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Everton agree fee for Lookman (ed. Gone)



  • Redhenry said:

    hearing 3m down but guaranteed 7m rising to 11. Decent deal

    Isn't it normally 50% up front, rest over life of contract? If so 3m now about right.
  • Feel strangely detached to this tbh, probably because I've barely seen him play this season.

    Was absolutely gutted when Gomez went so quickly, and also with others previously. Don't know whether its acceptance creeping in or the lack I've seen him this year, but not really got the same feeling.

    Good luck Ade, from what I've been told he is a quiet, non-flashy lad. Hope the move works out for him and there aren't too many initial expectations (as I still think he has a way to go to polish his potential)

    Feels different to me as I think at the figures quoted any of the clubs previous owners would have sold him not just this lot. With Gomez and pretty much everone else sold under the Blegians I think we've let them go on the cheap. Only time will tell with Ade.

    Really hope he goes on to have a good career as he seems a level headed lad focused on his football rather than all the other things that money can buy
  • Rizzo said:

    BBC reporting £11m but who knows what the actual figure is.

    At least it wasn't undisclosed
  • What happened to his head?


    I guess its the same Photographer as this bloke...

    I'm guessing they are American.

    From Wetherfield actually - it's Ken, Deidre and Tracey Barlow.
  • Redhenry said:

    hearing 3m down but guaranteed 7m rising to 11. Decent deal

    Isn't it normally 50% up front, rest over life of contract? If so 3m now about right.
    not really
  • 10million

    Is a great amount of money for this player. Wouldn't blame anyone for biting the arm off evertons offer.

    Well done.

    Shame we know Roland too well to really give a crap or give him and the club any credit.

  • Really in two minds. I never really took at Ade that much. That's not his fault at all. Good player, seemed to have a good attitude but I think he just broke through at a point where everything about the club has been so relentlessly miserable that I've struggled to really feel much about any of the players. Forster-Caskey looks to be a good signing so if we sign four more players of that level then there really can be no complaining about the move. If we get a load more dross in and it all goes quiet though then I don't think anyone will be surprised.

    A lot of my family are Everton fans so I hope I'll be able to follow him still. I've been to Goodison more than The Valley this season so I might get to see him have a run-out there
  • Good luck to him - no disgrace at all for leaving - clearly whatever the initial fee, a club in our position couldn't really afford to turn down £7m with possible uplifts.

    Of course we want to see a large chunk reinvested in the team - dream on. There is no way that will happen.

    The vast majority will remain in the club as working capital or repay some of Staprix loans.

    My guess is that it frees up some funds to strengthen the squad but not by big money signings. Some of the money will pay Watts wages (I assume the loan deal meant that some of his wages were met). Some of it will provide money for loan deals - especially contributions to wages and maybe there will be a permanent signing or two for small fees.
  • It's really depressingly cringey how people with their heads in the sand are still thinking RD is doing a good job....some of the comments on facebook are beyond loopy.
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  • As much as we all hate RD and KM, and we're all aware that Katrien is a renowned liar, i don't think anyone can knock the fee. I can't imagine any league one club would turn down 10-11m for a player
  • 11 MILLION .. I am really surprised that Everton splashed out that much .... is it staged over a few years/appearances ? .. it goes to show how much cash is available to Premier League managers and owners .. no excuse now not to bring in a few .. with the (fictitious or not) 5% that's 500 grand + to waste invest in players ((:>)
  • As much as we all hate RD and KM, and we're all aware that Katrien is a renowned liar, i don't think anyone can knock the fee. I can't imagine any league one club would turn down 10-11m for a player

    Agree, but it all depends on how much is reinvested. It doesn't much matter if it's £1m or £10m if it simply disappears into Duchatelet's back pocket.
  • It's worth noting that clubs like Lyon used to start each season by putting a value next to each of their players, and selling them if it was above that value. During that time they won Ligue 1 seven times in a row.

