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The Takeover Thread - Duchatelet Finally Sells (Jan 2020)



  • Fumbluff said:
    Redrobo said:
    Swisdom said:
    what is making us all think the takeover with dalman has fallen through? 
    I read someone last night stating he was walking because there was more debt than he was advised about previously.

    If that's the case he wants to sack the guys who did hid due diligence because with a company of this size there should not be a paperclip not accounted for!
    I think the implication is that his DD identified debt not shown in the accounts supplied. Not really surprising given what we have heard from the Jimminez trial etc. The historical accounts seem to in a right mess and only a fool (like Rolly) would buy the club until they are fully resolved or contingency’s put into the deal to cover them.
    What you read one night changes the next night. Sorry mate. Its a constant stream of bullshit for 365 days from 365 different people that know nothing.
    Fumbluff said:
    Redrobo said:
    Swisdom said:
    what is making us all think the takeover with dalman has fallen through? 
    I read someone last night stating he was walking because there was more debt than he was advised about previously.

    If that's the case he wants to sack the guys who did hid due diligence because with a company of this size there should not be a paperclip not accounted for!
    I think the implication is that his DD identified debt not shown in the accounts supplied. Not really surprising given what we have heard from the Jimminez trial etc. The historical accounts seem to in a right mess and only a fool (like Rolly) would buy the club until they are fully resolved or contingency’s put into the deal to cover them.
    What you read one night changes the next night. Sorry mate. Its a constant stream of bullshit for 365 days from 365 different people that know nothing.


    This thread. Bullshit in a sauce bottle
  • Redrobo said:
    Swisdom said:
    what is making us all think the takeover with dalman has fallen through? 
    I read someone last night stating he was walking because there was more debt than he was advised about previously.

    If that's the case he wants to sack the guys who did hid due diligence because with a company of this size there should not be a paperclip not accounted for!
    I think the implication is that his DD identified debt not shown in the accounts supplied. Not really surprising given what we have heard from the Jimminez trial etc. The historical accounts seem to in a right mess and only a fool (like Rolly) would buy the club until they are fully resolved or contingency’s put into the deal to cover them.
    What you read one night changes the next night. Sorry mate. Its a constant stream of bullshit for 365 days from 365 different people that know nothing.
    There has been a constant stream of speculation, but what was said in Court is a matter of public record that you can read for yourself. What you, others and I may conclude from reading it is another thing, but it is quite clear that the accounts were not as clear as they should have been - and that is putting it mildly!

    Very few have claimed to actually know anything other than the very basic information, such as who is/is not still in the game. Indeed, I am quite surprised at the complete lack of information that has come to light. If one were to weed this magnificent thread of nonsense posts, I fear it would be reduced to a mere footnote.
  • Is that source enough?
  • Redrobo said:
    Swisdom said:
    what is making us all think the takeover with dalman has fallen through? 
    I read someone last night stating he was walking because there was more debt than he was advised about previously.

    If that's the case he wants to sack the guys who did hid due diligence because with a company of this size there should not be a paperclip not accounted for!
    I think the implication is that his DD identified debt not shown in the accounts supplied. Not really surprising given what we have heard from the Jimminez trial etc. The historical accounts seem to in a right mess and only a fool (like Rolly) would buy the club until they are fully resolved or contingency’s put into the deal to cover them.
    Fully resolving them is/was very time consuming and expensive, as the Aussies have found. Perhaps that is what's putting off other potential buyers, apart from the price that is.
  • Are there people out there who still really believe the club is for sale?
  • Redrobo said:
    Redrobo said:
    Swisdom said:
    what is making us all think the takeover with dalman has fallen through? 
    I read someone last night stating he was walking because there was more debt than he was advised about previously.

    If that's the case he wants to sack the guys who did hid due diligence because with a company of this size there should not be a paperclip not accounted for!
    I think the implication is that his DD identified debt not shown in the accounts supplied. Not really surprising given what we have heard from the Jimminez trial etc. The historical accounts seem to in a right mess and only a fool (like Rolly) would buy the club until they are fully resolved or contingency’s put into the deal to cover them.
    What you read one night changes the next night. Sorry mate. Its a constant stream of bullshit for 365 days from 365 different people that know nothing.
    There has been a constant stream of speculation, but what was said in Court is a matter of public record that you can read for yourself. What you, others and I may conclude from reading it is another thing, but it is quite clear that the accounts were not as clear as they should have been - and that is putting it mildly!

