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Being called a racist on Saturday.



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    I don't think people are aware of what people really think, as most people are afraid to express what they actually think. The situation on this thread has demonstrated how dangerous accusations (unfounded) can be made, so people keep their true thoughts and feelings to themselves. 

    That is why so many polls are wrong and people vote etc. differently to what is 'expected'.

    The Scottish Referendum was an example of this when Remain in the Union voters were scared to speak out, notably because of the vitriol and criminal damage. Brexit and the last election too (although not so the vitriol)
    I disagree but I think the HOC site is the place for this. 
    Maybe, but it was in relation to earlier comments on this thread
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    addick19 said:
    limeygent said:
    Interesting that this popped up on facebook today....

    " I am confused
    I used to think that I was just a regular bloke.
    I was born white, which now, whether I like it or not, makes me a racist.
    My politics is right of centre, which makes me a racist..
    I am heterosexual, according to some gays and lesbians this now makes me homophobic.
    I am non-union which makes me a traitor to the working class, and an ally of big business.
    I am non religious , which now labels me as an islamophobe.
    I am older than forty, which means I have no right to vote according to most students.
    I think I reason, therefore I doubt much that the mainstream media tells me, which must make me a reactionary.
    I am proud of my heritage, and our inclusive British culture, which now makes me a xenophobe.
    I value my safety, and that of my family, and I appreciate the police and the legal system, which makes me a right-wing extremist.
    I believe in hard work, fair play, and fair compensation according to each individuals merits, which makes me an anti-socialist.
    I believe in the defence and protection of the homeland, for and by all citizens, which now makes me a militant.
    Please help me come to terms with the new me... because I'm just not sure who I am anymore.
    I would love to thank my family and friends, for sticking with me through these abrupt new found changes in my life, and my thinking.
    I just can't imagine or understand what's happened to me, and so quickly.
    Funny it's all seemed to have happened to me over the last seven or eight years.
    As if all this wasn't enough to deal with, I'm now afraid to go into either toilet."
    Strange times we are living in...
    Don't feel paranoid because you are far from alone. There are more of us than you think.
    "You" against the crazy pc nutters all around you, right?

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    I don't think people are aware of what people really think, as most people are afraid to express what they actually think. The situation on this thread has demonstrated how dangerous accusations (unfounded) can be made, so people keep their true thoughts and feelings to themselves. 

    That is why so many polls are wrong and people vote etc. differently to what is 'expected'.

    The Scottish Referendum was an example of this when Remain in the Union voters were scared to speak out, notably because of the vitriol and criminal damage. Brexit and the last election too (although not so the vitriol)
    Were you in Scotland for their referendum? I can’t recall hearing anything about this.
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    Blimey, what a thread. Hope WIWALB gets some resolution. 

    On the "white people can't be victims of racism" stuff, I'd go along with the idea that prejudice is what most white people face in those sort of uncomfortable situations in the UK because racism implies a degree of power. But Jews and Travellers are also white, and I think it's wrong to say that what they experience isn't racism. In particular, Travellers experience of policing is similar to other ethnic minorities.
    Nor does the other side of the coin hold true - that people from a minority heritage can't be racist when given the power - because no one's going to convince me that Priti Patel isn't a racist.
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    edited September 2021
    Am I right in remembering that Southall or his wife claimed that anger and abuse directed at him was down to racism within the fanbase?
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    Am I right in remembering that Southall or his wife claimed that anger and abuse directed at him was down to racism within the fanbase?
    Yes they did!  Makes my blood boil.  That argument doesn't quite fit with the hero's welcome that piece of scum received at his first home match post 'take-over' does it?
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    iainment said:
    I don't think people are aware of what people really think, as most people are afraid to express what they actually think. The situation on this thread has demonstrated how dangerous accusations (unfounded) can be made, so people keep their true thoughts and feelings to themselves. 

    That is why so many polls are wrong and people vote etc. differently to what is 'expected'.

    The Scottish Referendum was an example of this when Remain in the Union voters were scared to speak out, notably because of the vitriol and criminal damage. Brexit and the last election too (although not so the vitriol)
    Were you in Scotland for their referendum? I can’t recall hearing anything about this.
    Yes. And I had a vote
  • Options
    rananegra said:
    Blimey, what a thread. Hope WIWALB gets some resolution. 

