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Riga *Might* be coming back



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    IAgree said:

    This may help us stay up but as far as the underlying problems facing this club it changes nothing - in fact it illustrates every problem better than words could.

    I agree :)
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    edited January 2016

    Very underrated song was Jose Riga baby

    It's a yes from me :smile:

    Blackpool was a great laugh and singalong.
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    This is getting really stupid now. We dont need a scout or recruitment system, we just use a old team sheet and call them all back.
    Please dont tell RD that Obika scored twice yesterday otherwise he will try to get him next.
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    It will get us fans onside at least
    The valley with be rocking in full voice that's for sure
    Best we could have hoped for as in sure he pays them peanuts
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    now more than ever
    support the team not the regime
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    By getting Riga back he's admitting he's fucked up since and none were good enough
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    It will get us fans onside at least
    The valley with be rocking in full voice that's for sure
    Best we could have hoped for as in sure he pays them peanuts

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    PWR, do we know why Riga left Blackpool?
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    It will get us fans onside at least

    Speak for yourself
    Maybee not all but most at the valley next week will
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    edited January 2016

    Even if true it solves nothing, Riga worked once but it don't mean he will again, lightening rarely strikes twice, even if he did keep us up hailing him a 2 time club hero he'll be released at the end of the season to be replaced by a permanent Belgian bloke that none of us would have heard of with no backing and no championship experience and we'll be back here in the same position this time next year!

    Riga worked once, but lightning doesn't strike twice ?

    Sorry but that is absolute bull. On this basis we shouldn't appoint anyone that's ever been successful.

    Just appoint failures ?
    Did you read it all? Bottom line is I liked Riga, most did but he was lucky when he was appointed he had games in hand too, the lightening striking twice comment was about the luck he had. But as I said even if he succeeds he'd be replaced in the close season anyway.

    Ffs, you don't have to be a genius to work out that they are just trying to appease "customers" to stop the protests. They read these boards they know we all loved Riga, hence my whole post which says this solves nothing.
    I don't think Riga was lucky. I saw the games and he turned players like Sordell and Harriot, who had been extremely poor, into really good players. No way was it luck. He did a great job and I hope he can do it again.

    If it was luck, please elaborate, on what you mean.

    If we want someone with the best track record, then he's got to be a good choice. He may well not save us. It'll be very very difficult, as we've already played most of the bottom teams at home & couldn't beat any of them.
    But he's DONE IT ONCE, so he has the necessary experience in my eyes.

    Appeasement or not, I don't care. I'm still pleased if Riga's back and I still want new owners.

    I'd like a bit more appeasement though, with a couple more decent players.
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    dabos said:

    I disagree that the squad is weaker than Riga's last stint

    Our back 5 was Hamer, Wiggins, Dervite, Morro and Wilson/Solly. Surely that is better than what we have currently.
    When fit it would be Henderson, THD, Bauer, Williams/Johnson/Diarra and Solly.

    Also, last time we had Church, Sordell & Piggott up front.
    "When fit" is the big if for Henderson. I'd rather have Hamer for 46 games than Henderson for 30 and Pope/Etheridge/someone else for 16. Dervite/Morro were a better combination than anything we have now.

    Our strikers now are marginally better I'll give you that. But they're still atrocious - there's not much in it.
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    meldrew66 said:

    God stone: but who after Riga?

    If we somehow stay up they will probably keep Riga. I don't know why they are still using the network - it might be a way of having cheap managers but it is losing more money as the fan-base shrinks. My expectations are rock bottom, they aren't going to get us an established manager and at least Jose has managed in the Championship.

    They should have stuck with Guy a bit longer - at least until the end of 2015. Karel had no chance of a new manager bounce and his tactics seem to have become more and more desperate.
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    dabos said:

    dabos said:

    I disagree that the squad is weaker than Riga's last stint

    Our back 5 was Hamer, Wiggins, Dervite, Morro and Wilson/Solly. Surely that is better than what we have currently.
    When fit it would be Henderson, THD, Bauer, Williams/Johnson/Diarra and Solly.

    Also, last time we had Church, Sordell & Piggott up front.
    "When fit" is the big if for Henderson. I'd rather have Hamer for 46 games than Henderson for 30 and Pope/Etheridge/someone else for 16. Dervite/Morro were a better combination than anything we have now.

