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Is Lockdown easing gradually?



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    Stig said:
    Our local tips are open again today for households to get rid of rubbish they can not "safely store". 

    Queues started around 06:00 for a 09:00 opening and a colleague tells me are now approaching 3/4 mile long and in danger of backing out onto an A road. Our bins have been emptied as normal, as has the recycling and we also run a green waste collection across the area. Wtf goes through some people's minds that they think this is in any way appropriate behaviour?

    All I would add is there are "a lot of Honda Jazz's in the queue" apparently...
    Not excusing it, but I can see how placing people on furlough for a month would massively increase the levels of spring cleaning undertaken.
    But surely only retired people drive honda jazzes
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    Our local tips are open again today for households to get rid of rubbish they can not "safely store". 

    Queues started around 06:00 for a 09:00 opening and a colleague tells me are now approaching 3/4 mile long and in danger of backing out onto an A road. Our bins have been emptied as normal, as has the recycling and we also run a green waste collection across the area. Wtf goes through some people's minds that they think this is in any way appropriate behaviour?

    All I would add is there are "a lot of Honda Jazz's in the queue" apparently...
    Was always going to happen. Some people are bored out their minds Bournemouth and need any excuse possible to get out the house. Rather this than another (no doubt unecessary) trip to an enclosed supermarket 

    Bloody madness. Just proves people are bored at home pulling the house apart for something to do.🤣
    I hate queuing at the best of times which is why I avoid shopping during the day.
    Tried going to the chemist in Sainsbury's yesterday and gave up because of the queue. 

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    T_C_E said:
    Next doors son has just dropped by to see his 80 yr old mum, probably to tell her he and his children can’t visit yet because everyone is still at risk so it will just be him as it has been for the past 6/7 weeks. I dare say he’ll stay a couple of hours do a few little jobs around the house for before leaving for the safety of his own home 🤷‍♂️😂
    Or her could be doing what my mum does with my nan, sit in the hallway while my nan sits in the bedroom
    Or he could be sitting in front of the lounge window alongside his mum sharing a pot of tea. Exactly as he’s done since we moved here 😉
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    I took my car to ASDA this afternoon. Coming out of the car park just before 5, there was massive congestion around the shops, but elsewhere the roads were still very quiet. A fraction of the normal traffic on the North Circular that there would normally be at that time of day
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    I had to go to Epping today, left just before 9 and the tunnel and m25 were very quiet. North circular around the bottom of the m1 was busier but overall, very quiet.
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    edited May 2020
    Our infection control people have sent an email to all staff across the UK.

    "Nothing changes.  Existing infection control measures remain in place.  All staff currently working from home continue to work from home."  (Paraphrasing).

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    Why have joggers started to assume they can run in the road?  They’re passing other pedestrians for at most, a second, if they come within 2 metres.  There is more of a risk of stepping out onto a busy road and being ran over!!!!  Driving back from work tonight it seems as if some joggers think London is a marathon and the streets are theirs to roam as they will....
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    Me and the Mrs done everything we've been told to do by the UK and French Governments and stayed issolated for the last couple of months, patiently waiting until things have been eased in both countries to book a foot passenger ticket for her (Newhaven to Dieppe), while people seeminly drove back and forwards to the UK during the strictest part of the lockdown with not problem as all. Now things have been eased, DFDS are only allowing frieght and car passengers on their ferries, even though they took her booking 2 weeks back
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    cabbles said:
    Why have joggers started to assume they can run in the road?  They’re passing other pedestrians for at most, a second, if they come within 2 metres.  There is more of a risk of stepping out onto a busy road and being ran over!!!!  Driving back from work tonight it seems as if some joggers think London is a marathon and the streets are theirs to roam as they will....
    Just noticed and replied to you on twitter mate

    I'll tend to run in the road (as close to the pavement as possible) when over taking someone in that situation yet its also more comfortable on my legs (mainly do it when there is a cycle lane so I'm certain of having plenty of room)

