Must say it has been an unexpected entertainment to see the same old ground being gone over again, although this time with a bit more edge, indeed more bite if I may use that term. To read that effectively being vegetarian makes one a sociopath was a particularly amusing addition to the usual debate we have about vegetarianism on here.
Petrol and diesel comes from dead animals (as well as plants) so I assume veggies walk everywhere ?
I cycle. But obviously for most of us there are compromises we have to make. I try to live as much as possible without consuming animals or using stuff made from dead animals. Maybe I'm not 100% there but I strive for that. That's all really.
Your patience is infuriating. Cant you just lose your shit?
Petrol and diesel comes from dead animals (as well as plants) so I assume veggies walk everywhere ?
I cycle. But obviously for most of us there are compromises we have to make. I try to live as much as possible without consuming animals or using stuff made from dead animals. Maybe I'm not 100% there but I strive for that. That's all really.
Your patience is infuriating. Cant you just lose your shit?
That would be behaving like a carnivore. And I try to avoid that. ;-)
People calling in LBC to say that this is offensive and one caller claiming he has already refused to take the fiver as change when offered and demand coins instead. Must be a money-spinner here for newsagents and shops, especially in Shoreditch and other hipster strongholds, just make sure your tills are empty of coins and you can effectively keep a fiver from every sale.
People calling in LBC to say that this is offensive and one caller claiming he has already refused to take the fiver as change when offered and demand coins instead. Must be a money-spinner here for newsagents and shops, especially in Shoreditch Grove Park BR Station and other hipster strongholds, just make sure your tills are empty of coins and you can effectively keep a fiver from every sale.
795 million people don't have enough food to eat on a daily basis.
Just saying.
Are you arguing for a vegan diet that would free up land (is no animals needed) to grow crops for people to eat?
Then domesticated animals farmed for meat only won't have any value at all and will die out. Then the anyone who don't quite understand the issue will be crying while ginger bollocks off Countryfile tells everyone how great he and his dad are for keeping the breed alive, even though it costs em dough to keep em
Why don't people except that this is how the world is? If one doesn't want to eat summin for ANY reason, don't eat it, but don't also try and make up some stupid argument against others that do..
'Ginger bollocks' - that made me smile! He's such a smug bastard
795 million people don't have enough food to eat on a daily basis.
Just saying.
Are you arguing for a vegan diet that would free up land (is no animals needed) to grow crops for people to eat?
Then domesticated animals farmed for meat only won't have any value at all and will die out. Then the anyone who don't quite understand the issue will be crying while ginger bollocks off Countryfile tells everyone how great he and his dad are for keeping the breed alive, even though it costs em dough to keep em
Why don't people except that this is how the world is? If one doesn't want to eat summin for ANY reason, don't eat it, but don't also try and make up some stupid argument against others that do..
'Ginger bollocks' - that made me smile! He's such a smug bastard
Like I've said before, I'd need to watch BBC1, BBC2 and CBBC and listen to Radio 1 and Radio 2 on all at the same time for 116 years, before I would get, what I consider to be me moneys worth form them
For what it's worth. I have huge respect for people who won't eat meat for animal welfare reasons. It's not for me but huge respect.
Why is that then?
I don't hold anything against people who don't eat certain foods for whatever reason, but why do you have huge respect for veggies?
I have a fair amount of respect for them too, to be honest.
I'm not sure whether I'd cope too well without...
- a morning bacon sarnie - a post-pub lamb doner - a lazy friday chicken madras - a lunch-time triple beef burger - some cod and chips whilst walking along a windy beach, - a Christmas turkey - a chilli-con-carne on a summers evening - pate on my crackers on a sunday afternoon - Pepperoni and Salami on my pizza, - Black pudding on my hangover fry-up, - The Christmas Currywurst
Honestly speaking, it must be rare for me to go one meal without some meat. Lunch and dinner always have some form of meat in them, and a "propa breakfast" always has a combo of meats.
I'd be miserable as feck without that. Man can't live on Chips and Pasta alone.
For what it's worth. I have huge respect for people who won't eat meat for animal welfare reasons. It's not for me but huge respect.
