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Is Lockdown easing gradually?



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    It was Sheffield.

    Police found drinkers hiding in cupboards when they raided a pub allegedly breaking coronavirus lockdown regulations.

    Officers went to the Pitsmoor Hotel in Sheffield on Friday following reports from members of the public that it was still serving customers.

    South Yorkshire Police and Sheffield City Council issued a prohibition order forcing it to shut.

    Police said the pub's alcohol licence is now under review.

    John O'Malley, Liquor Licensing Manager at South Yorkshire Police, said: "On Friday night, officers attended the premises and found a number of people hiding in cupboards, the pub was clearly still open for business.

    "What makes this more significant, is that the licence holder has already been served a prohibition notice under the legislation for another premise, The Staffordshire Arms on Sorby Street.

    "Licences for both venues are now under review by ourselves and Sheffield City Council, so there could be long-term implications for these businesses."

    Last month, the government ordered the closure of pubs, restaurants and other businesses in an attempt to reduce the spread of the Covid-19 virus.

    Under the legislation, owners commit an offence if they remain open and can be given a prohibition notice and fined.

    Owners can be prosecuted if the prohibition notice is broken with magistrates able to impose potentially unlimited fines.

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    For balance Italy and Spain had much tougher lockdowns and still hundreds dying each day. 
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    Think it will be a 3 week extension tonight with exercise outside being permitted more than once a day from Monday - of course a lot of people are observing this the idiots of this world are not and that will continue as people revert to type - sensible people are more sensible - thick/selfish cnuts are even more selfish then usual. 
    The mention of pub gardens opening is ridiculous, you would have people queing to get in pubs, qs for toilets, people getting there early and sitting there all day, a lot going mad on the booze and requiring medical help - carnage I feel. 
    The meeting up with family and friend outside - what does that mean in a public place or in your own garden. 
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    edited May 2020
    Just heard on the radio, pub gardens... really? this seems ludacris. I am for one bored af stuck indoors and would kill for a piss up, however this is not the answer. Will be interested to see what they do, not sure anything warrants anything other than sticking to the current lockdown guidelines nothing has changed. 

    Also thinking about it more, this would be clueless. let pub gardens open on a bank holiday sunday is only asking for trouble firstly social distancing, also bank holidays are notorious for trouble (well in maidstone it always seems to be) so letting people out for a drink in a pub garden could be a recipe for disaster and mayhem. If this happens the government are even more stupid than i give them credit for. 
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    Just heard on the radio, pub gardens... really? this seems ludacris. I am for one bored af stuck indoors and would kill for a piss up, however this is not the answer. Will be interested to see what they do, not sure anything warrants anything other than sticking to the current lockdown guidelines nothing has changed. 

    Also thinking about it more, this would be clueless. let pub gardens open on a bank holiday sunday is only asking for trouble firstly social distancing, also bank holidays are notorious for trouble (well in maidstone it always seems to be) so letting people out for a drink in a pub garden could be a recipe for disaster and mayhem. If this happens the government are even more stupid than i give them credit for. 

    I think the reason somebody has suggested pub gardens is because they are outdoors and there was that comment on one of the government briefings that it’s safer to be out in the fresh air than stuck indoors with little ventilation . I suspect nobody in the government has considered the dynamics of drinking in that more liquid taken into the body results in more liquid coming out, ie you have to have a piss and most pub toilets are not designed for 2 metre social distancing

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    Just heard on the radio, pub gardens... really? this seems ludacris. I am for one bored af stuck indoors and would kill for a piss up, however this is not the answer. Will be interested to see what they do, not sure anything warrants anything other than sticking to the current lockdown guidelines nothing has changed. 

    Also thinking about it more, this would be clueless. let pub gardens open on a bank holiday sunday is only asking for trouble firstly social distancing, also bank holidays are notorious for trouble (well in maidstone it always seems to be) so letting people out for a drink in a pub garden could be a recipe for disaster and mayhem. If this happens the government are even more stupid than i give them credit for. 

    I think the reason somebody has suggested pub gardens is because they are outdoors and there was that comment on one of the government briefings that it’s safer to be out in the fresh air than stuck indoors with little ventilation . I suspect nobody in the government has considered the dynamics of drinking in that more liquid taken into the body results in more liquid coming out, ie you have to have a piss and most pub toilets are not designed for 2 metre social distancing

    It's not unique to this country, everywhere else in Europe will have to address these issues, which presumably will involve table service, restrictions to the numbers of people going to the toilet, and gallons of hand sanitiser...
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    edited May 2020
    My first time out the house in five days, just drove to the supermarket and didn’t even get out the car. Must have been 200 in the queue
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    edited May 2020
    Just heard on the radio, pub gardens... really? this seems ludacris. I am for one bored af stuck indoors and would kill for a piss up, however this is not the answer. Will be interested to see what they do, not sure anything warrants anything other than sticking to the current lockdown guidelines nothing has changed. 

