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Is Lockdown easing gradually?



  • edited May 2020
    So many people today down the coast Etc ( can tell from Instagram stories ) 
    I cycled between Folkestone and Hythe yesterday. I was surprised how relatively quiet it was. People seemed to be keeping their distance and although there were some small groups on the beaches they mainly looked like young families taking their kids out for a paddle which isn't unreasonable imho.

  • All I can say is there wasn't anything like that around my neck of the woods. 
  • Just seen an advert on FB from a garden centre saying they’re open now. I thought it hadn’t been announced yet. Jumping the gun to get a lot of sales today?
  • That’s the problem when the government leak snippets to the press and they then publish them. Can hardly blame the garden centres (on a nice sunny Sunday) when they know what’s coming 
  • In short, no
  • sam3110 said:
    In short, no
    Apart from many people being told to go back to work ?
  • sam3110 said:
    In short, no
    Apart from many people being told to go back to work ?
    Not that different to what they've already been doing really is it, it's people who need to go back to work out of necessity, and people who can't work from home at all.

    My normal job is bar manager, I can't work from home, doesn't mean I'm back in tomorrow though does it?

    Still can't live your life with any real normality. 
  • It will be interesting to see what sort of increase there will be on the tubes and trains in the next few days.

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  • Last week I saw a big rise in office type workers going in and even heard some bint on the phone to her pal saying “ I’m going in the office cos the weathers nice and I fancied a change “ 
  • Can hear the drone from the A2 in my garden this morning. Something I haven't heard for a while.
  • CafcSCP said:
    Problem with returning to work via public transport is that there’s only 10% of the actual capacity available.
    Most employers will be expecting staf to make sure that they’re one of the 10%.

    Source for the ‘most employers’ quote please. 
  • Definitely a lot busier heading in this morning.

    This handled as carefully as you would expect from a Boris lead government.
  • edited May 2020
  • Cousin on the A2 at around 07:30 this morning - 

  • People in England can meet up with others outside their household in the outdoors as long as they stay 2m apart, the government has confirmed.

    Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab urged people to "use some common sense" and added: "We can't mix within homes".

    The new rule is part of a 50-page guidance document to be published by the government later.
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  • clb74 said:
    The wording was slightly entertaining but the impression of Boris was terrible
  • clb74 said:
    The wording was slightly entertaining but the impression of Boris was terrible
     Some people will find absolutely anything to moan about.
  • edited May 2020
    Our local tips are open again today for households to get rid of rubbish they can not "safely store". 

    Queues started around 06:00 for a 09:00 opening and a colleague tells me are now approaching 3/4 mile long and in danger of backing out onto an A road. Our bins have been emptied as normal, as has the recycling and we also run a green waste collection across the area. Wtf goes through some people's minds that they think this is in any way appropriate behaviour?

    All I would add is there are "a lot of Honda Jazz's in the queue" apparently...
  • Our local tips are open again today for households to get rid of rubbish they can not "safely store". 

    Queues started around 06:00 for a 09:00 opening and a colleague tells me are now approaching 3/4 mile long and in danger of backing out onto an A road. Our bins have been emptied as normal, as has the recycling and we also run a green waste collection across the area. Wtf goes through some people's minds that they think this is in any way appropriate behaviour?

    All I would say add is there are "a lot of Honda Jazz's in the queue" apparently...

    I believe that they are going to be operating an appointment booking service in Kent. However, you know that someone will book for half 9 but turn up at 9, so people who have booked for 9:15 have to sit in a queue and can't get in for their allocated time.
  • Our local tips are open again today for households to get rid of rubbish they can not "safely store". 

    Queues started around 06:00 for a 09:00 opening and a colleague tells me are now approaching 3/4 mile long and in danger of backing out onto an A road. Our bins have been emptied as normal, as has the recycling and we also run a green waste collection across the area. Wtf goes through some people's minds that they think this is in any way appropriate behaviour?

    All I would say add is there are "a lot of Honda Jazz's in the queue" apparently...
    Same here in Yorkshire. I’m doing some redeployment on a Tuesday and Saturday overtime. We’re being proper strict on permits and what can be dumped so expecting a few rows! 
  • edited May 2020
    clb74 said:
    The wording was slightly entertaining but the impression of Boris was terrible
     Some people will find absolutely anything to moan about.
    Well played, you’ve got me there. Thats because he is an entertainer by trade! It’s a terrible impression, social media is full of amateurs that can do better. It’s pretty much his normal voice. 

    If I was a judge on Britain’s got talent, I would not have put him through. 

    Train guy isn’t my cup of tea but I would vote him through as I can see why others would like it.
  • Next doors son has just dropped by to see his 80 yr old mum, probably to tell her he and his children can’t visit yet because everyone is still at risk so it will just be him as it has been for the past 6/7 weeks. I dare say he’ll stay a couple of hours do a few little jobs around the house for before leaving for the safety of his own home 🤷‍♂️😂
  • Our local tips are open again today for households to get rid of rubbish they can not "safely store". 

    Queues started around 06:00 for a 09:00 opening and a colleague tells me are now approaching 3/4 mile long and in danger of backing out onto an A road. Our bins have been emptied as normal, as has the recycling and we also run a green waste collection across the area. Wtf goes through some people's minds that they think this is in any way appropriate behaviour?

    All I would add is there are "a lot of Honda Jazz's in the queue" apparently...
    Not excusing it, but I can see how placing people on furlough for a month would massively increase the levels of spring cleaning undertaken.
  • T_C_E said:
    Next doors son has just dropped by to see his 80 yr old mum, probably to tell her he and his children can’t visit yet because everyone is still at risk so it will just be him as it has been for the past 6/7 weeks. I dare say he’ll stay a couple of hours do a few little jobs around the house for before leaving for the safety of his own home 🤷‍♂️😂
    Or her could be doing what my mum does with my nan, sit in the hallway while my nan sits in the bedroom
  • Our local tips are open again today for households to get rid of rubbish they can not "safely store". 

    Queues started around 06:00 for a 09:00 opening and a colleague tells me are now approaching 3/4 mile long and in danger of backing out onto an A road. Our bins have been emptied as normal, as has the recycling and we also run a green waste collection across the area. Wtf goes through some people's minds that they think this is in any way appropriate behaviour?

    All I would add is there are "a lot of Honda Jazz's in the queue" apparently...
    Was always going to happen. Some people are bored out their minds Bournemouth and need any excuse possible to get out the house. Rather this than another (no doubt unecessary) trip to an enclosed supermarket 

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