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The Takeover Thread - Duchatelet Finally Sells (Jan 2020)



  • Or even more likely that it’s down for maintenance reasons ?
  • Might be summin to do with the sponsorship renewal?
  • edited July 2019
    Back of shirt one that is, and they might've negotiated a better spot of the website?
  • cafc-west said:
    Just gone on to see wot the deal is with the new shorts sponsor (don't follow twitter & this is the msg showing..."is it happening"...


    prob not...!!!
    Twitter down too.  Could be one hell of a statement...!
    @CAFCOfficial in a right old panic so they deliberately broke the OS, apparently he’s found the new password and the key to the drinks cabinet all on the same day. Brace yourselves folks. 😂😂
  • Or even more likely that it’s down for maintenance reasons ?
    Yeah, reckon it was say "Down due to change of club ownership" if was anything to do with the Rat going
  • edited July 2019
    RedRyan said:
    If I were a prospective buyer given the talent we have let walk out the door this window, I would definitely hold off til mid-season to see if we are safely above the drop zone before buying at a Championship valuation at this point. Why risk it with a team that the previous owner has basically chosen? Makes no sense. Better to wait then buy before the winter transfer window and upgrade as needed. 
    But why not just wait until the summer and see what division we're in, when you can have more impact eg with transfers during the close season? Then simply drag it out for a few months again, and decide to wait for Christmas again. Repeat ad infinitum.
    So you are saying that it is no more risky to buy now, at the end of our first transfer window when there is little chance to improve the squad, than it is too wait and see if the current squad are above the drop zone by Christmas? CAFC are odds on favorites for relegation, hardly inspiring for a new owner at any price. And yes, frankly, an even smarter move to me would be to wait til May and see where the dust settles. I now think that is actually the most likely scenario.
  • "The website is down because it's happening."
  • WIOTOS (or not!)
  • 1896, Walter Arnold of Kent is handed the first speeding conviction for driving above 2 mph.
    Rich history of boy racers in Kent.
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  • Stand down everybody. 

    It's just an article about Jason Pearce signing a contract extension.
  • cafckev said:
    If Roland can’t or won’t sell the club on the back of the Wembley victory, it does make you question this intention to actually sell the club.
    He probably plans to spend little to no money this season, watch us get relegated back to league one...........then add another 10m onto his asking price.
  • cafckev said:
    If Roland can’t or won’t sell the club on the back of the Wembley victory, it does make you question this intention to actually sell the club.
    He probably plans to spend little to no money this season, watch us get relegated back to league one...........then add another 10m onto his asking price.
    Normally I would skim read a post like this and ignore it. Sadly on this occasion you might have nailed it.
  • Might be summin to do with the sponsorship renewal?
    Might be summin to do with Roland letting a tech person go because he ate Doritos as his desk and then he forgot to hire his replacement.
  • The way this is going @happyvalley will morph into Nostradamus

  • The problem with making money out of football is that the balance of power is wrong. Bosman has a lot to answer for and football hasn't improved as a result. The sad fact is, Bosman couldn't have happened with the old system in England and we had a better system then than we do now. Also, the worrying trend for big clubs to get players other clubs have developed on the cheap. I see Liverpool are in the process of nicking a Fulham kid at the moment. Chelsea have recieved a ban. The Spanish giants are disgusting. I liken it to one of us nicking money off a beggar. 

    FFP was a solution, but you try to enforce it and you get threatened with legal action. 
    Remember that footballers are people!

    Everyone should be able to change their job without permission or interference from their former employers once their contract is finished!

    The idea that a university or any former employer could demand compensation if you move to a higher paid job is frightening!
    Absolutely and the Bosman ruling was a good thing IMO.  

    That said Universities can demand you pay for their education and it has long been my view football should go down that route.  10% of future football player salary over £200k pa goes back to the club you came through at unless you remain with them.  That way those that dont make it dont pay; those that are relatively lowly paid for a short career dont pay; those that remain loyal dont pay.  Those that go on to be a real success do.  Does not seem unfair to me and would keep academies viable.
    Which is why Rangers had to pay compensation related to his age. It would have been greater if he had stayed in London.

    The mistake was to let his contract run down.
  • BR3red said:
    The way this is going @happyvalley will morph into Nostradamus


    Roland is watching and waiting for 2019.....

    Or until we know how we are doing midway through this season.... 
  • I believe that all the potential buyers believe Roland wants out before the season starts, have lodged their bids, and are hoping that he'll cave in. It's a game of bluff.
    (Apologies if lots of others have already said this @NapaAddick)
  • The problem with making money out of football is that the balance of power is wrong. Bosman has a lot to answer for and football hasn't improved as a result. The sad fact is, Bosman couldn't have happened with the old system in England and we had a better system then than we do now. Also, the worrying trend for big clubs to get players other clubs have developed on the cheap. I see Liverpool are in the process of nicking a Fulham kid at the moment. Chelsea have recieved a ban. The Spanish giants are disgusting. I liken it to one of us nicking money off a beggar. 

    FFP was a solution, but you try to enforce it and you get threatened with legal action. 
    Remember that footballers are people!

    Everyone should be able to change their job without permission or interference from their former employers once their contract is finished!

    The idea that a university or any former employer could demand compensation if you move to a higher paid job is frightening!
    I understand the principal of this but I think there is a simple reason why in their case it is different as they gain an unfair benefit because football is a game with laws and restrictions which help them. Let's say I wanted to set up a football team on a budget of £1k a month. I would easily be able to find 30 decent enough players within that budget that would thrash a team of 11 Ronaldos. But the laws of the game preclude me from doing that, I have to stick to eleven, so to be better with my eleven, I have to pay the players that make a difference more. 