    Also thinking about it more, this would be clueless. let pub gardens open on a bank holiday sunday is only asking for trouble firstly social distancing, also bank holidays are notorious for trouble (well in maidstone it always seems to be) so letting people out for a drink in a pub garden could be a recipe for disaster and mayhem. If this happens the government are even more stupid than i give them credit for. 
    If they do that, then i'd fully expect to happen what happened here in Dubai two weekends ago when they eased the lockdown and said pubs could open (at 30% capacity).

    By the afternoon the pubs that had been given permission to open were pretty busy, definitely more than 30%, no one was social distancing as naturally people socialise in groups, and when police did spot checks mid afternoon, they closed every pub.

    Next day the government announced that any establishment with an alcohol license would remain shut for at least one more month. 
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    I visited the local Tesco Express at 7.30 this morning. It was my first trip out for 2 weeks and the last time I went it was quiet at that time. Today it was very busy and the staff there said they had noticed a very big jump in people shopping at that time this morning. people were not observing the one way system in the shop - mainly young men. 

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    I visited the local Tesco Express at 7.30 this morning. It was my first trip out for 2 weeks and the last time I went it was quiet at that time. Today it was very busy and the staff there said they had noticed a very big jump in people shopping at that time this morning. people were not observing the one way system in the shop - mainly young men. 

    I think these things ebb & flow.
    People find 7.30 is quiet so more & more people then go at 7.30.
    It's the same with different supermarkets.
    Someone on social media or you find yourself that M&S is "quiet" so more and more people go.
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    I went to Lidl on Saturday and was able to take up my overcrowding issues with the Manager.

    I asked the lady what the customer capacity was nowadays, she stalled for a few seconds then said "why do you ask?". I relayed my experience from the previous week and repeated my question, this was met with "it depends"!  I replied with that what she said did not make sense, to which she came out with a number of 60, the first number that must have come to her head. I thanked her for her time.

    Whilst paying for my stuff the queue to the far right of me had no distancing whatsoever, there was around 8 people each within touching distance of each other.

    On leaving the shop there was EASILY 60 people inside, with the security 'monitoring' the queue/customer capacity, instead stood by the tills and nowhere near the entrance/exit!

    An absolute shambles.
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    The amount of people going back into London is on a steady climb 

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    Just cycled home from work and it's the busiest I've seen the roads since lockdown started, cars full of families, anyone would think it was a hot bank holiday weekend and people are off to visit family..................!!
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    for anyone wanting to beat the qs at supermarkets i went just after 8pm last thursday - was empty. 
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    for anyone wanting to beat the qs at supermarkets i went just after 8pm last thursday - was empty. 
    Bang on, Tuesday i went after work 6pm, its 10 mins max drive away. First time i have been since all of this, i live with my Mum so she goes and does the shopping but i needed a few essentials. The roads leading up to it seemed flowing , at least semi normal but the supermarket wasn't empty but no queue to get in. All a bit surreal the first time seeing it so bare (peoplewise), it was a big Morrisons i was there about 6:30, back by 7:15.

    Not sure why more people are travelling when there are no normal shops open, you aren't supposed to be visiting people. Most people should be working from home where possible, so it doesn't really make sense. Its a bit like the allowed out for an hour exercise, people who wouldn't normally going out for walks, or with the family, although expected as something different and to get out the house.  
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    Rothko said:
    The amount of people going back into London is on a steady climb 

    Still MASSIVELY down on normal though.

    If we'd gone from normal road traffic to a 58% drop, everyone would be saying what an amazing change that was
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    I'm dreading this weekend basically. As are Dorset police. Hope I'm wrong. 
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    Went to the local shops to buy fruit and veg and some meat. Dring’s the butchers
    and the other Royal Hill shops had massive queues so we also didn’t get out the car but went to an even more local veg shop and ditched the idea of a bbq for me and my son tomorrow. 

    Huge amount of traffic on the road and the local shop owner where we ended up even commented how many people out and about including traffic past their shop. 

    Lot of people out in the park when we walked the dogs as well. 

    Compare this to Easter weekend and there is a massive amount of people now flexing and breaking the rules than there were at that time. People are much less scared now. 
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    Rothko said:
    The amount of people going back into London is on a steady climb 

    Still MASSIVELY down on normal though.

