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Energy Bills



  • Chaz Hill said:
    Far too late now but what a pity we didn’t follow the Norwegian model of dealing with ‘our’ North Sea oil and gas instead of the Thatcher model of sell everything off as quickly as possible to the private sector.
    Huge point that nobody mentions much. Tragedy. Norway are doing very VERY well.

    Chickens coming home to roost on privatisation 
  • Just looked at my Octopus energy app which now has a crystal ball setting which says what your monthly payments will be based on current analyst thinking.  According to that my dual bill goes from c £200pcm in August to £1200pcm in Jan!  In a relatively small 1930s suburbia house that is quite the jump!
    Absolutely insane, my electricity averages out at £8 a months. 

    Having no heating definitely help. Honestly can’t see a situation where I could move back to England. 
    I keep a finger over the eject button these days. Have looked into moving to Shenzhen. I realise that not everybody has that option - especially as we can no longer go and live and work without visa hurdles in 27 EU countries 
  • IdleHans said:
    I think the standing charges are a nonsense. Roll that cost into unit fuel prices and do away with standing charges altogether. This would increase the incentive to use less energy and help those who do.
    Interesting point
  • Put an underfloor heating manifold in my house.
    Cannot run above 50 degrees and oversized each radiator in each room
    Individual room stats control each radiator and every radiator comes from the manifold (flow/return)
    When ASHPs get better, makes a simple swap.
    Also insulating walls, floors as I progress with each room refurb.
  • Certainly not a look at him post, but if you live in a 1930s house and decorating a room, worth going with some insulated plasterboard. If on the ground floor, get some insulation under the floorboards.
    Unbelievable the difference it makes
  • ROTW said:
    Certainly not a look at him post, but if you live in a 1930s house and decorating a room, worth going with some insulated plasterboard. If on the ground floor, get some insulation under the floorboards.
    Unbelievable the difference it makes
    It's almost as if those Insulate Britain people had a point, eh! Buuuuut... they were mocked and vilified... hmmmm 
  • Yeah, still think they put their ideas across in an inappropriate manner.
  • Insulate Britain people have a good point, which they executed in an awful selfish manner.

    I wonder if supporters of their methods would still be 100% supportive, if they go to get in their car tomorrow, to go on their annual booked holiday and can't get anywhere because IBS (Insulate Britain Supporters) have super glued themselves across the only access road 1 mile away.

    Also glued themselves to the local train station and any other possible option.

    Awaits the first comment of "it would be a privilege for my family and I to miss our annual holiday and we fully support them super gluing themselves stopping emergencies and inconveniencing everyone.

  • Insulate Britain people have a good point, which they executed in an awful selfish manner.

    I wonder if supporters of their methods would still be 100% supportive, if they go to get in their car tomorrow, to go on their annual booked holiday and can't get anywhere because IBS (Insulate Britain Supporters) have super glued themselves across the only access road 1 mile away.

    Also glued themselves to the local train station and any other possible option.

    Awaits the first comment of "it would be a privilege for my family and I to miss our annual holiday and we fully support them super gluing themselves stopping emergencies and inconveniencing everyone.

    I'd enjoy this one - no trains tomorrow anyway
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  • Insulate Britain people have a good point, which they executed in an awful selfish manner.

    I wonder if supporters of their methods would still be 100% supportive, if they go to get in their car tomorrow, to go on their annual booked holiday and can't get anywhere because IBS (Insulate Britain Supporters) have super glued themselves across the only access road 1 mile away.

    Also glued themselves to the local train station and any other possible option.

    Awaits the first comment of "it would be a privilege for my family and I to miss our annual holiday and we fully support them super gluing themselves stopping emergencies and inconveniencing everyone.

    Glueing up the ticket machines, disrupting the lines, barracading the toilets and disrupting the service, that's Connex, not insulate Britain 
  • Rob7Lee said:
    Huskaris said:
    Energy boss on this morning's 'Wake Up To Money' says appreciable money can be saved by simply adjusting your boiler flow temperature.  Good explanation here.
    I did this at the start of the year and more than anything, I enjoy the fact that the radiators aren't boiling hot, once the room reaches heat it isn't a constant case of too hot then too cold, but a consistent temperature because the flow temp is lower. 

    Basically, saving or no saving, it's a lot nicer to live in a home with the radiators on for longer, at a lower temperature!
    Just remember if the flow is also heating your hot water it needs to be at a certain temp.
    Yeah, I have it at 65 (rather than 75) and the hot water is at 60, so it gets there. Thanks for that advice though because I am guessing the boiler would literally never switch off otherwise!
  • AndyG said:
    Huskaris said:
    Energy boss on this morning's 'Wake Up To Money' says appreciable money can be saved by simply adjusting your boiler flow temperature.  Good explanation here.
    I did this at the start of the year and more than anything, I enjoy the fact that the radiators aren't boiling hot, once the room reaches heat it isn't a constant case of too hot then too cold, but a consistent temperature because the flow temp is lower. 

    Basically, saving or no saving, it's a lot nicer to live in a home with the radiators on for longer, at a lower temperature!
    Exactly the point of heat pumps mate
    Yeah, I would definitely get a heat pump but I am guessing the adaptations I would need (larger radiators etc) mean that I will probably wait until I know I am going to get at least 10-15 years more out of the house. 

