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Homophobic abuse at today's game (ed - Not Charlton fans)



  • seth plum said:
    Being woke is far from being sleepily boring, it is about being anti racist, and is an invigorating and life affirming state to be in.
    I would urge everybody to be woke, and fight back against any snide sneering criticism of being like that. Challenge the racists. Resist the racists.
    That's just it SP woke ISNT all about being anti-racist. If it was simply that, I think we could all join together under its banner. It's Marxist overreach and is about silencing anyone who dares to have a view (that is ever changing and more ridiculous by the day) that challenges theirs. As with all Marxist attitudes woke doesn't care for the perceived victim (which is what  is Same sex attracted persons. People of colour, the disabled, the poor etc it just hates the perceived perpetrator. This is why woke is not Christianity. There is no love in the heart of woke. It is a fake religion. 
    What weird thinking.
    You understood it?
    Well done.
    Absolute gobbledygook to me 🤷‍♀️
    I won't pretend to understand it!
  • The people who complain about 'woke' ironically seem to be those who get most upset about and offended by things. Very strange and incredibly thin-skinned. Life's too short to be constantly angry surely. 
    It's a funny old world, because the majority I believe would say the opposite.
    99.9% at the Ricky Gervais gig were roaring with laughter, it was the 0.1% that were upset and offended.
  • Vincenzo said:
    Vincenzo said:
    Am also co-writing a book on left-wing/anti-fascist football clubs around the world, to be published later this year. So am a proper loon.

    Vincenzo said:
    Am also co-writing a book on left-wing/anti-fascist football clubs around the world, to be published later this year. So am a proper loon.

    What a desperately tragic waste of time. Looking for ugliness in the beautiful game. 
    Anti-fascism is ugly? Are you actually pro-fascist?

    You're going to be furious when you find out what Winston Churchill got up to in WWII.
    You'll have to define what "anti-fascism" in 2022 actually means ~ to YOU Vincenzo. It seems to mean all sorts of different things to different people depending on how batty their Godless left-wing bias is. You reference Churchill apropos nothing. You are apparently writing a book about "antifascist" football clubs presumably ones that exist in 2022 and not in the Churchill era. Do please explain what exactly "anti-fascist" in 2022 means to you. I'd love to know. 
    Anti fascism = opposed to fascism.

    Its pantwettingly simple to understand.  What it means to you or anyone else is irrelevant.  

    So tell us, which are you a fascist or an anti-fascist??  Cos everyone is either one or the other?
    How very sad that your little world is reduced to nothing more than far left and far right politics. I thank God that life is so much more than this. 
    Being against racism is far left 😂😂😂
  • You didn’t answer my question @ValleyOfTears anyway?

    Are you for or against fascism?  

    Ill help you out tho with a third option of “undecided” (as in undecided if racism and authoritarian regimes are good or bad)?
  • The people who complain about 'woke' ironically seem to be those who get most upset about and offended by things. Very strange and incredibly thin-skinned. Life's too short to be constantly angry surely. 
    Always sticks in my mind that in 2020 the most complained about tv show was BGT when diversity did a dance against police brutality towards black people.  

    Sums it perfectly, the so called “anti woke” are the biggest wet wipe snowflakes among us.
    I rest my case.
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  • ValleyOfTears suggests some things are Marxist.
    When asked to illustrate how anti racism is Marxist nothing happens.
    Looks as if anybody blithely slinging out a criticism that something or another is Marxist haven’t a clue what it is they’re talking about.
    Karl Marx himself wrote ‘if anything is certain, I am not a Marxist’, this was in response to a French grouping that self identified as ‘Marxist’ which Karl Marx disagreed with.
    I ask those who sling out ‘Marxist’ as a derogatory term, and attach it to taking the knee for example, to do some research to back up what they say.
  • seth plum said:
    ValleyOfTears suggests some things are Marxist.
    When asked to illustrate how anti racism is Marxist nothing happens.
    Looks as if anybody blithely slinging out a criticism that something or another is Marxist haven’t a clue what it is they’re talking about.
    Karl Marx himself wrote ‘if anything is certain, I am not a Marxist’, this was in response to a French grouping that self identified as ‘Marxist’ which Karl Marx disagreed with.
    I ask those who sling out ‘Marxist’ as a derogatory term, and attach it to taking the knee for example, to do some research to back up what they say.
    Based on his ramblings I would probably categorise VoT as Alt-Right - so anything to the left of that (you can't go right) would be tagged as Marxist.

