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Latimer Road fire



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    Greenie said:

    I dont know if this has been posted before.
    Take some time out of your day to read it, its by a firefighter who went in in BA, its a little political, but I guess he's allowed to be.....

    Read this article - good read.
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    Addickted said:

    Open windows certainly increased the speed of fire spread at Lakanal House.

    I was a member of the 1st firefighter crew to make it to the 11th floor of Lakanal House where the majority of the fatalities occurred and it was like nothing i had seen before. The fire 'jumped' around the building because of open windows,wind and the obvious building neglect. I hoped that i would never see it happen again after the lessons 'learned' but tragically,they werent.
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    Addickted said:

    Open windows certainly increased the speed of fire spread at Lakanal House.

    I was a member of the 1st firefighter crew to make it to the 11th floor of Lakanal House where the majority of the fatalities occurred and it was like nothing i had seen before. The fire 'jumped' around the building because of open windows,wind and the obvious building neglect. I hoped that i would never see it happen again after the lessons 'learned' but tragically,they werent.
    Do you think it will be different this time?
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    edited June 2017

    It's disgusting and Bexley Council have been doing that to its residence for years. Take a home in Manchester or don't take one at all. That includes women and children that have been abused and had to leave their homes.

    It's the kind of strong arm, fulfill your targets before any morale of human obligation, that councils have been pulling up and down the country for years.

    It's a shame it has taken an event of this nature to finally get certain sections of the media and the chattering classes thinking about people, who are reliant on social housing and social assistance programs, as humans rather than vermin leaching on society and almost devoid of any rights.
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    It's disgusting and Bexley Council have been doing that to its residence for years. Take a home in Manchester or don't take one at all. That includes women and children that have been abused and had to leave their homes.

    It's the kind of strong arm, fulfill your targets before any morale of human obligation, that councils have been pulling up and down the country for years.

    It's a shame it has taken an event of this nature to finally get certain sections of the media and the chattering classes thinking about people, who are reliant on social housing and social assistance programs, as humans rather than vermin leaching on society and almost devoid of any rights.
    I grew up on a newly built council estate with good facilities and a good mix of people - much harder to find nowadays.
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    Addickted said:

    Open windows certainly increased the speed of fire spread at Lakanal House.

    I was a member of the 1st firefighter crew to make it to the 11th floor of Lakanal House where the majority of the fatalities occurred and it was like nothing i had seen before. The fire 'jumped' around the building because of open windows,wind and the obvious building neglect. I hoped that i would never see it happen again after the lessons 'learned' but tragically,they werent.
    Do you think it will be different this time?
    I hope so. It must. We were told after Lakanal that it wouldnt happen again and in the 8 years since,nothing has evidently changed. Its a miracle that anyone made it out of Glenfell and no first responders were killed. Those poor souls cant die in vain,things have to change. Now.
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    It's disgusting and Bexley Council have been doing that to its residence for years. Take a home in Manchester or don't take one at all. That includes women and children that have been abused and had to leave their homes.

    It's the kind of strong arm, fulfill your targets before any morale of human obligation, that councils have been pulling up and down the country for years.

    It's a shame it has taken an event of this nature to finally get certain sections of the media and the chattering classes thinking about people, who are reliant on social housing and social assistance programs, as humans rather than vermin leaching on society and almost devoid of any rights.
    I grew up on a newly built council estate with good facilities and a good mix of people - much harder to find nowadays.
    Yes I should have added, in defence of the councils, they are chronically short on housing stock. However, that does not give them the right to treat people in need like they often did.

    Instead of this suffocating austerity for the last 3 years, a proper, expansive program of nationwide house building - social housing - could have stimulated a significant sector of the economy.
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    Addickted said:

    Open windows certainly increased the speed of fire spread at Lakanal House.

    I was a member of the 1st firefighter crew to make it to the 11th floor of Lakanal House where the majority of the fatalities occurred and it was like nothing i had seen before. The fire 'jumped' around the building because of open windows,wind and the obvious building neglect. I hoped that i would never see it happen again after the lessons 'learned' but tragically,they werent.
    Do you think it will be different this time?
    I hope so. It must. We were told after Lakanal that it wouldnt happen again and in the 8 years since,nothing has evidently changed. Its a miracle that anyone made it out of Glenfell and no first responders were killed. Those poor souls cant die in vain,things have to change. Now.
    You and your colleagues must be pretty pissued off at your own safety being compromised by this failure to act on the regulations. PTSD must also be a issue for some after events like this - heard a phone in the other day where firefighters were recounting how they had suffered with mental trauma.
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    It's disgusting and Bexley Council have been doing that to its residence for years. Take a home in Manchester or don't take one at all. That includes women and children that have been abused and had to leave their homes.

