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Homophobic abuse at today's game (ed - Not Charlton fans)



  • Vincenzo said:
    Vincenzo said:
    Am also co-writing a book on left-wing/anti-fascist football clubs around the world, to be published later this year. So am a proper loon.

    That will be an interesting read.  Who are the key clubs with that leaning beyond the better known ones like Roma, St Pauli, and Dulwich/ Clapton?
    @UEAAddick did some work on politics in Italian clubs for his MA @Vincenzo
    Ooh, interesting. Maybe I should get in touch. Most Italian clubs are pretty right wing, with some proper fascist support, but there's a few on the other side; Livorno, Cosenza and Ternana. 
    I read Ultra by Tobias Jones about his time exploring Italian fan culture through the lens of Cosenza, was really interesting. 
  • se9addick said:
    Vincenzo said:
    Vincenzo said:
    Am also co-writing a book on left-wing/anti-fascist football clubs around the world, to be published later this year. So am a proper loon.

    That will be an interesting read.  Who are the key clubs with that leaning beyond the better known ones like Roma, St Pauli, and Dulwich/ Clapton?
    @UEAAddick did some work on politics in Italian clubs for his MA @Vincenzo
    Ooh, interesting. Maybe I should get in touch. Most Italian clubs are pretty right wing, with some proper fascist support, but there's a few on the other side; Livorno, Cosenza and Ternana. 
    I read Ultra by Tobias Jones about his time exploring Italian fan culture through the lens of Cosenza, was really interesting. 
    That was the book that put us onto Cosenza. I must admit I hadn't heard of the city or football club before that. 

    Cosenza has probably been my favourite research trip of the book so far. The fans were great, though the team were terrible on the occasion we saw them. It's a poor part of the country , right in the south, in the toe of Italy, but the people were fantastic, really welcoming and hospitable. Loved it.
  • Vincenzo said:
    se9addick said:
    Vincenzo said:
    Vincenzo said:
    Am also co-writing a book on left-wing/anti-fascist football clubs around the world, to be published later this year. So am a proper loon.

    That will be an interesting read.  Who are the key clubs with that leaning beyond the better known ones like Roma, St Pauli, and Dulwich/ Clapton?
    @UEAAddick did some work on politics in Italian clubs for his MA @Vincenzo
    Ooh, interesting. Maybe I should get in touch. Most Italian clubs are pretty right wing, with some proper fascist support, but there's a few on the other side; Livorno, Cosenza and Ternana. 
    I read Ultra by Tobias Jones about his time exploring Italian fan culture through the lens of Cosenza, was really interesting. 
    That was the book that put us onto Cosenza. I must admit I hadn't heard of the city or football club before that. 

    Cosenza has probably been my favourite research trip of the book so far. The fans were great, though the team were terrible on the occasion we saw them. It's a poor part of the country , right in the south, in the toe of Italy, but the people were fantastic, really welcoming and hospitable. Loved it.
    Amazing, getting some insight into local fan culture is one of the best things about watching football overseas, very jealous that you have a professional reason for doing it!
  • I know, I am very lucky. I wish we had the money to go to Argentina and Chile as well, but it's not going to happen. It makes such a difference meeting the fans and getting to understand what they're about. 
  • Vincenzo said:
    Am also co-writing a book on left-wing/anti-fascist football clubs around the world, to be published later this year. So am a proper loon.
    Dulwich Hamlet, Clapton?
  • Yes, will be covering both. Going to Clapton at the weekend. Paris the weekend after, so that should make a nice comparison.
  • edited January 2022
    ROTW said:
    Not so much homophobic, but have recently noticed a sudden increase in gingers at the Valley.
    OK I get it, you are always going to get a sprinkling, but there seems to be a rapid increase.
    Is it something to do with the sudden cold spell? I just don’t know.
    Walking Down the stairs from the east stand, almost bumped into one on the concourse.
    Really gave me a fright.
    Could we not put them all in one section and perhaps issue subsidised “red army” balaclavas, thereby allowing integration, but at the same time allowing all non gingers forewarning?
    Perhaps announce a number we can text should we find one wandering outside of their section unmasked?
    We already have a rusty toolbox in SE London, I would rather ours just be known as the valley.

    I’m offended…… I actually really like a girl with red hair.
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  • ROTW said:
    Not so much homophobic, but have recently noticed a sudden increase in gingers at the Valley.
    OK I get it, you are always going to get a sprinkling, but there seems to be a rapid increase.
    Is it something to do with the sudden cold spell? I just don’t know.
    Walking Down the stairs from the east stand, almost bumped into one on the concourse.
    Really gave me a fright.
    Could we not put them all in one section and perhaps issue subsidised “red army” balaclavas, thereby allowing integration, but at the same time allowing all non gingers forewarning?
    Perhaps announce a number we can text should we find one wandering outside of their section unmasked?
    We already have a rusty toolbox in SE London, I would rather ours just be known as the valley.

    I’m offended…… I actually really like a girl with red hair.
    You can't leave it there, whats her name?
  • edited January 2022
    We had a fan arrested a few years ago for homophobic singing down at Brighton station. Arrested for singing “does your boyfriend know your here”. I only remember it because of @ValleyGary ‘s response to it. Still makes me laugh. 
  • edited January 2022
    Vincenzo said:
    BefoLordflashheart said:
    @AFKABartram I think this thread needs to be closed, it’s getting silly now
    Before we find out what "antifa loons" are? Surely not. 
    People who are lunatic enough to be antifascist. Nutters! 
  • Vincenzo said:
    Am also co-writing a book on left-wing/anti-fascist football clubs around the world, to be published later this year. So am a proper loon.

