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The Takeover Thread - Duchatelet Finally Sells (Jan 2020)



  • No response from @Redhenry says to me his lot have won out and he does not want to burst their bubble of announcing it. May I be first to welcome the billionaire Saudi richest people in the entire universe to Charlton and ask them to fix the car park potholes as their first priority.

    That thought did cross my mind ( but not the pothole repairs)
  • No response from @Redhenry says to me his lot have won out and he does not want to burst their bubble of announcing it. May I be first to welcome the billionaire Saudi richest people in the entire universe to Charlton and ask them to fix the car park potholes as their first priority.

    That thought did cross my mind ( but not the pothole repairs)
    His broadband is down.
  • If they were present but holed up in a box with blinds down you’d assume they are distinctive looking?

    Maybe corks hanging from hats? Or distinctive headgear!

    Or maybe Roland was hiding from sight
  • JamesSeed said:

    Can you imagine the uproar if the Aussies failed this test when those jokers at the Football League have let Duchatelet kill the club.

    The test is purely to see if the prospective buyer has a criminal record.
    Fuck it .
    I can never own Charlton
    Having a criminal record is not a problem if it is spent. Keep saving!
  • I've got an Irish mate here - they call him Pat Noodle.

    At the back up of the park plaza London River bank is Adam booths gym and just down from If was a little cafe in the arches run by a big old paddy called

    Mick Donald’s

    Had sprayed on the wall two similar Golden Arches

    Always bought a smile to my face
  • DOUCHER said:

    Didn't know about the article 3 thing, just posted what I know - rd will not b our owner next season - that is all - oh and if somebody could ask canters what he thinks I've changed my stance on that woouls be great - don't want to set him back after the progress he seems to be making by conversing direct

    A takeover? I've posted all I know - rd will not be our owner next season - I don't do cryptic, that's for the others

    Which is basically nothing. As someone else said give some detail, you never do!
    There is no detail to tell - it was confirmed by somebody who knows exactly what is going on and has done throughout this protracted 2 year long saga and he has never given me dud info yet - doubt it if you want, some on here will of course but for those less cynical, relax, there is no danger rd will be here next year - my personal hunch, as it always has been, is that it will be announced, once, yes, thats right 'next seasons division is known' so my advice will be not to start getting all worked up if it isn't announced this week. Thankyou and good night - OAFDUMP - the reliable takeover information service.
  • DOUCHER said:

    DOUCHER said:

    Didn't know about the article 3 thing, just posted what I know - rd will not b our owner next season - that is all - oh and if somebody could ask canters what he thinks I've changed my stance on that woouls be great - don't want to set him back after the progress he seems to be making by conversing direct

    A takeover? I've posted all I know - rd will not be our owner next season - I don't do cryptic, that's for the others

    Which is basically nothing. As someone else said give some detail, you never do!
    There is no detail to tell - it was confirmed by somebody who knows exactly what is going on and has done throughout this protracted 2 year long saga and he has never given me dud info yet - doubt it if you want, some on here will of course but for those less cynical, relax, there is no danger rd will be here next year - my personal hunch, as it always has been, is that it will be announced, once, yes, thats right 'next seasons division is known' so my advice will be not to start getting all worked up if it isn't announced this week. Thankyou and good night - OAFDUMP - the reliable takeover information service.
    So your source is RD then? Can't imagine anyone else in the world knows exactly what is going on?? (not trying to give you a hard time btw but it's a pretty bold statement to say you have that good of a source - unless you are exaggerating a tad?)
  • DOUCHER said:

    DOUCHER said:

    Didn't know about the article 3 thing, just posted what I know - rd will not b our owner next season - that is all - oh and if somebody could ask canters what he thinks I've changed my stance on that woouls be great - don't want to set him back after the progress he seems to be making by conversing direct

    A takeover? I've posted all I know - rd will not be our owner next season - I don't do cryptic, that's for the others