    If we'd gone from normal road traffic to a 58% drop, everyone would be saying what an amazing change that was
    It is but that's not the point that is being made.
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    Went to the local shops to buy fruit and veg and some meat. Dring’s the butchers
    and the other Royal Hill shops had massive queues so we also didn’t get out the car but went to an even more local veg shop and ditched the idea of a bbq for me and my son tomorrow. 

    Huge amount of traffic on the road and the local shop owner where we ended up even commented how many people out and about including traffic past their shop. 

    Lot of people out in the park when we walked the dogs as well. 

    Compare this to Easter weekend and there is a massive amount of people now flexing and breaking the rules than there were at that time. People are much less scared now. 
    But were they breaking the rules ?
    Surely they were doing the same as you ?
    (Not having a dig btw).
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    seth plum said:
    As long as people outside give me a wide berth they can carry on as far as I am concerned.
    The issue for me is people stretched out across the pavement, cyclists and joggers/runners coming too close, and people squeezing up on me in queues.
    I stepped into the road to avoid a pavement wide group of three coming towards me, and was yelled at by a jogger in the road because I had not looked over my shoulder first and seen him running up the road the same direction as me.
    I thought to myself he could have swerved around me.
    The prick.
    Yup. Walking briskly with the dog along a reasonably narrow path. Catch up quickly with a family of four dawdling along four abreast taking up the whole path.  From about four yards distance I politely say “excuse me. Coming through”. I get a look as though I’d shat in their dinner. I have to stop and dawdle behind them. “Excuse me folks, could you let me through please? “I get the visual equivalent of “fuck you” and they just about move.   Peasants. 
    If you had that little blue bag of doggie doings you could've put it to good use.
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    I do enjoy popping onto this thread and reading how shocked posters are when they go outside and see other people! How inconsiderate that other people go out, at the same time, for most likely the same reason as you. 
    Harsh ? There’s going out and going out. I go out once a week to shop and once a day for 45 minutes to walk the dog. When I see people out where it’s obvious that they are not playing by the rules then yes I do get annoyed. 
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    Went to the local shops to buy fruit and veg and some meat. Dring’s the butchers
    and the other Royal Hill shops had massive queues so we also didn’t get out the car but went to an even more local veg shop and ditched the idea of a bbq for me and my son tomorrow. 

    Huge amount of traffic on the road and the local shop owner where we ended up even commented how many people out and about including traffic past their shop. 

    Lot of people out in the park when we walked the dogs as well. 

    Compare this to Easter weekend and there is a massive amount of people now flexing and breaking the rules than there were at that time. People are much less scared now. 
    Hopefully you can get a relief parcel sent in from the Ashburham Triangle xxx
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    I went to Lidl on Saturday and was able to take up my overcrowding issues with the Manager.

    I asked the lady what the customer capacity was nowadays, she stalled for a few seconds then said "why do you ask?". I relayed my experience from the previous week and repeated my question, this was met with "it depends"!  I replied with that what she said did not make sense, to which she came out with a number of 60, the first number that must have come to her head. I thanked her for her time.

    Whilst paying for my stuff the queue to the far right of me had no distancing whatsoever, there was around 8 people each within touching distance of each other.

    On leaving the shop there was EASILY 60 people inside, with the security 'monitoring' the queue/customer capacity, instead stood by the tills and nowhere near the entrance/exit!

    An absolute shambles.
    You was that annoyed that it has taken you 5 days to vent your anger on here?
    Try Waitrose, far more refined.
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    I do enjoy popping onto this thread and reading how shocked posters are when they go outside and see other people! How inconsiderate that other people go out, at the same time, for most likely the same reason as you. 
    Harsh ? There’s going out and going out. I go out once a week to shop and once a day for 45 minutes to walk the dog. When I see people out where it’s obvious that they are not playing by the rules then yes I do get annoyed. 

    Why is that harsh, its hardly like I've insulted people's mothers!

    My point is I get the impression that some people go out and think it should be a ghost town. There are 66 million people in the UK, and many of them will be out for exercise, work, getting essentials etc.

    Yes there are plenty of morons, and yes the longer the lockdown has gone on the more people have got fed up and not stayed in as much as they should have. But it's hardly like there's groups of people around every corner congregating, causing a nuisance and breaking social distancing rules even if they are out for the second time in a day. 

    On the whole the vast majority of people have stuck to the rules, or at the least mainly stuck to them and I honestly think people should be more positive about how well the public have done. 
    You make my point for me. That’s why I get annoyed when it’s obvious that someone isn’t. 
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