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Is Lockdown easing gradually?



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    I do enjoy popping onto this thread and reading how shocked posters are when they go outside and see other people! How inconsiderate that other people go out, at the same time, for most likely the same reason as you. 
    Harsh ? There’s going out and going out. I go out once a week to shop and once a day for 45 minutes to walk the dog. When I see people out where it’s obvious that they are not playing by the rules then yes I do get annoyed. 

    Why is that harsh, its hardly like I've insulted people's mothers!

    My point is I get the impression that some people go out and think it should be a ghost town. There are 66 million people in the UK, and many of them will be out for exercise, work, getting essentials etc.

    Yes there are plenty of morons, and yes the longer the lockdown has gone on the more people have got fed up and not stayed in as much as they should have. But it's hardly like there's groups of people around every corner congregating, causing a nuisance and breaking social distancing rules even if they are out for the second time in a day. 

    On the whole the vast majority of people have stuck to the rules, or at the least mainly stuck to them and I honestly think people should be more positive about how well the public have done. 
    You make my point for me. That’s why I get annoyed when it’s obvious that someone isn’t. 
    Fairplay, and I can understand that. I feel like that you probably shouldn't let the minority annoy you and just except whatever you do there will always been some absolute melons.
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    Went to the local shops to buy fruit and veg and some meat. Dring’s the butchers
    and the other Royal Hill shops had massive queues so we also didn’t get out the car but went to an even more local veg shop and ditched the idea of a bbq for me and my son tomorrow. 

    Huge amount of traffic on the road and the local shop owner where we ended up even commented how many people out and about including traffic past their shop. 

    Lot of people out in the park when we walked the dogs as well. 

    Compare this to Easter weekend and there is a massive amount of people now flexing and breaking the rules than there were at that time. People are much less scared now. 
    But were they breaking the rules ?
    Surely they were doing the same as you ?
    (Not having a dig btw).
    Well, we were walking the dogs on our daily excercise whereas others were playing table tennis on the park table, sitting on the benches with a few tins of beer, having a picnic on the benches and on the grass so yeah, in the park a lot more people were breaking the rules than before.

    Less sure about the shopping tbf. I shouldn’t have combined two points in the same post. 
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    Thursday night @Covered End wife watch.

    I’m going for 8.42
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    Thursday night @Covered End wife watch.

    I’m going for 8.42
    I didn't time her, but I make you about right.
    The other 2 Dorises both confirmed they would book a hairdresser appointment tomorrow.
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    Raab really seemed to play down the possibility of easing lockdown earlier. They'd offered a lot more optimism in the previous couple of days. 

    Wonder if there's been a change of plan 
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    Raab really seemed to play down the possibility of easing lockdown earlier. They'd offered a lot more optimism in the previous couple of days. 

    Wonder if there's been a change of plan 
    The "R" has gone up, so yes the plan has stalled.
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    Raab really seemed to play down the possibility of easing lockdown earlier. They'd offered a lot more optimism in the previous couple of days. 

    Wonder if there's been a change of plan 
    The "R" has gone up, so yes the plan has stalled.
    It was all b@llocks
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    clb74 said:
    Raab really seemed to play down the possibility of easing lockdown earlier. They'd offered a lot more optimism in the previous couple of days. 

    Wonder if there's been a change of plan 
    The "R" has gone up, so yes the plan has stalled.
    It was all b@llocks
    What was? 
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    I’ve only managed 6 before.
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    The little Asda at the bottom of the Broadway is my little shop never a queue. Love it. But I don’t go early and I have all the meat so it’s just for veg and other essentials and to do my dads shop. Otherwise the newish Sainsburys in Abbey Wood is a good one. Empty.

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    Is there no end to the lengths that Saracens will go to in breaking rules?
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    I’ve only managed 6 before.
    Is that with or without the foil wrapper?
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    Curb_It said:
    Curb_It said:
    The little Asda at the bottom of the Broadway is my little shop never a queue. Love it. But I don’t go early and I have all the meat so it’s just for veg and other essentials and to do my dads shop. Otherwise the newish Sainsburys in Abbey Wood is a good one. Empty.

    I’m sure I was planning to reply to someone about shopping when I made this comment. Just read it back and I sound like a right  boring bastard.

    You never sound boring to me.
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    edited May 2020
    It's just past 8;30 and already the prom looks like a cross between Picadilly Circus and the Tour De France. Maybe everyone's decided to take their exercise early too but it's not been as busy as that at this time before. 
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    iaitch said:
    I’ve only managed 6 before.
    Is that with or without the foil wrapper?
    Without obviously. What kind of weirdo monster do you think I am??
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    Saw less than 10 cars on my cycle to work this morning so maybe the steady increase in early morning traffic I've been seeing the last 3/4 weeks was genuinely people going to work.
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    LenGlover said:
    I am going to ease my neighbours power tool up his arse if he doesn’t stop it soon.
    They love it don't they?

    Bit of sunshine and we have a 'look at me let's see who can make the most noise competition!' I've listened to a patio washer, a lawnmower and a strimmer most of today and now the other side are starting up. That's before you think about the cars and motor bikes without silencers on their exhausts.

    When I was young you'd run the risk of getting nicked if you didn't have a silencer on the exhaust. Now it's de rigeur!
    The most cringe worthy thing I saw (and heard today) was a bloke in his 50s (I'm guessing) in an top down Saab Convertible blasting out Whitney Houston (the MOR period) at some ridiculous volume...
    Did he want to dance with somebody?
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    Stood in a corner of the bus from shopping in Bromley keeping the social distancing guidelines.
    Another useless b****** then managed to plonk her a*** directly behind another passenger.
    Words fail me at times.
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    edited May 2020
    Stood in a corner of the bus from shopping in Bromley keeping the social distancing guidelines.
    Another useless b****** then managed to plonk her a*** directly behind another passenger.
    Words fail me at times.
    Well I agree with IDS. We can trust the common sense of the British people.

    To think this effing irresponsible moron could have been Prime Minister.
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    Weekly shopping trip this morning, roads the busiest yet, was almost like a normal Friday. 

    Supermarket not too bad but a lot busier than last week with more kids than I have seen at any time since this started. 

    Still a lot of idiots ignoring the arrow directions in each aisle and not bothering with social distancing ... total twats. 
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    I hope somehow we can afford for it to continue.
    It is tough mind you, however on the upside the air quality and general London environment has never been better in my lifetime.
    No way do we need a second dramatic spike.
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