    Very few have claimed to actually know anything other than the very basic information, such as who is/is not still in the game. Indeed, I am quite surprised at the complete lack of information that has come to light. If one were to weed this magnificent thread of nonsense posts, I fear it would be reduced to a mere footnote.
    Yes no problem with that. Just the endless drivel of people acting like they know the inside out of a multi million deal has done my head in sorry. 
  • Searching for positives but I do wonder if in the coming weeks if this latest round of takeover spec fades away whether the budget will then be scaled up.

    i know Roland is an idiot, impossible to second guess and his approach to everything has been wrong, but he has never positioned a manager to set the squad up to fail and pretty much post-Powell backed his manager / recruitment team.

    At the moment it is clearly woefully short and even he isn’t that stupid to know that an absolute disaster of a season will offer zero help in his attempts to offload the club. 

    I don’t agree but I understand where his rationale is coming from: the club is more attractive to purchase the lower it’s outgoings and contractual commitments. But he’ll also know that if it’s not sold in the next month he is stuck with it again for another year and a disaster of a year will not just undoubtedly bring him personal grief and  dire publicity but also less chance of achieving near his valuation.

    I'd like to think that once the club attracts a sponsor, that money might go towards LB's playing budget.  Until one is in place, and I'd imagine the level of investment could vary by millions depending on whose name is on the shirt, then Lee will know how much he can spend.  I'd imagine that there are potential companies in the frame but typically we might be looking for a bigger offer.
  • All very quite considering the upcoming July 1st deadline people have mentioned
  • Searching for positives but I do wonder if in the coming weeks if this latest round of takeover spec fades away whether the budget will then be scaled up.

    i know Roland is an idiot, impossible to second guess and his approach to everything has been wrong, but he has never positioned a manager to set the squad up to fail and pretty much post-Powell backed his manager / recruitment team.

    At the moment it is clearly woefully short and even he isn’t that stupid to know that an absolute disaster of a season will offer zero help in his attempts to offload the club. 

    I don’t agree but I understand where his rationale is coming from: the club is more attractive to purchase the lower it’s outgoings and contractual commitments. But he’ll also know that if it’s not sold in the next month he is stuck with it again for another year and a disaster of a year will not just undoubtedly bring him personal grief and  dire publicity but also less chance of achieving near his valuation.

    I'd like to think that once the club attracts a sponsor, that money might go towards LB's playing budget.  Until one is in place, and I'd imagine the level of investment could vary by millions depending on whose name is on the shirt, then Lee will know how much he can spend.  I'd imagine that there are potential companies in the frame but typically we might be looking for a bigger offer.
    The budget is the budget, and any income goes into covering the weekly losses.  I doubt we will get more than £200k from a shirt sponsor for a year (we aren't going to get BT or Virgin or Sky or Tesco, etc), so it wouldn't make much of a difference if Bow did get this as part of a fighting fund.
  • Sponsored links:

  • Personally, I have no preference for the "Aussies" or Dalman.
    I don't know enough about their plans or their available resources.
    I'm just trying to make sense of it all.
    me too

    We'll only be able to judge the buyers when we know more about them and their plans.

    Six questions I asked when the Spivs took over:

    1. Who owns the club?

    2. What is the business plan?

    3. How is that plan to be funded?

    4. What are the plans for the Valley?

    5. What are the plans for the training ground and academy?

    6. What is the exit strategy?
  • 1824, Society of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals is established.
  • edited June 2019
    Do we know what sort of dough Dalman has ?
    Is he a Gerard Murphy type who puts it all together or is he super duper rich enough to spunk dough on buying a football club for ego 
    I'm not sure I've heard anyone 100% certain Dalman has more money than sense or is he more Tony Jiminez than Sheikh Mansour
    We know he had enough money that he was personal friends with Muammar Gaddafi and almost bankrolled MG’s purchase of ManU. Makes me think he has enough money to work our well for us.
    He wasn’t the buyer it was MG who was from what I have read .

    so once again he’s the fluffer 

    yes he he has contacts , so did Jiminez , so does Gerard Murphy and so did Peter Risdale .

    I’m still not sure what Mehmet brings “cash” wise to the table 
    As rich as Tan, apparently.

    According to the unreliable interweb Tan is worth USD820 million 

    So maybe less than Andrew Muir who we "know" doesn't have the money.
    Who said that we "know" Muir doesn't have the money?
    No one.

    You must be joking.  People have been saying the Aussie haven't got the money for months and years.  Muir is part of the Aussie group.
    I think that most fans that take an interest in the "takeover" are aware that Andrew Muir and Roland Duchatelet personally have the money to bankroll Charlton, but neither wish to do so.

    Muir wants to be one part of a consortium of investors that have been and are still continuing to raise funds to invest in Charlton over the short/medium/long term.

    No one has explained why the Aussies put out a joint statement on the OS, saying that the price had been agreed.
    EFL papers were filed by them, then nothing happened.

