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Corey Blackett-Taylor - (p34 - signed for Derby on loan til the end of the season)



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    CBT can be frustrating due to his lack of end product the majority of the time. However, in full flight he terrorises defences at this level and he is pretty much our only consistent attacking outlet in terms of creativity (fortunately we have Alfie in the finishing department). One of those players who more often that not frustrates the heck out of us fans but, like Mr Tavernier at Rangers, we’ll bloody well miss him when he’s gone!  
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    CBT will have a say in whether he goes in January and won't for the same reason he isn't signing a contract.
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    This shouldn’t even be a conversation.
    He’s having a great season and producing great numbers but…he should have double the amount of goals and assist he actually has.
    We should be wondering how much we’re going to get and how far up the championship he’ll be going…but we’re not, partly because his decision making is dreadful!!
    Since his arrival, how many of his goals / assists have been against the top opposition in the division?
    He's been one of the best performers in a mediocre performing team, against mostly mediocre opposition. 

    The devil is in the detail!
    His crossing has improved this season. And his goals and assists tally isn’t bad for a winger. If only Fraser would contribute as many! Or any. 
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    Rumours CBT is signing a contract renewal.

    With his mobile phone provider 🤳
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    edited December 2023
    Dazzler21 said:
    Rumours CBT is signing a contract renewal.

    With his mobile phone provider 🤳
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    Some of the expectations being placed on CBT in this thread are utterly delusional.
    It’s like people don’t realise a player can improve, I know we don’t see it much! 

    His end product was poor when he first joined but it has got better and better each season. Last season he got 8G 3A from 35 games which was much improved on what we first saw, but he has gone up another level now with 8G 6A from just 23 games. He’s one of the best players in league 1 and deserves a go at championship level 
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    cafctom said:
    Some of the expectations being placed on CBT in this thread are utterly delusional.
    Genuinely insane. Imagine saying a player with 14 goal contributions in 20 appearances lacks end product and then allowing yourself to go out unsupervised afterwards. It's irresponsible.
    Yep, yet there are many other players who go week to week offering next to nothing, and are the real reason we’re in mid table mediocrity, and hardly anyone talks about them. Fraser, Hector, Tedic etc. 
    Three MotMs in a row and played a part in several of recent goals, and you say Hector goes ‘week to week offering next to nothing,’. That’s quite odd.  
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    It's life. Charlton Life.
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    Losing CBT will be a blow but like everyone who does well with us, they need to move on to further their career as we don't seem to be going anywhere other than sideways. The new ownership really need to start showing some ambition other than the status quo
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    CBT can be frustrating due to his lack of end product the majority of the time. However, in full flight he terrorises defences at this level and he is pretty much our only consistent attacking outlet in terms of creativity (fortunately we have Alfie in the finishing department). One of those players who more often that not frustrates the heck out of us fans but, like Mr Tavernier at Rangers, we’ll bloody well miss him when he’s gone!  
    Counting the number of assists can be misleading.

    That depends on chances actually converted into goals by other players - and as we know, stats indicate only 1 goal is scored for every 3 chances created. 

    Surely a more accurate method for assessing a winger's value is counting the number of goal scoring chances he has created? 

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    My biggest gripe with CBT before this season was a lack of consistent end product. Now he's finally added the assists to go with the goal threat I'm not surprised there's genuine championship interest. 
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    I will mitigate: CBT can go long, long stretches of a game looking frankly useless, not contributing defensively or to general play, and at these times you do start to wonder. Then one of two things happens. Either he goes and gets us a goal, which is something he can do, unlike most of the squad, and hooray. Or he doesn't, and he's been the worst player on the pitch. 

    That the former is now starting to happen with some regularity is offsetting the latter to the point where it doesn't matter much, but it is important to state that CBT is probably the most feast-or-famine player we've had at Charlton in ages. Like, even more than JRS, who really did get involved even when it wasn't going his way.
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    Probably the biggest thing is that he's learnt how to cross. That little left-footed dink-back into the box is a new and extremely welcome development, and it has increased his danger levels by at least 30%
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    He has got better every season since we signed him, so no reason that he won't again next season, a shame if it is not with us. 

