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Charlton / L1 - January 2019 Transfer Rumours (ed, deadline day starts p98)



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    It's an opinion, just because that opinion differs from yours isn't a reason to get all sweary.

    As for evidence, did youy watch the first game of the season?

    Did u watch the 3 home games where he made fantastic saves(sorry cant remember exactly what game)
    Just one aspect of being a keeper, so he might not be shit, but his distribution, flappiness at crosses and some of the absolute howlers he's let in might suggest he is a bit, well..... shit.

    I happen to think he's good enough for our current aspirations of Top 6, However I'd replace ANY player, if the replacement was better, this is a results business, nothing else matters.

    Still no need to lose it and start swearing just because you disagree with someone and abusing the flag system, it's childish.
    Abusing the flag system
    Haha have u seen half my flags most of those have been jokes

    I flagged someone who slagged off a charlton player, imo that was worthy of a flag.

    Also as for swearing there are loads of people who have done it just read the takeover thread
    The flag system is there for people who break the rules, not for posts you disagree with.
    Again look at my flags
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    Twenty fckin three the kid is and made 8 league starts and being hounded for errors/

    Just wow

    So you'd keep playing him, even of better options are available? Why bother signing any players then, we can field an entire team of academy players.
    Mate, I dont think he has done much wrong, all season. The GK position is a bit more personal than other positions.

    Will just end up being another Pope as this kid will do well and people will moan that we never played him.
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    It's an opinion, just because that opinion differs from yours isn't a reason to get all sweary.

    As for evidence, did youy watch the first game of the season?

    Did u watch the 3 home games where he made fantastic saves(sorry cant remember exactly what game)
    Just one aspect of being a keeper, so he might not be shit, but his distribution, flappiness at crosses and some of the absolute howlers he's let in might suggest he is a bit, well..... shit.

    I happen to think he's good enough for our current aspirations of Top 6, However I'd replace ANY player, if the replacement was better, this is a results business, nothing else matters.

    Still no need to lose it and start swearing just because you disagree with someone and abusing the flag system, it's childish.
    Abusing the flag system
    Haha have u seen half my flags most of those have been jokes

    I flagged someone who slagged off a charlton player, imo that was worthy of a flag.

    Also as for swearing there are loads of people who have done it just read the takeover thread
    The flag system is there for people who break the rules, not for posts you disagree with.
    Again look at my flags
    You appear to have confused me for a mod.
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    Twenty fckin three the kid is and made 8 league starts and being hounded for errors/

    Just wow

    So you'd keep playing him, even of better options are available? Why bother signing any players then, we can field an entire team of academy players.
    Mate, I dont think he has done much wrong, all season. The GK position is a bit more personal than other positions.

    Will just end up being another Pope as this kid will do well and people will moan that we never played him.
    As I said earlier I think he's good enough for our current level, but I'd replace anyone I could with a better option. If Bowyer think the incoming lad is a better option, that's good enough for me, 23 is still young for a keeper, he'll get his chances。

    If someone better than Taylor became available, it would be byebye Lyle, there's no room be sentimentality in football.
    Could agree to disagree bud, there was better players available when Curbs was about but a lot of the success was based on the feeling in the camp and the type of player signed, I just feel this band of players this season are doing above their expectations and in some instances ability, IMO this is down the players playing for each other..

    Of course I hear your points as well though.
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    It's an opinion, just because that opinion differs from yours isn't a reason to get all sweary.

    As for evidence, did youy watch the first game of the season?

    Did u watch the 3 home games where he made fantastic saves(sorry cant remember exactly what game)
    Just one aspect of being a keeper, so he might not be shit, but his distribution, flappiness at crosses and some of the absolute howlers he's let in might suggest he is a bit, well..... shit.

    I happen to think he's good enough for our current aspirations of Top 6, However I'd replace ANY player, if the replacement was better, this is a results business, nothing else matters.

    Still no need to lose it and start swearing just because you disagree with someone and abusing the flag system, it's childish.
    Abusing the flag system
    Haha have u seen half my flags most of those have been jokes

    I flagged someone who slagged off a charlton player, imo that was worthy of a flag.