    On the "white people can't be victims of racism" stuff, I'd go along with the idea that prejudice is what most white people face in those sort of uncomfortable situations in the UK because racism implies a degree of power. But Jews and Travellers are also white, and I think it's wrong to say that what they experience isn't racism. In particular, Travellers experience of policing is similar to other ethnic minorities.
    Nor does the other side of the coin hold true - that people from a minority heritage can't be racist when given the power - because no one's going to convince me that Priti Patel isn't a racist.
    Travellers experience of policing is similar to other ethnic minorities???
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    rananegra said:
    Blimey, what a thread. Hope WIWALB gets some resolution. 

    On the "white people can't be victims of racism" stuff, I'd go along with the idea that prejudice is what most white people face in those sort of uncomfortable situations in the UK because racism implies a degree of power. But Jews and Travellers are also white, and I think it's wrong to say that what they experience isn't racism. In particular, Travellers experience of policing is similar to other ethnic minorities.
    Nor does the other side of the coin hold true - that people from a minority heritage can't be racist when given the power - because no one's going to convince me that Priti Patel isn't a racist.
    Travellers experience of policing is similar to other ethnic minorities???
    Could be true.
    In terms of skin colour it doesn’t matter if travellers have white skin, they are sometimes victims of similar ‘othering’ than non white people. There are some who categorise travellers into ‘true Romanys’ (sp?)=good, and Irish ‘pikey’ travellers =bad.
    It does not go unnoticed that the Irish angle is mentioned, it taps in to centuries old anti Irish racism. However for the majority of Irish or Irish heritage people their skin colour can help them keep their identity on the down low, and therefore avoid the hatred that is based on the way they look.
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    seth plum said:
    rananegra said:
    Blimey, what a thread. Hope WIWALB gets some resolution. 

    On the "white people can't be victims of racism" stuff, I'd go along with the idea that prejudice is what most white people face in those sort of uncomfortable situations in the UK because racism implies a degree of power. But Jews and Travellers are also white, and I think it's wrong to say that what they experience isn't racism. In particular, Travellers experience of policing is similar to other ethnic minorities.
    Nor does the other side of the coin hold true - that people from a minority heritage can't be racist when given the power - because no one's going to convince me that Priti Patel isn't a racist.
    Travellers experience of policing is similar to other ethnic minorities???
    Could be true.
    In terms of skin colour it doesn’t matter if travellers have white skin, they are sometimes victims of similar ‘othering’ than non white people. There are some who categorise travellers into ‘true Romanys’ (sp?)=good, and Irish ‘pikey’ travellers =bad.
    It does not go unnoticed that the Irish angle is mentioned, it taps in to centuries old anti Irish racism. However for the majority of Irish or Irish heritage people their skin colour can help them keep their identity on the down low, and therefore avoid the hatred that is based on the way they look.
    My understanding is that the general consensus that they are not treated fairly by the police and local authorities - that they are treated far too leniently and not dealt with as they should be
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    The problem with these type of threads is that you always need a lawyer present to read through what you have written before you click post. 
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    Feeling the calm while people are writing their post and reading it through thoroughly before hitting the point of not return, otherwise known as the "Post Comment" button
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    edited September 2021
    seth plum said:
    rananegra said:
    Blimey, what a thread. Hope WIWALB gets some resolution. 

    On the "white people can't be victims of racism" stuff, I'd go along with the idea that prejudice is what most white people face in those sort of uncomfortable situations in the UK because racism implies a degree of power. But Jews and Travellers are also white, and I think it's wrong to say that what they experience isn't racism. In particular, Travellers experience of policing is similar to other ethnic minorities.
    Nor does the other side of the coin hold true - that people from a minority heritage can't be racist when given the power - because no one's going to convince me that Priti Patel isn't a racist.
    Travellers experience of policing is similar to other ethnic minorities???
    Could be true.
    In terms of skin colour it doesn’t matter if travellers have white skin, they are sometimes victims of similar ‘othering’ than non white people. There are some who categorise travellers into ‘true Romanys’ (sp?)=good, and Irish ‘pikey’ travellers =bad.
    It does not go unnoticed that the Irish angle is mentioned, it taps in to centuries old anti Irish racism. However for the majority of Irish or Irish heritage people their skin colour can help them keep their identity on the down low, and therefore avoid the hatred that is based on the way they look.
    My understanding is that the general consensus that they are not treated fairly by the police and local authorities - that they are treated far too leniently and not dealt with as they should be
    "My understanding is that the general consensus".  Nonsense.  My understanding is that you are looking for a platform to promote a particular set of beliefs and think this thread is as good an opportunity as any to get them out there.
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    edited September 2021
    seth plum said:
    rananegra said:
    Blimey, what a thread. Hope WIWALB gets some resolution. 