    Hopefully behind the scenes we are making him a competitive offer. 
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    He’s having a great season. Period. The numbers don’t lie. But look beyond the numbers and analyse the details in the appearances, analyse the moments between when in a position to make a decision and when in a position to execute a delivery with the decision made for him. 
    e.g early on vs Barnsley, he’s through and clear, Alfie is free for a tap in if he slots it across, instead he scuffed a shot wide of the near post. That was a dreadfully mediocre moment, the poorest outcome from a very dangerous opportunity at a very crucial point in the game.
    There are multiple moments like that throughout the season that his decision making would have created another 6/7 possibly more clear cut chances. 
    If he receives the ball high, he’ll stand you up accelerate pass you and dink one over from the byline, he’s got very good at it. When he gets in the position to dink one, the option to shoot has already gone, the decision making process of shot vs slot is already eliminated.
    The higher up the leagues you go, the better the opposition is, you will get less opportunities and the more clinical you need to be. How clinical and how effective has he been against the best opposition? How much can you rely on his decision making? In a play off final (dream world for a second), we get one clear moment to get promoted, CBT is going through with Alfie free on the back post…I’m hoping, not trusting he makes the correct decision. 
    I’m not trying to say he’s a poor player or that I want him to leave (unfortunately I think he made his mind up long ago tbh). He’s having a great season, I would like him to stay to the end of the season at least. I do question his tactical awareness, his decision making and his influence against better opposition. 
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    I've seen far better players than CBT opt to shoot when they could square it for a tap-in.
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    Leuth said:
    I will mitigate: CBT can go long, long stretches of a game looking frankly useless, not contributing defensively or to general play, and at these times you do start to wonder. Then one of two things happens. Either he goes and gets us a goal, which is something he can do, unlike most of the squad, and hooray. Or he doesn't, and he's been the worst player on the pitch. 

    That the former is now starting to happen with some regularity is offsetting the latter to the point where it doesn't matter much, but it is important to state that CBT is probably the most feast-or-famine player we've had at Charlton in ages. Like, even more than JRS, who really did get involved even when it wasn't going his way.
    CBT is never really the worst player on the pitch. The worst that happens is that he struggles to get into the game, either because he’s double marked or because other players aren’t able to find the right pass. When it’s very tight he’ll often pass backwards  or sideways. He rarely loses the ball. 
    You know, Leuthy, sometimes I think you exaggerate for effect ;-)
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    Chunes said:
    I've seen far better players than CBT opt to shoot when they could square it for a tap-in.
    Is that LOL @drawnablank because you don't think it happens?

    Charity bet of £50 I can find multiple examples of the world's best players doing it
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    He’s having a great season. Period. The numbers don’t lie. But look beyond the numbers and analyse the details in the appearances, analyse the moments between when in a position to make a decision and when in a position to execute a delivery with the decision made for him. 
    e.g early on vs Barnsley, he’s through and clear, Alfie is free for a tap in if he slots it across, instead he scuffed a shot wide of the near post. That was a dreadfully mediocre moment, the poorest outcome from a very dangerous opportunity at a very crucial point in the game.
    There are multiple moments like that throughout the season that his decision making would have created another 6/7 possibly more clear cut chances. 
    If he receives the ball high, he’ll stand you up accelerate pass you and dink one over from the byline, he’s got very good at it. When he gets in the position to dink one, the option to shoot has already gone, the decision making process of shot vs slot is already eliminated.
    The higher up the leagues you go, the better the opposition is, you will get less opportunities and the more clinical you need to be. How clinical and how effective has he been against the best opposition? How much can you rely on his decision making? In a play off final (dream world for a second), we get one clear moment to get promoted, CBT is going through with Alfie free on the back post…I’m hoping, not trusting he makes the correct decision. 
    I’m not trying to say he’s a poor player or that I want him to leave (unfortunately I think he made his mind up long ago tbh). He’s having a great season, I would like him to stay to the end of the season at least. I do question his tactical awareness, his decision making and his influence against better opposition. 
    You’re describing what a very quick top end L1 winger looks like, it’s not a unique weakness of CBT. You’re right about his weaknesses, but when you have the pace he does they’re not a big issue at this level as he can beat players so often. He’s improved his fitness so much that he’s even doing it late on in games.

    A winger without the pace but the same end product makes up for lacking pace by good decision making. Not that he’s at the same level but Kirk when he was at Crewe for example. He didn’t have the pace to regularly beat players like CBT, he scored and created goals through his technical ability and intelligence.

    Then you’ll have the wingers in between with a bit of both.

    Those who are very quick and equally intelligent play in the PL. I doubt CBT will get there but his pace should be useful to have in a lower Championship squad. Remember how more effective Danny Haynes was in the Championship compared to BWP?
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    Chunes said:
    Chunes said:
    I've seen far better players than CBT opt to shoot when they could square it for a tap-in.
    Is that LOL @drawnablank because you don't think it happens?

    Charity bet of £50 I can find multiple examples of the world's best players doing it
    I didn’t even realise I lol’d you.
    How do you see who has liked or lol’d your post? (Usually on iPhone on here, is it a lap top thing?)

    You’ll definitely find examples. 
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    I'm hearing that he's heading off to Plymouth
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