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The influence of the EU on Britain.



  • Ok i will ask you the same question ffs... How is euro atom going to be effected then... Love to hear the answer without posting links..... Happy to hear your answer... After all YOU knew what you were voting for... Ffs
  • Ffs you will be posting ww2 links next...
  • Yes, have your views without seeking out additional info and gaining a better undertsanding - don't listen to experts and all that!
  • Yes, have your views without seeking out additional info and gaining a better undertsanding - don't listen to experts and all that!

    What is your view then after all you voted remain based on thats experts view didn't you.
  • Yes, have your views without seeking out additional info and gaining a better undertsanding - don't listen to experts and all that!

    So another one... Who didn't know what he was voting for... That's two... Anymore...
  • Chippy. Are you out on the piss ?
  • Sponsored links:

  • For the most part I think this is true. Who in their right mind is going to admit even to themselves that they were duped and based their vote decision on lies and misinformation by crooks and charlatans and didn’t feel the need to look at the expert opinion which was readily available.

    You would have to be stupid wouldn’t you ?
    Never seen any of those ads......sorry to disappoint you but I can honestly day I was not swayed by any ad compaign, red battle bus or pollster.

    I am 51 years old. I didn't just decide in 2016 to vote leave. I have grown up with the "Common Market" and the ever convergence into a single European state. First there was the common agriculture & fisheries policy, then pints into litres, then pegging £ to the DM, then the Euro (which we sensibly kept out of) and now the powers that be in Brussels want more convergence.

    I just don't want it. I have never liked the idea of being part of Europe. Obviously we trade with them & they are our biggest market.....doesn't mean we have to be a part of it.
    Golfie.... Much easier to say you didn't know what you were voting for, otherwise the majority of this lot won't believe you as your answer doesn't fit their narrative.

    I had similar views to you but one the final straws was the working time directive, cost me thousands of pounds as my company wouldn't opt out initially and in my industry you have no choice otherwise you leave things unsafe. Plus the British government opt out view was opposed by some of our EU 'friends'..
    Chippy please explain how the Working Time Directive has cost you money. This is legislation to stop people working more than 48 hours a week (nearly 10 hours a day) without their written consent.

    I have done so in several companies, the hours over 35/37.5 being totally unpaid. Never offered or signed a waiver. I believe the Brits still work the longest hours in Europe. If it is an issue with you, I'm glad I don't work in your company.
    When the WRT came in I was a plant manager who maintained important plant and process equipment which had to be done at weekends to prevent downtime...

    The company in its wisdom despite knowing that this work could not be done at any other time, except midweek when they would lose productivity used this tool to cut our weekend overtime. We asked if we could sign OPT out forms as some of our contractors did they said no...

    So I lost money by not working overtime. They were more than happy before this foolish directive came in.

    The legislation was good for some workers (particularly low paid who were exploited) but not all for people like myself...
    So this was down the intrangience of your employers, not any EU legislation. As a worker using your plant I would be extremely reluctant to use it if I knew you had been working a 10 hour day to maintain it.
    Its what you have staff for.
    The W.T.D. was brought in after the Potters bar rail crash in which many people were killed.
    It was found (I think by the subsequent inquiry) that the men working on a cabling upgrade, had been working 12 days for a long period of time and had made mistakes that led to the accident.
    Quite rightly it was deemed that working such long hours was not conducive to the health of workers and the safety of the tasks they were carrying out.
    Sorry chaps that should read 12 hour day shifts.
  • Chippy. Are you out on the piss ?

    Not yet... But posting links without foundation particularly euro atom when i have a great inkling that nobody here had heard off or has any idea what it does.. Further to that last week on lbc, the chief security advisor to the government who isn't politically affiliated says we deport 8 people under the European arrest warrant and our security watch to every 1 yes 1....who comes the other way... Perhaps i have been too quiet for too long...
  • Chippy. Are you out on the piss ?

    Not yet... But posting links without foundation particularly euro atom when i have a great inkling that nobody here had heard off or has any idea what it does.. Further to that last week on lbc, the chief security advisor to the government who isn't politically affiliated says we deport 8 people under the European arrest warrant and our security watch to every 1 yes 1....who comes the other way... Perhaps i have been too quiet for too long...
    Seriously mate your posts are getting more bizarre and irrelevant by the day.

  • Chippy. Are you out on the piss ?

    Not yet... But posting links without foundation particularly euro atom when i have a great inkling that nobody here had heard off or has any idea what it does.. Further to that last week on lbc, the chief security advisor to the government who isn't politically affiliated says we deport 8 people under the European arrest warrant and our security watch to every 1 yes 1....who comes the other way... Perhaps i have been too quiet for too long...
    Seriously mate your posts are getting more bizarre and irrelevant by the day.

