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Fraeye has refused to speak to the press post- Huddersfield disgrace



  • sm said:

    It will be interesting to see if the real coward in Belgium breaks cover rather than allowing others to do his dirty work yet again.

    More chance of the pope shitting in the woods.
  • Fair play Hendo, the man obviously cares and you can tell he stops himself from saying some things through the interview.
    At one point he says "we haven't really..." And then stops.
  • where can I find the interview.
  • Has this been done yet?
  • Fair play Hendo, the man obviously cares and you can tell he stops himself from saying some things through the interview.
    At one point he says "we haven't really..." And then stops.

    Yeah you just know that ws going to be followed up with... "we havent really good a Manager" if he hadnt stopped
  • Fair play Hendo, the man obviously cares and you can tell he stops himself from saying some things through the interview.
    At one point he says "we haven't really..." And then stops.

    Yeah you just know that ws going to be followed up with... "we havent really good a Manager" if he hadnt stopped
    It is lucky he stopped if that was what he was going to say ;)
  • where can I find the interview.

    Page 2
  • cabbles said:

    The hardest part is where and on what bloody thread do I put down my thoughts. This has now become quite simply, a farce on epic proportions. I don't think Shakespeare at his height could write something as a bizarre and ridiculous.

    I'll start with KF. We all had a feeling he was massively out his depth when he started. I mean what are the chances we've unearthed this gem who happened to be managing a team in the Belgian 3rd Division (managing them poorly may I add)? What little credibility remained after the horrendous run under GL was clung to in the hope he was part of the Jose Riga turnaround. It seems a long time and quite unfathomable now but we actually won and played quite well against Sheff Wed and Brum. These last few weeks have exposed him for what he is. A chancer and a fraud. Who wouldn't want the opportunity to manage in the Championship and take charge of a real life football club if you'd done your coaching badges and we're coming from managing a team in front of 500 people? Not many. However I often think how could it would be to be on a 6 figure income. I'm simply not equipped or experienced enough to hold such a role in pretty much any business.

    How and why KF ever thought he could do this is beyond me. Had he done his due diligence? Had he been tracking how badly and how shit his subsequent signings had been doing, the ones he scouted? If he had, could he genuinely stand in front of the mirror and say, I can do this?

    His actions and behaviours over the last few weeks have been nothing short of disgusting. His post match comments after Col U were embarrasing. There's one thing I've always said/done/did or try to do when it comes to things like work. Be honest with myself. I admit it's difficult with football as you have to speak to the media and there's a fine line between criticising in public and private, however, I can only go on what he communicates to us. The shit about the defending costing us???? What game was he watching? Yes it was crap defending but we looked woefully inadequate and Col U looked much, much better. How can he say the defending cost us. We looked awful from start to finish.

    As for last night, he has surely run out of time. After a defeat like that, in that manner, to retreat like a rat up a drain pipe exposes the man as a coward and a spineless asshole. In every definition you read about Leadership, for every white paper or top management Guru's theory, I think you would be hard pressed to find one that says 'run, get on the coach and hide. Don't pass the press, do not do your interview (that I believe you are obliged to). You couldn't make this up. He is a worm. There are some spineless people out there, and unfortunately CAFC seems to be becoming a hostel or half way house for the spineless.

    That brings me nicely onto our CEO. Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear. As results have lurched from one disaster to another, we have heard less and less from her because she is quite simply an object caught up in tsunami who is being battered by things she has no actual way of combating against. We all know she is a puppet who thought that she'd landed the golden ticket as a result of her relationship with RD. As has been well documented on here, she has presided over a series on non footballing gaffs with things like the season ticket delay, the Bournemouth farce and so on.

    Events have gotten so bad at our club and we're in such a mess that she is simply burying her head in the sand. I can understand why, given every time she opens her mouth it's closely followed by her foot getting well and truly rammed down her throat, but this latest period of silence is incredulous. Rome is burning and burning fast. It is not enough to wheel out RM in some pre-prepared Q&A about underestimating the championship, anymore than it is for Henderson to take press duties last night. This is quite simply a breach of a duty of care and failure at an executive level. All she can do is smirk. That stupid fucking face just smirking back at us. What I wouldn't give to wipe that fucking smirk right off her face and send her back to the legal world. Words cannot express.

    And to the cancer responsible for all this. I really have resisted trying to use that word given the connotations and what it means to so many people, and I mean no offence to anyone by using it. But that's exactly what this man is to our club. There can remain no argument about sustaining losses, funding or keeping us going. That's not even the minimum requirement for me when you buy a football club. A football club is not a business. Even if it be treated like a business, why buy a business only to run it into the ground. Maybe not on purpose, but RD will run us into the ground. A factory is evaluated on its output and production, a football club must be evaluated on its output on the pitch. Yes I might buy a factory and tell my employees, customers and shareholders it's very energy efficient and clean. If I miss production targets and as such profits are down, but our staff canteen serves the best moules and frites, then who gives a fuck! And the biggest problem is this cunt just hides in Belgium, either oblivious or not really give a hoot as to what's going on.

    The team I won't dwell on, but the situation came to ahead last night and it is untenable to continue in its current form. To an extent I buy into this support the team and not the regime, however some of them are simply shit and not good enough at this level. Mainly the latest influx of no marks picked up over the summer, but I didn't really want to use this post to dig them out.

    The solution is us. I can't emphasise enough that now is the time to continue and build on the good work people like @Addickted2TheReds @Airman Brown have done. I know there are many others, they were just two that sprang to mind. Blackburn at home is key for the protests and the next stage in getting them out. Keep the faith is a mantra that gets thrown around a lot at our club. The faith for now has to be very firmly placed in us. The fans will turn it round. The poison will be gone if we all stick together and eventually they will go

    Great read. Hits a lot of nails on a lot of heads.
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  • Henderson's interview was hard to listen to. He was clearly upset and his position was even more difficult as he could not say what he wanted about the impact the running of the club and the management mess is having.

    I am appalled that people who pass themselves off as professionals (not the players) are willing to leave a honorable person to face the music while they scurry for cover like cowards. Any flicker of respect anyone had for Fraeye is gone; for his and the club's good, he cannot walk out as interim manager for the Blackburn game or the situation may well turn nasty. And I think the restraint almost all have show towards Meire and others is now at breaking point.
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