    Also, I moved in here just shy of 2 years ago and I think the boiler was about a year old at that time, would be a shame to replace it while it still has so much more life in it. Would be a much harder choice if I knew I was about to have to replace a boiler anyway. 
  • There is a lot of talk of helping the poor here, which I support totally. But it is very important that the middle class get respite from the Tsunami approaching. If people are spending too much of their income on this, it will effect the economy as they won't spend it elsewhere, and create a serious recession.

    Very good point. People will have to choose between say energy and eating out as often as they normally would so cut down on going out, which leads to economic downturn, job losses etc. The Government needs to do something and I’m sure they will but will it be enough.
    I think we are well beyond this point for many households. Currently there are millions already in fuel poverty. Many are making the decision between buying energy or whether to eat. At all. Not cutting down on takeaways or meals out.

    This situation shames the country and should lead to a fundamental shift in the basic economic model that has allowed this to develop. But it won't. 

    I like you
    Thank you very much - I like me too! Not sure it's universal on here though...


  • Insulate Britain people have a good point, which they executed in an awful selfish manner.

    I wonder if supporters of their methods would still be 100% supportive, if they go to get in their car tomorrow, to go on their annual booked holiday and can't get anywhere because IBS (Insulate Britain Supporters) have super glued themselves across the only access road 1 mile away.

    Also glued themselves to the local train station and any other possible option.

    Awaits the first comment of "it would be a privilege for my family and I to miss our annual holiday and we fully support them super gluing themselves stopping emergencies and inconveniencing everyone.

    Did you ever notice that they only ever glued one hand to the floor.
    This allowed them to drink a nice cup of tea offered by the police.
  • Labour announced their plans today.
  • edited August 2022
    MrWalker said:
    No, they announced the pre existing Lib Dem plans with the words Lib Dems crossed out and Labour added in a childs colouring crayon.
    Still better than the current government have come with. Other than giving the energy suppliers our taxes.
  • Well they are their plans too now unless you are not allowed to take ideas from others.

  • Hi glad you liked my proposal to cancel the energy price rise. I also have some thoughts on electoral reform that you're welcome to adopt...
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  • edited August 2022
    Still, what is wrong with applying a good idea? I would think nobody would complain if the Government did it. I certainly wouldn't. Unless this is all just a game.
  • Huskaris said:
    Rob7Lee said:
    Huskaris said:
    Energy boss on this morning's 'Wake Up To Money' says appreciable money can be saved by simply adjusting your boiler flow temperature.  Good explanation here.
    I did this at the start of the year and more than anything, I enjoy the fact that the radiators aren't boiling hot, once the room reaches heat it isn't a constant case of too hot then too cold, but a consistent temperature because the flow temp is lower. 

    Basically, saving or no saving, it's a lot nicer to live in a home with the radiators on for longer, at a lower temperature!
    Just remember if the flow is also heating your hot water it needs to be at a certain temp.
    Yeah, I have it at 65 (rather than 75) and the hot water is at 60, so it gets there. Thanks for that advice though because I am guessing the boiler would literally never switch off otherwise!
    It's a balance, but yes it'd be forever trying to heat the water if it was the other way around.

    I tried my boiler at 60, 65 & 70 and didn't seem to make a huge difference either way other than the lower of course the longer the house takes to heat up when cold. Mine's a 37kw boiler and I've down tuned it to 28kw. I think turning it down in summer and up in winter is the best compromise.

    Ours was already cavity wall insulated and I reckon that makes the biggest difference. Even with the temp near minus outside the house (heated to 20, off at 10:30pm) won't drop much below 18 over night and it doesn't have full thickness in the loft.
  • MrWalker said:
    No, they announced the pre existing Lib Dem plans, with the words 'Lib Dems' crossed out and 'Labour' added in a childs colouring crayon, two days ago.

    think it was established a couple of weeks or so ago that lib dems had completely gazumped labour and was the reason behind the delay in announcing these policies. 
  • To be honest both Labour and The Lib Dems saying what they would do is just getting ahead of what The Tories will do. Pure political point scoring Nothing more. No general election for two years and saying this was a no risk no lose strategy. You won’t hear any other policy details for 18 months and nor should you. Saying what your policy is when you have no control of the situation is usually a recipe for disaster. The energy crisis is a free hit for both Starmer and Davey. 
  • A great twitter thread on why nationalising isn't the answer, even long term.

  • edited August 2022
    To be honest both Labour and The Lib Dems saying what they would do is just getting ahead of what The Tories will do. Pure political point scoring Nothing more. No general election for two years and saying this was a no risk no lose strategy. You won’t hear any other policy details for 18 months and nor should you. Saying what your policy is when you have no control of the situation is usually a recipe for disaster. The energy crisis is a free hit for both Starmer and Davey. 
    I think there is a reason why it is important that people know what is going to be done now. In fact, more than one. Firstly, some people will be getting extremely stressed by this and we know where that can lead even in some cases deaths, secondly some will have to make decisions like going on a variable rate or moving to a fixed rate (My son and his housemates fall into this category as they do their final year at the University of Bournemouth).

    I can't believe nothing will be done in all honesty. I think Sunak is intelligent enough to understand the implications not just for individuals but for his party but I'm not so sure about Truss. 
  • edited August 2022
  • ROTW said:
    it may possibly help if we move away from fossil fuels. short term nuclear and maybe wind - longer term tidal energy (we are an island after all). Would rather the time and money go to approving those things, rather than a new gas field. 
  • ROTW said:
    We can't keep kicking the Climate Change can down the road. If we don't change to greener forms of energy our situation is only going to get worse.
  • It may even be too late already. Agree, it can't be kicked down the road. 
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