  • Cloudworm said:
    I don't remember much homophobic abuse at the Valley over the years. The only incident that sticks in my mind was some witty Charlton fan shouting out 'Are you a faggot Bent?' or something similar at Marcus Bent when he was playing for Sheffield United. The look of absolute contempt he shot back when he heard it was the only time I ever had any respect for the guy. Pretty sure he went on to rip us a new one in that game too.
    We always used to sing "We can see you holding hands" to the Brighton fans and in return they called us "Dirty Northern Bastards" All good fun and nobody got harmed.
    Ah yeah, all good clean fun. Remember the monkey chants too? Nobody got ‘harmed’.
    I was referring to what was sung/heard at The Valley, and I can never recall our fans making monkey chants at black players.
  • edited January 2022
    I was offended at Spurs when Charlton Cretins did the gas chant/song; two decades ago. I'm not Jewish.

    I was offended when Black Footballers were given hostile racist abuse back in the days of Anderson, Regis, Cunningham, (70's)as well as John Barnes as we came to the end of the 20th century.I'm not black.

     I did have some remarks about being a darkie after 3 years in Africa when I looked Dual heritage on my return to the UK. (Only 8 year old kids so mild in comparison with the abuse the above mentioned players received) 
    My mum told me recently a mother on the ship coming home thought I was an Indian boy before my mum corrected her !

    Since the Brighton gay songs of a decade ago were stopped I haven't personally heard any homophobic chants or comments but even though I'm sure there are a small % of gay male footballers in the Professional game,( Not a problem in the female game where the woman/girls are totally open about it and everyone concentrates on football) even in 2022 there is still a stigma about Guys just being judged as footballers and not their sexual orientation.
    I'm not Gay.

    Life continues to evolve but middle aged men (some on CL) struggle to understand what it feels like if you are on the receiving end of the remarks, songs and chants.

    I would prefer, Gay, Black, Jewish, or dual heritage folk on CL to join in the discussion.
    I accept at Cafc it's probably a low number (black, Jewish etc)  but we have a percentage of gay fans so please share your thoughts; your views would be most welcome.
  • Cloudworm said:
    I don't remember much homophobic abuse at the Valley over the years. The only incident that sticks in my mind was some witty Charlton fan shouting out 'Are you a faggot Bent?' or something similar at Marcus Bent when he was playing for Sheffield United. The look of absolute contempt he shot back when he heard it was the only time I ever had any respect for the guy. Pretty sure he went on to rip us a new one in that game too.
    We always used to sing "We can see you holding hands" to the Brighton fans and in return they called us "Dirty Northern Bastards" All good fun and nobody got harmed.
    Ah yeah, all good clean fun. Remember the monkey chants too? Nobody got ‘harmed’.
    I was referring to what was sung/heard at The Valley, and I can never recall our fans making monkey chants at black players.