    It isn't difficult to argue that football is a special case. And footballers are hardly treated as slaves. We don't want players being exploited, but there are safeguards that could be put in place to ensure they are fairly treated and continue to make a lot of money, but not ridiculous amounts that suck much of the game dry. 
    I agree that top class footballers probably should be a very special case. But Bosman was not a star player - just an ordinary out of form footballer who needed a job and had an unrealistic price on his head which no one would pay! He wasn't even allowed to work in another country - which was why the EU stepped in!

    There are many other industries such as entertainment, banking, aviation, and even medicine where it is impossible to simply replace very skilled people with more unskilled people. I'm thinking about a skilled nurse working for five years for the NHS and then not being able to move to a less stressful part time job because there is a "transfer fee" involved?

    Some of us remember the days of the maximum wage for footballers which was totally legal and above board. But at that time many musicians, actors and writers were controlled by "impresarios" who would contrive to fix the rates for ordinary artists. 

    The same was probably true for many  builders and plumbers and taxi drivers at the time who just accepted that they would never earn any more no matter how hard they worked or who they worked for.

    Just be careful what you wish for!
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  • Yes, and it was unfair on Bosman, but we had a system in this country at the time which meant that the club had to offer a contract as good or better than the last one to have rights to a fee. 
  • These last two non takeover related posts are needlessly feeding Henry’s already hugely inflated ego by helping fill yet another page. 
  • I don't believe that Roland has a "breaking point"............ he has enough money for it not to bother him much. His stubbornness has been evident for far too long and those thinking that he will cave in are going to be left very disappointed and frustrated IMHO.
    It's either going to take a stupid offer or a decline in our fortunes again to get him to sell up. He can then go and crawl back under his rock. 

    or a second miracle of Bowyer getting us promoted to The Premier League on a League One budget.

    RD probably feels he's now fended off the peak of the protests so can afford to wait for the price he wants as mentioned by No.1
  • It matters not a jot if we are in the Championship, League 1, Isthmian League or J-League to that old tosser! 

    If some deluded fool or group of fools come along to pay what he demands under the conditions he demands, then I would want them psychoanalysed immediately anyway.

    Thoroughly depressing.
  • JamesSeed said:
    I don't believe that Roland has a "breaking point"............ he has enough money for it not to bother him much. His stubbornness has been evident for far too long and those thinking that he will cave in are going to be left very disappointed and frustrated IMHO.
    It's either going to take a stupid offer or a decline in our fortunes again to get him to sell up. He can then go and crawl back under his rock. 

    or a second miracle of Bowyer getting us promoted to The Premier League on a League One budget.

    RD probably feels he's now fended off the peak of the protests so can afford to wait for the price he wants as mentioned by No.1
    This. Don’t for a minute believe he doesn’t care about the protests. According to GM he very much does. 

    This is why the lack of dissent and organisation from CARD this summer has surprised me. 

    He first took interest in selling the club and then officially put us on the market following the Belgium march in 2017. 

    After every major 'protest' gesture against him he's panicked and reacted. Gibbering away on TalkSport, nonsense statements on the OS, openly claiming he wants rid of the club.

    He's also admitted in private conversations and public interviews that the fans actively revolting convinced him that his CAFC project was over. 

    So I'm surprised we haven't played on this a little more over the summer to try to get his price down and push this over the line. To pre-empt some responses, I know in theory anyone can prompt a protest and CARD and the like shouldn't have to shoulder all the responsibility, but their access to the protest funds, contacts with the press and ability to mobilise hundreds/thousands of us means it's usually the most effective route.

    I'm not blaming the heroes of that movement who've done some truly great work, but I do feel we've taken our foot of the gas at the wrong time here. 

    What do you think would be the best form of protest and when do you think it should take place?
  • Chizz said:
    JamesSeed said:
    I don't believe that Roland has a "breaking point"............ he has enough money for it not to bother him much. His stubbornness has been evident for far too long and those thinking that he will cave in are going to be left very disappointed and frustrated IMHO.
    It's either going to take a stupid offer or a decline in our fortunes again to get him to sell up. He can then go and crawl back under his rock. 

    or a second miracle of Bowyer getting us promoted to The Premier League on a League One budget.

    RD probably feels he's now fended off the peak of the protests so can afford to wait for the price he wants as mentioned by No.1
    This. Don’t for a minute believe he doesn’t care about the protests. According to GM he very much does. 

    This is why the lack of dissent and organisation from CARD this summer has surprised me. 

    He first took interest in selling the club and then officially put us on the market following the Belgium march in 2017. 

    After every major 'protest' gesture against him he's panicked and reacted. Gibbering away on TalkSport, nonsense statements on the OS, openly claiming he wants rid of the club.

    He's also admitted in private conversations and public interviews that the fans actively revolting convinced him that his CAFC project was over. 

    So I'm surprised we haven't played on this a little more over the summer to try to get his price down and push this over the line. To pre-empt some responses, I know in theory anyone can prompt a protest and CARD and the like shouldn't have to shoulder all the responsibility, but their access to the protest funds, contacts with the press and ability to mobilise hundreds/thousands of us means it's usually the most effective route.

    I'm not blaming the heroes of that movement who've done some truly great work, but I do feel we've taken our foot of the gas at the wrong time here. 

    What do you think would be the best form of protest and when do you think it should take place?

    Don't worry - if we're bottom of the league at end of October the protests will be back on again.
This discussion has been closed.

Roland Out Forever!