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The Takeover Thread - Duchatelet Finally Sells (Jan 2020)



  • There’s plenty better placed than me to go further in what is put out there

    I am right though

    New era from Monday if all is to be believed

    The Arab money would’ve been an interesting ride

    And now we have a different sort of project unfolding not convinced the money is there not convinced we will be fully rid of RD but we will have to wait and see

    The money is there @nth london addick . Keep the faith.

    TBH, I'm not sure about trusting any Kiwis after this morning's debacle for "our lads" out there....

    Your mistake was trusting our lads.
  • JamesSeed said:

    There’s plenty better placed than me to go further in what is put out there

    I am right though

    New era from Monday if all is to be believed

    The Arab money would’ve been an interesting ride

    And now we have a different sort of project unfolding not convinced the money is there not convinced we will be fully rid of RD but we will have to wait and see

    These aren't the poor 'scratching around' Aussies, these are the minted Aussies.
    I think you'll find that nla is totally aware of this, JS.

    Seems he's been more ITK than anyone else since the start.
    I thought there were the original Aussie guys who wanted an ersatz Aussie academy setup, then the Scottish Muir bid, then the Aussie retail Muir who is minted and a bit of a philanthropist to boot. Or am I getting mixed up here. I think the retail Muir was featured on the cover of Voice of the Valley and @Airman Brown gave him the thumbs up? He sounds great to me.
  • Uboat said:

    There’s plenty better placed than me to go further in what is put out there

    I am right though

    New era from Monday if all is to be believed

    The Arab money would’ve been an interesting ride

    And now we have a different sort of project unfolding not convinced the money is there not convinced we will be fully rid of RD but we will have to wait and see

    The money is there @nth london addick . Keep the faith.

    TBH, I'm not sure about trusting any Kiwis after this morning's debacle for "our lads" out there....

    Your mistake was trusting our lads.
    I may have hit the big seven oh but that doesn't mean I've lost my marble.
  • Uboat said:

    Question for Airman.

    Does Murray have any involvement in this to your knowledge?

    The only thing I have heard is that they didn’t want him on the board and there was a discussion about whether he could be life president (which Maurice Hatter is). But that was some time ago.
    Does anyone else laugh every single time they see the name Maurice Hatter? No reason for it to be funny, but it just is.
    Every time I see his name, the phrase "Brown Hatter" comes to my mind.
  • Oggy Red said:

    Oggy Red said:

    RedChaser said:

    Oggy Red said:

    JamesSeed said:

    I just know @Henry Irving will win the prize on the prediction thread. The only person I know who will definitely already have a copy of the Jimmy Seed story already.
    So he’s gone for May 8th I think.

    I've got an original copy of the Jimmy Seed story too.

    And no, I didn't buy it in 1957.

    You were still on Janet and John books then weren't you Oggster? :wink:
    haha ..... not quite, just a 2 year old; still sitting on my mum's lap, watching "Watch with Mother" :smile:

    You had a telly in 1957? You must have been very posh.

    "Listen with Mother" for the rest of us (from 1961)
    In fact we did, Henry. Apparently it was bought new in 1956, and I remember it to be a varnished wooden cased cube, with a small gold coloured "PYE" monogram on the top.

    Right, enough of the interesting stuff. Best get back on topic speculating about nothing happening.

    I always thought you were a cut above.
  • I don't know about everyone else, but this news has made me feel so, so much better. The end is finally in sight.
  • Positivity
  • I think I made this one:

    It was that bloody long ago though I can’t remember! I’ll have to think up some more for monday’s announcement (fingers crossed)
  • JamesSeed said:

    There’s plenty better placed than me to go further in what is put out there

    I am right though

    New era from Monday if all is to be believed

    The Arab money would’ve been an interesting ride

    And now we have a different sort of project unfolding not convinced the money is there not convinced we will be fully rid of RD but we will have to wait and see

    These aren't the poor 'scratching around' Aussies, these are the minted Aussies.
    Are there any?
    Rupert Murdoch.

    After past 4 years of drudgery and zilch football ambition bestowed by the most incompetent fuckwits to ever haunt the English game I'd rather have football people in over silly money.

    Would be great for us to have football people with silly money but they're rare as Charlton cup runs.

    Hopefully Murray goes as well. He doesn't deserve any more time influencing our club after the past 4 years of overt collaboration and anti protest standpoint.

    Rupert Murdoch is an American citizen.

    (So at least it seems unlikely to be him).
  • I'm just relieved the end of the Roland era is seemingly upon us. Hopefully we can build for a much better future
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  • Thought leader and philanthropist Andrew Muir takes a leading steak In Charlton. Why????????
  • JamesSeed said:

    There’s plenty better placed than me to go further in what is put out there

    I am right though

    New era from Monday if all is to be believed

    The Arab money would’ve been an interesting ride

    And now we have a different sort of project unfolding not convinced the money is there not convinced we will be fully rid of RD but we will have to wait and see

    These aren't the poor 'scratching around' Aussies, these are the minted Aussies.
    Are there any?
    Yes - there are plenty of extremely wealthy Aussies with the cash to buy Charlton.

    However, for some reason very few of them seem keen to commit financial suicide and chuck tens of millions of pounds down the drain on a south London football club.....
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  • Having visited both Saudi Arabia and Australia, I can assure you that one country is a cultural desert with an unbearable climate, routinely tolerating the abuse of women and with an economy entirely dependent on natural resources but Saudi Arabia is even worse.

    Well done sir.
  • edited March 2018

    Hopefully the owners will finally come to games.....

    Home and Away.

    This Aussie deal feels ....closer each day, home and away.
    That's very Neighbourly of you Kiwi :wink: .
  • I'm going for Wednesday as it will be a great birthday present.

    @PragueAddick will have the wonderful birthday present of Brexit on 29th March so I will be most upset if he gets a new owner and Brexit in subsequent years.
  • I'm going for Wednesday as it will be a great birthday present.

    @PragueAddick will have the wonderful birthday present of Brexit on 29th March so I will be most upset if he gets a new owner and Brexit in subsequent years.

    Stop kidding yourselves, you know it will be 1st April
  • Do we still have Floyd and Harvey as mascots?

    If so, i assume they're going to be sacked and replaced by a kangaroo.
  • I'm going for Wednesday as it will be a great birthday present.

    @PragueAddick will have the wonderful birthday present of Brexit on 29th March so I will be most upset if he gets a new owner and Brexit in subsequent years.

    Never occurred to me that I can celebrate the old bastard's demise on my birthday. I suppose I just didn't and don't want to think about it too much until it's really a done deal.

    Of course next year I already know what I will get for my birthday...a nice red Czech passport :-)

  • Unfortunately a) it could be later and b) it isn't his demise - we are hopefully losing his ownership. I'd like to see him really have a demise for what he has done to us.
This discussion has been closed.

Roland Out Forever!