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Traffic chaos in Kent



  • We slag them off at every opportunity. We don't work collegiately with them, why should they with us. I think, and I know some remainers will disagree, but a PM who treats them as partners and not enemies can improve things within Brexit.
  • We slag them off at every opportunity. We don't work collegiately with them, why should they with us. I think, and I know some remainers will disagree, but a PM who treats them as partners and not enemies can improve things within Brexit.
    I don’t agree with your 2nd sentence but yeah, 100% with you on the third. Let’s hope the next pm and macron heed your advice.
  • We slag them off at every opportunity. We don't work collegiately with them, why should they with us. I think, and I know some remainers will disagree, but a PM who treats them as partners and not enemies can improve things within Brexit.
    Absolutley. WE LEFT THE EU. Not the other way around. It is a very simple thing to grasp for most. 
  • Stig said:
    I'd imagine that the CEO of The Port of Dover would have a good idea what the issues are. Here's what he has to say:

    He also blamed the French not bothering to turn up for work but dont let that get in the way of your anti brexit narrative.
    The passport booths were fully manned yesterday.
    Right, but not on the day that started all this off. We all know that brexit has caused delays at the ports. But we have been severely let down by the MP’s who spent years squabbling in the house and being totally unprepared for shit like this when we finally left. The issues on Friday tho were exasperated by the French border staff not turning up for work on the busiest port day of the year. Would be nice if the EU started to act a bit more collegiately with us, if they want us to keep supplying gas to them 😛
    Yes, there were problems with staffing on Friday did exacerbate the problems. One of the reasons given was that some staff had Covid which is causing problems in so many industries at the moment. 

    Both the UK & France need to stop the blame game and talk to sort out the problems, with the current leadership battle, the opposite is happening at the moment and we are all suffering because of it.
  • We slag them off at every opportunity. We don't work collegiately with them, why should they with us. I think, and I know some remainers will disagree, but a PM who treats them as partners and not enemies can improve things within Brexit.
    I don’t agree with your 2nd sentence but yeah, 100% with you on the third. Let’s hope the next pm and macron heed your advice.
    The next PM who might do that is Starmer. Definitely not the next PM as they play to the gallery and tough words and confrontation with the EU is considered a vote winner. 
  • Is it a problem for France?
    We don’t (yet?) have news of gridlock into Calais, is there gridlock there, anybody know?
  • It isn't a problem for France so we have more reason to solve it than them. If we stopped blaming them and worked with them we could find a solution. It is the way we solve illegal immigrants crossing at Calais too and that is a problem for them.
  • Back to the main topic of this thread, there are still long queues to get to the Eurotunnel check-in booths today, which again impacts local people. Dover is faring better, but there is a lot less freight traffic using the sea crossing on a Suday.

    Operation Brock has been a disaster for Kent right from the start. We had months of overnight closures starting in 2017, in order to prepare the M20 for Brock and every time the M20 is closed, all traffic is diverted onto the A20 or M2/A2.

    At the start of this year, the Highways Agency in their wisdom, decided that storing the concrete barrier on the hard shoulder was no longer acceptable and advised that there would be a whole YEAR of roadworks and overnight closures on the M20 between junctions 8 & 9, whilst they prepared the central reservation for storing the concrete barrier. Those works are still in progress, so the concrete barrier is still being used to reduce the London bound carriageway to 2 lanes, even if Brock is not in operation.

    Even when Brock is not in operation, there is a 50mph speed limit and both carriageways are restricted to 2 lanes, which is wholly inadequate to take the volume of traffic. As soon as there is an accident or breakdown in the Brock section, traffic chaos ensues.

    When Brock is operating, all EU freight traffic has to use the coastbound carriageway and non EU freight should use the contraflow on the London bound carriageway. This weekend, that is not happening because they have closed the coastbound contraflow and pushed all non EU freight onto the A20, which cannot cope with the extra traffic. Villages like Harrietsham & Lenham become clogged and local people cannot freely move around.

    Something needs to be put in place very soon, as when biometric checks come into force, there will be even greater problems.  I did vote Brexit to my shame, but I'm not afraid to admit that it has been a disaster for Kent and the whole of Great Britain. The best thing for the UK & the EU would be a customs union, however the 'great oven-ready deal' has brought the hardest possible Brexit, with all the problems that entails.

    Blaming the French for everything is so counter-productive. We need to work with the French to stop the people smugglers at source, instead we have a Govt. leadership battle stirring up more trouble. The best way to sort out all the problems is to have amiable talks, not a blame game.
    Even though I dislike the French I know what they'd be doing of this was happening the other way round in France.


    If it was something that angered the 15-30 year olds no doubt there might be some civil unrest. As it mainly disrupts "middle england" no one is going to do anything.

    Where's Citizen Smith when you need him. 
  • Will I be able to get to Bluewater today with no isues? Got a booking at The Big Easy.

    Also, I see the HoC page has been shut down, presumably because people can't behave themselves, which explains why all the angry people are now back on here for all the normal folk to endure  :s

    Brace yourselves, people  :#
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  • Will I be able to get to Bluewater today with no isues? Got a booking at The Big Easy.

    Also, I see the HoC page has been shut down, presumably because people can't behave themselves, which explains why all the angry people are now back on here for all the normal folk to endure  :s

    Brace yourselves, people  :#
    Bank on BBW, been a very helpful thread in the past for those people living or travelling to Kent, now its been hijacked by the HOC loonies.
  • "Normal folk" made this chaos happen. 

    But blame us for pointing it out, why doncha.

  • edited July 2022
    Let the trigger-fest/snowflakery (that's how this all goes, right?) commence.

    I'm off out to chance the traffic to Bluewater.
  • Back to traffic chaos in Kent! 

    The M2 looks pretty bad according to Google Maps, as does the A249 northbound towards J5 of the M2.  This is probably as a result of Highways England messages on the M20 at J6/J7 telling Dover tourist traffic to use the A249 and M2.
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  • seth plum said:
    Are you sure the problem isn’t caused by people who post on the House of Commoners section of Charlton Life?
    No. Just you Seth 😉
  • Maidstone Borough Council has posted some advice for people in the Borough affected by Operation Brock

  •  :D:D:D  
    Mr Farage won't have a problem at the border, he has a German passport and his other Brexit buddy Boris Johnson has a French one. Ahh isn't that nice for them.
  • We slag them off at every opportunity. We don't work collegiately with them, why should they with us. I think, and I know some remainers will disagree, but a PM who treats them as partners and not enemies can improve things within Brexit.
    Absolutley. WE LEFT THE EU. Not the other way around. It is a very simple thing to grasp for most. 
    Actually I think the opposite. Yes, we left the EU but the EU didnt want us to leave & did all they could to delay it & put obstacles in the way. It was like a divorce where both parties wanted more than they were due.  If it was amicable then the French would have been doing more on their side re border control. More so in Ireland where the South very strongly want one nation so they are hardly going to help the UK move away from them. 
  • My Grandad had free movement around Europe, and all he had was a .303 Lee Enfield rifle and a bayonet. 
    My Dad just dropped in, he didn't have to f@ck about with passports either.
    So are you suggesting the Dover chaos could be resolved if holidaymakers turned up armed ? If not. What’s the point of your post ?
  • Oh slightly off topic but Brexit related. The government this week now made it legal to employ agency workers to replace workers who have lawfully balloted for a strike. This was illegal under EU rules but now any strike by unskilled workers is pointless, the irony being that the so called working class voted for Brexit, thus sentencing themselves to slavery. 
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