    Good comeback.... I acknowledge that one...
  • Chippy is posting longer posts.
    That constitutes inching forward. A journey of 1000 miles starts with a single step and all that.
    Bravo Chippy.
  • For the most part I think this is true. Who in their right mind is going to admit even to themselves that they were duped and based their vote decision on lies and misinformation by crooks and charlatans and didn’t feel the need to look at the expert opinion which was readily available.

    You would have to be stupid wouldn’t you ?
    Never seen any of those ads......sorry to disappoint you but I can honestly day I was not swayed by any ad compaign, red battle bus or pollster.

    I am 51 years old. I didn't just decide in 2016 to vote leave. I have grown up with the "Common Market" and the ever convergence into a single European state. First there was the common agriculture & fisheries policy, then pints into litres, then pegging £ to the DM, then the Euro (which we sensibly kept out of) and now the powers that be in Brussels want more convergence.

    I just don't want it. I have never liked the idea of being part of Europe. Obviously we trade with them & they are our biggest market.....doesn't mean we have to be a part of it.
    Golfie.... Much easier to say you didn't know what you were voting for, otherwise the majority of this lot won't believe you as your answer doesn't fit their narrative.

    I had similar views to you but one the final straws was the working time directive, cost me thousands of pounds as my company wouldn't opt out initially and in my industry you have no choice otherwise you leave things unsafe. Plus the British government opt out view was opposed by some of our EU 'friends'..
    Chippy please explain how the Working Time Directive has cost you money. This is legislation to stop people working more than 48 hours a week (nearly 10 hours a day) without their written consent.

    I have done so in several companies, the hours over 35/37.5 being totally unpaid. Never offered or signed a waiver. I believe the Brits still work the longest hours in Europe. If it is an issue with you, I'm glad I don't work in your company.
    When the WRT came in I was a plant manager who maintained important plant and process equipment which had to be done at weekends to prevent downtime...

    The company in its wisdom despite knowing that this work could not be done at any other time, except midweek when they would lose productivity used this tool to cut our weekend overtime. We asked if we could sign OPT out forms as some of our contractors did they said no...

    So I lost money by not working overtime. They were more than happy before this foolish directive came in.

    The legislation was good for some workers (particularly low paid who were exploited) but not all for people like myself...
    So this was down the intrangience of your employers, not any EU legislation. As a worker using your plant I would be extremely reluctant to use it if I knew you had been working a 10 hour day to maintain it.
    Its what you have staff for.
    The W.T.D. was brought in after the Potters bar rail crash in which many people were killed.
    It was found (I think by the subsequent inquiry) that the men working on a cabling upgrade, had been working 12 days for a long period of time and had made mistakes that led to the accident.
    Quite rightly it was deemed that working such long hours was not conducive to the health of workers and the safety of the tasks they were carrying out.
    Sorry chaps that should read 12 hour day shifts.
    Indeed they had too few people doing too many hours... What the WTR did was take our focus away from the individuals we knew and worked well with continually and monitor their hours. What we found was by obeying their rules, continuity was broken.. A study after 12 months at my establishment into work time injuries discovered that time off due to injury AFTER the WTR was introduced went up. When the company decided to opt out and put our staffs welfare back under me and my colleagues control, work time injuries and sickness went down....
  • Chippy. Are you out on the piss ?

    Not yet... But posting links without foundation particularly euro atom when i have a great inkling that nobody here had heard off or has any idea what it does.. Further to that last week on lbc, the chief security advisor to the government who isn't politically affiliated says we deport 8 people under the European arrest warrant and our security watch to every 1 yes 1....who comes the other way... Perhaps i have been too quiet for too long...
    Seriously mate your posts are getting more bizarre and irrelevant by the day.

    They are actually a brilliant artistic representation of Brexit.
  • Yes, have your views without seeking out additional info and gaining a better undertsanding - don't listen to experts and all that!

    So another one... Who didn't know what he was voting for... That's two... Anymore...
    Not sure what you are on about. On such a complex issue, there will be things you are aware of and are not aware of - there are no rules precluding you from making yourself aware of them - well maybe you have your own rules. I didn't know too much about the Euratom issue, but learning about it is one more thing to worry about.
  • For the most part I think this is true. Who in their right mind is going to admit even to themselves that they were duped and based their vote decision on lies and misinformation by crooks and charlatans and didn’t feel the need to look at the expert opinion which was readily available.

