Now, now Callum, you should know by now that posting pictures, memes, snapshots etc don't count. We need facts man, FACTS!!!!!!
No, he's got it into his head that bold shouty words, pictures and tick symbols trump facts every time. I've decided he is actually Ed Balls and I claim my ten pounds.
Now, now Callum, you should know by now that posting pictures, memes, snapshots etc don't count. We need facts man, FACTS!!!!!!
No, he's got it into his head that bold shouty words, pictures and tick symbols trump facts every time. I've decided he is actually Ed Balls and I claim my ten pounds.
Hey, I can't claim to be any better. I posted a dubious picture yesterday instead of spending twenty minutes Googling some real substance.
I think that stone was quite a clever gimmick - of course it was a gimmick. What is says to me that breaking a promise that has the party leader standing in front of it in this way would be incredibly damaging. Imagine a picture of Nick Clegg standing in front of a no tuition fees promise carved in stone! So I believe more that the promise will be kept. I think that is the psychology and it is sound.
I think that stone was quite a clever gimmick - of course it was a gimmick. What is says to me that breaking a promise that has the party leader standing in front of it in this way would be incredibly damaging. Imagine a picture of Nick Clegg standing in front of a no tuition fees promise carved in stone! So I believe more that the promise will be kept. I think that is the psychology and it is sound.
You dead right it was clever, even more so that the "pledges" were all so bland and without any element at all that could not be easily manipulated. "An NHS that has the time to care." What does that mean,for example, more resources or longer hours for the staff? Who knows?
Yes, that was clever too. The Tories focused on ridiculing the concept rather than the detail. I think they have run a very lacklustre campaign and that is just one aspect of it. They have relied too much on the fear factor which Miliband has handled well with his ruling out of a deal with the SNP. Also their welfare cut policy has been crazy. They have said the amount but not who they will target. So rather than miff of the ones they actually will target, everybody is worried. Cameron decided he didn't like debates so missed important airtime and gave a perception that he was scared to debate one on one. The truth doesn't matter, you have to play the game, make the right judgements and be willing to get your hands dirty.
I will be really interested to hear what some on hear say if/when Ed is sitting in Downing St either with an SNP coalition or even more dangerously as a minority government with vote by vote support. I would hope lots will be saying 'yep we trusted him, but he turned out to be a dirty lying git, and now we can't change it'.
They have also allowed Miliband to set the battleground. People who write him off are missing what an able politician he is. I'll say it now at this late stage where the polling closes in a few minutes, but with the upsurge in the economy and the SNP emergence, there is no way he should have a hope of being prime minister. He didn't have a hope of being Labour leader either btw. He set the battle ground two years ago on the recovery that wasn't for everybody. If it was set at this election it would have had less effect, but a lot of people will look at not seeing the benefit in a couple of years and be more inclined to believe it.
Whether he will be a great leader is to be seen, but he is a remarkable politician and the fact that his opponents don't realise it is even more credit to him. The meeting with Brand, the pledges in Stone, the debate them anywhere stance, the SNP no deal pledge in the biggest tv debate (if that's the right word for it). To the Tories he is like one of those confidence tricksters who mugs you but you don't realise until the next day.
I will be really interested to hear what some on hear say if/when Ed is sitting in Downing St either with an SNP coalition or even more dangerously as a minority government with vote by vote support. I would hope lots will be saying 'yep we trusted him, but he turned out to be a dirty lying git, and now we can't change it'.
I will be really interested to hear what some on hear say if/when Ed is sitting in Downing St either with an SNP coalition or even more dangerously as a minority government with vote by vote support. I would hope lots will be saying 'yep we trusted him, but he turned out to be a dirty lying git, and now we can't change it'.
I will be really interested to hear what some on hear say if/when Ed is sitting in Downing St either with an SNP coalition or even more dangerously as a minority government with vote by vote support. I would hope lots will be saying 'yep we trusted him, but he turned out to be a dirty lying git, and now we can't change it'.
Not sure if this has been posted on here yet (I'm 800 messages behind), but found it very interesting. Its the breakdown of which parties represent those towns for the 92 clubs.
I will be really interested to hear what some on hear say if/when Ed is sitting in Downing St either with an SNP coalition or even more dangerously as a minority government with vote by vote support. I would hope lots will be saying 'yep we trusted him, but he turned out to be a dirty lying git, and now we can't change it'.
Now, now Callum, you should know by now that posting pictures, memes, snapshots etc don't count. We need facts man, FACTS!!!!!!
Hey, I can't claim to be any better. I posted a dubious picture yesterday instead of spending twenty minutes Googling some real substance.
Whether he will be a great leader is to be seen, but he is a remarkable politician and the fact that his opponents don't realise it is even more credit to him. The meeting with Brand, the pledges in Stone, the debate them anywhere stance, the SNP no deal pledge in the biggest tv debate (if that's the right word for it). To the Tories he is like one of those confidence tricksters who mugs you but you don't realise until the next day.
I said that about Bliar.
Incredible Labour presence in the Premier League:
He'd've been better.
Tories 316
Labour 239
SNP 58
Others 25
Lib Dems 10