    However, despite this whenever a club came in for a player they immediately leaked or announced to the press that that player was not for sale and was invaluable to the side in order to ensure they got the price they wanted.

    Now I'm not often one to lavish or even infer praise on Katrien, but I don't believe someone can be 100% wrong all of the time, so maybe this is a glimpse of shrewd business by her.
  • Leuth said:

    Maybe, just maybe, with increasing coverage and transparency of the lower leagues, coupled with an increasing wealth divide, good young players from ALL clubs are sold more quickly these days? Sure, the last relegation was needless and may have hastened it but you can't pin this entirely on the owners. Football has changed. The big clubs are more rapacious. They're more able to be rapacious. Still, we love a good moan. See what our squad's like on the 1st of February.

    Agreed, and to be fair, a lot on here have pointed out that we can't begrudge him the move and the fee we got seems to be good money. If even some of it is reinvested and spent well, we should be challenging for promotion. The early signs with JFC are good, exactly the type of player we should be targeting, and one KR can and wants to get that Slade couldn't/didn't want.

    There are a lot hung up on KM's comments about him not being sold, which were stupid and unnecessary. Football clubs make hypocrites out of themselves all the time, but she seems to have an extra talent for it.

    Nonetheless, under any ownership we've had we'd still almost certainly be selling Ade today. In fact, even if you take away the needless relegation last season, us in the Championship would almost certainly be selling him. As Leuth is alluding to (I think), that's the way of the modern game.

    Ade is going to Everton to work with a young (in places), up and coming squad under a very good manager who can teach him a thing or two about freekicks. From the sounds of things, he will be put into their senior squad, not the U23s. That means he is furthering himself and his career, improving the quality of his colleagues, and getting a pay rise to boot. We can't begrudge anyone in any profession for doing that.

    Best of luck to him. He really seems a special talent with two feet and a great knack for goal. Coming on as a sub in the Prem could suit him quite nicely. In a better side he won't be double team and kicked all day like he has been in League One. Wish him the best, fully expect him to be an England international one day.
  • I think it would be bad business if £2m wasn't given to Robinson. I reckon he could get us out of this league with that and that means we lose less money next season.

    He won't get 2 mil to spend.
  • edited January 2017
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  • edited January 2017
    Redhenry said:

    hearing 3m down but guaranteed 7m rising to 11. Decent deal

    If true, that seems a really well structured deal.

    The way transfers are reported in this country is completely skewed. It's rarely, if ever the case that a substantial amount of the money is paid up front--and oftentimes some of the reported fee is tied up in add-ons and performance-based clauses. As I understand it, there will usually be an upfront payment, then payments in installments every month/quarter/half-year/etc. To get that percentage of money up front is very good.
  • I don't begrudge Ade his move; he is an extremely talented player who has no business playing against Bury and Rochdale each week, and seems a down to earth, humble guy. Furthermore, he's gone to a club who should let him develop and give him first team time, while it his to his massive credit if it's true he didn't in any way force this transfer through. Honestly, if I was the owner I wouldn't turn that down; it's obscene money for a third division player. If we had a normal owner this could have been huge for the club; money could have been seriously invested to push us towards promotion and allow us to really stabilise in the Championship in the coming seasons. All it does in the current climate, however, is pay off a bit of debt to Staprix and reinforce the vision for the club by RD. Sure, we might get a few cheap loans/out of contract/soon to be out of contract players in, but will all the holes in the squad that need to be pluuged be addressed by February 2nd? I won't be holding my breath.
  • Davo55 said:

    Good luck to Ade and to Everton, I hope he goes on to have a great career with them.

    So, Katrien Meire:

    Was she lying about him not being sold in January?

    Or was she sincere, but has once again had the rug pulled out from under her by Duchatelet?

    Either way, what a walking disaster, waste of space and sad excuse of a CEO she really is.

