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Airman tweeting Roly maybe backing down!!!



  • Maybe backing down because the Stanna stair lift is broken?
  • This British manager thing, STVV have a fella from Northern Ireland as their manager

    How come RD appoints non network managers for other clubs yet we get lumbered with his mates
  • edited January 2016

    Sometimes the most dangerous of positions and theories have some truth behind them. That football should live with its means is difficult to argue with. The problem is of course, it doesn’t and whilst every club should see themselves as part of a greater club and act for the mutual benefit of all, English football works around self-interest and greed. Duchatelet knows he is right about football needing to be sustainable, because he is right.

    Unfortunately, the devil is in the detail. If you have less money to spend than most of your rivals you have to spend it more wisely. In theory having a group of clubs belonging to the same family works too. Unbalanced squads can cover each other through loans and non money sales and swaps. It makes sense on paper that these sales are centrally planned.

    This is where the plan falls on its face though. For this to work well, the clubs have to be able to cross-pollinate. When the owner took over, we were unhappy that Liege were at the top of what we saw as a pyramid. But what did that do for Liege? Absolutely nothing, that’s what. How many players did we give them? The pyramid actually helps those that can bring in players from other clubs that improve them. We are now in the same weak position as Liege. As if you are balancing a squad of players for multiple clubs, the club at the top of the pyramid is more likely to be unbalanced as fewer players are currently good enough to play for them. Maybe in time, players from the base of the pyramid clubs could reach a point where they could move to a bigger club in the pyramid, but this hasn’t happened to any significant degree so far.

    Then you also have issues about the difference in the demands of the football. Playing in a Championship season, requires more than just ability. It requires a resilience that a lot of foreign players don’t have, because they don’t need to have it. Our system holds us back at international level, but a lot of imports find it tough playing here. It can take many a long time to adjust. So being an English club at the top of this Euro pyramid is a double negative whammy.

    Duchatelet’s big error was picking the wrong club in us. He didn’t realise the issues and clearly still doesn’t or he might have been keener to offload when an opportunity arose. To fix the problem, he has to accept the issues which is preventing the network working for us. Then he either should sell us or change elements like not necessarily increasing the budget, but giving a strong manager who know English football more powers to spend it. Taking the strategy out of an office in Belgium and back to the Valley. But that is too late for this season. The only solution to stay up is a short term one which involves spending more money and bringing in more quality. That Duchatelet is unwilling to try to understand why his scheme is failing, or even understand that it is failing is quite amazing. It smacks of a childlike stubbornness that is incredibly difficult to reason with, if not impossible. If much of the plan makes some sort of sense, the child will hang on to that, but the bit that doesn’t means it can’t work in its current guise and never will. If there are signs that Duchatelet is seeing these issues, there is a glimmer of hope for the future - not for this season I fear though. Mind you I can't see it!

    Great post.

    It is even simpler than that though - he has wasted millions; as you say: If you have less money to spend than most of your rivals you have to spend it more wisely. You have to have the most suitable people for their roles, and on the football side that means the right manager, and the right scout - both who know the league they're working in intimately. Do your homework, and then trust the right people for the long term.

    Indeed, if you backed the right manager and trusted him with the rest - as he will be most interested in the success of player recruitment and performance - you probably won't go far wrong. If only he'd not let that manager go 3 months into his ownership.

    I hope this is a change of direction from the owner, because he's tried 4 of his stooges and none of them (with the possible exception of Riga) have been anywhere near suitable for this division. I heard somewhere that doing the same thing and expecting a different outcome is insanity. Or, more simply: learn your bloody lessons, ffs (and perhaps apply them throughout the club).
  • Whether it was Meire or Murray, the fact they possibly told the cowardly idiot to F off means we are having an impact. Too late to save them, but maybe the club or aspects of it are aware of the dire consequences of pissing us off. It sends out the message thatwe need to fight on and harder.
  • RedChaser said:

    rikofold said:

    The simplest solution is to sack the bloody lot of them, sell to Varney's lot and go away.

    That's the spirit Rik, I never doubted you for a moment :wink:
    Whilst they're here though... :wink:
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  • edited January 2016

    Whether it was Meire or Murray, the fact they possibly told the cowardly idiot to F off means we are having an impact. Too late to save them, but maybe the club or aspects of it are aware of the dire consequences of pissing us off. It sends out the message thatwe need to fight on and harder.