Why is that then?
I don't hold anything against people who don't eat certain foods for whatever reason, but why do you have huge respect for veggies?
I respect their stance in trying to do what they think is right for animals. I am a big animal lover and could never harm one. Sounds like I should be a vegetarian and perhaps if I didn't like meat so much I would be. Perhaps it's that I don't have the willpower to make that hard choice. I respect someone that does.
For what it's worth. I have huge respect for people who won't eat meat for animal welfare reasons. It's not for me but huge respect.
Why is that then?
I don't hold anything against people who don't eat certain foods for whatever reason, but why do you have huge respect for veggies?
Cos we're cool as f***!
Thing is, this is exactly how his post come over to me
What I mean is that I admire anyone that takes animal welfare so seriously that they are prepared to change their lifestyle to prove it. I would never harm any animal but I doubt I could give up eating meat. Much of me wishes I could.
you don't have to give up meat, just cut down e.g. only once a day plus one day meat free per week would be a good step for most and not that difficult tbh
you don't have to give up meat, just cut down e.g. only once a day plus one day meat free per week would be a good step for most and not that difficult tbh
you don't have to give up meat, just cut down e.g. only once a day plus one day meat free per week would be a good step for most and not that difficult tbh
you don't have to give up meat, just cut down e.g. only once a day plus one day meat free per week would be a good step for most and not that difficult tbh
Just buy a football ground pie, bugger all meat in any of them!
you don't have to give up meat, just cut down e.g. only once a day plus one day meat free per week would be a good step for most and not that difficult tbh
Just buy a football ground pie, bugger all meat in any of them!
For what it's worth. I have huge respect for people who won't eat meat for animal welfare reasons. It's not for me but huge respect.
Why is that then?
I don't hold anything against people who don't eat certain foods for whatever reason, but why do you have huge respect for veggies?
Cos we're cool as f***!
Thing is, this is exactly how his post come over to me
What I mean is that I admire anyone that takes animal welfare so seriously that they are prepared to change their lifestyle to prove it. I would never harm any animal but I doubt I could give up eating meat. Much of me wishes I could.
I'm sure that if more people looked into where their meat comes from, they'd feel a lot better about staying with eating it rather than going over to be vegetarian. But then IMO, the biggest problem is that meat, in the UK in particular, is far too cheap when you consider what it is and the time and investment that goes into it.
I don't care if we've reared it, if I've shot it or if we've bought it in, that piece of meat gets treated with my utmost respect and nothing gets wasted. My only major argument I've ever had with my Mrs was when we had to throw a whole prepared chicken away because it was left out on the side.
Finally, IMO ethically farmed animals for meat have it best in every way, they're fed, watered and taken care of when they're sick; and then when they're dispatched they know nothing about it, there's no suffering and they gotta go sometime after all, just like the rest of us
Not all veggies Seth. Just you ;0)
I don't hold anything against people who don't eat certain foods for whatever reason, but why do you have huge respect for veggies?
I'm not sure whether I'd cope too well without...
- a morning bacon sarnie
- a post-pub lamb doner
- a lazy friday chicken madras
- a lunch-time triple beef burger
- some cod and chips whilst walking along a windy beach,
- a Christmas turkey
- a chilli-con-carne on a summers evening
- pate on my crackers on a sunday afternoon
- Pepperoni and Salami on my pizza,
- Black pudding on my hangover fry-up,
- The Christmas Currywurst
Honestly speaking, it must be rare for me to go one meal without some meat. Lunch and dinner always have some form of meat in them, and a "propa breakfast" always has a combo of meats.
I'd be miserable as feck without that. Man can't live on Chips and Pasta alone.
Cos we're cool as f***!
I don't care if we've reared it, if I've shot it or if we've bought it in, that piece of meat gets treated with my utmost respect and nothing gets wasted. My only major argument I've ever had with my Mrs was when we had to throw a whole prepared chicken away because it was left out on the side.
Finally, IMO ethically farmed animals for meat have it best in every way, they're fed, watered and taken care of when they're sick; and then when they're dispatched they know nothing about it, there's no suffering and they gotta go sometime after all, just like the rest of us