    You would have to be stupid wouldn’t you ?
    Never seen any of those ads......sorry to disappoint you but I can honestly day I was not swayed by any ad compaign, red battle bus or pollster.

    I am 51 years old. I didn't just decide in 2016 to vote leave. I have grown up with the "Common Market" and the ever convergence into a single European state. First there was the common agriculture & fisheries policy, then pints into litres, then pegging £ to the DM, then the Euro (which we sensibly kept out of) and now the powers that be in Brussels want more convergence.

    I just don't want it. I have never liked the idea of being part of Europe. Obviously we trade with them & they are our biggest market.....doesn't mean we have to be a part of it.
    Golfie.... Much easier to say you didn't know what you were voting for, otherwise the majority of this lot won't believe you as your answer doesn't fit their narrative.

    I had similar views to you but one the final straws was the working time directive, cost me thousands of pounds as my company wouldn't opt out initially and in my industry you have no choice otherwise you leave things unsafe. Plus the British government opt out view was opposed by some of our EU 'friends'..
    Chippy please explain how the Working Time Directive has cost you money. This is legislation to stop people working more than 48 hours a week (nearly 10 hours a day) without their written consent.

    I have done so in several companies, the hours over 35/37.5 being totally unpaid. Never offered or signed a waiver. I believe the Brits still work the longest hours in Europe. If it is an issue with you, I'm glad I don't work in your company.
    When the WRT came in I was a plant manager who maintained important plant and process equipment which had to be done at weekends to prevent downtime...

    The company in its wisdom despite knowing that this work could not be done at any other time, except midweek when they would lose productivity used this tool to cut our weekend overtime. We asked if we could sign OPT out forms as some of our contractors did they said no...

    So I lost money by not working overtime. They were more than happy before this foolish directive came in.

    The legislation was good for some workers (particularly low paid who were exploited) but not all for people like myself...
    So this was down the intrangience of your employers, not any EU legislation. As a worker using your plant I would be extremely reluctant to use it if I knew you had been working a 10 hour day to maintain it.
    Its what you have staff for.
    The W.T.D. was brought in after the Potters bar rail crash in which many people were killed.
    It was found (I think by the subsequent inquiry) that the men working on a cabling upgrade, had been working 12 days for a long period of time and had made mistakes that led to the accident.
    Quite rightly it was deemed that working such long hours was not conducive to the health of workers and the safety of the tasks they were carrying out.
    Sorry chaps that should read 12 hour day shifts.
    Indeed they had too few people doing too many hours... What the WTR did was take our focus away from the individuals we knew and worked well with continually and monitor their hours. What we found was by obeying their rules, continuity was broken.. A study after 12 months at my establishment into work time injuries discovered that time off due to injury AFTER the WTR was introduced went up. When the company decided to opt out and put our staffs welfare back under me and my colleagues control, work time injuries and sickness went down....
    Sorry Chippy I find it difficult to believe that working longer hours makes workplace's safer.
    Do any posters work or have worked for the H.S.E to confirm Chippy's findings.
    I suppose it also depends on what type of work you are doing.
  • Yes, have your views without seeking out additional info and gaining a better undertsanding - don't listen to experts and all that!

    So another one... Who didn't know what he was voting for... That's two... Anymore...
    Not sure what you are on about. On such a complex issue, there will be things you are aware of and are not aware of - there are no rules precluding you from making yourself aware of them - well maybe you have your own rules. I didn't know too much about the Euratom issue, but learning about it is one more thing to worry about.
    Well you clearly knew the effects of your vote of euro atom. You clearly have told brexiters we didnt.
  • Sponsored links:

  • For the most part I think this is true. Who in their right mind is going to admit even to themselves that they were duped and based their vote decision on lies and misinformation by crooks and charlatans and didn’t feel the need to look at the expert opinion which was readily available.

    You would have to be stupid wouldn’t you ?
    Never seen any of those ads......sorry to disappoint you but I can honestly day I was not swayed by any ad compaign, red battle bus or pollster.

    I am 51 years old. I didn't just decide in 2016 to vote leave. I have grown up with the "Common Market" and the ever convergence into a single European state. First there was the common agriculture & fisheries policy, then pints into litres, then pegging £ to the DM, then the Euro (which we sensibly kept out of) and now the powers that be in Brussels want more convergence.

    I just don't want it. I have never liked the idea of being part of Europe. Obviously we trade with them & they are our biggest market.....doesn't mean we have to be a part of it.
    Golfie.... Much easier to say you didn't know what you were voting for, otherwise the majority of this lot won't believe you as your answer doesn't fit their narrative.

