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Rumours Rumours - Summer 2021 edition (Deadline Day from p814)



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    I hate the way football fans talk about footballers sometimes. Imagine being some bloke who would be given the run around by the under 14s sitting at their laptop and confidently saying a professional footballer playing in the first or second division is 'dogshit' or 'dreadful' with 'no footballing brain'. What a weird life. I wonder if they heckle window cleaners and dentists as well
    Do what?

    So unless we are better than a footballer we can never describe one negatively?
    Not sure where you're getting that from as that's not what I said. Sure people can be negative about footballers, the way some talk about them is ridiculous though. Saying that people who make a good living out of football are 'shit' footballers is just needlessly unpleasant and makes that person look a bit thick. Of course that player isn't shit, if he was no-one would pay him thousands of pounds a week. Just makes me wonder if those people are also going round screaming at the people who work at Sainsbury's if they're too slow at the till or leave abusive reviews on Twitter for films they didn't enjoy watching. It's weird that some fans don't seem to have any ability to talk about footballers in a balanced way. It makes Twitter a cesspit.
    But I think cousins is shit, I could explain why and use a few big words if I wanted but I didn’t on this occasion.  Perhaps try not getting so offended by a difference of opinion on something so irrelevant, it’s not like I’ve said this to cousins directly, that I don’t like, but this is the perfect place to express your opinions. 
    He's not shit though, he's a professional footballer who is paid to play football. I'm shit at football, but that's why I never got past Sunday League and no-one will ever pay me to attempt it at any level. Calling a player who has played over 200 games in the Championship shit is just silly. That's sort of the point I'm making, it's not that the words are scary and upsetting, it's that they're ridiculous. It's not big words you need to use, it's a bit of awareness of scale.
    Well when I say he’s shit who do think I’m comparing him to??  Players that might win us this league or the man in the street?? Absolutely staggering that needs explaining.
    So your point is that you can call Cousins shit (but not to his face, you wouldn't do that, just on message boards) as long as you're comparing him to, say, Kante? My original point, and still my point, was that the way some people talk about footballers is stupid and unpleasant, calling a professional shit at their job because you don't think they're good enough for your team or you'd rather have someone else is a bit sad really. It doesn't matter who you're comparing him to. That's always been my point. I think we're just going to be going round in circles here though.
    You just don’t get it do you? No one compares a footballer to the average joe or just Kante ffs. 
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    dwb said:
    A Millwall supporting friend had just told me that Lyle Taylor may be joining them on loan!
    WOW even his most loyal of supporters would struggle to justify that... it’s like he’s trying to make sure we all hate him 😬
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    Cafc43v3r said:
    Hope he does better at Pompey than your mate :wink:
    This annoys me surely if there’s young talent at Bromley it should be us spotting it not bloody Pompey ....Grrrrrr!
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    Cafc43v3r said:
    Swisdom said:
    Cafc43v3r said:
    Swisdom said:
    Just my tuppence worth - I'm not a massive fan of Pigott.  I think he did well at Wimbledon as he was a bigger fish in a smaller pond.  Not sure he will cut it at a bigger club to be honest.  Time will tell I guess.

    As for Cousins - I'd definitely get him in for a trial.  His engine was excellent and whilst he was limited on the ball he is probably better than Pratley technically and more mobile than both he and Watson.  He always said he'd like to return and I would like us to at least make contact.  He should be fresh having not played a vast amount in the last few seasons and he should be in his prime at 27.  He is also able to operate in a few positions.

    As Curbs always used to say he wanted players that were "Hungry and angry" and I wonder if Jordan fits into that mould...
    Why the hell would Cousins come for a trial?

    I doubt we will sign him but he has been released by Stoke, not Wycombe or Sheffield Wednesday.  Plenty of championship clubs will have a sniff.  If we can offer him something better, not necessarily financially, he might be tempted. 
    Cafc43v3r said:
    Swisdom said:
    Just my tuppence worth - I'm not a massive fan of Pigott.  I think he did well at Wimbledon as he was a bigger fish in a smaller pond.  Not sure he will cut it at a bigger club to be honest.  Time will tell I guess.

    As for Cousins - I'd definitely get him in for a trial.  His engine was excellent and whilst he was limited on the ball he is probably better than Pratley technically and more mobile than both he and Watson.  He always said he'd like to return and I would like us to at least make contact.  He should be fresh having not played a vast amount in the last few seasons and he should be in his prime at 27.  He is also able to operate in a few positions.

    As Curbs always used to say he wanted players that were "Hungry and angry" and I wonder if Jordan fits into that mould...
    Why the hell would Cousins come for a trial?

    I doubt we will sign him but he has been released by Stoke, not Wycombe or Sheffield Wednesday.  Plenty of championship clubs will have a sniff.  If we can offer him something better, not necessarily financially, he might be tempted. 
    We would offer a trial to gauge his fitness.  I’d be surprised if there were loads of offers in the current climate so we don’t need to jump without doing due diligence 
    If we are only offering trials to people that are 27 and played 20 championship games last season and missed no games due to injury (according to transfer market), who would we sign without a trial?