    Maybe just maybe they are running scared of the fans, or at least are now fully aware of the level of disgust we feel. If you read some of the vitriol (justified) published on here when it was suggested Nobby had got the job and the way they reported Carol's departure, it may have had an impact.

    Who knows - I'm still intrigued that the meire hasn't said a single word since Saturday. Is she still at the club? Anyone seen her? Colin - what do you know?
  • Maybe I'm giving them too much credit but could it be that they deliberately leaked the news to Talksport earlier to gauge reaction on the various CAFC forums and as a result of negative (pretty obvious) feedback have done a U turn?
    Perhaps I am being too naive in believing they might actually give a s**t about what we think!
  • Gus, Steve Clarke, SCP, Alan C. Would all be good choices. State we are in we probably need all 4!
  • Maybe I'm giving them too much credit but could it be that they deliberately leaked the news to Talksport earlier to gauge reaction on the various CAFC forums and as a result of negative (pretty obvious) feedback have done a U turn?
    Perhaps I am being too naive in believing they might actually give a s**t about what we think!

    Personally I suspect it's more likely to be the players and staff holding the influence in this case, although it can't have escaped them that another stooge would prompt unprecedented protest action.
  • I suppose we have to see who is appointed though.
  • Maybe I'm giving them too much credit but could it be that they deliberately leaked the news to Talksport earlier to gauge reaction on the various CAFC forums and as a result of negative (pretty obvious) feedback have done a U turn?
    Perhaps I am being too naive in believing they might actually give a s**t about what we think!

    I was thinking the same thing, and maybe it was the same with Riga.
  • I can just imagine Katrien sobbing down the phone "Roland, darling, please no more, you have no idea how much I am despised around here already, another network appointment and I would need a bodyguard. We have pushed these fans to the end of their tether and the anger is palpable"
    So yes, eventually the message from the fans has to get through and either they have to listen, or get out.
  • Redrobo said:

    Gus, Steve Clarke, SCP, Alan C. Would all be good choices. State we are in we probably need all 4!

    'Hope I get a job Powell' would not be good.

    Gus got a new job didn't he ?

    AC last managed a team in 1856
  • But why put this Wim bloke in charge, one step forwards, two steps back.
  • Dansk_Red said:

    colin1961 said:

    Could just be the fact that we only offered him the role till end of season and he wanted longer ......

    Is that a fact or a rumour?

    Well it came from colin / katrien so it can't be fact
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  • I'd be amazed if any reputable english manager took the job unless promised (which admittedly doesn't mean much with these c*nts) some serious money to strengthen the squad in the next 2 weeks

    Just like JBG was promised quality replacements were on their way ?
  • But why put this Wim bloke in charge, one step forwards, two steps back.

    In the world of Meire if your name is only one letter away from another word it influences your ability to get results. Wim....Win. Who can argue with that logic?
  • LordDofB said:

    I fear this might be wishful thinking

    Either the British end or the Hungarian end is lying here to save face, because this was happening until just before 5pm. I'm hearing the British end was in a state of panic at the consequences.
    What about the Belgian end ?

    What about the Bell end?
    He was removed from his post as Interim Head Coach this morning
  • edited January 2016
    DRAddick said:

    waldo said:

    Dansk_Red said:

    colin1961 said:

    Could just be the fact that we only offered him the role till end of season and he wanted longer ......

    Is that a fact or a rumour?

    Or maybe Tongue in Cheek?
    Where Colin talks out of doesn't have tongues or cheeks.
    Actually it does have cheeks :-)
  • It's Jason Euell
  • It's Jason Euell

    He cant even get the job as interim in front Wim whatever his name is.
  • I just hope before squirrel face f**** off that somebody gives her a proper mouthful when she saunters down Floyd Road.
  • colin1961 said:

    Redrobo said:

    Gus, Steve Clarke, SCP, Alan C. Would all be good choices. State we are in we probably need all 4!

    Yes yes no no
    Just not 4 managers as Redrobo suggests - just the 2?
  • If true just why didn't they approach Riga?Surely Roland would've fancied him over any Brit based man?
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