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Traffic chaos in Kent



  • But this was a cross party referendum. Labour we’re acting like cnuts by whipping their mp’s as they had no brexit policy whatsoever 😂😂 and we’re just voting against the tories out of spite apart from hero’s like Kate hoey. if they had put their country first rather than their party then as Seth says, mays deal would have been better than what we have now. Peppa pig would have been a better leader of the oppo than the beardy weirdy they had back then.
    How can you not understand politics (or even maths) at this basic a level? 
    I mean what does this even mean? this is why threads like this break down when you get these sort of patronising comments. and you got the front to have a pop at Chizz for belittling people 😂😂😂
  • edited July 2022
    seth plum said:
    Theresa May tried to make it work.
    The issue then was people freaking out about a ‘backstop’.
    Had her (albeit flawed) deal gone through there wouldn’t be such a mess as we have now.
    I agree. If Labour had voted for Mrs Mays deal, we’d be in a much better position.
    Yeah, this is all Labour’s fault
    A lot could be put at Kier Starmers door. He insisted that the Labour manifesto said that they would seek a 2nd referendum. What never ceases to amaze me is that one of the main people that helped Labour lose in  2019 (by ignoring what people wanted & turned the "red wall" blue) is now the Labour leader - albeit he now says that he wouldn't try to get us to rejoin. 

    So whilst it's not Labours fault they played a big part on stalling the process & not following the will of the people. As did the Lib Dems, the Greens and anyone else who voted against Teresa May.  
    You're aware that the majority of voters in the 2019 voted for parties in favour of a confirmatory referendum? So by your logic the "will of the people" had changed by that point.

    This thread is about the traffic chaos in Kent. The ports have told us that Brexit is a factor in this. So have those representing those working there. So have those public bodies dealing with the fall out from it. As have the French and the other EU countries. And also the freight and logistics industries...

    The only people refusing to accept what's in front of them are that shrinking minority of the public still supporting what is an increasingly obvious, ruinous, self harming policy. Those queues to cross into the EU we've seen recently in Kent are on you. Not me, not Labour or the Lib Dems, not the French or the Germans.

    This is 100% what you were told could/would happen yet still voted for...more than once.
    Voted for more than once? I thought there was only one referendum?
  • ROTW said:
    So anyway, is the traffic easing up?
    A bloody Renault broke down on the m2 leading to more delays 🙄
  • ROTW said:
    So anyway, is the traffic easing up?
    Try the rumours thread.  
  • ROTW said:
    So anyway, is the traffic easing up?
    Highways England app is worth looking at as it shows real time motorway signs, average speed & some live CCTV.

    Signs are still saying M20 closed at Junction 8. CCTV still showing queues of HGVs between junctions 8 & 9.

    Dover tourists are still being told to use A249, M2. 

    Dover HGVs use M20, A20

    Cross Channel freight use M20

    So confusingly, there are conflicting messages for Cross Channel Freight and Dover HGVs. I presume the Dover HGVs are local traffic that doesn't intend to cross the channel, but if you're a foreign lorry driver, how are you supposed to tell the difference. The highways authorities really don't help the situation.

  • HGVs are only on the coastbound side of the M20 now, with the coastbound contraflow, which was full of them, completely clear. No idea if or when they’re going to reopen the contraflow yet, with the diversion still from J8 along the A20 to Ashford. Whilst this isn’t a problem at this time of day on a Sunday it’ll be hell come tomorrow morning and the rest of the week if they don’t reopen the contraflow.
  • But this was a cross party referendum. Labour we’re acting like cnuts by whipping their mp’s as they had no brexit policy whatsoever 😂😂 and we’re just voting against the tories out of spite apart from hero’s like Kate hoey. if they had put their country first rather than their party then as Seth says, mays deal would have been better than what we have now. Peppa pig would have been a better leader of the oppo than the beardy weirdy they had back then.
    Let me write this slowly, so you can understand.





















    And it wasn't a "cross party referendum", it was a simple HOC vote, just like they have all the time.  
    You mean the coalition parties they had to bribe to help them & then sold them.down the river with Teresa May's deal. 

    Brexit simply cant be done........unless you want to build a hard border in Ireland & reignite the IRA. 

    My last word on this....promise.