    Our strikers now are marginally better I'll give you that. But they're still atrocious - there's not much in it.
    Hamer missed a whole load of games in 13/14 too , lest it be forgotten
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    stonemuse said:

    Riga better than Fraeye and if that's all we can get, then fine.

    What gets me is the amount of loyalty all these guys show to RD despite the fact that he treats them like servants - they have no self respect.

    I doubt it's loyalty. Riga is currently unemployed. Liked his time with us and has no doubt been given a juicy incentive of keeping us in the championship. What exactly would you do in his shoes ?

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    edited January 2016

    If Riga comes back then he is an actual moron. He knows that he will have no input in signings and has been screwed over by Duchatelet twice already.

    Managers/coaches have an average 12 month in charge.

    So you're not secure anywhere, so why not ? He liked it at Charlton and wanted to stay on.
    True, sacked by the same owner three times though? Twice by Standard Liege and basically sacked once by us. I can't think of anyone who would come back three times, he's either a mate or very desperate.

    The thing that really annoys me is that I can imagine Miere and Murray getting together and deciding how to appease us, the brain dead peasant customers. If Cawley is correct then I think this is their answer.
    He hasn't been sacked 3 times though.

    The first time at Standard Liege he resigned for a job in Qatar I think (presumably more money).

    Charlton didn't sack him either. He had a 6 month(ish) contract, that wasn't extended. (I grant you that he wanted it extended).

    The recent spell at Liege, Riga announced he wouldn't be extending the short contract.

    So I don't believe RD has ever sacked him. I'm happy to be corrected if I'm wrong.
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    Each decision was the right one apart from the last three clearly.
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    So if every manager was better than the last, isn't Riga only a quarter as good as Fraye? Will he only win 1 game then?
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    Even if true it solves nothing, Riga worked once but it don't mean he will again, lightening rarely strikes twice, even if he did keep us up hailing him a 2 time club hero he'll be released at the end of the season to be replaced by a permanent Belgian bloke that none of us would have heard of with no backing and no championship experience and we'll be back here in the same position this time next year!

    Riga worked once, but lightning doesn't strike twice ?

    Sorry but that is absolute bull. On this basis we shouldn't appoint anyone that's ever been successful.

    Just appoint failures ?
    Did you read it all? Bottom line is I liked Riga, most did but he was lucky when he was appointed he had games in hand too, the lightening striking twice comment was about the luck he had. But as I said even if he succeeds he'd be replaced in the close season anyway.

    Ffs, you don't have to be a genius to work out that they are just trying to appease "customers" to stop the protests. They read these boards they know we all loved Riga, hence my whole post which says this solves nothing.
    I don't think Riga was lucky. I saw the games and he turned players like Sordell and Harriot, who had been extremely poor, into really good players. No way was it luck. he did a great job and I hope he can do it again.

    If it was luck, please elaborate, on what you mean.

    If we want someone with the best track record, then he's got to be a good choice. He may well not save us. It'll be very very difficult, as we've already played most of the bottom teams at home & couldn't beat any of them.
    But he's DONE IT ONCE, so he has the necessary experience in my eyes.

    Appeasement or not, I don't care. I'm still pleased if Riga's back and I still want new owners.

    I'd like a bit more appeasement though, witha couple more decent players.
    Sordell scored a hat trick in 1 game and Harriott got 1 brace. I'm not sure that constitutes turning them into "really good players". It was 1 game each, which could've happened at any time - I'd put that down to luck more than managerial genius. 15/16 games is too small a sample size for us to really know how good Riga was. In my eyes, very little changed under Riga. We played the same players, with more or less the same tactics, with a 3:2 split (ish) of home games to away games.

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    I reckon we should just go the whole hog, you know like an avengers assembled movie, let's bring back Riga, Luzon and Peeters, as well as super Karel, could be a right old mash up.
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    By getting Riga back he's admitting he's fucked up since and none were good enough

    If all of the choices were the correct choice, as the Chief Executive lecturered us, then logically how can they go back to their beginning?
    Katrien would not lie to us, would she?
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