    It is ridiculous though if people are running further into the road and arent keeping an eye on the traffic, if there isnt a cycle path then I'll over take the relevant person and get back on the pavement as quickly as possible
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    cabbles said:
    Why have joggers started to assume they can run in the road?  They’re passing other pedestrians for at most, a second, if they come within 2 metres.  There is more of a risk of stepping out onto a busy road and being ran over!!!!  Driving back from work tonight it seems as if some joggers think London is a marathon and the streets are theirs to roam as they will....
    Could they be running in the road to avoid going within the 2 meters of pedestrians on the pavement? I am not sure the one 'second' thing is a thing because a jogger brushing past you sweating and flecking and leaving residue in the air close by can be alarming for the pedestrians.
    I don't know, but would it be better if the joggers slowed to a mild walking pace when encountering pedestrians, and then both parties could try to avoid each other by occupying the width or extremities of the available space at walking pace?
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    cabbles said:
    Why have joggers started to assume they can run in the road?  They’re passing other pedestrians for at most, a second, if they come within 2 metres.  There is more of a risk of stepping out onto a busy road and being ran over!!!!  Driving back from work tonight it seems as if some joggers think London is a marathon and the streets are theirs to roam as they will....
    Just noticed and replied to you on twitter mate

    I'll tend to run in the road (as close to the pavement as possible) when over taking someone in that situation yet its also more comfortable on my legs (mainly do it when there is a cycle lane so I'm certain of having plenty of room)

    It is ridiculous though if people are running further into the road and arent keeping an eye on the traffic, if there isnt a cycle path then I'll over take the relevant person and get back on the pavement as quickly as possible
    Makes sense mate.  I just couldn’t get my head around how many are practically veering very far out into main roads.  I know the roads have been quieter, but they are getting busier now.  
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    The first few weeks of lockdown when there was literally no cars anywhere I was running mainly in the middle of main roads early in the morning and it was so enjoyable!

    Since then, if I am running and see someone ahead on the pavement I look to run into the road if nothing is coming, I don’t like being within 15ft of people if I can avoid it. I’ve not had to yet, but I would rather stop than run by someone 

    One advantage of road running is that most pavements are slopes and certainly lead to shin problems. I try and balance my running one road left hand pavement next road right hand pavement to balance it out. If I can run down the middle of backstreet roads with no traffic, then even better. 
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    I think people (and indeed wildlife) are getting accustomed to empty roads, and starting to take it for granted that there will be little traffic...
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    I think people (and indeed wildlife) are getting accustomed to empty roads, and starting to take it for granted that there will be little traffic...
    Very true... Nearly trod on a squirrel going for my run today
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    I despair of some people and can see this going badly wrong.
    Mottingham Post Office clearly has 3 people only on the windows and door. I went in when there were 2 people, when i came out there were 9.
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    If you are going to run in the road, please remember to be on the side where you are facing the oncoming traffic.
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    Charlton Life meet-up?

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    se9addick said:
    Charlton Life meet-up?

    Typical rent a mob, let's use any excuse to protest about anything. Fucking morons.  

    The only thing they're saying yes to is trying to infect and kill as many people as possible and when they  or their relatives get sick become a drain on the rest of society.

    And waste police time in trying to sort it out.
    Could be quite a lucrative afternoon for the police TBF. 
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    To answer the original question, yes it is easing but in my view it is far too early for us to be taking these steps with the number of cases and daily deaths still far too high. Scotland, Wales & N Ireland have it right in my view, you should stay at home unless you have to go to work or go out for shopping or exercise. Looking at the increased people out on public transport and generally out and about and in many cases not observing social distancing a spike in cases particularly in London is inevitable and we are then back to square one.
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    Just had to have a little rant y’day as I almost clipped 2 of them.  Then it makes me feel like I’m in the wrong 

    today I’ve vowed not to feel so bad and just mow them down instead ;-) 
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    Queue from my local tip to yonder this morning 
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    That's ludicrous
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    bobmunro said:
    se9addick said:
    Charlton Life meet-up?

    How about sealing the park once they are all in there - and leave them locked in for say 4 weeks' quarantine.
    My concern with that plan is that they would breed a new generation of idiots. 
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    I could be doing so much more at the weekends at home if the tips were open and easily accessible 
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