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England Cricket 2021 (excluding Ashes)



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    With wickets in hand, a lot can be scored in a final session. All I'll say for now
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    Actually, I'll add: bowlers tire
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    Disappointing but a very good ball and when was the last time that England twice had opening partnerships of 100 plus in the space of three innings?

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    The opening partnership did a great job, but it's time for the strokemakers to come in and knock off the runs  :)
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    100/1 - Burns gone.
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    3.9 now England still a “ north lower Neil” 
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    The collapse will happen at some point
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    The collapse will happen at some point
    Root feels like the key, if he sticks around he's in good enough form that we've got a chance, if he gets out I reckon we'll collapse pretty quickly afterwards.
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    The collapse will happen at some point
    Root feels like the key, if he sticks around he's in good enough form that we've got a chance, if he gets out I reckon we'll collapse pretty quickly afterwards.
    I think the collapse is more likely if/when we realise the run chase isn't on and we drop anchor.
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    Kohli's gladiatorial greeting of the first wicket was a bit over the top.  One wicket in forty overs.  If they continue taking wickets at that rate, they will bowl England out by close of play.  On Friday. 
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    Chizz said:
    Kohli's gladiatorial greeting of the first wicket was a bit over the top.  One wicket in forty overs.  If they continue taking wickets at that rate, they will bowl England out by close of play.  On Friday. 
    We'll likely still be about 50 runs short at that point!
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    bobmunro said:
    The collapse will happen at some point
    Root feels like the key, if he sticks around he's in good enough form that we've got a chance, if he gets out I reckon we'll collapse pretty quickly afterwards.
    I think the collapse is more likely if/when we realise the run chase isn't on and we drop anchor.
    I would be interested in knowing the statistical success of the drop anchor approach. It seems to me on some wickets, you are more at risk not playing shots.
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    bobmunro said:
    The collapse will happen at some point
    Root feels like the key, if he sticks around he's in good enough form that we've got a chance, if he gets out I reckon we'll collapse pretty quickly afterwards.
    I think the collapse is more likely if/when we realise the run chase isn't on and we drop anchor.
    I would be interested in knowing the statistical success of the drop anchor approach. It seems to me on some wickets, you are more at risk not playing shots.
    I always think the problem with just defending is that it takes much of the pressure of the bowling side to contain runs.

    At the moment, India need to keep the runs down as well as take wickets, which complicates their approach
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    edited September 2021
    We know that Malan, Root and Bairstow can score at a fast rate playing their natural game. You would want Ali having a score target than a time target when he comes in.
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    Hameed - stick to what you're good at son!!!!
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    Oof, what a moment there
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    It can only be Jadeja's arrogance that forces him to constantly overstep. Looking forward to the time it costs him a wicket and India the game as a result. There is absolutely zero excuse for him doing it.
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    Kohli has just removed Richard Illingworth from his list of favourite Umpires
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    edited September 2021
    bobmunro said:
    The collapse will happen at some point
    Root feels like the key, if he sticks around he's in good enough form that we've got a chance, if he gets out I reckon we'll collapse pretty quickly afterwards.
    I think the collapse is more likely if/when we realise the run chase isn't on and we drop anchor.
    Looks to me that Malan & Hameed have dropped anchor already. I understand there are plenty of overs left & batsmen like Root, Bairstow & Ali who are quick run scorers, but you cant leave them with too much to do post Tea. These 2 need to keep the scoreboard ticking over.
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    And that conversation with Illingworth might work in India but will hopefully fail to influence him in the future
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    If we are only 2/3 down at tea we can give it a right good go in the evening. 
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    Idiotic run 
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    Oh dear, Hameed has sold Malan out there.
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    Oh dear, Hameed has sold Malan out there.
    Completed BBQ'd him 
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    Dick around barely scoring then get run out via a too risky single. Madness
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    You better get a ton now Hameed....
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    Need to go into save the game mode now. We ain't gonna be winning this, and certainly when taking silly risks like that.
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    Need to go into save the game mode now. We ain't gonna be winning this, and certainly when taking silly risks like that.
    Disagree, would rather lose this trying to win. It's an absolute road. the middle order are mainly RH so Jadeja is nowhere near as effective
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