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Next manager - Ben Garner confirmed (p256)



  • RoanRedNY said:
    RoanRedNY said:
    RoanRedNY said:
    it’s a real shame that recently fans can’t seem to just post their concerns about the team, recruitment, TS, MS, which are all valid - without a vociferous minority sweepingly insulting or abusing CL or posters with whom they don’t agree.  We are not entitled, or comparing to previous shit owners, TS “bashers” or stupid, we are simply concerned fans.  TS is the owner, but has said and done some bizarre things which give cause for concern, and done some of those things very strangely.  His son knows SFA about football and an estimation of 10x the average sky viewer is an overestimate by about 10.  Recruitment and some of the back room structure is and continues to be an issue, concerns over management and new player recruitment are equally valid.  Let everyone have their say without sweeping generalizations or insults.  Doesn’t need to be that way just because some don’t agree.  It’s all opinion and conjecture and no-one on this forum has the “I’m always right” stick.
    The highlighted irony here is why people do sometimes get annoyed at fans posting their concerns. What do you honestly know about Martin Sandgaard, other than what you've decided you know about him? Unless you know him personally, I suspect very little. So why are you insulting his football knowledge? It's true, he might not even know what shape the ball they use is, but I think it's slightly more likely that you're making a sweeping assumption, barbed with an insult, based on conjecture, which is exactly what you're complaining about other people doing. I think I need a lie down actually, this might have finished me.
    Hope you are Okay after your lie down - you need it as your logic must be strangling you.  Your irony in pointing out the irony is well noted.  

    Assuming very few of the people on here have worked for a professional football club or played or managed at a professional level, we all still post about players, managers, clubs, training, formation, tactics and share our views/concerns, but apparently someone with absolutely no football connection, no football CV and probably not posting on this forum is not fair game unless I am lifelong mates with him. 

    That’s really your point to a post simply asking for a little more tolerance of different views?  Good grief. 

    My original post has been deleted and the forum closed for me.  I hate social media, have no twitterverse accounts and this type of response definitely reinforces the view that people are better of without it.
    Jesus Christ. Of course we can all post opinions on tactics and players, but typically we have some concept of the things we're looking at. I don't think Albie Morgan is very good for instance, but I base that on what I've seen. Given that Martin Sandgaard is new on the scene I don't see how we can know anything about him (unless you know him, which is why I added that). Yet despite that you've stated that he 'knows SFA about football', and in the same breath complained that people are making assumptions. You can have reservations and concerns about what's going on at the club, I do too, but I just don't see on what basis you've claimed MS doesn't know anything about football, and the fact you've done that while moaning about people making assumptions is incredible to me, that's all. As for whatever you're talking about at the end there I have no idea. Can't help you with that.
    As your twisted logic turns into a pretzel, you may have noticed you completely missed the whole point of my original, now deleted post, in your zeal to do exactly what the post suggested would be better if we didn’t - I know right, lots of words.  I was asking for a level of tolerance of which you are clearly incapable.  The real blood pressure riser for you seems to be my throw away on MS not knowing about football.  Whereas  you can disparage a player who has over 100 more professional football appearances than you, I am guessing,  I am also fully entitled to my opinion (right or wrong) without you screaming about nonsense guide rails and imposing subjectivities - like I have to know him personally  to form an opinion - and likewise you are very welcome to your opinions on Morgan or anyone else. 

    The difference being I wouldn’t be “Jesus Christing” all over the place about your opinion or introducing rules around how or why you form an opinion.  Tell you what, when MS is employed or headhunted by another professional football league side in any of the top 5 divisions I shall happily admit my assumptions around his football knowledge was wrong. how about that?  I’d also delete my original post if I hadn’t already done so.

