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Traffic chaos in Kent



  • 🤦🏻‍♂️golfaddick said:
    So, if the EU like freedom of movement so much why don't they just have no border checks ? It hasn't mattered for the past 30 years do why just not bother for the next few weeks whilst its busy 🤔

  • My Grandad had free movement around Europe, and all he had was a .303 Lee Enfield rifle and a bayonet. 
    My Dad just dropped in, he didn't have to f@ck about with passports either.
    So are you suggesting the Dover chaos could be resolved if holidaymakers turned up armed ? If not. What’s the point of your post ?
    A light hearted take on the current situation completely self inflicted by the UK.
    Sorry if you are offended or put out by it.
  • So, if the EU like freedom of movement so much why don't they just have no border checks ? It hasn't mattered for the past 30 years do why just not bother for the next few weeks whilst its busy 🤔
    There are no border checks for those within the EU. 

    Border checks are to protect the integrity of the single market WE chose to leave.
    He's winding us up ain't he nobody can be that thick .........can they ???
  • My Grandad had free movement around Europe, and all he had was a .303 Lee Enfield rifle and a bayonet. 
    My Dad just dropped in, he didn't have to f@ck about with passports either.

  • edited July 2022
    Here’s me attempting to add balance because brexiteers are gonna brexit and remainers are gonna remain.  As in, we all have our biases.

    You ask our government who’s fault it is, they say the French.  

    You ask the French government they say it’s the UK’s fault.  

    In other words, you can’t fully trust the politicians on this one, we all agree on that I assume?

    So who do you ask?  How about the CEO of the port of dover.  Seems like the most senior person at the port, also most knowledgable you’d assume to get into such a position.  

    “The extreme delays at the port of Dover are ultimately due to brexit” 

    So there you have it, it’s most likely, even if his analysis is off slightly, that brexit was a factor. You can still enjoy your brexit if you want, no one’s going to take it away from you, but at least have the balls to listen to something you don’t like.  I voted for it by the way, but you don’t have to support it like it’s Charlton.  
  • Theresa May tried to make it work.
    The issue then was people freaking out about a ‘backstop’.
    Had her (albeit flawed) deal gone through there wouldn’t be such a mess as we have now.
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  • seth plum said:
    Theresa May tried to make it work.
    The issue then was people freaking out about a ‘backstop’.
    Had her (albeit flawed) deal gone through there wouldn’t be such a mess as we have now.
    I agree. If Labour had voted for Mrs Mays deal, we’d be in a much better position.
  • seth plum said:
    Theresa May tried to make it work.
    The issue then was people freaking out about a ‘backstop’.
    Had her (albeit flawed) deal gone through there wouldn’t be such a mess as we have now.
    I agree. If Labour had voted for Mrs Mays deal, we’d be in a much better position.
    Yes. However if all of her party plus her confidence and supply buddies in the DUP had voted for May’s deal, it wouldn’t have mattered how Labour voted.
  • seth plum said:
    Theresa May tried to make it work.
    The issue then was people freaking out about a ‘backstop’.
    Had her (albeit flawed) deal gone through there wouldn’t be such a mess as we have now.
    I agree. If Labour had voted for Mrs Mays deal, we’d be in a much better position.
    I thought she had a majority. I blame Peppa Pig myself.
  • But this was a cross party referendum. Labour we’re acting like cnuts by whipping their mp’s as they had no brexit policy whatsoever 😂😂 and we’re just voting against the tories out of spite apart from hero’s like Kate hoey. if they had put their country first rather than their party then as Seth says, mays deal would have been better than what we have now. Peppa pig would have been a better leader of the oppo than the beardy weirdy they had back then.
  • It's a shame that the political threads are closed at the moment, but it is good to have a discussion with those who do not normally take part, about how leaving the EU is impacting people in this country, as it most definitely is; the traffic problems in Kent are only a part of the problem. The chance to challenge misconceptions over Brexit is good, as we are not going to be able to move on, until the UK adopts a stance that will make Brexit work.

    Ultimately re-joining the customs union and/or single market is the only sensible way forward, the tiny deals we have with countries the other side of the world are no substitute for the deal we had with our closest neighbours in the EU.

    As a Brexit voter, I was persuaded by arguments put by posters in the Brexit thread of the HoC side of the forum, and if there were a vote tomorrow I would choose to re-join the EU.

    The current battles for the leadership of the Tory party are incredibly damaging for the country.  By promising to remove all the EU laws which give workers protections against unscrupulous employers, a watering down of food & environmental standards and laws to protect the consumer, the average British person will be considerably worse off. The 2019 General Election manifesto promised to uphold standards, not do away with them completely.

