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Charlton Rumours Rumours Rumours - The Big Kahuna



  • 1. When it's on the OS

    2. Bumpy Ride

    3. Live, love, laugh and be happy

    1.Golden rule no.1

    2.Feeling a little queasy already and it's only June

    3. :smiley:
  • We can only hope it starts a bidding war. If it's as little as £3.5m then Duchatelet's promises were a load of rubbish and we've been mugged off yet again.
  • If we posted on the O/S that Gomes was available for £3.5m, I reckon there would be half a dozen Championship clubs on the phone together with most of the Premiership and a dozen foreign clubs.
  • If we posted on the O/S that Gomes was available for £3.5m, I reckon there would be half a dozen Championship clubs on the phone together with most of the Premiership and a dozen foreign clubs.

    which is maybe what we have just done (only using the national press not the OS).
  • Posted a while back after speaking with someone as close to Joe as you can get. Being the time of year it is it is hard to get reliable info as people are on holiday etc.
    Regarding his dad you will not find a more humble, honest and decent bloke. Joe is the young man he is as a result of his upbringing. Joe has had interest in him since he was 12. All focus has been on him staying at Charlton as long as is sensible for player and club. He is best mates with Kasey Palmer and could have gone at the same time for similar money and with all the benefits it would have brought his family. I am taking serious money, a house etc. but he stayed and took the advice of his father.

    This about his family and attitude tallies with what I've heard albeit third or fourth hand.

    Not heard anything fees so can't comment other than to say the deals not done until it's done. An offer on the table or the asking price doesn't mean that is the final price.
  • edited June 2015
    Maybe there is some sort of clause in Gomez's contract (min release fee, or certain clubs etc..)?

    Including a clause like that in his deal may be the only reason we got him to sign a pro-deal for us in the first place..

    I have no 'proof' or 'inside info' about the situation - I'm just thinking out loud about why we would take less for him than we did for Bowyer 20 years ago. When you consider how much money there is in the game nowadays and some of the fees paid for good British youngsters it seems absurd.
  • Sky Sports also reporting Liverpool are in talks over Gomez now.
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  • I always expected us to lose Joe this summer so not to annoyed or worried at this stage but how/if we spend the money is the big issue for me.

    This summer will tell as a lot about RD plans/ambition. Bumpy ride (trademark HI)
  • Sky Sports also reporting Liverpool are in talks over Gomez now.

    They could be in talks without a fee big agreed....hopefully.
  • The best announcement is to say Joe Gomez is staying.

    I know what some will say, but consider for a moment what forces might be making him unsettled or unhappy at Charlton Athletic. If it is about wages Joe Gomez could probably command double what he is offered now in a years time. On a personal financial level staying looks like it would work out as money neutral in the short term if gratification can be delayed.
    If it is about footballing development, then he is somewhere that has brought him through and given him his chance, and done brilliantly in that respect, after all he has represented England at a number of levels, and looks to me the best of his particular generation judging by the tournament last summer.
    Joe is a South East London young man, remaining here would likely be a supportive background rather than the risk of a step into the unknown.
    Now it is possible hat the club itself is angling to get Joe Gomez away, we continue to make a loss after all. Then there are agents and those close to Joe who may be influencing things, then there are the other clubs who want a really good English qualified player who may be persuasive
    Then there is Joe himself. I will probably sound patronising, but he is a young man and coming to such an important decision would be better if he were a bit more experienced in life and football.
    From the outside, yes speculating, on balance it seems to me to be the best for Joe to stay for at least another season, and that is what I would like to see.
    However if it is going to be a saga purely about money, money that will excite Joe, his family, agents, Liverpool, Charlton Athletic and so on...if we are in that business I still say we ought to set the bar high, very high.
    Joe leaving means a spend on replacements, Liverpool are swimming in premiership largesse, they have splashed around Suarez money, hope themselves to get a good deal for Sterling, were prepared to punt £20million on Dejan Lovren (yeah, who is he exactly?) amongst others, so yes I have a different idea as to what is realistic money than some others.