    The people to blame imo are :

    David Cameron 
    Tony Blair
    Civil Servants

    And these guys?
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  • Ross said:
    HGVs are only on the coastbound side of the M20 now, with the coastbound contraflow, which was full of them, completely clear. No idea if or when they’re going to reopen the contraflow yet, with the diversion still from J8 along the A20 to Ashford. Whilst this isn’t a problem at this time of day on a Sunday it’ll be hell come tomorrow morning and the rest of the week if they don’t reopen the contraflow.
    The contraflow was meant to keep Kent's traffic flowing and when it was needed the most, they closed it and sent everything onto other roads.

     Heads should roll for this, instead the woman who was in charge of Brock at Highways England was honoured in the Queen's Birthday Honours.

  • Here’s me attempting to add balance because brexiteers are gonna brexit and remainers are gonna remain.  As in, we all have our biases.

    You ask our government who’s fault it is, they say the French.  

    You ask the French government they say it’s the UK’s fault.  

    In other words, you can’t fully trust the politicians on this one, we all agree on that I assume?

    So who do you ask?  How about the CEO of the port of dover.  Seems like the most senior person at the port, also most knowledgable you’d assume to get into such a position.  

    “The extreme delays at the port of Dover are ultimately due to brexit” 

    So there you have it, it’s most likely, even if his analysis is off slightly, that brexit was a factor. You can still enjoy your brexit if you want, no one’s going to take it away from you, but at least have the balls to listen to something you don’t like.  I voted for it by the way, but you don’t have to support it like it’s Charlton.  
    I totally agree with you. I also voted to leave & voted for The Conservatives in 2019. But really only because Labour (via kier Starmer no less) had inserted into their manifesto that they would seek a 2nd referendum. As would the Lib Dems. If both parties had agreed to follow the will of the people there might not have been a GE in 2019 & Boris wouldn't have been PM.

    I dont like what's happened since the vote in 2016 but the aftermath is solely down to the Government, not the voters.  
    It is hard to have a debate when one party simply ignores points that are raised that draw into question dubious statements they are making. So I will repeat:

    "... in 2019, a minority of people voted for a clown that mumbled "Get Brexit Done" - by then "the people" had three and a half years to find out it was all bullshit, the GFA had been a major topic for a few years too (even though, as you say, it wasn't mentioned in the leaflet that most tabloid brainwashed anti-EU twits ignored), but the dimwits voted to plough on regardless. You certainly can blame "the people" for making the same mistake twice with a host of further knowledge to hand that they chose to ignore."

    You knew in 2019 about the problems that Brexit caused with regard to Northern Ireland. You chose to ignore it. You now pretend it isn't your fault because you were not told it would be a problem in 2016. But you admit that you repeated the mistake in 2019.

    Additionally, If you believed in 2019 that Brexit was still the "will of the people", why were you bothered about a second referendum? Surely you believed the outcome would be the same as the first if it was "the will of the people"? Or does the "will of the people" only count at specific moments in time when you decide it should?  

    You said yourself that you didn't have all the information you needed in 2016, so if you were better informed in 2019 (despite choosing to ignore the new information), it stands to reason that so was everyone else. Only an idiot would think that a decison made by people who are better informed is not a more valid decision.

    Boris Johnson was PM from July 24th 2019, the election was on December 12th, so this statement "there might not have been a GE in 2019 & Boris wouldn't have been PM." is in fact, untrue, he was already PM at that point.          
    So, lets get this right. You are saying that post 2016, once I found out that Brexit couldn't be done because of the GFA I should have simply changed my stance & voted Labour in 2019 and hope that millions of others do the same. Then (hopefully) Labour would win & there would be a 2nd referendum where we could all vote Remain. Because it seems to be the only answer to the mess that is Brexit.

    That is a lot of hoping - hoping that millions of others vote Labour. Then hoping Labour follow through of their manifesto (which would have taken 18 months at least to organise). Then hope that 50.1% then vote Remain.  

    As for your point regarding Boris. I was merely stating that if Parliament had followed the will of the people then Teresa May would have remained as PM. Boris would not have been elected Conservative Leader & there wouldn't have been a GE in 2019. So, its really the fault of Parliament and the Remainers that we've had Boris for the past 3 years. 

    And btw  - why should I have to change my way of thinking just because I was asked to answer a question that couldn't be answered. Post the vote in 2016 has nothing to do with me. I expected politicians to be able to follow through on what they asked me to vote on. But it seems its Leavers who are at fault for voting on something that couldn't be achieved. I did think in 2019 that The Government should have just given the electorate £5k each & told to forget about the Referendum Vote. (joke btw)

    So, I'll turn the question back to you. What do you think people who voted Leave should have done post 2016 ?