    Go to 5 minutes in 
  • Mametz said:
    seth plum said:
    Being woke is far from being sleepily boring, it is about being anti racist, and is an invigorating and life affirming state to be in.
    I would urge everybody to be woke, and fight back against any snide sneering criticism of being like that. Challenge the racists. Resist the racists.
    Interestingly, one facet of fascism, mentioned in definitions found in just about any reputable dictionary, is the absolute refusal to accept the validity of an opposing view.
    Bang on,  hence why I cant stand JOB and switch him off, and ignore several posters here.
  • Cloudworm said:
    I don't remember much homophobic abuse at the Valley over the years. The only incident that sticks in my mind was some witty Charlton fan shouting out 'Are you a faggot Bent?' or something similar at Marcus Bent when he was playing for Sheffield United. The look of absolute contempt he shot back when he heard it was the only time I ever had any respect for the guy. Pretty sure he went on to rip us a new one in that game too.
    We always used to sing "We can see you holding hands" to the Brighton fans and in return they called us "Dirty Northern Bastards" All good fun and nobody got harmed.
    Ah yeah, all good clean fun. Remember the monkey chants too? Nobody got ‘harmed’.
    I was referring to what was sung/heard at The Valley, and I can never recall our fans making monkey chants at black players.
    I can. And zeig heil nazi salutes.
  • Cloudworm said:
    Cloudworm said:
    I don't remember much homophobic abuse at the Valley over the years. The only incident that sticks in my mind was some witty Charlton fan shouting out 'Are you a faggot Bent?' or something similar at Marcus Bent when he was playing for Sheffield United. The look of absolute contempt he shot back when he heard it was the only time I ever had any respect for the guy. Pretty sure he went on to rip us a new one in that game too.
    We always used to sing "We can see you holding hands" to the Brighton fans and in return they called us "Dirty Northern Bastards" All good fun and nobody got harmed.
    Ah yeah, all good clean fun. Remember the monkey chants too? Nobody got ‘harmed’.
    I was referring to what was sung/heard at The Valley, and I can never recall our fans making monkey chants at black players.
    I can. And zeig heil nazi salutes.
    Have to agree to disagree then wont we. 
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  • JohnnyH2 said:
    Cloudworm said:
    I don't remember much homophobic abuse at the Valley over the years. The only incident that sticks in my mind was some witty Charlton fan shouting out 'Are you a faggot Bent?' or something similar at Marcus Bent when he was playing for Sheffield United. The look of absolute contempt he shot back when he heard it was the only time I ever had any respect for the guy. Pretty sure he went on to rip us a new one in that game too.
    We always used to sing "We can see you holding hands" to the Brighton fans and in return they called us "Dirty Northern Bastards" All good fun and nobody got harmed.
    Ah yeah, all good clean fun. Remember the monkey chants too? Nobody got ‘harmed’.
    I was referring to what was sung/heard at The Valley, and I can never recall our fans making monkey chants at black players.

    Go to 5 minutes in 
    Disgusting. Very much of its time, so not surprising, but still appalling. Especially as it would hardly have raised an eyebrow back then.
  • Cloudworm said:
    Cloudworm said:
    I don't remember much homophobic abuse at the Valley over the years. The only incident that sticks in my mind was some witty Charlton fan shouting out 'Are you a faggot Bent?' or something similar at Marcus Bent when he was playing for Sheffield United. The look of absolute contempt he shot back when he heard it was the only time I ever had any respect for the guy. Pretty sure he went on to rip us a new one in that game too.
    We always used to sing "We can see you holding hands" to the Brighton fans and in return they called us "Dirty Northern Bastards" All good fun and nobody got harmed.
    Ah yeah, all good clean fun. Remember the monkey chants too? Nobody got ‘harmed’.
    I was referring to what was sung/heard at The Valley, and I can never recall our fans making monkey chants at black players.
    I can. And zeig heil nazi salutes.
    Wow. Really? Always shocks me that anyone from here can give that salute after what a country, and others, went through.
  • JohnnyH2 said:
    Cloudworm said:
    I don't remember much homophobic abuse at the Valley over the years. The only incident that sticks in my mind was some witty Charlton fan shouting out 'Are you a faggot Bent?' or something similar at Marcus Bent when he was playing for Sheffield United. The look of absolute contempt he shot back when he heard it was the only time I ever had any respect for the guy. Pretty sure he went on to rip us a new one in that game too.
    We always used to sing "We can see you holding hands" to the Brighton fans and in return they called us "Dirty Northern Bastards" All good fun and nobody got harmed.
    Ah yeah, all good clean fun. Remember the monkey chants too? Nobody got ‘harmed’.
    I was referring to what was sung/heard at The Valley, and I can never recall our fans making monkey chants at black players.

