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Homophobic abuse at today's game (ed - Not Charlton fans)



  • JohnnyH2 said:
    PaddyP17 said:
    Absolute state of this thread. There is a fundamental misunderstanding on this board and, in some corners, an unwillingness to change and adapt.

    I'll call it out when I see it, and like on Tuesday when in the pub with a couple of mates, I will call out any homophobic or otherwise pejorative language immediately. (And much to my surprise, I got a very sincere apology.)
    Do you mean a lot of the people on this forum in their opinions on this issue?
    Yes. "It was acceptable back then" or "why can't we draw a line under it", among other similar sentiments, fundamentally misunderstand the issue.
  • Curb_It said:
    @Henry Irving  Ahh right, I dont know why I even thought it was does your boyfriend know you're here.  


    @Curb_It you were right, that was what he said he was singing but the police on the SAG told another story.
  • This thread needs bumping, at 12 pages it's still way behind the 27 pages on women or ladies. 
  • This thread needs bumping, at 12 pages it's still way behind the 27 pages on women or ladies. 
    You had a beer tonight mate?
  • Curb_It said:
    We had a fan arrested a few years ago for homophobic singing down at Brighton station. Arrested for singing “does your boyfriend know your here”. I only remember it because of @ValleyGary ‘s response to it. Still makes me laugh. 
    I remember  it too as I was on the safety  advisory  group at the time.

    What he was actually  singing, very drunkenly hours before  the game and in the middle  of a shopping area with families  and kids around  was

    "Do you take it up the arse?"

    Police told him to leave town and not  go to the game. 

    But he turned  up at the game and got nicked.

    For some reason, presumably  to save face with rather middle  class parents  IIRC, he made up the "holding  hands" story and put it on social media to garner  sympathy from the "PC Gone Mad brigade" and play the victim. 

    We see a lot of this victim  playing from the far right nowadays  "they are taking  away my freedom to abuse people, I'm the real victim,  I'm being  oppressed "
    Thank god we have people like you about to save us.
    Safety advisory group? Ha ha ha. 
    Did you get to wear a cape?
    Or was it a badge on your cardigan?

  • ROTW said:
    Curb_It said:
    We had a fan arrested a few years ago for homophobic singing down at Brighton station. Arrested for singing “does your boyfriend know your here”. I only remember it because of @ValleyGary ‘s response to it. Still makes me laugh. 
    I remember  it too as I was on the safety  advisory  group at the time.

    What he was actually  singing, very drunkenly hours before  the game and in the middle  of a shopping area with families  and kids around  was

    "Do you take it up the arse?"

    Police told him to leave town and not  go to the game. 

    But he turned  up at the game and got nicked.

    For some reason, presumably  to save face with rather middle  class parents  IIRC, he made up the "holding  hands" story and put it on social media to garner  sympathy from the "PC Gone Mad brigade" and play the victim. 

    We see a lot of this victim  playing from the far right nowadays  "they are taking  away my freedom to abuse people, I'm the real victim,  I'm being  oppressed "
    Thank god we have people like you about to save us.
    Safety advisory group? Ha ha ha. 
    Did you get to wear a cape?
    Or was it a badge on your cardigan?

    You don’t think it makes sense to have supporters in such groups?
  • Oh, you're such a wit.

    A cardigan reference, that really cuts to the quick.

    PS you don't even know what the safety advisory group was do you?
  • Oh, you're such a wit.

    A cardigan reference, that really cuts to the quick.

    PS you don't even know what the safety advisory group was do you?
    Something to do with safety?
  • Seems a few have had a couple of brave pills tonight 🙄
  • PaddyP17 said:
    Absolute state of this thread. There is a fundamental misunderstanding on this board and, in some corners, an unwillingness to change and adapt.

    I'll call it out when I see it, and like on Tuesday when in the pub with a couple of mates, I will call out any homophobic or otherwise pejorative language immediately. (And much to my surprise, I got a very sincere apology.)
    Im glad to read that the next time you hear someone/group shout, for example, "chav, pikey, scum" and other pejorative language you will call it out immediately.  Being consistent with all forms of abuse is essential if one is to be taken seriously. 
    Being aggrieved at just "some" forms of abuse makes the whole woke thing utterly ludicrous. 