    So if they had the money available that they were willing to invest.
    They had enough money to run the club conforming with EFL rules.
    If both parties confirm they had agreed the price.
    Why has nothing happened for more than a year ?
  • Do we know what sort of dough Dalman has ?
    Is he a Gerard Murphy type who puts it all together or is he super duper rich enough to spunk dough on buying a football club for ego 
    I'm not sure I've heard anyone 100% certain Dalman has more money than sense or is he more Tony Jiminez than Sheikh Mansour
    We know he had enough money that he was personal friends with Muammar Gaddafi and almost bankrolled MG’s purchase of ManU. Makes me think he has enough money to work our well for us.
    He wasn’t the buyer it was MG who was from what I have read .

    so once again he’s the fluffer 

    yes he he has contacts , so did Jiminez , so does Gerard Murphy and so did Peter Risdale .

    I’m still not sure what Mehmet brings “cash” wise to the table 
    As rich as Tan, apparently.

    According to the unreliable interweb Tan is worth USD820 million 

    So maybe less than Andrew Muir who we "know" doesn't have the money.
    There is no point having the money if you don't want to spend it on Charlton.
    RD has the money as well, so what ?
    Exactly but justifying Dalman as a sound bet when he has less money then Muir, who "hasn't got the money" makes no sense.  That's what.
    Dont you think you're being a bit hypocritical here mate? One minute you're twisting it one way, then the other, but all along it don't matter what the owner is worth, as long as they're willing to invest enough.

    As far as I can see, Dalman's finances and backing have hardly been mentioned. The reason he stands out for me more than the Aussies, at this moment in time, is his experience and popularity at Cardiff, along with the contacts he presumably has in the game. 

    're the Aussies, there's a couple of things that concern me, those being the way they're going about attracting more investment and their lack of experience in English football. Ive also got a feeling that their ultimate plan is to use the club to school and sell Australian players in order to turn a profit, not a system tbat id personally be on favour of, but I stand to be corrected on that being tbeir plan.

    If it does end being the Aussies, they'd get my backing and see how it goes.
    hasn't Gerard Murphy been involved in English football previously?
  • 1824, Society of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals is established.

    Did that include fish?
  • Do we know what sort of dough Dalman has ?
    Is he a Gerard Murphy type who puts it all together or is he super duper rich enough to spunk dough on buying a football club for ego 
    I'm not sure I've heard anyone 100% certain Dalman has more money than sense or is he more Tony Jiminez than Sheikh Mansour
    We know he had enough money that he was personal friends with Muammar Gaddafi and almost bankrolled MG’s purchase of ManU. Makes me think he has enough money to work our well for us.
    He wasn’t the buyer it was MG who was from what I have read .

    so once again he’s the fluffer 

    yes he he has contacts , so did Jiminez , so does Gerard Murphy and so did Peter Risdale .

    I’m still not sure what Mehmet brings “cash” wise to the table 
    As rich as Tan, apparently.

    According to the unreliable interweb Tan is worth USD820 million 

    So maybe less than Andrew Muir who we "know" doesn't have the money.
    There is no point having the money if you don't want to spend it on Charlton.
    RD has the money as well, so what ?
    Exactly but justifying Dalman as a sound bet when he has less money then Muir, who "hasn't got the money" makes no sense.  That's what.
    Dont you think you're being a bit hypocritical here mate? One minute you're twisting it one way, then the other, but all along it don't matter what the owner is worth, as long as they're willing to invest enough.

    As far as I can see, Dalman's finances and backing have hardly been mentioned. The reason he stands out for me more than the Aussies, at this moment in time, is his experience and popularity at Cardiff, along with the contacts he presumably has in the game. 

    're the Aussies, there's a couple of things that concern me, those being the way they're going about attracting more investment and their lack of experience in English football. Ive also got a feeling that their ultimate plan is to use the club to school and sell Australian players in order to turn a profit, not a system tbat id personally be on favour of, but I stand to be corrected on that being tbeir plan.

    If it does end being the Aussies, they'd get my backing and see how it goes.
    hasn't Gerard Murphy been involved in English football previously?

    He did something with Wet Spam, and had some involvement with England rugby.

    From what I can gather he is a management consultant rather than a football man.

  • Think talksport Jim white might be shirt sponsor 
  • Think talksport Jim white might be shite sponsor 
    There you are ..... fixed it for you.  :smile:

  • Do we know what sort of dough Dalman has ?
    Is he a Gerard Murphy type who puts it all together or is he super duper rich enough to spunk dough on buying a football club for ego 
    I'm not sure I've heard anyone 100% certain Dalman has more money than sense or is he more Tony Jiminez than Sheikh Mansour
    We know he had enough money that he was personal friends with Muammar Gaddafi and almost bankrolled MG’s purchase of ManU. Makes me think he has enough money to work our well for us.
    He wasn’t the buyer it was MG who was from what I have read .

    so once again he’s the fluffer 

    yes he he has contacts , so did Jiminez , so does Gerard Murphy and so did Peter Risdale .