    Meantime I refer you to the main point of the post, rather than this ludicrous side track, but, to be fully frank, I really don’t give two tuppeny fucks what you think, it’s my opinion and I am Okay with it, thanks

    Reply away, it will be ignored.
    Thank you, I enjoyed this. It was nonsense entirely, but I enjoyed it. You're talking about tolerance for opinions, which I can assure you everyone on here has, but the point I am making - over and over again sadly - is that you cannot possibly have any basis for your claim that Martin Sandgaard knows 'SFA about football'. It is purest conjecture based on nothing. People can have tolerance for an opinion based on something i.e. x player isn't good or 'I don't think hiring MS is a good idea based on his lack of footballing background' - a perfectly valid thing to think - but your claim that he doesn't know anything about football is completely baseless. Unless of course you've worked with him before and you can base that on something real. It's not a 'nonsense guide rail' to think that you should actually have some knowledge about something before you spaff your opinions all over a message board. I don't want you to admit your assumptions are wrong if he's great at his job, I want you to be happy that we've got a good person involved in signing our players! I wouldn't want you to delete your original post either, I just think you can't just brazenly state something like that about someone's knowledge without knowing a thing about him. You absolute loon.
    I don’t think I have ever read such complete bollocks wrapped in strangled logic, but if it makes you happy, you carry on.  What I do know is MS would not hold the job he has based on football knowledge and his CV in any other professional football club.  That’s a fact, and when it isn’t I’ll admit it. Meantime 1 throw away line has you bent double about MS for some reason, and just being a bit of a cock about it.  I don’t agree with you, you’re free not to agree with me but this constant drivel about a throw away line is quite laughable if it wasn’t so silly
  • I'm definitely going to get my season ticket purchased now. Maidstone Utd are doing some great deals.
  • JamesSeed said:
    Always worth remembering that if we’re after Beale, Taylor and the rest, then so are other clubs. 
    It’s possibly unlikely that we’ll get our first choice. Or even our second choice. We’ll see. 
  • Scoham said:
    Cafc43v3r said:
    I suspect that Thomas has hedged so many bets he has back himself in to a corner.  Again.
    Too...many... metaphors...all I can see is TS in a corner with hedges crowding and jostling him tighter and tighter...
    Not a metaphor 

    Andy Hedge - A coach with a strong focus on developing youth. One of Andy's sons is named Thomas. 

    Or joint managers Ron Benson and Tony Hedges? Former England internationals so should have some good contacts.

    And we'll play 4-4 fucking 2
  • Surprised Sandman didn't have a new gaffer lined up. Fancy a squad going away for the summer with no manager. And potential new recruits will never sign for a managerless club. 
    I suspect TS has learned nothing from his Adkinsian balls up. This new guy must be installed this week. 

  • thenewbie said:
    It’s quite alarming, if true, that we’re still interviewing candidates.
    It depends on what is meant by "interviewing" honestly. If we are still looking at potential candidates right from the initial stages then yes that's a bit alarming. If however it's a case of having a second round of interviews with shortlisted candidates and talking terms etc with several viable options then it's less so.

    Sooner is obviously better than later, but Thomas cannot afford (quite possibly literally) to get it wrong again. 
    I would say that endless interviews won't prevent the potential to get it wrong. The pond we are fishing in is full of potential for that. The other pond might have the surefire ones. We just have to hope. I would prefer a manager who has success on his CV or an inexperienced manager who doesn't have a failure. After that, all an interview process will get you is somebody who can talk the talk which is different from walking the walk.
  • It’s quite alarming, if true, that we’re still interviewing candidates.
    It depends

    if garner was on the original list and we had to wait until Swindon's season was over, not alarming 

