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Tony Watt (ed. Page 12- set to join Hearts)



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    iamdan said:

    If he is out until pre season imagine how many pies he will consume :smiley:

    Now you've made me hungry.

    Thinking of pies....
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    mrbligh said:

    I've had a crazy idea.....

    Make him the main man and build a team around him

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    February 15 KM was happy to use him as a shield at the VIP meeting. Nothing is long term or logical at our club anymore
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    olster said:

    Unashamedly still a fan of his and I hope to see him in a Charlton shirt again.

    Just as long as it's not in the David Mellor style of wearing the shirt.
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    I knew then that he was going to be difficult to manage but now, after he's been tries by three managers here, one at Cardiff and one and Blackburn it is beginning to look like it might just be Tony that has the problem.

    Apart from the fact that we have a problem as he is on a contract as we have to pay him unless we can convince a dwindling list of managers to take him off our hands.

    Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't the Cardiff move fall through due to them having transfer restrictions and he's been sent back by Blackburn because he is injured so there's two places that were keen on him.

    Tony Watt will be playing at a higher level than us next season
    You're not wrong but it doesn't alter the fact that he hasn't been playing for us and neither of those clubs have dropped the slightest hint that they will come back for him.

    He will, no doubt, play higher than us once he is fit (or as fit as he ever gets) but I am not convinced we will be able to get anyone to commit to him long term. He makes an impact on arrival but it is beginning to look more and more like he is the sort of player you want to be able to send back, opposed to be able to demand a fee for.

    We were just one of a number of clubs that signed him and 'hoped' could prove that all his 'troubles' were behind him.

    It, now, looks like he is not going to settle anywhere which is a shame because he is very talented. He did help us to stay up last season but his contribution has been virtually non-existent since then.
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    Unfortunately, he's still head and shoulders our most talented attacking player. He's not scored many in the games he's had, but no one has.

    I can't see him ever fitting in, and he wants away from the club. It's not often that a fans favourite (which no doubt he was/maybe still is if he puts on a Charlton shirt again) has such little desire to stay.

    If we could keep him like Hannibal Lector and wheel him onto the pitch for games and then lock him up again after, maybe that'd work. Otherwise looks like we'll have to try to cash in on another club that thinks they can change him.
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    Given the speed he was offloaded, and the rather shambolic nature of it, cannot see him coming back, certainly while the current regime/manager are in charge. And given the heap of problems the club has, trying to reform someone who is his own worst enemy is a challenge they could do without.
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    If only some billionaire club owner would come along and give him a nice long contract in spite of his obvious...difficulties. But what sort of idiot would do that?
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    edited April 2016
    so which ones are better than him then?
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    edited April 2016
    Vetokele is a better Striker and you forgot about Ademola Lookman

    Makienok is a different type of Striker so difficult to compare whilst Callum Harriott isn't really a Striker

    The problem with Tony is he's an awesome player on his day yet is unfit (confirmed by Managers at other clubs), lazy and doesnt work well with his team mates... Football at the end of the day isnt a one man sport,

    If he got those three issues under control (Which I dont think is very difficult) then yes he'd be our best Striker and yes he'd still be here
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    If he remembered that it's a team game and that instead of charging headlong into 4 defenders he can actually pass the ball to a teammate that might help too.
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    olster said:

    When we concede a 98th minute goal against Burnley to send us down, you're all going to wish there was someone to hold it up in the corner.

    No, I think we're all going to wish that someone had held RD up in a corner and made him an offer he couldn't refuse.
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    olster said:

    When we concede a 98th minute goal against Burnley to send us down, you're all going to wish there was someone to hold it up in the corner.

    Any Footballer should be able do that by putting the ball by the corner flag and having their back to the opposing player, just using their strength will stop the opponent from getting to the ball, you even saw Lookman doing it against Birmingham
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    Watt is a better striker than all of the waifs and strays we currently have on the books. Unfortunately, he is also the worst professional by a country mile. We'll be stuck with him until they are prepared to pay him off and cut him.
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    olster said:

    When we concede a 98th minute goal against Burnley to send us down, you're all going to wish there was someone to hold it up in the corner.

    Personally, I'll still be wishing we had a different owner and that Squirrel Face would disappear down a sink hole.
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    Watt is a complete tosser. Bad attitude as well as a bloody Jock. Get rid of this waster.
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    Missed It said:

    Watt is a better striker than all of the waifs and strays we currently have on the books. Unfortunately, he is also the worst professional by a country mile. We'll be stuck with him until they are prepared to pay him off and cut him.

    I agree with you, best striker we have but obviously doesn't want to be here. I doubt we'll be stuck with him though. A championship club will have him no problem. Cardiff were about to sign him before their embargo.
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    Wasting his talent. I just hope we aren't paying any of his wages next season, though I suspect we might be saddled with part of them until his contract expires.
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    I think Charlton will struggle to find an actual buyer for him, word gets round in football. He is trouble and Charlton are desperate. Loan, no problem (until his new team see what he's really like).
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    Missed It said:

    I think Charlton will struggle to find an actual buyer for him, word gets round in football. He is trouble and Charlton are desperate. Loan, no problem (until his new team see what he's really like).

    However talented you are, if you are troublesome and a bad influence in the workplace then things will always end in tears.

    Kevin Pietersen is a world class cricketer and look what happened to him.
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    Missed It said:

    I think Charlton will struggle to find an actual buyer for him, word gets round in football. He is trouble and Charlton are desperate. Loan, no problem (until his new team see what he's really like).

    However talented you are, if you are troublesome and a bad influence in the workplace then things will always end in tears.

    Kevin Pietersen is a world class cricketer and look what happened to him.
    Kevin Pietersen was a dedicated professional though , who played 100 tests. Watt has done naff all
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    Just rejoined Twitter under... @32watto

    Lets see how long that lasts
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    Would love to see a manager come in who can get the best out of Watt, he's a cracking talent, just needs a mentor to keep him focused.

    and this guy to keep him trim!
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