    Also as for swearing there are loads of people who have done it just read the takeover thread
    The flag system is there for people who break the rules, not for posts you disagree with.
    Again look at my flags
    You appear to have confused me for a mod.
    Well no but you are moaning that i flagged someone, but you wasnt moaning when i got flagged for saying Ronnie O'Sullivan was out, or for when i made a comment about a team sheet
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    Twenty fckin three the kid is and made 8 league starts and being hounded for errors/

    Just wow

    So you'd keep playing him, even of better options are available? Why bother signing any players then, we can field an entire team of academy players.
    Mate, I dont think he has done much wrong, all season. The GK position is a bit more personal than other positions.

    Will just end up being another Pope as this kid will do well and people will moan that we never played him.
    As I said earlier I think he's good enough for our current level, but I'd replace anyone I could with a better option. If Bowyer think the incoming lad is a better option, that's good enough for me, 23 is still young for a keeper, he'll get his chances。

    If someone better than Taylor became available, it would be byebye Lyle, there's no room be sentimentality in football.
    Could agree to disagree bud, there was better players available when Curbs was about but a lot of the success was based on the feeling in the camp and the type of player signed, I just feel this band of players this season are doing above their expectations and in some instances ability, IMO this is down the players playing for each other..

    Of course I hear your points as well though.
    Happy to agree to disagree mate, it's all a matter of opinions.

    You've.certainly got it spot on with the over achieving part this year, that's one of the main reasons I'm willing to trust Bowyer on this, there's something special about him.
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    Roland's a twat, doesn't let the manager sign players. There is no way, any league 1 club could buy a keeper as good as Amos and probably Steer and Rudd as well.

    We get strongly linked with a championship keeper, with a good reputation and people kick off because poor Dillion won't play. Ffs you would all cry if we signed Karl Walker cos Solly is "proper Charlton".

    You can't bring players in without leaving someone out. But hey ho it's all Roland's fault. BTW some of the most vocal supporters of Philips are the ones that are most critical of RD being tight and not bringing in players. If you know of an experienced goal keeper that is available, affordable, good enough and happy to sit on a league 1 bench please let someone like Gallen know.
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    edited January 2019

    The mistake was not getting in another keeper last season, and giving Dillon a proper loan spell at a league club, as I suspect he'll leave at the end of the season without any of us knowing whether he's good enough or not, which is frustrating


    Phillips already has had successful loan spells. He does not need more loans. He needs more playing time. And he needs it with us. Not someone else.

    If we had committed to him on day one of this season, not only would be better than he is, we would not be about to finish the season without a keeper at all, which I openly predicted months ago.

    Lemme say what I believe...

    Either we are a family club, which I hear all the time, or we are a club of short-term thinking and a mercenary club like 90% of clubs, always worried about the next match and whether we are winning now. Now, now, now.

    Me? I don’t give a #### if we go up this year or even if we are top 6 this year.

    What I do care about is that the club start acting like they say we are. A family club that gives our own youth who have spent years patiently getting better, a chance. If it works, great. If not, then we adjust. I am willing to be very patient. Very.

    The fact is... and it is a FACT, that Phillips leaves in the summer unless we commit to him NOW. He might leave anyway due to our crappy treatment of him. That’s on us, not him.

    Given Pope, who was in roughly the same situation on his learning curve and also had his critics, is now worth more in the market (by some accounts) than our whole club is worth, I really would not be in a hurry to repeat this mistake with Phillips in the desperate hunt to be top six in 2019.

    We produce good keepers here. We always have. It’s time to commit to them. And to commit to our whole youth system. If we are going to become a club of loans and always desperate to win now, while allowing our best young players to leave because we might drop a few places in the table, then the least we can do is stop pretending to be a family club and admit we are nothing special on that front. But I am tired of hearing we are one thing when all we do is act like another.
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    The mistake was not getting in another keeper last season, and giving Dillon a proper loan spell at a league club, as I suspect he'll leave at the end of the season without any of us knowing whether he's good enough or not, which is frustrating


    Phillips already has had successful loan spells. He does not need more loans. He needs more playing time. And he needs it with us. Not someone else.

    If we had committed to him on day one of this season, not only would be better than he is, we would not be about to finish the season without a keeper at all, which I openly predicted months ago.

    Lemme say what I believe...