    I had similar views to you but one the final straws was the working time directive, cost me thousands of pounds as my company wouldn't opt out initially and in my industry you have no choice otherwise you leave things unsafe. Plus the British government opt out view was opposed by some of our EU 'friends'..
    Chippy please explain how the Working Time Directive has cost you money. This is legislation to stop people working more than 48 hours a week (nearly 10 hours a day) without their written consent.

    I have done so in several companies, the hours over 35/37.5 being totally unpaid. Never offered or signed a waiver. I believe the Brits still work the longest hours in Europe. If it is an issue with you, I'm glad I don't work in your company.
    When the WRT came in I was a plant manager who maintained important plant and process equipment which had to be done at weekends to prevent downtime...

    The company in its wisdom despite knowing that this work could not be done at any other time, except midweek when they would lose productivity used this tool to cut our weekend overtime. We asked if we could sign OPT out forms as some of our contractors did they said no...

    So I lost money by not working overtime. They were more than happy before this foolish directive came in.

    The legislation was good for some workers (particularly low paid who were exploited) but not all for people like myself...
    So this was down the intrangience of your employers, not any EU legislation. As a worker using your plant I would be extremely reluctant to use it if I knew you had been working a 10 hour day to maintain it.
    Its what you have staff for.
    The W.T.D. was brought in after the Potters bar rail crash in which many people were killed.
    It was found (I think by the subsequent inquiry) that the men working on a cabling upgrade, had been working 12 days for a long period of time and had made mistakes that led to the accident.
    Quite rightly it was deemed that working such long hours was not conducive to the health of workers and the safety of the tasks they were carrying out.
    Sorry chaps that should read 12 hour day shifts.
    Indeed they had too few people doing too many hours... What the WTR did was take our focus away from the individuals we knew and worked well with continually and monitor their hours. What we found was by obeying their rules, continuity was broken.. A study after 12 months at my establishment into work time injuries discovered that time off due to injury AFTER the WTR was introduced went up. When the company decided to opt out and put our staffs welfare back under me and my colleagues control, work time injuries and sickness went down....
    Sorry Chippy I find it difficult to believe that working longer hours makes workplace's safer.
    Do any posters work or have worked for the H.S.E to confirm Chippy's findings.
    I suppose it also depends on what type of work you are doing.
    So tonight your house is on fire and after the last few hours of their shift they walk away and say... Sorry mate... Safety first.
  • Chippy, how does our removal from participation in Euratom, benefit the UK?
  • Please. It’s not hard euratom !!!!!!
  • Chippy. Are you out on the piss ?

    Not yet... But posting links without foundation particularly euro atom when i have a great inkling that nobody here had heard off or has any idea what it does.. Further to that last week on lbc, the chief security advisor to the government who isn't politically affiliated says we deport 8 people under the European arrest warrant and our security watch to every 1 yes 1....who comes the other way... Perhaps i have been too quiet for too long...
    Seriously mate your posts are getting more bizarre and irrelevant by the day.

    They are actually a brilliant artistic representation of Brexit.
    You work for deutsche bank, can't commit either way.. One foot in both camps.. Coward.
  • Chizz said:

    Chippy, how does our removal from participation in Euratom, benefit the UK?

    You tell me you have all the answers.
  • Please. It’s not hard euratom !!!!!!

    You tell me you clearly knew what you were voting for......your lot seem to be back footed...… there is at least one subject their not experts on.....links and cut and paste exempt of course
  • Please. It’s not hard euratom !!!!!!

    You tell me you clearly knew what you were voting for......your lot seem to be back footed...… there is at least one subject their not experts on.....links and cut and paste exempt of course
    I voted to remain a member of the EU. I was not aware of all of the hundreds of agencies that being a member tied us too nor the problems that would be encountered should we leave. I was however aware that there were organisations and because the opinions of others that it would be better to remain within them.

    When I don’t have enough information to formulate a balanced view on a subject I tend to lean towards listening to those that do have that information and take on board their views. These people are often called experts. Next time something you havn’t got much of a clue about rears it’s head I recommend you give experts a go.

    LOL this is better than your you you ring the horse owner up and ask his changes daily with you have continually voiced an opinion every day on things you dont know, do you ring the bank of England...letting you off lightly now.

    But you have clearly stated for the last two years...haven't you ..that we thing I despise is double standards..and lack of knowledge of course and you and everyone except three people (included you cordy this time) excel at it.
  • Chizz said:

    Chippy, how does our removal from participation in Euratom, benefit the UK?

    You tell me you have all the answers.
    For the purposes of this discussion, let's pretend I don't. Can you then tell me what benefit we will see from not being part of Euratom, if Brexit were to go ahead?
This discussion has been closed.

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