    Good luck in making the world a better place. For everyone! 
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  • Cloudworm said:
    I don't remember much homophobic abuse at the Valley over the years. The only incident that sticks in my mind was some witty Charlton fan shouting out 'Are you a faggot Bent?' or something similar at Marcus Bent when he was playing for Sheffield United. The look of absolute contempt he shot back when he heard it was the only time I ever had any respect for the guy. Pretty sure he went on to rip us a new one in that game too.
    We always used to sing "We can see you holding hands" to the Brighton fans and in return they called us "Dirty Northern Bastards" All good fun and nobody got harmed.
    Ah yeah, all good clean fun. Remember the monkey chants too? Nobody got ‘harmed’.
    What on earth is wrong with singing "we can see you holding hands"? 

    Some of the greatest comedians this country has given a platform to were not only same sex attracted but were also passionate  defenders of freedom of speech. You clearly haven't listened to much Round The Horne, The Goons or read the memoirs of the Carry On cast. They really would despair of this soporific bore that woke folk are creating in this society and in the beautiful game. 

    They were able to laugh at themselves and at others. 

  • Vincenzo said:
    Vincenzo said:
    Am also co-writing a book on left-wing/anti-fascist football clubs around the world, to be published later this year. So am a proper loon.

    Vincenzo said:
    Am also co-writing a book on left-wing/anti-fascist football clubs around the world, to be published later this year. So am a proper loon.

    What a desperately tragic waste of time. Looking for ugliness in the beautiful game. 
    Anti-fascism is ugly? Are you actually pro-fascist?

    You're going to be furious when you find out what Winston Churchill got up to in WWII.
    You'll have to define what "anti-fascism" in 2022 actually means ~ to YOU Vincenzo. It seems to mean all sorts of different things to different people depending on how batty their Godless left-wing bias is. You reference Churchill apropos nothing. You are apparently writing a book about "antifascist" football clubs presumably ones that exist in 2022 and not in the Churchill era. Do please explain what exactly "anti-fascist" in 2022 means to you. I'd love to know. 
  • ROTW said:
    Curb_It said:
    We had a fan arrested a few years ago for homophobic singing down at Brighton station. Arrested for singing “does your boyfriend know your here”. I only remember it because of @ValleyGary ‘s response to it. Still makes me laugh. 
    I remember  it too as I was on the safety  advisory  group at the time.

    What he was actually  singing, very drunkenly hours before  the game and in the middle  of a shopping area with families  and kids around  was

    "Do you take it up the arse?"

    Police told him to leave town and not  go to the game. 

    But he turned  up at the game and got nicked.

    For some reason, presumably  to save face with rather middle  class parents  IIRC, he made up the "holding  hands" story and put it on social media to garner  sympathy from the "PC Gone Mad brigade" and play the victim. 

    We see a lot of this victim  playing from the far right nowadays  "they are taking  away my freedom to abuse people, I'm the real victim,  I'm being  oppressed "
    Thank god we have people like you about to save us.
    Safety advisory group? Ha ha ha. 
    Did you get to wear a cape?
    Or was it a badge on your cardigan?

    In 2020s Great Britain there are two sides, illustrated by this odd comment.

    The side that gets the ‘ump with people being bellends, and the side that gets the ‘ump with people who have a problem with people being bellends.  

