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Is Lockdown easing gradually?



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    Native Cornish are a pretty strange bunch in my experience. 
    I'd eat pasties for breakfast if I lived down there.
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    So many people today down the coast Etc ( can tell from Instagram stories ) 
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    bobmunro said:
    T_C_E said:
    Had a lovely catch up with our daughter and two beautiful grandchildren on our anniversary this morning. Neighbours watched in amazement as we maintained distancing across the garden gates which prevented our to young to know different granddaughter giving us a hug, it broke our hearts as she cried because mum told her grandma is to poorly and she may make her worse still. But we have cake, balloons our reasonable health and the thoughts we may be able to hug them again soon to keep us going. 
    I can live with being a virtual prisoner in my own home but this is the hardest thing.
    You will soon, Ray.

    I posted this on the main covid thread but probably more relevant here.

    Second hand but originally from a member of the civil service dealing with COVID seems likely Boris will tomorrow announce the concept of 10 people social bubbles.

    Dont have a lot of details and it seems that it’s been difficult to hammer those out or this would have been announced before.

    Should make some difference to the ability to see extended family within the guidance for those prepared to take the risk.

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    T_C_E said:
    Had a lovely catch up with our daughter and two beautiful grandchildren on our anniversary this morning. Neighbours watched in amazement as we maintained distancing across the garden gates which prevented our to young to know different granddaughter giving us a hug, it broke our hearts as she cried because mum told her grandma is to poorly and she may make her worse still. But we have cake, balloons our reasonable health and the thoughts we may be able to hug them again soon to keep us going. 
    Happy Anniversary @T_C_E. I'm glad you were able to get some time with your family, even if it wasn't as close as you would have liked.
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    DA9 said:
    Think the novelty would wear off at some point.
    Would love to have that dilemma though.
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    Not sure if already posted somewhere before but The Plume in Greenwich is packed outside selling booze. Just been sent a video on WhatsApp 
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    Not sure if already posted somewhere before but The Plume in Greenwich is packed outside selling booze. Just been sent a video on WhatsApp 
    Was literally just about to post the same thing. Just got sent the video too.
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    Not sure if already posted somewhere before but The Plume in Greenwich is packed outside selling booze. Just been sent a video on WhatsApp 
    Was literally just about to post the same thing. Just got sent the video too.
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    I’d hope that the local licensing authorities take all facts into consideration when licences are re applied for. 
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    No idea if The Plume of Feathers story is true or not but don’t try swearing in there.
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    3 weeks time and we’ll be seeing the start of the second wave, and then people will know what a lockdown really is
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    Rothko said:
    3 weeks time and we’ll be seeing the start of the second wave, and then people will know what a lockdown really is
    Thank god the weather is changing 
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    Recycling centres at Footscray and Crayford open later next week, 6 and 3 cars respectively
    Fill your boots :smile:
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    I’d hope that the local licensing authorities take all facts into consideration when licences are re applied for. 
    It's a Trading Standards/Environmental Health issue in the immediate situation. I would hope someone has reported them and they get a visit ASAP. 
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    Recycling centres at Footscray and Crayford open later next week, 6 and 3 cars respectively
    Fill your boots :smile:
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    Not sure if already posted somewhere before but The Plume in Greenwich is packed outside selling booze. Just been sent a video on WhatsApp 
    Was literally just about to post the same thing. Just got sent the video too.
    They are the owners. The Rose family have owned the pub since I was a teenager.
    I used to hang out with Maria Rose in a previous life.
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    Not sure if already posted somewhere before but The Plume in Greenwich is packed outside selling booze. Just been sent a video on WhatsApp 
    The one by maze hill station?
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    Not sure if already posted somewhere before but The Plume in Greenwich is packed outside selling booze. Just been sent a video on WhatsApp 
    The one by maze hill station?
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    I hope they lose their license & their more sensible customers vote with their feet until then & not be fooled when the same irresponsible owners reopen with the license in a new managers name
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    A piss take to all businesses who are obeying the rules.
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    Native Cornish are a pretty strange bunch in my experience. 
    There do seem to be some cultural / social similarities to Welsh, Isle of Wight / Channel Islands and people from Kent.
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    I love how they think having some hand sanitizer, and cleaning the hard surfaces, makes everyone automatically safe. 
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    That message on the Plume of Feathers website looks like they were the measures they were taking pre-lockdown and they haven’t updated their website (it also says “we will remain open” rather than re-open).
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    se9addick said:
    That message on the Plume of Feathers website looks like they were the measures they were taking pre-lockdown and they haven’t updated their website (it also says “we will remain open” rather than re-open).
    On rereading that I think your right & that would have been posted between Monday 16th March after 5.30 & Friday 29th March before midnight
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    edited May 2020

    It WAS open to celebrate VE day

    Crowds of people gathered outside a popular London pub that began serving takeaway alcohol as part of VE Day celebrations in an apparent breach of lockdown rules. The Plume of Feathers in Greenwich has been criticised for organising an event for local residents, despite strict orders requiring pubs, bars and restaurants to close to prevent the spread of coronavirus.   The venue’s landlord has denied wrongdoing, saying social distancing markers were in place on the street outside and residents were only allowed in the pub to use the bathroom one at a time. But one eyewitness, who did not wish to be named, said it was ‘shocking’ to see so many people grouped together in a brazen ‘disregard’ of the ‘stay at home rules’.

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    Its one reason i cant see football finishing.
    Some of Those that are struggling wil say were opening then.
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    I heard it's a Palace pub.
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    I heard it's a Palace pub.
    @Covered End can confirm that.
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    I heard it's a Palace pub.
    Owned by palace supporters but luckily, very few palace supporters in there. 
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