    Go to 5 minutes in 
    Fair play, can only go from my own experiences and comment accordingly. We have always had the reputation of being a friendly family club and this sort of behaviour has always been in the minority. As I said in my original quote, I cannot recall incidents like that.
  • Cloudworm said:
    Cloudworm said:
    I don't remember much homophobic abuse at the Valley over the years. The only incident that sticks in my mind was some witty Charlton fan shouting out 'Are you a faggot Bent?' or something similar at Marcus Bent when he was playing for Sheffield United. The look of absolute contempt he shot back when he heard it was the only time I ever had any respect for the guy. Pretty sure he went on to rip us a new one in that game too.
    We always used to sing "We can see you holding hands" to the Brighton fans and in return they called us "Dirty Northern Bastards" All good fun and nobody got harmed.
    Ah yeah, all good clean fun. Remember the monkey chants too? Nobody got ‘harmed’.
    I was referring to what was sung/heard at The Valley, and I can never recall our fans making monkey chants at black players.
    I can. And zeig heil nazi salutes.
    If this happened I suggest it was about 50 years ago. When did you hear it? 
  • Chizz said:
    seth plum said:
    Being woke is far from being sleepily boring, it is about being anti racist, and is an invigorating and life affirming state to be in.
    I would urge everybody to be woke, and fight back against any snide sneering criticism of being like that. Challenge the racists. Resist the racists.
    That's just it SP woke ISNT all about being anti-racist. If it was simply that, I think we could all join together under its banner. It's Marxist overreach and is about silencing anyone who dares to have a view (that is ever changing and more ridiculous by the day) that challenges theirs. As with all Marxist attitudes woke doesn't care for the perceived victim (which is what  is Same sex attracted persons. People of colour, the disabled, the poor etc it just hates the perceived perpetrator. This is why woke is not Christianity. There is no love in the heart of woke. It is a fake religion. 
    Woke isn't a religion. It's an adjective to describe someone alert to racial prejudice and discrimination. 

    As such, one can be left- or right-wing and woke. One can be a Marxist or a rabid Thatcherist and be woke. One can be Christian, Muslim, Sikh, Hindu, Jewish, Shinto, Taoist, atheist, agonistic or a Jedi and be woke. 

    Are you alert to racial prejudice and injustice, @ValleyOfTears ?  Because, guess what? If you are, you're woke. 

    And, if you're not, it would be very easy to see you as being a racist. 

    Which are you, V.O.T? 
    I would have to disagree with this. But I like the sincerity behind it nonetheless. Clearly you believe sincerely in woke being a noble attitude towards lifes challenges today. 

    Largely I disagree because (for the thousandth time on this thread) we are placing virtue at the root  of "woke". And I am saying this is misleading. 

    To be a true woke person you can still harbour evil intentions towards others. 
    To be a true Christian ~ you cannot. 

    And it is futile at this point to refer to the many evils perpetrated throughout history by those who were NOT true Christians/living the commandments etc but were "wolves in sheep's clothing".

    (but I can see how tempting it would be to use them, and ONLY them, to support a weak argument for woke) 

    You write here that a Christian can be woke. Because you define "woke" as nothing more than holding a perfectly reasonable attitude towards other races. So far so good. But you are placing "Woke" as the highest position of virtue and people of different religions can be "woke". 

    What I am saying is not that being "alert to racial prejudice" is in any way wrong. That would be absurd. But what I AM saying is that a true Christian does not stop at this point. They are equally concerned with ALL persons. And so that true Christian, as I understand it, doesn't and CANNOT elevate one fashionable "victim" group and relegate another overlooked group and call themselves virtuous, good and just. Aren't the "abusers" doing just the same? Loving one group and demonising another. I am glad that people are seeing through woke now. 

    I have no doubt that implementing woke ideas is very pleasing to some specific interest groups. And at its best, can even protect such groups from unnecessary and unnnaceptable abuse. But at its worst, antifa mob etc it undoes any good with even more cruelty of its own. (See US streets all through 2020 businesses burnt down and looted ~ ironically owned by people of colour in the main!) People murdered in the street (including women and people of colour!!) 