    No-one seriously blames the lad for going, or the club for taking the offer. But all eyes will now be on what happens in the transfer window. The number of further outgoings, how much Robinson gets to re-invest in the team, the quality of new acquisitions, the degree of reliance on short term loans etc, will all be very instructive. I imagine that all fans will be watching this unfold with great interest, and will be ready to evaluate what they see come 1st February.

    The time for excuses is over. They are in the last chance saloon.

    Last chance saloon I thought you wanted them out davo
  • Did the club include a sell on clause? If he is successful, the like of Man City / Utd or Chelsea might come calling.
  • The vast majority will remain in the club as working capital or repay some of Staprix loans.

    Really? Even that is a very optimistic interpretation. What happened at Liege was that a year after RD bought the club, they sold their top players for a net profit of about 20 million euros after buying cheap replacements, and then RD took 20 million euros out of the club's bank account and put them in his pocket. When challenged by the Belgian press, he said, I'm the owner and entitled to do it.
    Staprix get their money from whom? RD of course. Repaying Staprix will recapitalise Staprix and allow RD's Directors loan account to return the money to him. Its the same thing.

    As regards working capital - unless RD is going to fold the club then the club requires an injection of around £5m plus per annum to cover the difference between its income and it's outgoings. There for the money has to be put in by way of soft loans by Staprix, RD or another benefactor directly. It's doubtful that the club could borrow money from any other source unless they do the kind of deal that Jordan did at Palace by securitising the club's main non property asset which was it's academy players. I can't see RD going down that route.

  • edited January 2017

    We've always sold our young players, what annoys me now is that we don't see these players for any length of time before they are shipped on.

    Nothing more than a player farm now to line Duchatelet's pocket, absolutely despise him & Meire for what they continue to do to our club.

    I've never felt so little for Charlton Athletic, thanks Roland, thanks Katrien - haven't been to The Valley for 13 months now because of you & what you are doing, held a season ticket from 1994 until last season & can honestly say, I can't ever see myself returning at any point.

    Why are you on CL then, if you have no intention of ever watching Charlton at home in your lifetime ? Genuine question, assuming you're not abroad, incapacitated etc.
  • We've always sold our young players, what annoys me now is that we don't see these players for any length of time before they are shipped on.

    Nothing more than a player farm now to line Duchatelet's pocket, absolutely despise him & Meire for what they continue to do to our club.

    I've never felt so little for Charlton Athletic, thanks Roland, thanks Katrien - haven't been to The Valley for 13 months now because of you & what you are doing, held a season ticket from 1994 until last season & can honestly say, I can't ever see myself returning at any point.

    Why are you on CL then, if you have no intention of ever watching Charlton at home in your lifetime ? Genuine question, assuming you're not abroad, incapacitated etc.
    that is a question that could be asked of a lot on here ..
  • He has no business playing at a level where refs allow young future stars to be kicked by lesser players too.
  • We could have a pop up at RD and KM all day long, but one thing they deserve credit for here is the fee. As others have said, we have always sold our best players, as have all the clubs outside of the Prem. Even clubs like Liverpool couldn't hang on to Torres and Suarez.

    Also, to others complaining that we don't see them long enough now rather than years of them like Parker and Shelvey, that is also to do with the current state of football. It seems that 10/20 decent games as a youngster attracts the big boys. Seeing as they have 40/50 million to spend, they are more than happy to take a punt on a youngster like Alli. They won't even lose much sleep if it doesn't come off, like Nick Powell.

    The current situation is that we simply had to accept this offer. People can moan at KM for lying for saying we wouldnt sell him in January, but we couldn't prevent it so they don't deserve stick for letting him go, and we should be grateful for the fee we received.

    Of course, the next step is who KR brings in. If he is given the funds to back up the signing of JFC, then we could be an outside shout for promotion. If not, we will be lingering in League 1 for a few years, if we are lucky.
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Roland Out Forever!