  • Solve the land border issue on the island of Ireland?
  • Ross said:
    HGVs are only on the coastbound side of the M20 now, with the coastbound contraflow, which was full of them, completely clear. No idea if or when they’re going to reopen the contraflow yet, with the diversion still from J8 along the A20 to Ashford. Whilst this isn’t a problem at this time of day on a Sunday it’ll be hell come tomorrow morning and the rest of the week if they don’t reopen the contraflow.
    The contraflow was meant to keep Kent's traffic flowing and when it was needed the most, they closed it and sent everything onto other roads.

     Heads should roll for this, instead the woman who was in charge of Brock at Highways England was honoured in the Queen's Birthday Honours.

    When I went to Bluewater yesterday morning the contraflow and the coastbound were almost full. I assume they would have then closed the London bound carriageway as well, causing even more chaos.
  • Ross said:
    Ross said:
    HGVs are only on the coastbound side of the M20 now, with the coastbound contraflow, which was full of them, completely clear. No idea if or when they’re going to reopen the contraflow yet, with the diversion still from J8 along the A20 to Ashford. Whilst this isn’t a problem at this time of day on a Sunday it’ll be hell come tomorrow morning and the rest of the week if they don’t reopen the contraflow.
    The contraflow was meant to keep Kent's traffic flowing and when it was needed the most, they closed it and sent everything onto other roads.

     Heads should roll for this, instead the woman who was in charge of Brock at Highways England was honoured in the Queen's Birthday Honours.

    When I went to Bluewater yesterday morning the contraflow and the coastbound were almost full. I assume they would have then closed the London bound carriageway as well, causing even more chaos.
    Manston could have been used, but according to the owner, the Government refused the offer. It's clear that something needs to be done  as the economy of Kent will suffer if this continues.
  • The whataboutery is strong in this thread.
  • Good news - the contraflow has reopened to non freight traffic this morning.
  • And when you get through the tunnel, (you have the misfortune of being disabled), In future you may find yourself having to adapt somewhat.
    I'm sure this mess will sort itself out sooner or a lot, lot later or may be will have to get used to our new found freedoms and fall back on our plucky Brit exceptionalism.

  • So, if the EU like freedom of movement so much why don't they just have no border checks ? It hasn't mattered for the past 30 years do why just not bother for the next few weeks whilst its busy 🤔
    There are no border checks for those within the EU. 

    Border checks are to protect the integrity of the single market WE chose to leave.
    There might be no border checks,but EU drivers freight or personal will still be stuck in the traffic,so they wont get through any quicker.
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  • edited July 2022
    So, if the EU like freedom of movement so much why don't they just have no border checks ? It hasn't mattered for the past 30 years do why just not bother for the next few weeks whilst its busy 🤔
    There are no border checks for those within the EU. 

    Border checks are to protect the integrity of the single market WE chose to leave.
    There might be no border checks,but EU drivers freight or personal will still be stuck in the traffic,so they wont get through any quicker.
    I was referring to drivers within the EU borders, not those trying to get out of the UK. 

    It must be a nightmare for HGV drivers trying to get out of the UK, some producers are now not bothering to export to the UK because of the hassle getting back.
  • A guy on LBC this morning (Nick Ferrari circa 09.35) said last month it took about 5 minutes to get through the french passport booth for his wife and himself, he said he scanned their passports, looked out the window had a chat with his female colleague then looked out the window again and basically wasted time doing nothing till he stamped their passports. The French oh so love us, till the Russians are coming....

    Thats 12 and its occupants an hour, x that by about 5 booths open this weekend that's 60 cars an hour.

    Could do it quicker from my front room 130 miles away.
  • seth plum said:
    A tip for flying to America.
    Go to Shannon cheap on Ryanair from Gatwick.
    Fly to America from Shannon, because the American checks can be done at Shannon and you can stroll off the aeroplane and get going as soon as you land in America.
    Also works if you can get a cheap flight to Dublin

    You then have better direct flights from Ireland to across the pond, from Shannon you only have Boston or New York
  • seth plum said:
    The French are exercising ‘sovereignty’, I would’ve imagined leave voters would adore them for that.
    No, no. Surely waving that blue/black passport about vigorously should be sufficient?
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