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and now in paris



  • My wife has just been told that the Thai embassy is advising its citizens to avoid the big tourist attractions in London ?
  • edited January 2015
    Coulibaly (sp), who held the hostages in the supermarket, was on the phone to the poilce, but didn't hang up properly. It meant they could listen to him.

    When he started his prayers, they moved in (according to ITV news).
  • I haven't been following this today - 2 brothers dead. Is the 3rd guy dead the accomplice from day 1?
  • So what happened to the 3rd guy from the original thing?
  • a French Jurno has just said the two brothers attcked the Old Bill in their siege and were in contact with the other scum bag at the Kosher market ---if this is true then the Old Bill couldnt plan but had to react to the situation as it unfolded
  • PL54 said:

    So what happened to the 3rd guy from the original thing?

    He's been detained, he confessed and handed himself in.
  • The hostage in the siege with the brothers hid and kept the ob informed via text so when they opened the door #jesuischarlie met them with force, and the scum in the shop was saying prayers and had left his phone on so they took him at the same time
  • When you hear the information they had on these monsters and what they had done tougher sentence must be passed on all people with terror on their minds

    All supporters of terrorists be it by supportive tweets or actual support, they should be incarcerated
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  • PL54 said:

    So what happened to the 3rd guy from the original thing?

    He's been detained, he confessed and handed himself in.
    I'm not sure this is the case Sadie. He surrendered himself due to his name being linked to them but apparently was in classes at the time.
  • A pawn in a game that he allowed himself to be caught in
  • SE9 said:

    Still haven't caught the female accomplice yet? Hope they catch this one alive and force feed the scumbag bacon for the rest if it's life inside.

    Never knew Dick Cheney posted on here.
  • SE9SE9
    edited January 2015
    Not sure I could be American Vice President being English ;-)
  • I do not intend this post to be frivolous, so please do not read it as such. BBC4 TV starts a new series of 'Spiral' this evening, a French cops and baddies show set in Paris . Previous series have covered the tensions between immigrants and the authorities at all levels of society. I wonder if the series will be postponed for a while following the tragic Parisian events of the past two days?
  • I do not intend this post to be frivolous, so please do not read it as such. BBC4 TV starts a new series of 'Spiral' this evening, a French cops and baddies show set in Paris . Previous series have covered the tensions between immigrants and the authorities at all levels of society. I wonder if the series will be postponed for a while following the tragic Parisian events of the past two days?

    Thanks for the tip Lincs, either way. I love Spiral and was just telling my colleague the other day about it. Here on Czech TV they have shown "The Killing" but not Spiral. I watched them more or less in tandem, a fascinating contrast. Both feature as their lead an attractive but personally complex female cop - but the differences in the portrayal of the police force's behaviour and modus operandi was a fascinating comment on the two societies.
  • Question for those with more knowledge of Islam than I have. An alleged "leader" of the Czech Muslim community was on a live one to one on Czech TV on Thursday with questions sent by the audience via text and social media. He didn't do his community any favours. Afteerwards my wife looked him up and discovered that for a living he…runs a casino.

    So I wondered what the Koran has to say about gambling, and what as a result is the availability of commercial gambling in Islamic societies such as Saudi or Pakistan. Anyone got any insights?
  • Spiral is very watchable. British crime drama is still a long way behind both the Scando and french portrayals.

  • Loco said:

    I see protests in Paris and London all in the name of freedom of speech and freedom of the press, on here we see the same but where were those voices when some of our number were imprisoned for singing a song on a train? Where are the protests about the continued detention in the embassy of Ecuador of Julian Assange. Jius sui Julian, Ich bin Assange?

    The duplicity of our leaders sticks in ones throat at time like these, freedom of speech and the right to offend died long ago with barely a whimper, it's time people awoke to that fact.

    Sorry but....what the hell are you on?

    Is this a completely (bad) joke of a comment or are you seriously referring to those racist vile creatures from the train as part of "our number" as if any self respecting charlton fan would want to be associated with racists? Are you also going an insane step further and suggesting that we should have protested their sentence??

    I hope you are on a wind up here and not serious as its one of the most absurd things I've read on here. #kickitout

    Do I believe that we should all have protested about people being sent to prison for singing a song? Yes absolutely and no, not just the sentence but the prosecution, the content of the song is irrelevant and should play no part in the decision to protest the censure. The same logic is in use here as is being used by the terrorists to try and prevent the publication of the (vile and racist) cartoons, luckily the people of France seem to understand that much better than we do here. The irony is that you folks can’t see that.

    The publication of those cartoons is most likely illegal in this country anyway because of our draconian laws. Although Hislop and his ilk protested those laws, sadly I can’t see them having the same determination as the publishers of Charlie Ebdoh had to fight for that freedom.

    Anyone that believes people should be prosecuted for singing songs quite frankly does not deserve the freedom that has been bequeathed to them. Freedom of speech or freedom of the press are one and the same thing they are absolutes, binary, you either have it or you don't, you cant sort of have it.

    From another post: As for Julian Assange and his alleged sexual assaults, I cant tell you any more about that than the CIA have already. I do know though that if it wasn't for his platform we would never have known about US troops popping off Iraqi civilians for sport or that our country was involved in the torture of detainees or the scale of surveillance that goes on in Western countries and many more things besides. What he and the lads on the train have in common is that they are all victims of censorship or attempted censorship. I thought we'd done away with all that when Whitehouse died "ha ha charade you are!"

    Lastly; Leroy Ambrose you are a twat and not a very nice twat either judging by the use of the picture depicting someone less fortunate than yourself.

    Enjoy the game.
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    Now although this is slightly different from sets of gunmen killing Europeans it is no less horrific and deserves a bit of awareness on this thread. Just the 2,000 estimated dead civilians, mostly unarmed and mown down in the name of BH.

    Thoughts go out to Nigeria today and somehow the government needs to be helped to control what is going on in the ISIS regions of that country.
  • edited January 2015
    On the BBC Radio4, Thursday 8th January, was a 'Report' programme on IS (or ISIS) .. it is well worth a listen .. these people are deadly serious, not merely the drooling fanatics many think them to be
  • A great piece by Ayaan Hiri Ali in the Wall Street Journal. One very brave lady who is one of those named on the notorious hit list for speaking out about her former religion.
  • Coulibaly (sp), who held the hostages in the supermarket, was on the phone to the poilce, but didn't hang up properly. It meant they could listen to him.

    When he started his prayers, they moved in (according to ITV news).

    When did he kill the 4 hostages ?

    or were they killed in the crossfire?

    As one of many Atheist on CL, I would say the Prayers didn't work.
    Stephane Charbonnier the editor of Charlie Hebdo was an atheist who knew he was on borrowed time.

    The best thing that could happen tomorrow in Paris would be for the crowd to do the conger and laugh at these Killers us they are now in a dark Void. ( sorry guys you were wrong, there's no virgins)

    How did abu hamza excape justise in the UK for 10 years yet as soon as he's sent to the USA,
    in no time at all he gets a life sentence, which means life.

    Could it be European red tape by any chance. (i don't believe you should just be held, without a trial)

  • Coulibaly (sp), who held the hostages in the supermarket, was on the phone to the poilce, but didn't hang up properly. It meant they could listen to him.

    When he started his prayers, they moved in (according to ITV news).

    I doubt that's true. More likely they just hacked his phone.
  • edited January 2015

    One of the gunman took an interview with French TV while on the run.
  • SE9SE9
    edited January 2015
    Grow up sadie, live in the real world!
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