubt the fastest A to B no frills tarmac would ever make the script for one of these things.

    I can envisage no route that would ever encompass the one they took unless many days of research took place to fine the best televisual route.

    Great entertainment though, probably the best they have done

    Plus it shows the Argies up to be the childish sad sheep I have found them to be in my time amongst them.
  • I'd be interested to know who the group were that attacked them. It's obvious that they were organised, so I assume they must have some kind of official title. To me it sounds as though they could be compared to someone like the EDL over here, I can't imagine all Argentinians are this bigoted.
  • I'd be interested to know who the group were that attacked them. It's obvious that they were organised, so I assume they must have some kind of official title. To me it sounds as though they could be compared to someone like the EDL over here, I can't imagine all Argentinians are this bigoted.

    You are right.
    The vast majority I have encountered are as cool as you like and relaxed with it.
    There are, however, a hard core of less fortunate, less educated, more easily influenced by the government, nationalists who, like in the UK, can be easily nudged into extremism.
    Childish, nonsensical morons, but enough of them to cause trouble where it isn't needed.
    Think of a bunch of Argie journos doing a show ending in Chatham.
  • It was interesting to see that they finally chose to reveal the massive tech support that it takes to make a show like this. Of course no one thinks that they are just filming themselves on iphones but it will be a bit harder to pull the 'we left Hammond alone at the side of the road to sort his big end out' stuff in the future, I would have thought. I have next to no interest in cars (12 year old grey Vauxhall Astra 1.6) and enjoy Top Gear because it's not a show about cars it's a show about being a bloke and there aren't really any others that answer that description.

    Until the eggs started coming in though I thought it was a poor couple of programmes with the perils set up very lazily ("which way did we come in, was it that way?" doesn't even work if you don't have GPS but can see the sun) and nothing new (understandable when they've done plenty of shows like this now).

    Arthur that looks like a beautiful part of the world to visit, must have been fantastic.
  • edited December 2014
    The comparison with idiots like the EDL in this country is a stretch imho. EDL, BNP, Labour are just a rag tag bag of extremists with absolutely no standout leadership to make them at all viable to the majority of an electorate. The mob(s) that ambushed Clarkson and co were no doubt organised/funded and sanctioned by either local or maybe national politicians. That's the way these third world banana republics masquerading as legitimate democracy's to a gullible world work.

    What a beautiful part of the world though, stunning... the shitbags don't deserve it that's for sure!
  • I'd be interested to know who the group were that attacked them. It's obvious that they were organised, so I assume they must have some kind of official title. To me it sounds as though they could be compared to someone like the EDL over here, I can't imagine all Argentinians are this bigoted.

    You are right.
    The vast majority I have encountered are as cool as you like and relaxed with it.
    There are, however, a hard core of less fortunate, less educated, more easily influenced by the government, nationalists who, like in the UK, can be easily nudged into extremism.
    Childish, nonsensical morons, but enough of them to cause trouble where it isn't needed.
    Think of a bunch of Argie journos doing a show ending in Chatham.
    To say that only poor educated people are extremist is quite naive.

  • WayneK said:

    I'd be interested to know who the group were that attacked them. It's obvious that they were organised, so I assume they must have some kind of official title. To me it sounds as though they could be compared to someone like the EDL over here, I can't imagine all Argentinians are this bigoted.

    You are right.
    The vast majority I have encountered are as cool as you like and relaxed with it.
    There are, however, a hard core of less fortunate, less educated, more easily influenced by the government, nationalists who, like in the UK, can be easily nudged into extremism.
    Childish, nonsensical morons, but enough of them to cause trouble where it isn't needed.
    Think of a bunch of Argie journos doing a show ending in Chatham.
    To say that only poor educated people are extremist is quite naive.

    It does help though.
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  • WayneK said:

    I'd be interested to know who the group were that attacked them. It's obvious that they were organised, so I assume they must have some kind of official title. To me it sounds as though they could be compared to someone like the EDL over here, I can't imagine all Argentinians are this bigoted.

    You are right.
    The vast majority I have encountered are as cool as you like and relaxed with it.
    There are, however, a hard core of less fortunate, less educated, more easily influenced by the government, nationalists who, like in the UK, can be easily nudged into extremism.
    Childish, nonsensical morons, but enough of them to cause trouble where it isn't needed.
    Think of a bunch of Argie journos doing a show ending in Chatham.
    To say that only poor educated people are extremist is quite naive.

    He didn't say that.
  • edited December 2014
  • For what its worth I thought that this was an extremely poor programme and unworthy of the Beeb. The routes chosen were obviously unsuitable for the cars being driven and designed to give Clarkson et al, but especially Clarkson, camera time to mug and gurn his way through the filming.

    Previous specials have at least had some logic to them but this one I am afraid, was produced entirely to get the effect it got and was the poorer for it. IMHO this is a programme that has now run its course and I got the distinct impression that the presenters and the producers are of a similar opinion.

    Having said that I can't help but agree that the Argies (or at least a small vociferous percentage of them) are nothing but whiney, bullying bastards who having nicked someone's ball, got their arses kicked by the fat ginger speccy kid and keep running to teacher to complain. The last 15 to 20 minutes of the show was worth a documentary in its own right without the preceding hour and a half of bollocks.
  • Top Gear has had that worn out tired lets wrap things up guys feeling for a couple of years. The specials used to be just that, special.
    The breathtaking scenery and faux controversy nearly saved it. Time to go me thinks and thanks for the memories...
  • I'm sorry but anyone watching Top Gear to learn anything or for anything other than entertainment should look at themselves. If you don't find it funny then don't fucking watch it - it's pretty simple.

    It's not been for the mass market or about consumerism for years - it's light hearted entertainment and people should stop reading more into it.
  • Hear, hear
  • I spent a few days in Ushuia in 2002 on route to Antarctica to count penguins and can say categorically that I sensed no ongoing problem with the locals and the British as suggested by Clarkson, but was careful not to raise the issue. I dare say had I been making a high profile take-the-piss programme it might have attracted the equivalent of the BNP as appears to have happened here.
  • edited December 2014

    The comparison with idiots like the EDL in this country is a stretch imho. EDL, BNP, Labour are just a rag tag bag of extremists

    Labour are extremists ? . Say what you like about the Labour party ( and the usual bunch of bores on here will ) they are not an extremist party .
  • I haven't seen it yet. I'm going to download it from BBC iPlayer. Does anyone know the episode number?
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