    Number one Joe continues at Charlton.
    Number two we hoover up as much existing or stupid money as is out there as we can, and if we can't...
    Number three Joe continues at Charlton.
  • I can still see Arsenal and maybe another club coming in which will hopefully up the asking price.
  • At a club like ours, a player of the quality of Gomez comes through the ranks once in a blue moon. If they let him go for anything less than £5M up-front, they may as well close the club down.

    cheer up .. it's the summer .. mind you from your chosen site name, I am guessing you don't have a particularly sunny outlook on life ((:>)

    If Gomez goes, he's gone, done and dusted .. our season starts in but a few weeks .. I for one can hardly wait .. and what will we all have to moan and tear out our hair over twas not for CAFC ?

    A club that has been homeless and broke as well as often relegated only to rise like the Phoenix can certainly stand the loss of a decent young player, especially as his leaving should mean a good few quid going into the kitty
  • PS only just seen SJH's post regarding Joes background, and it reads well. I am fully prepared to accept that Joes family are not hungry for him to move if it is wrong for him, and they are not about the money.
    I hope the family encourage Joe to stay once everything is taken into account.
  • I love all the games we get out of these youngsters we spend years developing. Fingers crossed one day one of them will get to play 40 games for us!

    Slightly different but Solly has passed the 100 games mark now
  • Had Solly not "failed" a fitness test he wouldn't be
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  • Only Charlton could sell one of their best players for £3.5m to a club about to make a minimum of £50m on one of their own sales.

    for a player they paid 600k for

  • Only Charlton could sell one of their best players for £3.5m to a club about to make a minimum of £50m on one of their own sales.

    for a player they paid 600k for

    How much did Liverpool sell Shelvey for ?
  • Only Charlton could sell one of their best players for £3.5m to a club about to make a minimum of £50m on one of their own sales.

    for a player they paid 600k for

    How much did Liverpool sell Shelvey for ?
  • If Sky's rumour that we value Gomez at £7m and Liverpool pay that both sides should be happy.

    However, the question I would pose is whether we get £3m, £7m or £10m, where will the money actually go? As a VG member I accept that a prospect with aspirations will have to be sold at the right price but would be extremely disappointed if we didn't use a chunk of that money to strengthen the squad.
  • £3.5Million??? If that is what is on the table, and is purely speculation, I would tell Liverpool to go away and come back with a decent offer. The club have invested a lot of time and money on the boy, as well as are we really going to be able to replace his quality or even half as good as with that money. In terms of RD i think the club will reinvest, and not just use it to fund his own empire.
    Personally I would rather see Gomez go to a club that challenge for something as he as a player deserves it. However if i was his advisor and the club, I would suggest that he should sit tight till January or another season in which would benefit both the player and club.
  • Does it really matte how much we get for Gomez ? I would imagine there's transfer budget already assigned to Charlton, as there will be for all clubs in the network and whether we get £1m or £10m I can't see that changing too much.
  • SJH's comments were also echoed by Chris Parkes on the one occasion I met him - Joe clearly has an incredibly sensible and supportive family, who have encouraged him to take a medium and longer term view of his career.

    Like Seth, I desperately hope that he stays with us a bit longer. Another season in the Championship with us would certainly develop his game and, from our perspective, the very strong probability is that his value will substantially increase. If Joe isn't pushing for a move, I don't understand why RD isn't prepared to sit tight and take a chance - indeed, the ability to realise the full value of young players was heralded as one of the big benefits of his acquisition of the club. Fifteen or so more games than Carl jenkinson (back in our League 1 days) doesn't much feel like progress to me.

    It is all if and buts at the moment, but if a deal goes through and the fee turns out to be £3.5 million plus future add-ons, I would regard that as pretty risible in today's inflated market.
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