    Just ask yourself which side you should probably be on next time your blood starts to boil over this type of thing.  
  • Being woke is far from being sleepily boring, it is about being anti racist, and is an invigorating and life affirming state to be in.
    I would urge everybody to be woke, and fight back against any snide sneering criticism of being like that. Challenge the racists. Resist the racists.
  • edited January 2022
    seth plum said:
    Being woke is far from being sleepily boring, it is about being anti racist, and is an invigorating and life affirming state to be in.
    I would urge everybody to be woke, and fight back against any snide sneering criticism of being like that. Challenge the racists. Resist the racists.
    Interestingly, one facet of fascism, mentioned in definitions found in just about any reputable dictionary, is the absolute refusal to accept the validity of an opposing view.
  • I hear the view of racists a lot.
    It is not fascist to push back against those views.
  • Cloudworm said:
    I don't remember much homophobic abuse at the Valley over the years. The only incident that sticks in my mind was some witty Charlton fan shouting out 'Are you a faggot Bent?' or something similar at Marcus Bent when he was playing for Sheffield United. The look of absolute contempt he shot back when he heard it was the only time I ever had any respect for the guy. Pretty sure he went on to rip us a new one in that game too.
    We always used to sing "We can see you holding hands" to the Brighton fans and in return they called us "Dirty Northern Bastards" All good fun and nobody got harmed.
    Ah yeah, all good clean fun. Remember the monkey chants too? Nobody got ‘harmed’.
    What on earth is wrong with singing "we can see you holding hands"? 

    Some of the greatest comedians this country has given a platform to were not only same sex attracted but were also passionate  defenders of freedom of speech. You clearly haven't listened to much Round The Horne, The Goons or read the memoirs of the Carry On cast. They really would despair of this soporific bore that woke folk are creating in this society and in the beautiful game. 

    They were able to laugh at themselves and at others. 

    Let me answer your question with a question, if I may.

    What’s the point of it?
  • The point of singing ‘I can see you holding hands’ is an attempt to mock people in same sex relationships, the implication being that same sex couples are abnormal in some way. Whilst the ‘I’ in the chant implies ‘I’ wouldn’t hold hands with somebody of the same sex as me because ‘I’ wouldn’t want to be seen as ‘abnormal’.
    Maybe those singing it are on a journey exploring their own sexuality, and the song is one of desperation to ‘other’ some people, in the hope of being accepted by those they want to be like.
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  • Mametz said:
    seth plum said:
    Being woke is far from being sleepily boring, it is about being anti racist, and is an invigorating and life affirming state to be in.
    I would urge everybody to be woke, and fight back against any snide sneering criticism of being like that. Challenge the racists. Resist the racists.
    Interestingly, one facet of fascism, mentioned in definitions found in just about any reputable dictionary, is the absolute refusal to accept the validity of an opposing view.
    Absolutely this!

    A lot of people would benefit from looking up the definition of 'bigotry' also.
  • seth plum said:
    Being woke is far from being sleepily boring, it is about being anti racist, and is an invigorating and life affirming state to be in.
    I would urge everybody to be woke, and fight back against any snide sneering criticism of being like that. Challenge the racists. Resist the racists.
    That's just it SP woke ISNT all about being anti-racist. If it was simply that, I think we could all join together under its banner. It's Marxist overreach and is about silencing anyone who dares to have a view (that is ever changing and more ridiculous by the day) that challenges theirs. As with all Marxist attitudes woke doesn't care for the perceived victim (which is what  is Same sex attracted persons. People of colour, the disabled, the poor etc it just hates the perceived perpetrator. This is why woke is not Christianity. There is no love in the heart of woke. It is a fake religion. 
  • bobmunro said:
    Cloudworm said:
    I don't remember much homophobic abuse at the Valley over the years. The only incident that sticks in my mind was some witty Charlton fan shouting out 'Are you a faggot Bent?' or something similar at Marcus Bent when he was playing for Sheffield United. The look of absolute contempt he shot back when he heard it was the only time I ever had any respect for the guy. Pretty sure he went on to rip us a new one in that game too.
    We always used to sing "We can see you holding hands" to the Brighton fans and in return they called us "Dirty Northern Bastards" All good fun and nobody got harmed.
    Ah yeah, all good clean fun. Remember the monkey chants too? Nobody got ‘harmed’.
    What on earth is wrong with singing "we can see you holding hands"? 

    Some of the greatest comedians this country has given a platform to were not only same sex attracted but were also passionate  defenders of freedom of speech. You clearly haven't listened to much Round The Horne, The Goons or read the memoirs of the Carry On cast. They really would despair of this soporific bore that woke folk are creating in this society and in the beautiful game. 

    They were able to laugh at themselves and at others. 