    Vincenzo said:
    Am also co-writing a book on left-wing/anti-fascist football clubs around the world, to be published later this year. So am a proper loon.

    What a desperately tragic waste of time. Looking for ugliness in the beautiful game. 
  • edited January 2022
    Vincenzo said:

    Anti-fascism is ugly? Are you actually pro-fascist?

    You're going to be furious when you find out what Winston Churchill got up to in WWII.
    We shall go on to the end, it is ugly to fight in France,  it is ugly to fight on the seas and oceans, it is ugly to fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, it is ugly to defend our Island, whatever the cost may be, it is ugly to fight on the beaches, it is ugly to fight on the landing grounds, it is ugly to fight in the fields and in the streets, it is ugly to fight in the hills………
  • Curb_It said:
    We had a fan arrested a few years ago for homophobic singing down at Brighton station. Arrested for singing “does your boyfriend know your here”. I only remember it because of @ValleyGary ‘s response to it. Still makes me laugh. 
    which was?
  • @Henry Irving  Ahh right, I dont know why I even thought it was does your boyfriend know you're here.  


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  • edited January 2022
    Is this now the politics thread? Only I thought there was a special place for that. 

    Last time I looked I thought this thread was supposed to be about homophobic abuse and football matches (which may or may not involve Charlton fans), but every time I come on to read about that subject all I seem to find is political willy waving - waving to the left and waving to the right.

    Put it away lads/gents/persons with cocks.
  • I just found the thread.  It was what i thought... 

    @cafcdave123 On the first page...

    Apologies if the poster still posts on here and to drag up an old thread.  

  • Curb_It said:
    I just found the thread.  It was what i thought... 

    @cafcdave123 On the first page...

    Apologies if the poster still posts on here and to drag up an old thread.  

    Last active 2019…..
  • And Granpa, last active 2016?  It's not until you start reading old threads you realise people are missing. 
  • Off_it said:
    Is this now the politics thread? Only I thought there was a special place for that. 

    Last time I looked I thought this thread was supposed to be about homophobic abuse and football matches (which may or may not involve Charlton fans), but every time I come on to read about that subject all I seem to find is political willy waving - waving to the left and waving to the right.

    Put it away lads/gents/persons with cocks.
    A bit harsh, @Off_it.

    Going from homophobia at football matches to clubs that are actively anti-homophobia - yes, ant-fascist clubs- is not much of a stretch. Whether you like it or not, subjects like homophobia and racism are a bit political. 

  • "whether I like it or not". Lol.

    Go for it then mate. Fill your boots. Like many others I will just roll my eyes and put it down as another thread not worth reading because the main (serious) point gets derailed by the same old protagonists who seemingly can't help themselves. Another reason to not even come on here in the first place.
  • stonemuse said:
    JamesSeed said:
    Vincenzo said:
    BefoLordflashheart said:
    @AFKABartram I think this thread needs to be closed, it’s getting silly now
    Before we find out what "antifa loons" are? Surely not. 
    I’m a self confessed ‘ANTIFA loon’, as was my dad. He fought fascism during WW2, and I went on the Anti Nazi League rally to Victoria Park in 1978, where the Clash were headlining. Loons!
    My friend is a film editor and he gave me some film stills from the concert that was used for the Rude Boy film. My sister who works in film got them printed for me as they’re not like standard negatives. She got them to leave the sprocket holes on and I had the best one framed.

    Superb mate … any to spare? 
    You can have the one on the right if you want mate. PM me your address and I'll send it on.
    Typical Antifa, Woke, Social Justice Warrior, Do-Gooder, Cultural Marxist, PC gone mad behaviour.

    Don't you know just giving something away makes people dependent on communist freebies and undermines Christian capitalism.

    PS do I win anti-woke bingo?
    No. ValleyofTears does!
  • I don't remember much homophobic abuse at the Valley over the years. The only incident that sticks in my mind was some witty Charlton fan shouting out 'Are you a faggot Bent?' or something similar at Marcus Bent when he was playing for Sheffield United. The look of absolute contempt he shot back when he heard it was the only time I ever had any respect for the guy. Pretty sure he went on to rip us a new one in that game too.
    We always used to sing "We can see you holding hands" to the Brighton fans and in return they called us "Dirty Northern Bastards" All good fun and nobody got harmed.
    Ah yeah, all good clean fun. Remember the monkey chants too? Nobody got ‘harmed’.
  • Absolute state of this thread. There is a fundamental misunderstanding on this board and, in some corners, an unwillingness to change and adapt.

    I'll call it out when I see it, and like on Tuesday when in the pub with a couple of mates, I will call out any homophobic or otherwise pejorative language immediately. (And much to my surprise, I got a very sincere apology.)
  • PaddyP17 said:
    Absolute state of this thread. There is a fundamental misunderstanding on this board and, in some corners, an unwillingness to change and adapt.

    I'll call it out when I see it, and like on Tuesday when in the pub with a couple of mates, I will call out any homophobic or otherwise pejorative language immediately. (And much to my surprise, I got a very sincere apology.)
    Do you mean a lot of the people on this forum in their opinions on this issue?
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