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ESI 1 v ESI 2 - Initial Hearing 01-02/09/2020, Court of Appeal 17/09/2020 (p127)



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    ButtleJR said:
    F**k knows what they're on about now tbh
    Is this basically what we wanted? - the trial becomes between Lex and Panorama

    In the meantime Charlton can be sold as there is no injunction
    Seems that way, they are now referring to a separate in person hearing.
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    Can the takeover be stopped in today's proceedings? 
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    MattF said:
    So yesterday Chaisty wants an injunction cause there's no evidence of an imminent sale, judge says no because it might put off any potential sale, now Chaisty says there is evidence of imminent sale so we want the appeal, this law stuff is bonkers
    I hate lawyers like Chaisty slimey fcukers.....
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    Genuine question (as I have no idea whats being said),

    Is there anyway this case today can or will affect TS, hopefully, taking over in the Club in the few days ?
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    Can the takeover be stopped in today's proceedings? 
    Nope, doesnt sound like it
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    Injunction attempt was blocked but they are likely to appeal and also the case still scheduled to go ahead - but not until November.
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    Genuine question (as I have no idea whats being said),

    Is there anyway this case today can or will affect TS, hopefully, taking over in the Club in the few days ?
    Yes if the judge grants an appeal. I've no idea what way it's going though.
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    MattF said:
    Kreamer wants trial transferred to London. Says suggestion it doesn’t matter as hearing is remote not an adequate reason for case to commence in Manchester. Respondent in London so proceedings should have been issued there. Should be transferred.

    Kreamer applying for transfer of the case to the High Court in London.
    Is this our go at stringing this out
    If we've already been sold, it'll be nothing to with us by the time it comes to court. 
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    Genuine question (as I have no idea whats being said),

    Is there anyway this case today can or will affect TS, hopefully, taking over in the Club in the few days ?
    Yes if the judge grants an appeal. I've no idea what way it's going though.
    Or actually I'm not sure if the preliminary injunction stands between today and the appeal? No idea
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    Genuine question (as I have no idea whats being said),

    Is there anyway this case today can or will affect TS, hopefully, taking over in the Club in the few days ?
    Yes if the judge grants an appeal. I've no idea what way it's going though.
    Or actually I'm not sure if the preliminary injunction stands between today and the appeal? No idea
    Yeah I wonder if this is the case, until the appeal gets heard the ruling against the injunction stands
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    Genuine question (as I have no idea whats being said),

    Is there anyway this case today can or will affect TS, hopefully, taking over in the Club in the few days ?
    Yes if the judge grants an appeal. I've no idea what way it's going though.
    Thought the sale can go ahead based on no injunction
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    If I understand, if the judge accepts the appeal today, then we're stuck, he won't though, and will send them to the Court of Appeal, by which time we've been sold
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    Now referring to November as date for a trial again 
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    If they lodge an appeal, can a sale go through before the appeal is heard? Or would they have to argue over compensation is an injunction is subsequently granted after the sale to hopefully TS?
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    Chaisty arguing the case should stay in Manchester. Says location of the assets is irrelevant to where hearing should be. Appeal would be in London but that is inevitable. Manchester court can accommodate trial in November.
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    He has really not enjoyed being bested by a young girl, has he.  It's really eating his noodle.

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    MattF said:
    If they lodge an appeal, can a sale go through before the appeal is heard? Or would they have to argue over compensation is an injunction is subsequently granted after the sale to hopefully TS?
    Few people confused. The hearing today doesn't change the fact that Panorama Magic can sell the football club. They are likely to discuss trial schedule and Lev Dominus suing Panorama for alleged breach of contract. Could also lodge an appeal on judge's ruling.
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    If he attacks LK he will get dogs abuse
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    If we are sold in the meantime then what would be the point of an appeal?

    That's what's confusing me
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    ct_addick said:
    If he attacks LK he will get dogs abuse
    I assume that's why he started with his whine about the abuse he was getting.  That was a thinly veiled threat because he knew it was about to get worse.
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    MattF said:
    If they lodge an appeal, can a sale go through before the appeal is heard? Or would they have to argue over compensation is an injunction is subsequently granted after the sale to hopefully TS?
    Few people confused. The hearing today doesn't change the fact that Panorama Magic can sell the football club. They are likely to discuss trial schedule and Lev Dominus suing Panorama for alleged breach of contract. Could also lodge an appeal on judge's ruling.
    Surely if they lodge an appeal then Panorama can't sell the club before it's heard?
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    If we are sold in the meantime then what would be the point of an appeal?

    That's what's confusing me
    Compensation I assume
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    Tbh Sandgaard should have the club wrapped up by November 
This discussion has been closed.

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