    I’m still not sure what Mehmet brings “cash” wise to the table 
    As rich as Tan, apparently.

    According to the unreliable interweb Tan is worth USD820 million 

    So maybe less than Andrew Muir who we "know" doesn't have the money.
    There is no point having the money if you don't want to spend it on Charlton.
    RD has the money as well, so what ?
    Exactly but justifying Dalman as a sound bet when he has less money then Muir, who "hasn't got the money" makes no sense.  That's what.

    As far as I can see, Dalman's finances and backing have hardly been mentioned. The reason he stands out for me more than the Aussies, at this moment in time, is his experience and popularity at Cardiff, along with the contacts he presumably has in the game. 

    're the Aussies, there's a couple of things that concern me, those being the way they're going about attracting more investment and their lack of experience in English football. Ive also got a feeling that their ultimate plan is to use the club to school and sell Australian players in order to turn a profit, not a system tbat id personally be on favour of, but I stand to be corrected on that being tbeir plan.

    If it does end being the Aussies, they'd get my backing and see how it goes.
    I think that is a view that many fans share.
    I can't talk on behalf of everyone, but just wanted to reiterate my standpoint before it got twisted as it has done before, and the thread seems to have a them and us feeling about with some posters. I'm sure everyone agrees that all opinions on any new owner come from a good place and, after the last two sets of owners and senior management, who can blame people for being sceptical
  • Do we know what sort of dough Dalman has ?
    Is he a Gerard Murphy type who puts it all together or is he super duper rich enough to spunk dough on buying a football club for ego 
    I'm not sure I've heard anyone 100% certain Dalman has more money than sense or is he more Tony Jiminez than Sheikh Mansour
    We know he had enough money that he was personal friends with Muammar Gaddafi and almost bankrolled MG’s purchase of ManU. Makes me think he has enough money to work our well for us.
    He wasn’t the buyer it was MG who was from what I have read .

    so once again he’s the fluffer 

    yes he he has contacts , so did Jiminez , so does Gerard Murphy and so did Peter Risdale .

    I’m still not sure what Mehmet brings “cash” wise to the table 
    As rich as Tan, apparently.

    According to the unreliable interweb Tan is worth USD820 million 

    So maybe less than Andrew Muir who we "know" doesn't have the money.
    There is no point having the money if you don't want to spend it on Charlton.
    RD has the money as well, so what ?
    Exactly but justifying Dalman as a sound bet when he has less money then Muir, who "hasn't got the money" makes no sense.  That's what.
    Dont you think you're being a bit hypocritical here mate? One minute you're twisting it one way, then the other, but all along it don't matter what the owner is worth, as long as they're willing to invest enough.

    As far as I can see, Dalman's finances and backing have hardly been mentioned. The reason he stands out for me more than the Aussies, at this moment in time, is his experience and popularity at Cardiff, along with the contacts he presumably has in the game. 

    're the Aussies, there's a couple of things that concern me, those being the way they're going about attracting more investment and their lack of experience in English football. Ive also got a feeling that their ultimate plan is to use the club to school and sell Australian players in order to turn a profit, not a system tbat id personally be on favour of, but I stand to be corrected on that being tbeir plan.

    If it does end being the Aussies, they'd get my backing and see how it goes.
    hasn't Gerard Murphy been involved in English football previously?
    You tell me mate. I remember seeing some post that they thought he had
  • Sponsored links:

  • Personally, I have no preference for the "Aussies" or Dalman.
    I don't know enough about their plans or their available resources.
    I'm just trying to make sense of it all.
    me too

    We'll only be able to judge the buyers when we know more about them and their plans.

    Six questions I asked when the Spivs took over:

    1. Who owns the club?

    2. What is the business plan?

    3. How is that plan to be funded?

    4. What are the plans for the Valley?

    5. What are the plans for the training ground and academy?

    6. What is the exit strategy?
    Ah, that old chestnut 😂
  • Fumbluff said:
    We’re just the mushrooms
    You're a fun guy
  • Without trying to ignore Acworth, would he actually know if Dalman has walked or not?

  • Game over

    From his house to his car? 
  • Of course not
  • can we get a line on this dalman walking thing from @Airman Brown or @JamesSeed ? it's rather worrying. 

  • Game over

    For clarity. I am fully aware who Acworth is. This was supposed to be ironic.

This discussion has been closed.

Roland Out Forever!