    if he is being interviewed because the original targets have all said no, alarming
  • JamesSeed said:
    Always worth remembering that if we’re after Beale, Taylor and the rest, then so are other clubs. 
    It’s possibly unlikely that we’ll get our first choice. Or even our second choice. We’ll see. 
    You have to ask yourself, if you can't get your 1st,2nd,3rd..... Choice then why sack Jackson in the first place
     Because he was 5th choice 
  • Scoham said:
    Scoham said:
    He didn't have to as far as I am concerened. He impressed at Charlton. Jobs differ and good managers have failures on their CVs as well as successes.
    True but you’d expect the better managers to have more successes than failures. Powell did a brilliant job for us and could have taken us further with enough backing, but if he came back I wouldn’t expect him to repeat that success. Partly for his ability to do it and partly because it’s unlikely so many signings would work out as well as they did.
    I do get what you are saying and the logic behind it. I also think Powell had his faults, a big one being too cautious within games. Similar to Southgate with England in some ways. But overall he just fitted. When he was here, the fans loved him and the players would run through brick walls for him. When you have that, it is stupid throwing it away. When he told us we had our Charlton back, we knew he got it and we loved him for it because it meant as much to him as to us. Maybe Chrissy has found it just as hard to find subsequently as we have managerially. I think it was Duchatelet's first criminal act and it basically stemmed from having a plan and throwing out opportunities to pursue it as Powell was definitely an opportunity for an open minded owner who could adapt to what was around him. Whilst his heart seems to be in the right place, I suspect Sandgaard has this trait. 
    I definitely backed Powell at the time RD came in and agree there was a great opportunity for us to really push on had the plan simply be to back him. I hoped for the same with TS and Bowyer but that felt different, Bowyer seemed to get to a point where he needed a change himself. I don’t think Powell was at that point, instead he needed backing in the window but ended up with Thuram, Nego etc.
    Bowyer was an inexperienced manager who got dragged down by events outside of his control. When he got to the bottom he wasn't in his natural habitat and should have left us earier. But I don't blame him. Just look at what he had to contend with.
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  • Has anyone said we're waiting for the champions League final to finish yet? 
  • If beale is our man then It will have to be announced today, the season being over and ground work to be done
  • IAgree said:
    Garner sounds an interesting candidate and his experience at Swindon would prepare him well - good win rate as well.


    “Of course we talked to Michael. We’ve also been a little more ambitious than that, in terms of the level of managers we’ve been reaching for.”

    Apart from being insulting and the reports suggest this isn’t happening, you have to wonder what “really ambitious” would look like? Conference?

    After 20 days how has “more ambitious” than Beale morphed into a league two manager?
    Good point.

    I can think of a simple scenario to answer it though. What if the list of ambitious managers has been whittling down and he is left with no options other than less appealing ones.

    TS has interviews with more ambitious manager options they love his idea of getting to the Premier league. 

    Then TS provides them with the contract to sign.  Clause1.  You don't get autonomy to pick your own players.  Clause 2. I can sack you at anytime we are not in top place in the league. At such time I only need to pay you 5% of your contract.   Manager says "Thanks but No Thanks".

    OK don't start threating this is tongue in cheek.   

    This is in jest but if there is a hint of this it would turn off better candidates.
  • Swisdom said:
    We may still be interviewing to give us alternatives / plan B in case plan A doesn’t accept or we just want to be thorough.  There were a LOT of applicants 

    a new manager isn’t going to have made much impact with the previous season still ongoing so we’ve really not missed out on much I wouldn’t think.  The players are all away, the recruitment team are beavering away on an assortment of targets and things will get into action in a couple of weeks - presumably with a new manager in place by then.

    until then I’m not alarmed.  If we are being thorough I am not alarmed.  If we have plenty of interest I am not alarmed

    if lots of people are rejecting us, I’m alarmed but don’t believe this to be the case.

    Is that a guess or based on anything? Given the time it’s taken and suggestions we’re still interviewing it wouldn’t be surprising to find the job has been turned down.
  • If beale is our man then It will have to be announced today, the season being over and ground work to be done
    If it’s Beale might not still be announced for a couple of days .. don’t have to be today 
  • DA9 said:
    Seems everyone has forgotten how an interview process works, I’ve interviewed before, over 1-2 weeks, I didn’t give it to the first person I liked, I interviewed all the candidates that applied then assessed at the end with an offer, worked down the chain after that if the first choice declined. 
    Spot on .. plus if our main target was still involved at his club then you have to wait simple 

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  • cfgs said:
    Swisdom said:
    We may still be interviewing to give us alternatives / plan B in case plan A doesn’t accept or we just want to be thorough.  There were a LOT of applicants 

    a new manager isn’t going to have made much impact with the previous season still ongoing so we’ve really not missed out on much I wouldn’t think.  The players are all away, the recruitment team are beavering away on an assortment of targets and things will get into action in a couple of weeks - presumably with a new manager in place by then.

    until then I’m not alarmed.  If we are being thorough I am not alarmed.  If we have plenty of interest I am not alarmed

    if lots of people are rejecting us, I’m alarmed but don’t believe this to be the case.

