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Next manager - Ben Garner confirmed (p256)



  • Anyone considered that Garner has read this thread and is having second thoughts? #justsaying
  • Anyone considered that Garner isn't happy with the money being offered and that is the delay? #justsaying
     Really wouldn't be surprised. Jackson took an age to sign his and look at the caveats that were involved there.

    Will Sandgaard ever learn that hiring a football manager is a little different to hiring a replacement for Kevin in Medical product development and sales?
    does this Kevin bloke understand formations and the high press?
  • Swisdom said:
    My brother in law claims Ben Garner is a "pound shop Ten Haag"

    All because I compared Garner to the new Ipswich gaffer

    God I hope this works out.....if it ever bloody happens
    I mean, I guess a pound shop version of a bloke who took a team with a comparatively small budget to within seconds of a Champions League final probably would be about a League One level manager no?
  • mendonca said:
    There'll be an unnecessary rift between Cawley and the Club me reckons. 
    Why…..first and foremost he’s a journalist and if he’s to be worthy of his position he simply has to report material that he uncovers and considers relevant.
    If anyone, the culprit is someone within the Swindon camp.
    In short….he is just doing his job.
  • Changes? A bloke who is pumping his money into the club wants his players not to be unfit and train with more intensity to deliver football results? Not even something worth talking about, Christ 
    I don't get the criticism either. If any member on here bought a painting and decorating company and the guys were all using small brushes rather than rollers, wouldn't the owner changing this be an acceptable process?

    yet a guy bits a football club and isn't allowed to comment on how it's run!! Weird
    No, if I employed people and the didn’t know how to do their job properly I would sack them and replace them with people who did.
  • Swisdom said:
    My brother in law claims Ben Garner is a "pound shop Ten Haag"

    All because I compared Garner to the new Ipswich gaffer

    God I hope this works out.....if it ever bloody happens
    I mean, I guess a pound shop version of a bloke who took a team with a comparatively small budget to within seconds of a Champions League final probably would be about a League One level manager no?
    Remember we don't want Carrick because he only got a naught naught against Chelsea.........
  • Chris Powell isn’t going to work for Thomas Sandgaard, Rich Cawley hasn’t made a mistake re Garner and the reason I know about MS attempting to make a change to training is because the professionals were incredulous.
    Stroppy coaches overseeing very poor performance sulking that someone asks them why don't they try something different? 

    We have had poor coaching in the first team for at least two years. Need a lot of changes top to bottom. 
    I'd normally be very, very against any suggestions at all from an ownership but given that we saw a team that seemingly had absolutely no idea what they were supposed to be doing on the pitch, constantly made the same mistakes over and over and regularly lost to pretty terrible teams I spent most of the season being pretty bloody incredulous as well. If our coaching team thought that they didn't have any notes to take while we were getting turned over 3-2 at home by Morecambe then I hope when they got the sack it was an actual physical sack full of doorknobs.
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  • Scoham said:
    But... but.....Ronnie said late next week.
  • Will have to get Sausagesdog tweets straight to my phone for all upcoming transfers news. ITK SausageDog indeed
  • sam3110 said:
    None of you are listening


  • Anyone considered that Garner isn't happy with the money being offered and that is the delay? #justsaying
     Really wouldn't be surprised. Jackson took an age to sign his and look at the caveats that were involved there.

    Will Sandgaard ever learn that hiring a football manager is a little different to hiring a replacement for Kevin in Medical product development and sales?
    Also stacks up with reports that he didn’t want to pay for better quality loanees last year. Hence the signings of Nile John and Castillo who weren’t good enough to play. 

  • edited May 2022
    Chris Powell isn’t going to work for Thomas Sandgaard, Rich Cawley hasn’t made a mistake re Garner and the reason I know about MS attempting to make a change to training is because the professionals were incredulous.
    BOOM !!

    10 pages of wrangling between a few lifers all cleared up in a jiffy. 
  • Re Sandgaard's son. Only once in my life have I experienced nepotism.

    Joined Orpington FC when I was about 17 and went to pre season and it was announced that team was folding. My school mate who got me there was from Anerley and his old man I think got fed up with negotiating the traffic making the borough wide trip each midweek.

    As it was on my doorstep I went home and mentioned it to my old man and bizarrely he took it on and later on went to run it quite successfully. 

    Great I thought I would get regularly games and up front given daddy was manager. I recruited a load of old school mates and general riff raff from Orpington and we had a decent side come the start if the season.

    Problem was my dad didn't bloody pick me from day one and I spent most of the season smoking on the sidelines hoping to get 5 minutes which very rarely came.

    What you experienced Rodney wasn't Nepotism; it was meritocracy !
  • edited May 2022
    Can’t be bothered lol
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  • edited May 2022
    Swindon's social media team are working!!!

    Bloody Bill French signing a contract nearly gave me a heart attack! 
  • ButtleJR said:
    Brilliant that they both tweeted at the top of the hour, scamps the pair of them.  See you all in 54 minutes. 
  • Did quite enjoy the Swindon supporters podcast the other day when the Garner news dropped as they were streaming. 

    ‘He’s sh!thoused us.’

    They seem a good bunch of fans actually. Good luck to them whatever happens. 
  • Cafc43v3r said:
    ButtleJR said:
    Brilliant that they both tweeted at the top of the hour, scamps the pair of them.  See you all in 54 minutes. 
    Lovely bit of trolling. 
  • JamesSeed said:
    Anyone who thinks that having the owner’s unqualified son in a position of authority in the football set-up is remotely sensible is clearly capable of any mental gymnastics necessary to believe what they want to believe. It’s the same delusional thinking which has sought to justify the spivs, Duchatelet and ESI. It doesn’t of itself make Thomas Sandgaard the same as any of those, but it’s unlikely to be a good thing.

    We all want things to be better and to get out of this shitty division, but we are here because of a succession of toxic owners, not toxic fans. As long as the club continues to fail there will be people looking for explanations. They are not the problem.

    While I agree with much of this I think it’s highly unlikely that MS will affect training methods or recruitment in any significant way, or even try to. 
    I suspect he’s been sent here to learn the ropes from the pros, and he’d have to be very dumb indeed to try bossing them around, no matter what his job title is. 
    I think if he does overstep we’ll soon hear all about it. You’d hope so anyway. Unless you’re saying that’s already happening?

    Edit: ‘the reason I know about MS attempting to make a change to training is because the professionals were incredulous.’
    Oh. But incredulous in the sense they said ‘you’ve got a nerve mate 😂!’  or do we feel they felt threatened or imposed upon? I’d be surprised if it’s the latter, but if it is… different story. 
    I am sorry but that's wrong.  Thomas said he does, others have said he does. 
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