    Why has he only averaged 20 games per season for the last 5 years?  Is there something to it or just he wasn’t fancied by managers?  

    This is an unexpected opportunity so I would be surprised if he has been scouted recently.  The club know they will get crucified if they sign a crocked player so need to be sensible

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    RedChaser said:
    To be fair on Danny Hollands he did have a bad foot injury which hastened his departure.
    Did a great job for us in our promotion year
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    edited June 2021
    wmcf123 said:
    I hate the way football fans talk about footballers sometimes. Imagine being some bloke who would be given the run around by the under 14s sitting at their laptop and confidently saying a professional footballer playing in the first or second division is 'dogshit' or 'dreadful' with 'no footballing brain'. What a weird life. I wonder if they heckle window cleaners and dentists as well
    Do what?

    So unless we are better than a footballer we can never describe one negatively?
    Not sure where you're getting that from as that's not what I said. Sure people can be negative about footballers, the way some talk about them is ridiculous though. Saying that people who make a good living out of football are 'shit' footballers is just needlessly unpleasant and makes that person look a bit thick. Of course that player isn't shit, if he was no-one would pay him thousands of pounds a week. Just makes me wonder if those people are also going round screaming at the people who work at Sainsbury's if they're too slow at the till or leave abusive reviews on Twitter for films they didn't enjoy watching. It's weird that some fans don't seem to have any ability to talk about footballers in a balanced way. It makes Twitter a cesspit.
    But I think cousins is shit, I could explain why and use a few big words if I wanted but I didn’t on this occasion.  Perhaps try not getting so offended by a difference of opinion on something so irrelevant, it’s not like I’ve said this to cousins directly, that I don’t like, but this is the perfect place to express your opinions. 
    You don’t strike me as a big words kind of guy
    Well it’s certainly better than filling ones posts with a stream of pointless and unnecessary floccinaucinihilipilification.
    Good grief I have to save that somewhere, I have to use that before I pop my clogs.  :D

    edit. Actually if I tried to say it I probably would pop my clogs.  :o
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    dwb said:
    A Millwall supporting friend had just told me that Lyle Taylor may be joining them on loan!
    Very much doubt it. He has said many times how he thought he was hard done by there when he was a youngster & would never play for them. But like Piggott & us.
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    I don't think we'll hear about any signings this week. I think I read that Gallen & Chris Parkes are away (not together I don't think) and as its half term I imagine players with kids are off on holiday too.

    Expect to hear something by the end of  next week though. 
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    Swisdom said:
    Cafc43v3r said:
    Swisdom said:
    Cafc43v3r said:
    Swisdom said:
    Just my tuppence worth - I'm not a massive fan of Pigott.  I think he did well at Wimbledon as he was a bigger fish in a smaller pond.  Not sure he will cut it at a bigger club to be honest.  Time will tell I guess.

    As for Cousins - I'd definitely get him in for a trial.  His engine was excellent and whilst he was limited on the ball he is probably better than Pratley technically and more mobile than both he and Watson.  He always said he'd like to return and I would like us to at least make contact.  He should be fresh having not played a vast amount in the last few seasons and he should be in his prime at 27.  He is also able to operate in a few positions.

    As Curbs always used to say he wanted players that were "Hungry and angry" and I wonder if Jordan fits into that mould...
    Why the hell would Cousins come for a trial?

    I doubt we will sign him but he has been released by Stoke, not Wycombe or Sheffield Wednesday.  Plenty of championship clubs will have a sniff.  If we can offer him something better, not necessarily financially, he might be tempted. 
    Cafc43v3r said:
    Swisdom said:
    Just my tuppence worth - I'm not a massive fan of Pigott.  I think he did well at Wimbledon as he was a bigger fish in a smaller pond.  Not sure he will cut it at a bigger club to be honest.  Time will tell I guess.

    As for Cousins - I'd definitely get him in for a trial.  His engine was excellent and whilst he was limited on the ball he is probably better than Pratley technically and more mobile than both he and Watson.  He always said he'd like to return and I would like us to at least make contact.  He should be fresh having not played a vast amount in the last few seasons and he should be in his prime at 27.  He is also able to operate in a few positions.

    As Curbs always used to say he wanted players that were "Hungry and angry" and I wonder if Jordan fits into that mould...
    Why the hell would Cousins come for a trial?

    I doubt we will sign him but he has been released by Stoke, not Wycombe or Sheffield Wednesday.  Plenty of championship clubs will have a sniff.  If we can offer him something better, not necessarily financially, he might be tempted. 
    We would offer a trial to gauge his fitness.  I’d be surprised if there were loads of offers in the current climate so we don’t need to jump without doing due diligence 
    If we are only offering trials to people that are 27 and played 20 championship games last season and missed no games due to injury (according to transfer market), who would we sign without a trial?

    Why has he only averaged 20 games per season for the last 5 years?  Is there something to it or just he wasn’t fancied by managers?  

    This is an unexpected opportunity so I would be surprised if he has been scouted recently.  The club know they will get crucified if they sign a crocked player so need to be sensible

    If its an unexpected opportunity to our head of recruitment he needs sacking.  If our recruitment team base any transfer on "being crucified" we won't sign anyone, ever.

