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Summer Transfer Rumours 2020 (DEADLINE DAY from pg.258)



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    Celtic won't be held to ransom... Bit hope to hold a potless Charlton to ransom by offering a derisory £400K... Well we have a new wealthy owner about to appear guys so f*CK off.
    Not wanting to piss on the bonfire but he isn’t THAT wealthy and let’s also remember we have been optimistic before. Personally I’m not counting any chickens yet and ignoring all rumours 
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    Celtic won't be held to ransom... Bit hope to hold a potless Charlton to ransom by offering a derisory £400K... Well we have a new wealthy owner about to appear guys so f*CK off.
    Not wanting to piss on the bonfire but he isn’t THAT wealthy and let’s also remember we have been optimistic before. Personally I’m not counting any chickens yet and ignoring all rumours 
    Forget the wealthy side of it, would any successful businessman come in and unsettle things by selling a prized asset, an asset that could have huge upside potential in a year or two, it doesn’t make any sense to sell Doughty for a small fee from any prospective.
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    edited September 2020
    Celtic won't be held to ransom... Bit hope to hold a potless Charlton to ransom by offering a derisory £400K... Well we have a new wealthy owner about to appear guys so f*CK off.
    Regardless of how wealthy TS is, we're still restricted in what salary we can offer and Celtic will be able to offer a vast increase.

    That aside though, for the sums involved it's better to just keep him. We'd never replace him for the paltry sum they're offering and it's not like TS needs the money. He won't want his first act as owner to be to sell a promising kid.

    Better to keep him and try to win promotion than sell him and make the team weaker. If we go up we can offer him much more to stay, and if we don't go up then a hugely wealthy multi millionaire has lost 400k.
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    Keep him until at least January and sell him the dream of staying. We have got to be better than playing under 23 football in Scotland.

    Celtic are also making the huge assumption that they are the only club he would go to. 
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    Celtic can't even try and pull the old "guaranteed Champions League football" at this point
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    Is Doughty a Celtic fan?

    When I did a mutual team article for Dr K for the Old Firm their fans asked me about him and seemed to imply he was on their radar. 
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    Doughty would get lost in Scotland. His sat nav covers England and Wales only
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    Richard J said:
    Is Doughty a Celtic fan?

    When I did a mutual team article for Dr K for the Old Firm their fans asked me about him and seemed to imply he was on their radar. 
    I thought he did an interview for one of the fan instagram accounts who asked him who he supports and he said it was best he didn't say, which I took to mean Palace or Millwall
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    MattF said:
    Richard J said:
    Is Doughty a Celtic fan?

    When I did a mutual team article for Dr K for the Old Firm their fans asked me about him and seemed to imply he was on their radar. 
    I thought he did an interview for one of the fan instagram accounts who asked him who he supports and he said it was best he didn't say, which I took to mean Palace or Millwall
    In that case we should pay Celtic £400k to take him!
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    edited September 2020
    Still baffles me that young English players want to waste their talent in Scotland, I would rather play for a mid table championship side....

    Win stuff, play in front of big crowds, afford a better place to live up there than say the South East down here etc, good access to scotch and Irn Bru (not at the same time).

    That said, they can whistle for £400k.  Keep him for a year, even if he goes next summer you'd expect £200k compensation or something?
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    And don't forget the deep fried Mars bars.
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    Although there is a risk every day of hearing f***ing bagpipes.
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    Still baffles me that young English players want to waste their talent in Scotland, I would rather play for a mid table championship side....

    Win stuff, play in front of big crowds, afford a better place to live up there than say the South East down here etc, good access to scotch and Irn Bru (not at the same time).

    That said, they can whistle for £400k.  Keep him for a year, even if he goes next summer you'd expect £200k compensation or something?
    I would want him to sign on for two years, but accept he will want a get out clause inserted. He has only been playing for a couple of months and if he continues with his development he could get a really decent offer or stay on the journey.

    As an aside, it is about time a stop was put on Scottish clubs nicking youngsters without paying decent compensation. It is bad enough when they go to a league side, but these moves are ridiculous. Clubs who develop players NEED to be rewarded. Scummy behaviours from both Rangers and Celtic.
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    MattF said:
    Richard J said:
    Is Doughty a Celtic fan?

    When I did a mutual team article for Dr K for the Old Firm their fans asked me about him and seemed to imply he was on their radar. 
    I thought he did an interview for one of the fan instagram accounts who asked him who he supports and he said it was best he didn't say, which I took to mean Palace or Millwall
    Sell him immediately!
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    Scoham said:
    Would have preferred if we got the Chelsea lad... What was his name? Conrad Gallaway or something like that?
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    Richard J said:
    Is Doughty a Celtic fan?

    When I did a mutual team article for Dr K for the Old Firm their fans asked me about him and seemed to imply he was on their radar. 
    Have been told he is on a lot of clubs radar. Including Sheff Utd which worries me more than Celtic.
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    Richard J said:
    Is Doughty a Celtic fan?

    When I did a mutual team article for Dr K for the Old Firm their fans asked me about him and seemed to imply he was on their radar. 
    Have been told he is on a lot of clubs radar. Including Sheff Utd which worries me more than Celtic.
    Fortunately Sheff Utd signed two wing backs from Derby yesterday to compete with the two they have. So he’d be 3rd choice at best.
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    Scoham said:
    Richard J said:
    Is Doughty a Celtic fan?

    When I did a mutual team article for Dr K for the Old Firm their fans asked me about him and seemed to imply he was on their radar. 
    Have been told he is on a lot of clubs radar. Including Sheff Utd which worries me more than Celtic.
    Fortunately Sheff Utd signed two wing backs from Derby yesterday to compete with the two they have. So he’d be 3rd choice at best.
    Good news hopefully
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    Don't think a Prem team would be necessarily buying him to start straight away anyway, just seeing a future investment of a team who constantly sells youth players for a ridiculously low cost as we can't seem to tie anyone down to a long-term contract, who they can sell on for more later. If a scout sees some talent, who else are they going to be able to get for about £500k so might as well buy him anyway.

    Which hopefully is one of the first things we can stop doing post take-over.
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    Scoham said:
    Richard J said:
    Is Doughty a Celtic fan?

    When I did a mutual team article for Dr K for the Old Firm their fans asked me about him and seemed to imply he was on their radar. 
    Have been told he is on a lot of clubs radar. Including Sheff Utd which worries me more than Celtic.
    Fortunately Sheff Utd signed two wing backs from Derby yesterday to compete with the two they have. So he’d be 3rd choice at best.
    Good news hopefully
    Sky just said that Oliver Burke, a winger at WBA, is joining Sheffield United.
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    Sell for a couple of million with a season loan back. Job done! It doesn’t matter who owns us, we will always be a selling club, I just hope we get deals that are good for us
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    If the takeover happens he ain't going anywhere. 
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