    Which is basically nothing. As someone else said give some detail, you never do!
    There is no detail to tell - it was confirmed by somebody who knows exactly what is going on and has done throughout this protracted 2 year long saga and he has never given me dud info yet - doubt it if you want, some on here will of course but for those less cynical, relax, there is no danger rd will be here next year - my personal hunch, as it always has been, is that it will be announced, once, yes, thats right 'next seasons division is known' so my advice will be not to start getting all worked up if it isn't announced this week. Thankyou and good night - OAFDUMP - the reliable takeover information service.
    So your source is RD then? Can't imagine anyone else in the world knows exactly what is going on?? (not trying to give you a hard time btw but it's a pretty bold statement to say you have that good of a source - unless you are exaggerating a tad?)
    its not RD but he isn't the only person who knows whats going on - lets just leave it at that rather than start another round of debating - i came on here yesterday to offer up some concrete news as i could see a few starting to worry about things going well and rd staying and whatever else they could dream up to worry about but as usual its met by a load of sniping prats - anyway, the rd obsessives aside, the takeover can be put to the back of the mind if you choose to, knowing its happening, there's a promotion to be concentrated on, first up being tomorrow nights game at scunthorpe
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  • If you had won the last Euro Millions,would you buy Charlton from RD and still have half your fortune left?
  • Some seem to be in the know.

    Most know fuck all.

    More know less than fuck all; and that is the group I am in.

    What I have noted is that Doucher is the only one who has said all along that nothing will be announced until it is known which league we are in. Which in my book makes him the only one so far that has been right.

    Let’s be honest here. Nobody even knows who the bidders are. Redhenry probably knows more about 1 bidder, but jack about any of the others. The scotch one has folded. Vague mention of a British one, and a constant Aussie one throughout - although the make up of that particular consortium changes monthly it would seem.

    All that does seem to be true is that the club is up for sale and Uncle Tom Cobbly and all has done DD. Some two years ago and one last month.

    Please post rumours and speculation as I like to think something is happening, but please can we keep the slagging of each other down to just one slag a page?

  • Redrobo said:

    Some seem to be in the know.

    Most know fuck all.

    More know less than fuck all; and that is the group I am in.

    What I have noted is that Doucher is the only one who has said all along that nothing will be announced until it is known which league we are in. Which in my book makes him the only one so far that has been right.

    Let’s be honest here. Nobody even knows who the bidders are. Redhenry probably knows more about 1 bidder, but jack about any of the others. The scotch one has folded. Vague mention of a British one, and a constant Aussie one throughout - although the make up of that particular consortium changes monthly it would seem.

    All that does seem to be true is that the club is up for sale and Uncle Tom Cobbly and all has done DD. Some two years ago and one last month.

    Please post rumours and speculation as I like to think something is happening, but please can we keep the slagging of each other down to just one slag a page?


    One slag a page? ... how do I post a photo of my ex girlfriend ?
  • This thread is actually a joke. Think a lot of people need to just leave it for a while. I rarely ever comment on this, but I have a glance every now and then.

    Please, for your own sakes, stop believing every little bit of news people come on here with, they are RUMOURS. Not once have we ever seen any evidence of any of these claims. The number of times I've seen the term "trusted" sources being used when most stories have turned out to be complete bollocks.

    The day will come eventually.
  • edited May 2018
    Edit: Deleted because isn't relevant to the thread topic.
  • edited May 2018

    If you had won the last Euro Millions,would you buy Charlton from RD and still have half your fortune left?

    I wouldn’t touch the club with a bargepole. Winning the lottery would mean packing in work and securing a good life for current and future generations of your family. Buying a football club is the fastest way to destroy that, draining your winnings and sending you straight back to the coal face into the bargain.

    Genuine question; why would anyone buy a football club? Particularly someone from Belgium who has zero emotional connection to it and who never watches a game?
    Why did Ellis Short buy Sunderland? You can make a case for the top 6 super clubs but why buy any of the clubs below them?
    Is there a genuine monetary reason like tax breaks or is it purely an ego thing like filling your 40-car garage with the latest Ferrari’s?