    On the "white people can't be victims of racism" stuff, I'd go along with the idea that prejudice is what most white people face in those sort of uncomfortable situations in the UK because racism implies a degree of power. But Jews and Travellers are also white, and I think it's wrong to say that what they experience isn't racism. In particular, Travellers experience of policing is similar to other ethnic minorities.
    Nor does the other side of the coin hold true - that people from a minority heritage can't be racist when given the power - because no one's going to convince me that Priti Patel isn't a racist.
    Travellers experience of policing is similar to other ethnic minorities???
    Could be true.
    In terms of skin colour it doesn’t matter if travellers have white skin, they are sometimes victims of similar ‘othering’ than non white people. There are some who categorise travellers into ‘true Romanys’ (sp?)=good, and Irish ‘pikey’ travellers =bad.
    It does not go unnoticed that the Irish angle is mentioned, it taps in to centuries old anti Irish racism. However for the majority of Irish or Irish heritage people their skin colour can help them keep their identity on the down low, and therefore avoid the hatred that is based on the way they look.
    My understanding is that the general consensus that they are not treated fairly by the police and local authorities - that they are treated far too leniently and not dealt with as they should be
    "My understanding is that the general consensus".  Nonsense.  What general consensus, and where do you get your information from?  My understanding is that you are looking for a platform to promote a particular set of prejudices and think this thread is as good an opportunity as any.
    I didn't read the original post that at all, however, people looking to make problems searched for holes in his original post to make an issue.
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    I've got a 'while walking my dog' half baked theory here, Which will welcome any contributions and fixes.
    Say there is racial 'order' (for the sake of the argument ) in which some are privileged and others are downtrodden. Then in parallel  there is class/economic order of which some are benefactors and others are victims of (for lack of a better term - capitalism ). If you or I are on top in the first 'order', we are expecting to be on top in the 2nd one too, and usually this is the case. However, many of us see very little in a way of benefit from being privileged in the first order, cause we are dwelling at the bottom of the 2nd. We then turn around and protest that we are not privileged at all !!!

    Oh but we still are...

    The (relatively) rare opposite is also possible, and I would also class those who benefit as privileged...
  • Options
    seth plum said:
    rananegra said:
    Blimey, what a thread. Hope WIWALB gets some resolution. 

    On the "white people can't be victims of racism" stuff, I'd go along with the idea that prejudice is what most white people face in those sort of uncomfortable situations in the UK because racism implies a degree of power. But Jews and Travellers are also white, and I think it's wrong to say that what they experience isn't racism. In particular, Travellers experience of policing is similar to other ethnic minorities.
    Nor does the other side of the coin hold true - that people from a minority heritage can't be racist when given the power - because no one's going to convince me that Priti Patel isn't a racist.
    Travellers experience of policing is similar to other ethnic minorities???
    Could be true.
    In terms of skin colour it doesn’t matter if travellers have white skin, they are sometimes victims of similar ‘othering’ than non white people. There are some who categorise travellers into ‘true Romanys’ (sp?)=good, and Irish ‘pikey’ travellers =bad.
    It does not go unnoticed that the Irish angle is mentioned, it taps in to centuries old anti Irish racism. However for the majority of Irish or Irish heritage people their skin colour can help them keep their identity on the down low, and therefore avoid the hatred that is based on the way they look.
    My understanding is that the general consensus that they are not treated fairly by the police and local authorities - that they are treated far too leniently and not dealt with as they should be
    "My understanding is that the general consensus".  Nonsense.  What general consensus, and where do you get your information from?  My understanding is that you are looking for a platform to promote a particular set of prejudices and think this thread is as good an opportunity as any.
    I didn't read the original post that at all, however, people looking to make problems searched for holes in his original post to make an issue.
    I was only referring to PFs posts, not the original poster, although I also asked a few questions about that.

    Anyway I'm out.  I thought a separate page had been set up for political discussion, which I don't go on because it just winds me up, so I will have to resist the temptation to click on this thread that seems to have survived on the main forum for some reason.
  • Options
    seth plum said:
    rananegra said:
    Blimey, what a thread. Hope WIWALB gets some resolution. 