    Everyone keep calm and listen to the voice of swisdom.
    The same voice who told us we should see how Paul Elliott gets on with running the club and later described him as a good egg?
  • Yeah but football doesnt operate the same as "real world" business´ you dont tend to see a drawn out application and interviewing process, most boards tend to know who they want and get their man in, rather than taking applications from everyone going. 

    You may get 10 applications, you may get 50, you don’t have to interview them all, I binned quite a few in the initial process before inviting the others for an interview 
  • Scoham said:
    Swisdom said:
    We may still be interviewing to give us alternatives / plan B in case plan A doesn’t accept or we just want to be thorough.  There were a LOT of applicants 

    a new manager isn’t going to have made much impact with the previous season still ongoing so we’ve really not missed out on much I wouldn’t think.  The players are all away, the recruitment team are beavering away on an assortment of targets and things will get into action in a couple of weeks - presumably with a new manager in place by then.

    until then I’m not alarmed.  If we are being thorough I am not alarmed.  If we have plenty of interest I am not alarmed

    if lots of people are rejecting us, I’m alarmed but don’t believe this to be the case.

    Is that a guess or based on anything? Given the time it’s taken and suggestions we’re still interviewing it wouldn’t be surprising to find the job has been turned down.
    Given who @Swisdom is and his connections to the club I'd say it is more than a guess.
  • My take is that Beale is first choice. However he wanted to wait until end of season before deciding.  

    Sensibly, in the meantime, we need a backup approach in case he says no … so we continue to interview.  

    Taylor is plan B, but because we are waiting for Beale, we carry on interviewing to make it look like we have not yet made a decision and ask him to wait until we have finished. 

    Beale or Taylor to be announced this week.  
  • JohnnyH2 said:
    cfgs said:
    Swisdom said:
    We may still be interviewing to give us alternatives / plan B in case plan A doesn’t accept or we just want to be thorough.  There were a LOT of applicants 

    a new manager isn’t going to have made much impact with the previous season still ongoing so we’ve really not missed out on much I wouldn’t think.  The players are all away, the recruitment team are beavering away on an assortment of targets and things will get into action in a couple of weeks - presumably with a new manager in place by then.

    until then I’m not alarmed.  If we are being thorough I am not alarmed.  If we have plenty of interest I am not alarmed

    if lots of people are rejecting us, I’m alarmed but don’t believe this to be the case.

    Everyone keep calm and listen to the voice of swisdom.
    The same voice who told us we should see how Paul Elliott gets on with running the club and later described him as a good egg?
    Erm, whilst I do rate @Swisdom as a knowledgeable and sensible poster that was simply a poor attempt at a pun.
  • Look, Pep has just won the Premier League, he cant just quit for us straight away. 

    Have patience, he'll join when the hangover is gone.
  • Swisdom said:
    JohnnyH2 said:
    cfgs said:
    Swisdom said:
    We may still be interviewing to give us alternatives / plan B in case plan A doesn’t accept or we just want to be thorough.  There were a LOT of applicants 

    a new manager isn’t going to have made much impact with the previous season still ongoing so we’ve really not missed out on much I wouldn’t think.  The players are all away, the recruitment team are beavering away on an assortment of targets and things will get into action in a couple of weeks - presumably with a new manager in place by then.

    until then I’m not alarmed.  If we are being thorough I am not alarmed.  If we have plenty of interest I am not alarmed

    if lots of people are rejecting us, I’m alarmed but don’t believe this to be the case.

    Everyone keep calm and listen to the voice of swisdom.
    The same voice who told us we should see how Paul Elliott gets on with running the club and later described him as a good egg?
    I think you may be mistaken.  I never met that Paul Elliott - I met the former central defender version (Richard Rufus’ mate)

    all I’m likely to have said is to give the guy a chance. As with everything now people make a snap decision / I’d always prefer to judge for myself rather than what I’m told I should feel about someone.
    I also said to the Roland haters to “be careful what they wished for” and along came Southall - whom I also never met

    the truth is there is a process ongoing, we haven’t missed out on anything and we need to wait and see how it ends.  On one hand people are pressuring the club to “get it right” and then in the next breath to “fucking get on with it”….I know which I would rather do
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