  • DOUCHER said:

    Didn't know about the article 3 thing, just posted what I know - rd will not b our owner next season - that is all - oh and if somebody could ask canters what he thinks I've changed my stance on that woouls be great - don't want to set him back after the progress he seems to be making by conversing direct

    A takeover? I've posted all I know - rd will not be our owner next season - I don't do cryptic, that's for the others

    Which is basically nothing. As someone else said give some detail, you never do!
    None of the ITKs gives any 'detail'.
    Them's the rules.
  • If there is a done deal I hope it's not announced until our footballing fate is known.

    Whilst all the players know things are happening in the background they seem to be performing well. Announcing new owners mid way through a play off campaign may serve to bring their insecurities to the surface and affect individual performance.

    Arguably, it could work the other way and serve to motivate but any announcement in the next few days is a big risk to player's state of mind.
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  • Edit: Deleted because isn't relevant to the thread topic.

    If everyone did this we’d be only have 7 pages of this thread to read (and 688 of deleted messages) , instead pricks like me with nothing to add of any note ramble on about fuck all
    I had a slightly unnecessary dig and that's not my way. Don't worry you didn't miss anything much!

    Much more rambling nonsense to come from me from now on i'm afraid!
  • You’ve got to hand it to him, @Chizz sources are always on the money, I think we can now include him with the ITK clan.

    Welcome aboard!
  • Wasn't sniping at all - I don't doubt you have a source but I don't buy that anyone other than RD could possibly be as infallible as you say this source is.

    It's all a bit "my dad is bigger than your dad" schoolyard stuff to me and that's what undermines your credibility to an extent.

    Also it was @Addickted who first broke the story about appendix 3 (unless i'm much mistaken and missed your earlier post) all you seemed to be doing at the time was arguing with others about how right you are about everything.

    Happy to leave the debate there though it isn't positive or helpful to the thread, no offence intended was just trying to be constructive.

    No probs, wasn't aimed at you
  • Edit: Deleted because isn't relevant to the thread topic.

    Would be about 2 pages this thread if everyone took this approach!
  • Redrobo said:

    Some seem to be in the know.

    Most know fuck all.

    More know less than fuck all; and that is the group I am in.

    What I have noted is that Doucher is the only one who has said all along that nothing will be announced until it is known which league we are in. Which in my book makes him the only one so far that has been right.

    Let’s be honest here. Nobody even knows who the bidders are. Redhenry probably knows more about 1 bidder, but jack about any of the others. The scotch one has folded. Vague mention of a British one, and a constant Aussie one throughout - although the make up of that particular consortium changes monthly it would seem.

    All that does seem to be true is that the club is up for sale and Uncle Tom Cobbly and all has done DD. Some two years ago and one last month.

    Please post rumours and speculation as I like to think something is happening, but please can we keep the slagging of each other down to just one slag a page?


    A fair summary - a candidate to go on the bite size I reckon
  • Edit: Deleted because isn't relevant to the thread topic.

    Would be about 2 pages this thread if everyone took this approach!
    If it starts a trend its gotta be well worth a promote hasn't it?
  • May the 10th, things always happen on May the 10th
  • This thread is actually a joke. Think a lot of people need to just leave it for a while. I rarely ever comment on this, but I have a glance every now and then.

    Please, for your own sakes, stop believing every little bit of news people come on here with, they are RUMOURS. Not once have we ever seen any evidence of any of these claims. The number of times I've seen the term "trusted" sources being used when most stories have turned out to be complete bollocks.

    The day will come eventually.

    Lecture over.
  • It'll be this Friday when the Rebel (Australian) Alliance finally overthrows the Evil (Belgian) Empire.

    May the Fourth be with you.
This discussion has been closed.

Roland Out Forever!