    Either we are a family club, which I hear all the time, or we are a club of short-term thinking and a mercenary club like 90% of clubs, always worried about the next match and whether we are winning now. Now, now, now.

    Me? I don’t give a #### if we go up this year or even if we are top 6 this year.

    What I do care about is that the club start acting like they say we are. A family club that gives our own youth who have spent years patiently getting better, a chance. If it works, great. If not, then we adjust. I am willing to be very patient. Very.

    The fact is... and it is a FACT, that Phillips leaves in the summer unless we commit to him NOW. He might leave anyway due to our crappy treatment of him. That’s on us, not him.

    Given Pope, who was in roughly the same situation on his learning curve and also had his critics, is now worth more in the market (by some accounts) than our whole club is worth, I really would not be in a hurry to repeat this mistake with Phillips in the desperate hunt to be top six in 2019.

    We produce good keepers here. We always have. It’s time to commit to them. And to commit to our whole youth system. If we are going to become a club of loans and always desperate to win now, while allowing our best young players to leave because we might drop a few places in the table, then the least we can do is stop pretending to be a family club and admit we are nothing special on that front. But I am tired of hearing we are one thing when all we do is act like another.
    So what your saying, in a nutshell, is RD please don't sell the club so next season we can play the u12s and be relegated by Christmas. At least the 12 people who will be watching can enjoy the sense of "family"? Beyond parady.
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    edited January 2019
    The problem with Dillon is the budget, or lack there of. We need two keepers, one of whom can definitely be Phillips, but what budget we have is probably better spent in other areas, leaving us with the option of an inferior freebie who can sit on the bench (a gamble in the case that Dillon gets injured, or doesn't live up the expectation people have of him - he is after all still fairly unproven in our first team), or a loanee of similar quality to Dillon, but that can come with a pressure to play them.

    The situation is not as straightforward as some of you like to make out, and Bowyer is hampered by the restrictions placed on him by the owner.

    The mistake was not getting in another keeper last season, and giving Dillon a proper loan spell at a league club, as I suspect he'll leave at the end of the season without any of us knowing whether he's good enough or not, which is frustrating


    Phillips already has had successful loan spells. He does not need more loans. He needs more playing time. And he needs it with us. Not someone else.

    If we had committed to him on day one of this season, not only would be better than he is, we would not be about to finish the season without a keeper at all, which I openly predicted months ago.

    Lemme say what I believe...

    Either we are a family club, which I hear all the time, or we are a club of short-term thinking and a mercenary club like 90% of clubs, always worried about the next match and whether we are winning now. Now, now, now.

    Me? I don’t give a #### if we go up this year or even if we are top 6 this year.

    What I do care about is that the club start acting like they say we are. A family club that gives our own youth who have spent years patiently getting better, a chance. If it works, great. If not, then we adjust. I am willing to be very patient. Very.

    The fact is... and it is a FACT, that Phillips leaves in the summer unless we commit to him NOW. He might leave anyway due to our crappy treatment of him. That’s on us, not him.

    Given Pope, who was in roughly the same situation on his learning curve and also had his critics, is now worth more in the market (by some accounts) than our whole club is worth, I really would not be in a hurry to repeat this mistake with Phillips in the desperate hunt to be top six in 2019.

    We produce good keepers here. We always have. It’s time to commit to them. And to commit to our whole youth system. If we are going to become a club of loans and always desperate to win now, while allowing our best young players to leave because we might drop a few places in the table, then the least we can do is stop pretending to be a family club and admit we are nothing special on that front. But I am tired of hearing we are one thing when all we do is act like another.
    Dillon got a chance. He started the season, and let in a goal he probably should have saved in his very first game. He wasn't dropped straight away, though, he kept his place and Steer stayed on the bench until Phillips let in another goal he probably should have stopped at which point he came out of the side. Steer played well and didn't surrender his shirt. Maybe it was a touch harsh to drop him, they weren't the worst clangers a Charlton keeper has ever made, but, also, nothing seems especially unfair about that situation to me - it's not like he kept a string of consecutive clean sheets making 10 worldy saves a match. Or would you rather we set the bar so low for our youth players that they are undroppable even if not doing the business?