    You were never a tory, and I claim my five pounds 😘
  • It's a shame that the political threads are closed at the moment, but it is good to have a discussion with those who do not normally take part, about how leaving the EU is impacting people in this country, as it most definitely is; the traffic problems in Kent are only a part of the problem. The chance to challenge misconceptions over Brexit is good, as we are not going to be able to move on, until the UK adopts a stance that will make Brexit work.

    Ultimately re-joining the customs union and/or single market is the only sensible way forward, the tiny deals we have with countries the other side of the world are no substitute for the deal we had with our closest neighbours in the EU.

    As a Brexit voter, I was persuaded by arguments put by posters in the Brexit thread of the HoC side of the forum, and if there were a vote tomorrow I would choose to re-join the EU.

    The current battles for the leadership of the Tory party are incredibly damaging for the country.  By promising to remove all the EU laws which give workers protections against unscrupulous employers, a watering down of food & environmental standards and laws to protect the consumer, the average British person will be considerably worse off. The 2019 General Election manifesto promised to uphold standards, not do away with them completely.

    You were never a tory, and I claim my five pounds 😘
    I've voted Tory all my life but will never vote for them again.
  • But this was a cross party referendum. Labour we’re acting like cnuts by whipping their mp’s as they had no brexit policy whatsoever 😂😂 and we’re just voting against the tories out of spite apart from hero’s like Kate hoey. if they had put their country first rather than their party then as Seth says, mays deal would have been better than what we have now. Peppa pig would have been a better leader of the oppo than the beardy weirdy they had back then.
    Let me write this slowly, so you can understand.





















    And it wasn't a "cross party referendum", it was a simple HOC vote, just like they have all the time.  
  • seth plum said:
    Theresa May tried to make it work.
    The issue then was people freaking out about a ‘backstop’.
    Had her (albeit flawed) deal gone through there wouldn’t be such a mess as we have now.
    I agree. If Labour had voted for Mrs Mays deal, we’d be in a much better position.
    Great point, they bury their head in the sand with the part they played....and their followers did.
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  • Bailey said:
    We slag them off at every opportunity. We don't work collegiately with them, why should they with us. I think, and I know some remainers will disagree, but a PM who treats them as partners and not enemies can improve things within Brexit.
    Absolutley. WE LEFT THE EU. Not the other way around. It is a very simple thing to grasp for most. 
    Actually I think the opposite. Yes, we left the EU but the EU didnt want us to leave & did all they could to delay it & put obstacles in the way. It was like a divorce where both parties wanted more than they were due.  If it was amicable then the French would have been doing more on their side re border control. More so in Ireland where the South very strongly want one nation so they are hardly going to help the UK move away from them. 
    The EU left us? 

    Give me strength... 

    Mr Golf, that is the most Hackneyed opinion I have heard. Let's get it straight about Ireland, Northern Ireland is still a part of the UK and that will only change when a majority are in favour of change, that situation has not been reached yet but after Boris putting a border down the Irish Sea, panic has set in with the unionists, they also have the problem of being lied to by this Tory government, a situation where the younger Northern Ireland element see unification as a better option as they would be part of the EU and almost certainly retain British passports if they wish, a win win situation would you not agree. As for Brexit, its quite true that the EU did not want the UK to leave but you need to understand that we are about to break the Northern Ireland protocol, a treaty that even the US has told us to leave well alone. This breaking of the treaty or the threat is making us out to be untrustworthy throughout the world and quite simply the French are quite within their rights not go the extra mile for the UK for that very reason. 
    My post was part tongue in cheek. Where I am deadly serious is around Ireland & the GFA. What I would do would be shouted down & I would be torn apart. Just be pleased I'm not PM. 

  • But this was a cross party referendum. Labour we’re acting like cnuts by whipping their mp’s as they had no brexit policy whatsoever 😂😂 and we’re just voting against the tories out of spite apart from hero’s like Kate hoey. if they had put their country first rather than their party then as Seth says, mays deal would have been better than what we have now. Peppa pig would have been a better leader of the oppo than the beardy weirdy they had back then.
    How can you not understand politics (or even maths) at this basic a level? 
  • Here’s me attempting to add balance because brexiteers are gonna brexit and remainers are gonna remain.  As in, we all have our biases.

    You ask our government who’s fault it is, they say the French.  

    You ask the French government they say it’s the UK’s fault.  

    In other words, you can’t fully trust the politicians on this one, we all agree on that I assume?

    So who do you ask?  How about the CEO of the port of dover.  Seems like the most senior person at the port, also most knowledgable you’d assume to get into such a position.  

