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Another Shooting In America?



  • Shooting reported at Fort Lauderdale airport,multiple deaths reported.
  • clive said:

    Shooting reported at Fort Lauderdale airport,multiple deaths reported.


    When will it all stop

  • Reports here suggest there is a second shooter/event ongoing. Horrible.
  • That really was bad timing on my part. I do find the numbers extraordinary in the US. Arguments by supporters of the Constitution do seem to crumble in the light of contrasts with other nations.

    Another awful shooting by a Muslim Extremist in a state with one of the strictest gun laws.

    Oh no wait, none of that is true.

    It's worth noting the DJT's difference in response when the suspect is Muslim versus when they're not:

    Calm and respectful

    After the Pulse Nightclub Massacre. Makes it about himself and self congratulatory.

    I'd like to stress once again that almost every shooting in the US is NOT conducted by Muslim extremists.

    Okay, that out of the way, this young man was apparently a Veteran who had served in Iraq. I've worked a lot with Vets, active duty military, and their families, and the fact that he was getting treatment should have put him ahead of many others. The stories of PTSD as a result of the things soldiers see over there are horrifying. It's such a shame that it came to this.
  • A person with known mental illness, who reported himself to the authorities, should not have had a permit to legally carry a gun, end of story imo

    Totally agree.

    But we are talking about the USA here. A country with a constitutional right to bear arms which many of its citizens regard as sacred, yet has a healthcare system which based entirely on folk receiving treatment only if they can afford to pay for it.

    Sadly the story never ends.
  • A person with known mental illness, who reported himself to the authorities, should not have had a permit to legally carry a gun, end of story imo

    on the surface this would seem sensible but I actually think such a policy could potentially make things worse in a fucked up country like the USA

    if you tell americans with psychopathic tendencies that you'll take away their right to bear arms if they get mental health treatment then they won't get help, they'll go and get a gun illegally and you'll end up with a load of people who've had no counselling walking round with guns

    not sure what the solution is though- gun control is the obvious answer but it's probably too late for that, there are just way too many in circulation both legally and illegally
  • Yo

    A person with known mental illness, should not be running a nation imo

  • Shocking stats re Chicago (taken from an article in today's Mirror) . Last year there were 4,331 shooting victims in the city with 762 murders. So far in 2017, 107 people have been shot.

    I'm sure there are a host of complex problems surrounding this situation - either way Mr Trump has made no secret of his support for the powerful National Rifle Association Lobby who oppose stricter gun measures.
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  • Shocking stats re Chicago (taken from an article in today's Mirror) . Last year there were 4,331 shooting victims in the city with 762 murders. So far in 2017, 107 people have been shot.

    I'm sure there are a host of complex problems surrounding this situation - either way Mr Trump has made no secret of his support for the powerful National Rifle Association Lobby who oppose stricter gun measures.

    There are a LOT of factors at play in the south side of Chicago. My dad grew up near there. Section 2 in this covers "white flight" and predatory lending that basically robbed many black families from the '60s and '70s. Just one factor in many, but worth a read:
  • An insane and incredibly scary situation. I'm glad that everyone is okay. This is not how you oppose politicians. This is not what this country is about.
  • SDAddick said:

    An insane and incredibly scary situation. I'm glad that everyone is okay. This is not how you oppose politicians. This is not what this country is about.

    Four sitting presidents have been assassinated in the USA; Roosevelt and Reagan are just two of many that survived assassination attempts.
    Shooting politicians and people in general is very much what your country is about.
  • Redskin said:

    SDAddick said:

    An insane and incredibly scary situation. I'm glad that everyone is okay. This is not how you oppose politicians. This is not what this country is about.

    Four sitting presidents have been assassinated in the USA; Roosevelt and Reagan are just two of many that survived assassination attempts.
    Shooting politicians and people in general is very much what your country is about.
    It's very much not what it's meant to be about/the USA stands for, but their track record isn't great.
  • You couldn't f**king wait for something like this to happen, could you?
  • This was the act of an ill and twisted individual and I'm glad it resulted in zero deaths other than his own. However, you've now got Paul Joseph C**t and the rest of the alt-right blaring on Twitter about how he was 'radicalised' by the mainstream media, conveniently ignoring that this is a completely isolated incident, and that there were at least two actually-fatal shootings elsewhere in the USA yesterday alone, enabled by an insane, radicalised, far-right attitude to gun ownership. These bottom-feeding morons are opportunists; they relish any chance they have to twist the narrative towards the far-right. Don't let them.
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  • SDAddick said:

    limeygent said:

    SDAddick said:

    An insane and incredibly scary situation. I'm glad that everyone is okay. This is not how you oppose politicians. This is not what this country is about.

    The hateful rhetoric, most of which is aimed at The President, has to stop.
    That's awful, but I don't know why I expected anything different given this has fast become the far right talking point.

    No one that I am aware of has called for any form of violence against the President or the Congress. And if they did, I would take issue with them directly. As I said, violence is not the answer.

    But certainly I agree that violent rhetoric needs to stop:

    “If she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks. Although the Second Amendment people — maybe there is, I don’t know.”

    -Donald Trump on the campaign trail
    Game, set and match, Sir - oh hang on, he's challenged the call!!!
  • It's odd, just a few weeks ago some nutjob decided to take a gun to a Washington pizza restaurant because Breitbart and the associated websites spread a rumor that this is where the democrats ran the child trafficking from. I don't remember the outrage that this divisiveness had to stop then. He was just a nutjob with a gun.

    Maybe it only divisive if you shoot republicans. It didn't see any return to civility after Giffords was shot.
  • edited June 2017
    limeygent said:

    SDAddick said:

    An insane and incredibly scary situation. I'm glad that everyone is okay. This is not how you oppose politicians. This is not what this country is about.

    The hateful rhetoric, most of which is aimed at The President, has to stop.
    It's not hateful rhetoric being displayed on here but plain old disdain for someone who is not fit for the job. Everything bad he said about Hilllary and what sort of President she would be during the campaign is how Trump is behaving now. I seem to rememember Trump saying some pretty horrendous things about Bowe Bergdahl saying he should have been shot for desertion and demanding execution for one of the Central Park five even after DNA evidence had proven their innocence. If that is not hateful rhetoric then I don't know what is. I totally denounce violence and I am glad no one was killed after this latest shooting but there is always that threat of someone mentally unstable with access to guns that will take it to the next level.
  • edited June 2017
    limeygent said:

    Leuth said:

    You couldn't f**king wait for something like this to happen, could you?

    Ridiculous and hateful post, even for you.
    But you know what, you don't have a leg to stand on either in this debate given your comments that preceded it.

    And lest I remind you, you're the one who posted links to the "Clinton kill list" conspiracy theory (amongst others). If you don't practice civility, you cannot ask for it.
  • SDAddick said:

    limeygent said:

    Leuth said:

    You couldn't f**king wait for something like this to happen, could you?

    Ridiculous and hateful post, even for you.
    But you know what, you don't have a leg to stand on either in this debate given your comments that preceded it.

    And lest I remind you, you're the one who posted links to the "Clinton kill list" conspiracy theory (amongst others). If you don't practice civility, you cannot ask for it.
    I've never advocated violence on here.
  • Neither have I ever advocated lack of civility.
This discussion has been closed.

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