    We'll have to see if this new loanee comes with a condition he must play. I'm personally skeptical these conditions exist to the extent that a lot of fans think they do anyway, but Phillips has not yet been the victim of some massive conspiratorial injustice the way is made out on here.
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    edited January 2019
    I'll add my two penneth to this debate......

    You could have Gordon Banks in fecking goal but if Taylor gets injured then you can kiss goodbye to the play offs. We need another striker........Ajose & Recco cant score for toffee & Igor is injured (And even when fit didn't look like he would trouble the scorers).

    As you were......
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    2 pages of shit talk
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    I'll add my two penneth to this debate......

    You could have Gordon Banks in fecking goal but if Taylor gets injured then you can kiss goodbye to the play offs. We need another striker........Ajose & Recco cant score for toffee & Igor is injured (And even when fit didn't look like he would trouble the scorers).

    As you were......

    I asked you this before golfie, maybe you didn't see it, what decent striker can we get on loan to sit on the bench? I can't see any.
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    I'll add my two penneth to this debate......

    You could have Gordon Banks in fecking goal but if Taylor gets injured then you can kiss goodbye to the play offs. We need another striker........Ajose & Recco cant score for toffee & Igor is injured (And even when fit didn't look like he would trouble the scorers).

    As you were......

    As Gordon Banks is 81 and blind in one eye I think I'd rather stick with Phillips tbh ;-)
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    cazo said:

    2 pages of shit talk

    You need to get over to the takeover thread, mate.
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    It's an opinion, just because that opinion differs from yours isn't a reason to get all sweary.

    As for evidence, did youy watch the first game of the season?

    Did u watch the 3 home games where he made fantastic saves(sorry cant remember exactly what game)
    Just one aspect of being a keeper, so he might not be shit, but his distribution, flappiness at crosses and some of the absolute howlers he's let in might suggest he is a bit, well..... shit.

    I happen to think he's good enough for our current aspirations of Top 6, However I'd replace ANY player, if the replacement was better, this is a results business, nothing else matters.

    Still no need to lose it and start swearing just because you disagree with someone and abusing the flag system, it's childish.
    Abusing the flag system
    Haha have u seen half my flags most of those have been jokes

    I flagged someone who slagged off a charlton player, imo that was worthy of a flag.

    Also as for swearing there are loads of people who have done it just read the takeover thread
    Don 't ever go on a post match thread after we lose a game.
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    cafc4life said:


    cafc4life said:

    cafc4life said:

    Phillips is shite though. All this sentiment because he is an academy player . He isn’t good enough, certainly for a team looking to be promoted .

    Where are u gettimg this from
    What has he done for you to say he is shit.

    He made some brilliant saves earlier in the season and was only dropped due to his Distribution which can be worked on

    1 thing he is not is shit
    Just an opinion. Thanks for the flag though
    The flag was for calling him shit with no evidence to back it up.

    Support the fucking players and dont slag them off for doing nothing wrong
    Don’t know why your swearing at me Paulie. All opinions like I said . The fact that Bowyer has looked to sign players ahead of him in previous transfer windows and potentially this suggests maybe he thinks he isn’t up to scratch long term either
    Dont think i swore at you did i
    I always thought fucking was a swear word.
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    cazo said:

    2 pages of shit talk

    Have a look at the takeover thread - there’s 1440 pages of shit talk!
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    I'll add my two penneth to this debate......

    You could have Gordon Banks in fecking goal but if Taylor gets injured then you can kiss goodbye to the play offs. We need another striker........Ajose & Recco cant score for toffee & Igor is injured (And even when fit didn't look like he would trouble the scorers).

    As you were......

    Agreed, not even just about him getting injured. We need to take some pressure off. Aneke would do for me
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    edited January 2019
    Checking the thread to see the rumours only to see more squabbling about Phillips

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    Why are people even suggesting Aneke... He'd command a sizeable fee
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    Dillon is a decent enough keeper, he just needs experience. He needs to play games.
    He should have been loaned out before - but he's been held back here, hostage to circumstances..

    Bowyer has set his sights on promotion.

    He's not going to settle for anything less. He says this in every interview, every article.
    Everything he is doing is geared up to this, even though thanks to Roland, he's trying to do it on a restricted budget and with one hand tied behind his back.

    To gain promotion he'll feel he needs an experienced goalkeeper, the finished article.
    It's not yet Dillon, is it?

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