    We won't sign Cousins, I am pretty confident of that, for many reasons, him being good enough, or fit enough aren't any of them.

    My money is on him going to Forest or Derby. 
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    90 new posts in an afternoon, has to be news of a possible signing ? 

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    Was in same class as my son at primary school.
    Outstanding footballer and also amongst the best of his age group nationally at tennis.
    I wonder if we had a look at him.

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    Was in same class as my son at primary school.
    Outstanding footballer and also amongst the best of his age group nationally at tennis.
    I wonder if we had a look at him.

    Tennis you say Henners, I assume he can serve at a decent rate of knots so can take a mean windmill throw in Ian Hutchinson (old school Chelsea for the youngsters) style. Ideal for Division three football, good luck to the lad.
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    No rumours and no fish puns.  

    The worst rumours thread for several decades. I'm even missing Mowgli, Polish Pete and that bloke's dad on Twitter. 

    I will be watching Professor Positive's early morning wildlife videos from now on. 

    Despite them being very irritating.  
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    Renewed our interest in Foo Kin No Wan
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    I don't think we'll hear about any signings this week. I think I read that Gallen & Chris Parkes are away (not together I don't think) and as its half term I imagine players with kids are off on holiday too.

    Expect to hear something by the end of  next week though. 
    They were back end of last week .... expect two signings very soon 
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    Okay sweepstakes - date of first signing announcement. Exemption from @Dazzler21's list to be determined. 8 June for me. Prize pool = F.A.
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    dwb said:
    A Millwall supporting friend had just told me that Lyle Taylor may be joining them on loan!

    And how the hell would he know?
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    90 new posts in an afternoon, has to be news of a possible signing ? 


    Its the thread from hell. Have to look but time we will never get back.
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    paulfox said:
    Maccn05 said:
    Cafc43v3r said:
    Hope he does better at Pompey than your mate :wink:
    This annoys me surely if there’s young talent at Bromley it should be us spotting it not bloody Pompey ....Grrrrrr!
    Maybe we didn’t rate him??

    Maybe we don't need him.
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    Swisdom said:
    dwb said:
    A Millwall supporting friend had just told me that Lyle Taylor may be joining them on loan!
    A man of colour, an outspoken one at that, going to Millwall has carcrash all over it.  I would like to think his agent will do and say the right thing!
    His agent will be saying 'Lyle they're offering £25,000 a week'.
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    edited June 2021
    iaitch said:
    Swisdom said:
    dwb said:
    A Millwall supporting friend had just told me that Lyle Taylor may be joining them on loan!
    A man of colour, an outspoken one at that, going to Millwall has carcrash all over it.  I would like to think his agent will do and say the right thing!
    His agent will be saying 'Lyle they're offering £25,000 a week'.
    Yep, that just about sums up Taylor in one quote..his big move at last  B)
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    iaitch said:
    Swisdom said:
    dwb said:
    A Millwall supporting friend had just told me that Lyle Taylor may be joining them on loan!
    A man of colour, an outspoken one at that, going to Millwall has carcrash all over it.  I would like to think his agent will do and say the right thing!
    His agent will be saying 'Lyle they're offering £25,000 a week'.
    If it's a loan, what the scum are offering wouldn't matter to Lyle, he'll still collect his full wages, the scum's input will only affect how much Forest will still be paying.

    That doesn't alter my feelings on Taylor's mercenary attitude.
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    Stefco said:
    thenewbie said:
    I'd much rather have a brand new squad with no baggage and no past links and start completely afresh than have former players coming back.
    The club have re-signed players in the past & had no issues. To name a small amount:

    Derek Hales
    Mike Flanagan
    John Humphrey
    Paul Mortimer

    They all did well upon their returns, & 3 of them, even played for the Croydon numpties in between spells.

    If a player improves us, it doesn't matter whether he's played for us before or not.

    Different of course if we sign previous crocked players, such as Jonny williams, but this whole "fresh start" policy/idea doesn't really make any sense.
    No forgetting Sir Christopher Powell 
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    Stefco said:
    thenewbie said:
    I'd much rather have a brand new squad with no baggage and no past links and start completely afresh than have former players coming back.
    The club have re-signed players in the past & had no issues. To name a small amount:

    Derek Hales
    Mike Flanagan
    John Humphrey
    Paul Mortimer

    They all did well upon their returns, & 3 of them, even played for the Croydon numpties in between spells.

    If a player improves us, it doesn't matter whether he's played for us before or not.

    Different of course if we sign previous crocked players, such as Jonny williams, but this whole "fresh start" policy/idea doesn't really make any sense.
    No it doesn't. I fully admit it's purely my own feeling and not remotely logical. But in the absence of actual rumours at least it's something to talk about!
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    Be careful - thrrr are people who only pop on here for information and if u start discussions that make that more time consuming, they might tell u off 
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    I don't think there's anything in Millwall looking at Taylor.

    He scored 5 goals for Forest last season, if Millwall have any play off push ambition they'll need to aim higher.
This discussion has been closed.

Roland Out Forever!