    On the "white people can't be victims of racism" stuff, I'd go along with the idea that prejudice is what most white people face in those sort of uncomfortable situations in the UK because racism implies a degree of power. But Jews and Travellers are also white, and I think it's wrong to say that what they experience isn't racism. In particular, Travellers experience of policing is similar to other ethnic minorities.
    Nor does the other side of the coin hold true - that people from a minority heritage can't be racist when given the power - because no one's going to convince me that Priti Patel isn't a racist.
    Travellers experience of policing is similar to other ethnic minorities???
    Could be true.
    In terms of skin colour it doesn’t matter if travellers have white skin, they are sometimes victims of similar ‘othering’ than non white people. There are some who categorise travellers into ‘true Romanys’ (sp?)=good, and Irish ‘pikey’ travellers =bad.
    It does not go unnoticed that the Irish angle is mentioned, it taps in to centuries old anti Irish racism. However for the majority of Irish or Irish heritage people their skin colour can help them keep their identity on the down low, and therefore avoid the hatred that is based on the way they look.
    My understanding is that the general consensus that they are not treated fairly by the police and local authorities - that they are treated far too leniently and not dealt with as they should be
    "My understanding is that the general consensus".  Nonsense.  My understanding is that you are looking for a platform to promote a particular set of beliefs and think this thread is as good an opportunity as any to get them out there.
    Nope, it is my understanding. You can disagree with it, but it is my opinion that that is the general consensus. It is also my experience (though a statistical-based piece of work), but that is another matter. If I really wanted to get any beliefs out there, no disrespect, but I would look wider than CL
  • Options
    seth plum said:
    rananegra said:
    Blimey, what a thread. Hope WIWALB gets some resolution. 

    On the "white people can't be victims of racism" stuff, I'd go along with the idea that prejudice is what most white people face in those sort of uncomfortable situations in the UK because racism implies a degree of power. But Jews and Travellers are also white, and I think it's wrong to say that what they experience isn't racism. In particular, Travellers experience of policing is similar to other ethnic minorities.
    Nor does the other side of the coin hold true - that people from a minority heritage can't be racist when given the power - because no one's going to convince me that Priti Patel isn't a racist.
    Travellers experience of policing is similar to other ethnic minorities???
    Could be true.
    In terms of skin colour it doesn’t matter if travellers have white skin, they are sometimes victims of similar ‘othering’ than non white people. There are some who categorise travellers into ‘true Romanys’ (sp?)=good, and Irish ‘pikey’ travellers =bad.
    It does not go unnoticed that the Irish angle is mentioned, it taps in to centuries old anti Irish racism. However for the majority of Irish or Irish heritage people their skin colour can help them keep their identity on the down low, and therefore avoid the hatred that is based on the way they look.
    My understanding is that the general consensus that they are not treated fairly by the police and local authorities - that they are treated far too leniently and not dealt with as they should be
    "My understanding is that the general consensus".  Nonsense.  What general consensus, and where do you get your information from?  My understanding is that you are looking for a platform to promote a particular set of prejudices and think this thread is as good an opportunity as any.
    I didn't read the original post that at all, however, people looking to make problems searched for holes in his original post to make an issue.
    I was only referring to PFs posts, not the original poster, although I also asked a few questions about that.

    Anyway I'm out.  I thought a separate page had been set up for political discussion, which I don't go on because it just winds me up, so I will have to resist the temptation to click on this thread that seems to have survived on the main forum for some reason.
    I was referring to PF's original post that was then made to look like it was something more than, i believe, it was.

    but you're right, it shouldn't get dragged down that road.
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     because no one's going to convince me that Priti Patel isn't a racist.
    Travellers experience of policing is similar to other ethnic minorities???
    Could be true.
    In terms of skin colour it doesn’t matter if travellers have white skin, they are sometimes victims of similar ‘othering’ than non white people. There are some who categorise travellers into ‘true Romanys’ (sp?)=good, and Irish ‘pikey’ travellers =bad.
    It does not go unnoticed that the Irish angle is mentioned, it taps in to centuries old anti Irish racism. However for the majority of Irish or Irish heritage people their skin colour can help them keep their identity on the down low, and therefore avoid the hatred that is based on the way they look.
    My understanding is that the general consensus that they are not treated fairly by the police and local authorities - that they are treated far too leniently and not dealt with as they should be
    That may well be the general consensus but it just indicates the amount of racism in our society. I can remember seeing "No travellers" signs in pubs in Lewisham less than 25 years ago, which would never have happened with any other ethnic group. One of my Traveller mates has described how when the police came to his home they were slagging off his mum and being totally disrespectful just to get him to respond so they could nick him or kick him in or both. He gets stopped all the time and regularly attacked by either cops or racists.

    I suspect the general consensus 30-40 years ago was that black people were inherently criminal. Assuming that one ethnic group is all going to behave in one way is kind of the textbook definition of racism - you're not seeing the people only the stereotype. 

    Yes, thanks goodness the general consensus in the past has moved on - not that there isn't room for improvement As well some realism and acceptance of things some people don't want.

    I work with statistics and profiles so understand perfectly the different between profiling and stereotyping
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