    It's the kind of strong arm, fulfill your targets before any morale of human obligation, that councils have been pulling up and down the country for years.

    It's a shame it has taken an event of this nature to finally get certain sections of the media and the chattering classes thinking about people, who are reliant on social housing and social assistance programs, as humans rather than vermin leaching on society and almost devoid of any rights.
    I grew up on a newly built council estate with good facilities and a good mix of people - much harder to find nowadays.
    Yes I should have added, in defence of the councils, they are chronically short on housing stock. However, that does not give them the right to treat people in need like they often did.

    Instead of this suffocating austerity for the last 3 years, a proper, expansive program of nationwide house building - social housing - could have stimulated a significant sector of the economy.
    Councils are so short of funds that part of their business is to rip people off now! Sad but true!
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    Addickted said:

    Open windows certainly increased the speed of fire spread at Lakanal House.

    I was a member of the 1st firefighter crew to make it to the 11th floor of Lakanal House where the majority of the fatalities occurred and it was like nothing i had seen before. The fire 'jumped' around the building because of open windows,wind and the obvious building neglect. I hoped that i would never see it happen again after the lessons 'learned' but tragically,they werent.
    Do you think it will be different this time?
    I hope so. It must. We were told after Lakanal that it wouldnt happen again and in the 8 years since,nothing has evidently changed. Its a miracle that anyone made it out of Glenfell and no first responders were killed. Those poor souls cant die in vain,things have to change. Now.
    You and your colleagues must be pretty pissued off at your own safety being compromised by this failure to act on the regulations. PTSD must also be a issue for some after events like this - heard a phone in the other day where firefighters were recounting how they had suffered with mental trauma.
    Senior officers were amazed that no firefighters were killed at Lakanal and we have been told that senior management expected firefighter fatalities at Grenfell and yes,that pisses us off. We were debriefed 3 weeks ago for the lakanal job because of all the legal process' it couldnt be done any earlier. We were told that the people behind the door 3 feet away from us,on the 11th floor,that we just couldnt get to because our ba sets ran out of air and due to the ferocity of the fire,were already dead and theres nothing we couldve done. 8 fucking years i lived with the thought of 'what if' and its horrible. PTSD is going to be /is a big problem,even more so after last weeks events.
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    We are proud of our police and firefighters. Any job that you risk your life doing to protect us deserves the upmost respect. It is a shame that some of these gits in Whitehall don't share that.
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    We were debriefed 3 weeks ago for the lakanal job because of all the legal process' it couldnt be done any earlier. We were told that the people behind the door 3 feet away from us,on the 11th floor,that we just couldnt get to because our ba sets ran out of air and due to the ferocity of the fire,were already dead and theres nothing we couldve done. 8 fucking years i lived with the thought of 'what if' and its horrible. PTSD is going to be /is a big problem,even more so after last weeks events.

    that is astonishing and quite disgusting
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    It's disgusting and Bexley Council have been doing that to its residence for years. Take a home in Manchester or don't take one at all. That includes women and children that have been abused and had to leave their homes.

    It's the kind of strong arm, fulfill your targets before any morale of human obligation, that councils have been pulling up and down the country for years.

    It's a shame it has taken an event of this nature to finally get certain sections of the media and the chattering classes thinking about people, who are reliant on social housing and social assistance programs, as humans rather than vermin leaching on society and almost devoid of any rights.
    You get the governance the people vote for. And in a first past the post democracy governments do what they want. And certainly since the 70s governments have stripped discretion and autonomy from local authorities.
    Those changes led to changes in the type of people who lead and manage councils, people who understsnd KPIs, spreadsheets and underspending. Leaving those of us who care about people and social housing in a shrinking minority.
    Maybe this tragedy will lead to a sea change.
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    edited June 2017
    Heath and Safety has become a negative word, just like Human Rights. Take a step back and think about this! I have never welled up so much so many times as I have in the past week. I keep imagining kids helpless and waiting to die in their own homes. Why have there been no arrests yet?
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    edited June 2017
    I'll even give police a clue were they can start questioning - how about these four former ministers?
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    edited June 2017

    I'll even give police a clue were they can start questioning - how about these four former ministers?

