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Tony Watt (ed. Page 12- set to join Hearts)



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    His twitter presence is just making me love him more

    Cracking me up on Twitter, seems to love winding people up. Seen him get at least 2 "shut up"s from fellow Charlton players. (Kennedy & Lennon)
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    His twitter presence is just making me love him more

    Cracking me up on Twitter, seems to love winding people up. Seen him get at least 2 "shut up"s from fellow Charlton players. (Kennedy & Lennon)
    Well it's not as if he's got to spend his time training for the Euros. Or starting pre-season early for that matter.
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    Would love him to stay, my favourite cafc moment over the past couple of seasons was when he had the ball in the corner holding off half the Forest team, it's making me chuckle just thinking about it
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    Certainly better value on Twitter than he has been on the field for Charlton since April 2015
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    Damo you are bang on -- he needs to engage and show some stability --
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    I don't actually think his finishing is all that to score a huge number of goals, would absolutely love to see him running at League 1 centre backs and I'm sure he'd get a decent few.

    He'd be spending a huge number of Sundays with bruised shins/ankles though down in League 1, not sure he'd fancy it too much.
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    wmcf123 said:

    Certainly better value on Twitter than he has been on the field for Charlton since April 2015

    Take it you had a pretty long holiday at the start of last season?
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    ross1 said:

    Don't forget he was recently picked for a friendly for Scotland

    and what did gordon strachan call him again/ oh yeah he could be scotlands zlatan :-)
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    I don't actually think his finishing is all that to score a huge number of goals, would absolutely love to see him running at League 1 centre backs and I'm sure he'd get a decent few.

    He'd be spending a huge number of Sundays with bruised shins/ankles though down in League 1, not sure he'd fancy it too much.

    He played in Scotland ? nuff said :smile:
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    he's posted a picture of himself in a blackburn shirt. is it possible i'm reading too much into tony's twitter?

    or perhaps i'm just reading tony's twitter too much...
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    I think Watt would be the sort of person that you thought was pretty funny and entertaining to start with, but would ultimately get on your nerves. Or the other way round. Either way, her would get on your nerves at some point.
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    se9addick said:

    I think Watt would be the sort of person that you thought was pretty funny and entertaining to start with, but would ultimately get on your nerves. Or the other way round. Either way, her would get on your nerves at some point.

    I know a song that'll get on yer nerves.

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    edited June 2016
    It is one think being sensible with money, but it is cheaper to go up than stay down! Also, Watt is a player you can invest in - meaning his transfer value could increase significantly! Watt would be the best player in League One - no danger!
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    It is one think being sensible with money, but it is cheaper to go up than stay down! Also, Watt is a player you can invest in - meaning his transfer value could increase significantly! Watt would be the best player in League One - no danger!

    And watt would know that! That's where the problem is.....tony watts ego
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    edited June 2016
    Yes, it would be a question for Slade whether he thought he could manage it - and for the player too, because little point even considering if he is going to throw his rattle out of the pram. My point is, that if both were positive about it, it would make sense - but what makes sense doesn't happen at my club anymore.
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    It is one think being sensible with money, but it is cheaper to go up than stay down! Also, Watt is a player you can invest in - meaning his transfer value could increase significantly! Watt would be the best player in League One - no danger!

    And watt would know that! That's where the problem is.....tony watts ego
    what ego? he's an absolute sweetheart. have you seen his twitter?
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    There can be no doubt that Tony Watt needs to settle down at a club for at least one season, and show some decent sustained form - it doesn't matter if that is League one or the Championship.

    Otherwise he will find himself on the Franny Jeffers style career route, which will doubtless be visiting the likes of Raith Rovers, The A league in Aus and possibly some outpost of China, before jacking it all in.

    Clubs will only take a punt on potential for so long, once you turn 24/25 and you have essentially achieved nothing in the game, then the offers begin to dry up fast.
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    cafctom said:

    wmcf123 said:

    Certainly better value on Twitter than he has been on the field for Charlton since April 2015

    Take it you had a pretty long holiday at the start of last season?
    No, I witnessed overweight Tony dribbling himself into trouble endlessly. He is undeniably a great talent , nonody doubts that
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    He doesn't have a football brain which exposed him a bit in a struggling team as his solution was to try to do it all himself which was never going to work. With a talent like he has, you have to play to his abilities. He is expensive but the sort of player who can guarantee us promotion along with two or three others. When calculating the cost of keeping him, you should factor in the increase in his transfer value if he is well managed and successful (that is for Slade to decide if he thinks he can do that) and how much money is not lost if we get out of this League at the first attempt.
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    There can be no doubt that Tony Watt needs to settle down at a club for at least one season, and show some decent sustained form - it doesn't matter if that is League one or the Championship.

    Otherwise he will find himself on the Franny Jeffers style career route, which will doubtless be visiting the likes of Raith Rovers, The A league in Aus and possibly some outpost of China, before jacking it all in.

    Clubs will only take a punt on potential for so long, once you turn 24/25 and you have essentially achieved nothing in the game, then the offers begin to dry up fast.

    Completely agree. No one is in doubt of his ability and one of the few Charlton players in recent times who has me on the edge of my seat when he gets the ball. I can see him getting to late 20's and turning outin the A league in Oz or something along those lines if he does not sort himself out. Frustrating as he has it talent wise to go a long way
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    I think he would do well in the NLS.
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    Like gazza or Bullard even - alright in small doses but like dealing with a child - draining after a while I should think
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    With Muttley on this. This guy could well be a deciding factor in going up, and it would be worth judging if we should spend a bit in order to stay in league 1 as short a time as possible. Which means it probably won't happen as 'old mister duct tape' is unlikely to even consider paying league 1 wages, let alone championship ones, when there are youngsters and people on crutches who would happily play in their spare time for a pint and a pastie.
    Like Poyet last year, Watt could badly do with a season of playing and showing he has his head right. Whether he gets the chance to do it here is a big if.
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    Given TW didn't want to pass to his teammates in The Championship, it seems even less likely he'll do so in League 1 given the quality of our squad is going to dip (hard as that is to believe).

    I'd be surprised if he plays for us next year, and if he does, I'd be very surprised if it's a success.
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