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Tony Watt (ed. Page 12- set to join Hearts)



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    Has he scored more goals for other championship teams than he has for us this season?
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    Tony Watt can play. He must have really wondered what was going on - prob thought it was a massive wind up.
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    So, if he plays, does he go up the board of Internationals honours at The Valley?
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    Funny how as soon as he's playing for wee Gordon's pal Lambert he gets in the squad.

    Will say though that Strachan is bang on with his comment that it's up to Tony how far he goes. There is no doubting his talent just his attitude that's the problem.
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    buckshee said:

    Funny how as soon as he's playing for wee Gordon's pal Lambert he gets in the squad.

    Will say though that Strachan is bang on with his comment that it's up to Tony how far he goes. There is no doubting his talent just his attitude that's the problem.

    Well, that's a relief, I'd hate for another relic of my youth to be subject to police scrutiny....
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    Ha, ha great assessment of our Tony!

    We would all love to slap him around a bit!
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    He'll be back.
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    CAFCTrev said:

    He'll be back.

    For one game and then out on loan again.
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    edited March 2016
    Mark McGhee said...

    "He relies so much on his natural ability that he lets himself down because he can’t go the distance. If you were working with him, I would think you could improve him. He’s at a club now where maybe he’ll be able to do that.”
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    Oakster said:

    Mark McGhee said...

    "He relies so much on his natural ability that he lets himself down because he can’t go the distance. If you were working with him, I would think you could improve him. He’s at a club now where maybe he’ll be able to do that.”

    Spot on! At a club and with a manager who may actually be able to get through that thick skull that there is a talent in there that shouldn't be wasted. Makes you wish that McGhee was our manager!
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    “He relies so much on his natural ability that he lets himself down because he can’t go the distance. If you were working with him, I would think you could improve him
    Lack of fitness = Laziness outside of playing time.

    Problem is, if he's not fit he still gets played otherwise it's a wasted investment.

    We have all seen him put a shift in, he's just not a 90 minute man.

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    Dazzler21 said:

    “He relies so much on his natural ability that he lets himself down because he can’t go the distance. If you were working with him, I would think you could improve him
    Lack of fitness = Laziness outside of playing time.

    Problem is, if he's not fit he still gets played otherwise it's a wasted investment.

    We have all seen him put a shift in, he's just not a 90 minute man.

    Not alone recently...Astrit!

    Our other issue are the players who don't have his talent...and still don't put the effort in to compensate for that...and those that do have the talent, but don't seem to be arsed, even though obviously fit. A perfect storm!
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    Must be great to be paid a full wage but only be fit enough to compete for half of it.
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    Essex_Al said:

    Ha, ha great assessment of our Tony!

    We would all love to slap him around a bit!

    Er mate, think you're on the wrong forum.
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    He could do a job for us in League 1.
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    This is the same Scotland that failed to make the Euro Finals comprising of 684 teams.

    The very same Scotland that doesn't have a single player, as far as I'm aware, who plays for a team in the top half of the Premier League.

    And the very same Scotland who, following his his transfer to Aberdeen, are wishing that the Welsh Messi could do a "Ryan Giggs" and change allegiance.
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    dizzee said:

    Astrit was class

    And as unfit as Watt.
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