    “The extreme delays at the port of Dover are ultimately due to brexit” 

    So there you have it, it’s most likely, even if his analysis is off slightly, that brexit was a factor. You can still enjoy your brexit if you want, no one’s going to take it away from you, but at least have the balls to listen to something you don’t like.  I voted for it by the way, but you don’t have to support it like it’s Charlton.  
    I totally agree with you. I also voted to leave & voted for The Conservatives in 2019. But really only because Labour (via kier Starmer no less) had inserted into their manifesto that they would seek a 2nd referendum. As would the Lib Dems. If both parties had agreed to follow the will of the people there might not have been a GE in 2019 & Boris wouldn't have been PM.

    I dont like what's happened since the vote in 2016 but the aftermath is solely down to the Government, not the voters.  
  • seth plum said:
    Theresa May tried to make it work.
    The issue then was people freaking out about a ‘backstop’.
    Had her (albeit flawed) deal gone through there wouldn’t be such a mess as we have now.
    I agree. If Labour had voted for Mrs Mays deal, we’d be in a much better position.
    I thought she had a majority. I blame Peppa Pig myself.

    seth plum said:
    Theresa May tried to make it work.
    The issue then was people freaking out about a ‘backstop’.
    Had her (albeit flawed) deal gone through there wouldn’t be such a mess as we have now.
    I agree. If Labour had voted for Mrs Mays deal, we’d be in a much better position.
    I thought she had a majority. I blame Peppa Pig myself.

    She only had a majorty because the DUP sided with her.
  • Bailey said:
    We slag them off at every opportunity. We don't work collegiately with them, why should they with us. I think, and I know some remainers will disagree, but a PM who treats them as partners and not enemies can improve things within Brexit.
    Absolutley. WE LEFT THE EU. Not the other way around. It is a very simple thing to grasp for most. 
    Actually I think the opposite. Yes, we left the EU but the EU didnt want us to leave & did all they could to delay it & put obstacles in the way. It was like a divorce where both parties wanted more than they were due.  If it was amicable then the French would have been doing more on their side re border control. More so in Ireland where the South very strongly want one nation so they are hardly going to help the UK move away from them. 
    The EU left us? 

    Give me strength... 

    Mr Golf, that is the most Hackneyed opinion I have heard. Let's get it straight about Ireland, Northern Ireland is still a part of the UK and that will only change when a majority are in favour of change, that situation has not been reached yet but after Boris putting a border down the Irish Sea, panic has set in with the unionists, they also have the problem of being lied to by this Tory government, a situation where the younger Northern Ireland element see unification as a better option as they would be part of the EU and almost certainly retain British passports if they wish, a win win situation would you not agree. As for Brexit, its quite true that the EU did not want the UK to leave but you need to understand that we are about to break the Northern Ireland protocol, a treaty that even the US has told us to leave well alone. This breaking of the treaty or the threat is making us out to be untrustworthy throughout the world and quite simply the French are quite within their rights not go the extra mile for the UK for that very reason. 
    My post was part tongue in cheek. Where I am deadly serious is around Ireland & the GFA. What I would do would be shouted down & I would be torn apart. Just be pleased I'm not PM. 

    OK Mr Golf, you got me going mate, fair play to you and apologies. 
  • seth plum said:
    Theresa May tried to make it work.
    The issue then was people freaking out about a ‘backstop’.
    Had her (albeit flawed) deal gone through there wouldn’t be such a mess as we have now.
    I agree. If Labour had voted for Mrs Mays deal, we’d be in a much better position.
    Yeah, this is all Labour’s fault
    A lot could be put at Kier Starmers door. He insisted that the Labour manifesto said that they would seek a 2nd referendum. What never ceases to amaze me is that one of the main people that helped Labour lose in  2019 (by ignoring what people wanted & turned the "red wall" blue) is now the Labour leader - albeit he now says that he wouldn't try to get us to rejoin. 

    So whilst it's not Labours fault they played a big part on stalling the process & not following the will of the people. As did the Lib Dems, the Greens and anyone else who voted against Teresa May.  
  • Politics schmolitics!

    Worse than bloody football.
  • edited July 2022
    But this was a cross party referendum. Labour we’re acting like cnuts by whipping their mp’s as they had no brexit policy whatsoever 😂😂 and we’re just voting against the tories out of spite apart from hero’s like Kate hoey. if they had put their country first rather than their party then as Seth says, mays deal would have been better than what we have now. Peppa pig would have been a better leader of the oppo than the beardy weirdy they had back then.
    Let me write this slowly, so you can understand.





















    And it wasn't a "cross party referendum", it was a simple HOC vote, just like they have all the time.  
    You mean the coalition parties they had to bribe to help them & then sold them.down the river with Teresa May's deal. 

    Brexit simply cant be done........unless you want to build a hard border in Ireland & reignite the IRA. 

    My last word on this....promise.

    The people to blame imo are :

    David Cameron 
    Tony Blair
    Civil Servants

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