    Correct - and I should be able to laugh at you, but for the fact that you are a bigot purporting to be a man of God (now that is something I can laugh at).
    Laugh away! I'm not woke. Bantz always welcome! 
  • Mametz said:
    seth plum said:
    Being woke is far from being sleepily boring, it is about being anti racist, and is an invigorating and life affirming state to be in.
    I would urge everybody to be woke, and fight back against any snide sneering criticism of being like that. Challenge the racists. Resist the racists.
    Interestingly, one facet of fascism, mentioned in definitions found in just about any reputable dictionary, is the absolute refusal to accept the validity of an opposing view.
    How ironic! That's the definition of a Marxist! 
  • Vincenzo said:
    Vincenzo said:
    Am also co-writing a book on left-wing/anti-fascist football clubs around the world, to be published later this year. So am a proper loon.

    Vincenzo said:
    Am also co-writing a book on left-wing/anti-fascist football clubs around the world, to be published later this year. So am a proper loon.

    What a desperately tragic waste of time. Looking for ugliness in the beautiful game. 
    Anti-fascism is ugly? Are you actually pro-fascist?

    You're going to be furious when you find out what Winston Churchill got up to in WWII.
    You'll have to define what "anti-fascism" in 2022 actually means ~ to YOU Vincenzo. It seems to mean all sorts of different things to different people depending on how batty their Godless left-wing bias is. You reference Churchill apropos nothing. You are apparently writing a book about "antifascist" football clubs presumably ones that exist in 2022 and not in the Churchill era. Do please explain what exactly "anti-fascist" in 2022 means to you. I'd love to know. 
    Anti fascism = opposed to fascism.

    Its pantwettingly simple to understand.  What it means to you or anyone else is irrelevant.  

    So tell us, which are you a fascist or an anti-fascist??  Cos everyone is either one or the other?
    How very sad that your little world is reduced to nothing more than far left and far right politics. I thank God that life is so much more than this. 
  • seth plum said:
    Being woke is far from being sleepily boring, it is about being anti racist, and is an invigorating and life affirming state to be in.
    I would urge everybody to be woke, and fight back against any snide sneering criticism of being like that. Challenge the racists. Resist the racists.
    That's just it SP woke ISNT all about being anti-racist. If it was simply that, I think we could all join together under its banner. It's Marxist overreach and is about silencing anyone who dares to have a view (that is ever changing and more ridiculous by the day) that challenges theirs. As with all Marxist attitudes woke doesn't care for the perceived victim (which is what  is Same sex attracted persons. People of colour, the disabled, the poor etc it just hates the perceived perpetrator. This is why woke is not Christianity. There is no love in the heart of woke. It is a fake religion. 
    What weird thinking.
    You understood it?
    Well done.
    Absolute gobbledygook to me 🤷‍♀️
  • Mametz said:
    seth plum said:
    Being woke is far from being sleepily boring, it is about being anti racist, and is an invigorating and life affirming state to be in.
    I would urge everybody to be woke, and fight back against any snide sneering criticism of being like that. Challenge the racists. Resist the racists.
    Interestingly, one facet of fascism, mentioned in definitions found in just about any reputable dictionary, is the absolute refusal to accept the validity of an opposing view.
    Bang on,  hence why I cant stand JOB and switch him off, and ignore several posters here.
  • seth plum said:
    Being woke is far from being sleepily boring, it is about being anti racist, and is an invigorating and life affirming state to be in.
    I would urge everybody to be woke, and fight back against any snide sneering criticism of being like that. Challenge the racists. Resist the racists.
    That's just it SP woke ISNT all about being anti-racist. If it was simply that, I think we could all join together under its banner. It's Marxist overreach and is about silencing anyone who dares to have a view (that is ever changing and more ridiculous by the day) that challenges theirs. As with all Marxist attitudes woke doesn't care for the perceived victim (which is what  is Same sex attracted persons. People of colour, the disabled, the poor etc it just hates the perceived perpetrator. This is why woke is not Christianity. There is no love in the heart of woke. It is a fake religion. 
    All religions are fake.
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