    But it excludes great swathes of people too. 

    Truly awakened people don't see the world as "...Racist OR Antiracist ... There is nothing else a person can be". How desperately limiting an outlook is that?! 

    As pointed out before ~ it is black onservatives in America who are loathed by Marxists the most. Not the Tucker Carlsons of this world. Because they don't follow the victim narrative.  And I have no doubt that it will be black conservatives that will ultimately take the power back in America. 

    And we can then all get on with the troubling business of growing up, being mature, accepting we are different,  and not blaming everyone for the shambles we have made of things in order to give us that fleeting moment of satisfaction that comes when we lie to ourselves that we would be perfect with perfect lives if it wasn't for HIM. THEM, their "privilege" THAT oppressor etc.

    I look forward to that day. And so should you. 

  • Cloudworm said:
    Cloudworm said:
    I don't remember much homophobic abuse at the Valley over the years. The only incident that sticks in my mind was some witty Charlton fan shouting out 'Are you a faggot Bent?' or something similar at Marcus Bent when he was playing for Sheffield United. The look of absolute contempt he shot back when he heard it was the only time I ever had any respect for the guy. Pretty sure he went on to rip us a new one in that game too.
    We always used to sing "We can see you holding hands" to the Brighton fans and in return they called us "Dirty Northern Bastards" All good fun and nobody got harmed.
    Ah yeah, all good clean fun. Remember the monkey chants too? Nobody got ‘harmed’.
    I was referring to what was sung/heard at The Valley, and I can never recall our fans making monkey chants at black players.
    I can. And zeig heil nazi salutes.
    If this happened I suggest it was about 50 years ago. When did you hear it? 
    I was a regular in the Covered End throughout the late 60’s/70’s and do not recall Sieg Heil nazi salutes
  • stonemuse said:
    Cloudworm said:
    Cloudworm said:
    I don't remember much homophobic abuse at the Valley over the years. The only incident that sticks in my mind was some witty Charlton fan shouting out 'Are you a faggot Bent?' or something similar at Marcus Bent when he was playing for Sheffield United. The look of absolute contempt he shot back when he heard it was the only time I ever had any respect for the guy. Pretty sure he went on to rip us a new one in that game too.
    We always used to sing "We can see you holding hands" to the Brighton fans and in return they called us "Dirty Northern Bastards" All good fun and nobody got harmed.
    Ah yeah, all good clean fun. Remember the monkey chants too? Nobody got ‘harmed’.
    I was referring to what was sung/heard at The Valley, and I can never recall our fans making monkey chants at black players.
    I can. And zeig heil nazi salutes.
    If this happened I suggest it was about 50 years ago. When did you hear it? 
    I was a regular in the Covered End throughout the late 60’s/70’s and do not recall Sieg Heil nazi salutes
    I remember racist chanting at away games early 80's, not necesarily in the ground mind you. 
  • stonemuse said:
    Cloudworm said:
    Cloudworm said:
    I don't remember much homophobic abuse at the Valley over the years. The only incident that sticks in my mind was some witty Charlton fan shouting out 'Are you a faggot Bent?' or something similar at Marcus Bent when he was playing for Sheffield United. The look of absolute contempt he shot back when he heard it was the only time I ever had any respect for the guy. Pretty sure he went on to rip us a new one in that game too.
    We always used to sing "We can see you holding hands" to the Brighton fans and in return they called us "Dirty Northern Bastards" All good fun and nobody got harmed.
    Ah yeah, all good clean fun. Remember the monkey chants too? Nobody got ‘harmed’.
    I was referring to what was sung/heard at The Valley, and I can never recall our fans making monkey chants at black players.
    I can. And zeig heil nazi salutes.
    If this happened I suggest it was about 50 years ago. When did you hear it? 
    I was a regular in the Covered End throughout the late 60’s/70’s and do not recall Sieg Heil nazi salutes
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