    But we should avoid political point scoring? That is just disgusting, and all four of those ministers should be behind bars for a long fucking stretch. I read the account of the fireman who attended the Grenfell fire and then the BBC report on the ministers who basically hid the recommendations of the fire department. Different planets! To describe the government response to Lakenal in the light of last weeks blaze as third world is to speak badly of many countries with lesser resources who would be more concerned about thfir citizens. Pathetic, lying scum who are unable to lift their gaze beyond the latest austerity program.
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    I'm not saying they should be behind bars, but they should have been asked by now why they said what they said and/or did what they did (or didn't do as in this case). It is a perfectly reasonable question and we need to find the answers to it and go where it leads us. I'm sure tracks are being covered as we speak.
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    This is becoming the British Hurricane Katrina

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    Addickted said:

    I've been busy putting data together for DCLG about our High Rise stock and the presence of ACM cladding on any of them, and we have just the one.

    Our Head Office! :blush:

    Well that should mean people take the fire drills a bit more seriously from now on.
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    Just seen this day of rage bollocks, I genuinely hope anyone getting involved in that gets a kicking, the residents that were affected don't want it and there's more chance of hurting the emergency services that you have anger about being cut etc, unfortunately it's a common thing now things didn't go my way so let's break something cause a riot, yet stand around calling the likes of edl, casuals united scum - your no better than them.
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    I think people are entitled to peaceful protest. If it isn't peaceful that is a different matter and they should be condemned. I'm not sure why you have to bring the EDL into it though - they are scum aren't they?
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    I think people are entitled to peaceful protest. If it isn't peaceful that is a different matter and they should be condemned. I'm not sure why you have to bring the EDL into it though - they are scum aren't they?

    The naming of the protest "Day of Rage" would suggest otherwise wouldn't you say......or am I getting confused!
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    edited June 2017

    I think people are entitled to peaceful protest. If it isn't peaceful that is a different matter and they should be condemned. I'm not sure why you have to bring the EDL into it though - they are scum aren't they?

    nothing wrong with peaceful protests i've been attending them for charlton for a while


    1.) This is people using a tragedy - to basically just act like some sort of anarchist - LOL

    2.) its another classic the world isnt the way i want it to be so im going to chuck my toys out of the pram.

    3.) day of rage doesnt sound very peaceful to me the actual flyer reads as below;


    shut down London
    bring down the government

    walk out of school, take the day off sick, strike just make sure you get there.


    there applauding the emergency services, yet will today put them under pressure and could even injure them i watched the student " protests " which i thought were sickening, swinging off the cenotaph ( a memorial to people who gave there today for our tommorow ), throwing paint at police and police horses, throwing rocks at police, setting xmas trees on fire, shame a few didn't get there skulls cracked.

    edit; on the edl point i used it as an example as a similar group as UAF will be than likely be in attendance as the majority of them are unemployed and have nothing better to do with there sad little lifes.
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    I think people are entitled to peaceful protest. If it isn't peaceful that is a different matter and they should be condemned. I'm not sure why you have to bring the EDL into it though - they are scum aren't they?

    Think you're being very unfair on the EDL who are well known for their love of peaceful protest. Britain First and the EDL just want to improve community relations.

    A violent protest is the last thing needed at present so hope today is calm.

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    I think people are entitled to peaceful protest. If it isn't peaceful that is a different matter and they should be condemned. I'm not sure why you have to bring the EDL into it though - they are scum aren't they?

    The naming of the protest "Day of Rage" would suggest otherwise wouldn't you say......or am I getting confused!
    Well,it could be viewed in two ways. I do accept that unsavoury elements may try to hijack the event, but also expect that most protestors would want to show their Rage without violence. It is important they police themselves in that respect. Very important.

    As the fire and the victims slide off the front pages, I notice that nobody has been taken to task yet. I am feeling rage about that. But, violent protest achieves nothing - the wind is blowing change and violence now only helps those against it.
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