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Next manager - Ben Garner confirmed (p256)



  • Gribbo said:
    Sanderstead Junior needs more experience imo

    Cheers Gribbo.
    How did Sandgaard Junior become Sanderstead Junior. Predictive text is to blame and now edited 🤦🏻‍♂️
    Proactive test is a white mare.
  • You lot still ain't getting it are you.

    The delay is because we are having to wait until after the CL final. Then we can interview Klopp & announce it next week. 

    Genius me.
  • edited May 2022
    Billy_Mix said:
    I thought this topic was done to death a few months ago. TS stated somewhere that MS identified the players, SG negotiated the transfer fee and contracts and TS signed it off
    Manager identifies the players and positions he wants and SG team does the rest … 
    precisely what esm says ts said above
    Not quite Billy, I said MS identifies the players not the manager. 

    Take no notice of what RonnieMoore says, he is a know nothing plum.
    Take notice of Alan Curbishley then or you not taking notice what he says because it don’t fit in with what you want to hear 
    Or take notice of Thomas or some dick head in bexley who doesn't know whether to scratch his watch or wind his arse?
  • All a bit boring now this. Could be Martin for all I care now.
  • Players aren’t back for a bit so I’m not sure we’re massively behind schedule are we? You’d imagine if it’s Garner he’ll have input into transfers. 
  • JamesSeed said:
    Players aren’t back for a bit so I’m not sure we’re massively behind schedule are we? You’d imagine if it’s Garner he’ll have input into transfers. 
    Thought that whoever it is they won’t have input into transfers, down to MS and his Black Box.
  • seth plum said:
    Best vegan sausages for barbecue as we test Quorn Linda McCartneys  Richmond Cauldron and Heck - Laura Nightingale - Surrey Live
    Burger off!!

  • Belv said:
    Addick_8 said:
    All the non-season ticket holders on threatening to return their season tickets on Twitter is making my skin crawl.
    We, as a fanbase serious need humbling :s
    How does a non-season ticket holder return a season ticket they don't have?
    Exactly - I think it was an ironic observation on the nature of empty gestures.

    Watching and listening to the video that is doing the rounds

    and looking at his performance last season I am coming round to the "quite whelmed" position.

    A young manager with some success under his belt, clearly with a brain, with a reason to want to take a difficult job in a higher league.  

    Is 42 the new 32 or the new 22 ?
    That's my waistline over the last decade or so
    It’s the amount of times @ElfsborgAddick has been to the bar in the last 2 months and “forgotten” his wallet.
  • edited May 2022
    Cafc43v3r said:
    SSoundAsa£ said:
    Cafc43v3r said:w

    When Airman ‘likes’ that post it scares me , we’ve got another nutbag , let’s hope he’s more useful than that goalkeeping coach  from Swindon’s nutsack .
    We have "known" that Martin is in charge of recruitment and many of us have raised it as a massive red flag.  The proof of the pudding will of course be in the eating (happy with that @Henry Irving) but it is a big concern.

    With the back ground of that there is little point employing a "manager", be it Adkins, Taylor, Warburton or Duff.

    Whilst I don't buy into the buzz word bingo that is a young, hungry, progressive coach, thatnis exactly what we need, because of the way the club is run.
    Mmmmmm……"I have my doubts that Martin is actually “in charge” of recruitment.
    On paper it may read that way but I don’t buy that.
    Why does Thomas keep saying he is?  
    Well…..I have only seen/heard him described as head of player recruitment analytics, which is a very different thing.
    Do you know better?

    Sandgaard has pretty much said so, yes. He's the head of the analytics, then does the scouting with Steve Gallen (who is the primary negotiator). If Martin isn't in charge of the recruitment, who is? 
    Steve Gallen 
    A wise man once said

    "Plus TS has already said he would never interfere with the manager concerning team selection or tactics that’s why he employs a manager because he got no interest in being a manager himself … but as usual people don’t listen"

    Yet the same wise man doesn't listen when Thomas makes it clear Gallen just does the negotiation.

    Who is that wise man, you ask?  Colin the fucking clown. Make your mind up!!
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  • You lot still ain't getting it are you.

    The delay is because we are having to wait until after the CL final. Then we can interview Klopp & announce it next week. 

    Genius me.
    Close, but no cigar.

    It’s going to be Carlo Ancelotti.
  • People are just getting angrier and more random. Hope we get a new manager soon.
  • You lot still ain't getting it are you.

    The delay is because we are having to wait until after the CL final. Then we can interview Klopp & announce it next week. 

    Genius me.
    Close, but no cigar.

    It’s going to be Carlo Ancelotti.
    No thanks, yesterday's man.
  • Scoham said:
    It might be as simple as the owner being strapped for cash and not wanting the contract to start until 1 June! Just a thought.
    If he’s struggling that badly I’d expect him to sell very soon and leave Euell as caretaker.
    Is it RedBull ??
  • If the deal doesn’t happen I’m not convinced it will be because it’s fallen through. I think there still might well be other irons in the fire. 
  • Seen Craig Fleming’s name mentioned. Let go by Southampton in the last couple of days when he was assistant Head Coach there. 
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  • This Palace thing really irritates me. Yes I dislike them as a club and their fans intensely but for gods sake hating employees is ludicrous. Worth remembering that Palace as much as it hurts to say it are exactly what we should be trying to emulate. They are literally light years ahead of us. Garner worked for them during a successful spell. That’s a positive for us if he comes. Hate Garner for his Palace connection and I’d expect the same hatred for Chris Powell ? No. Thought not. 
    It’s quite weird really, I don’t even really hate Palace at all, no point really seeing how many of their lot we have had over the years, Pardew, Dowie, Whyte etc.

    To me Palace are like the annoying neighbour that mows his lawn at 5PM on a Sunday, it’s irritating but nothing more really.

    For me, my hatred is saved for the New Cross branch of the EDL - AKA Millwall Football Club, just can’t put into words my hatred for that lot, the worst of the worst.

    If we’d have appointed Neil Harris then that would have been my lot until he left.
  • Imagine being Ben Garner just now.
  • edited May 2022
    For added context, and, because "hUr DuR wHy YOu hAtE MaRTiN tHoUGh" (because apparently that's the reason) a look at the job skills requirement for an U23 performance analyst at Man city (yes I know city are at the elite end of the footballing spectrum

    And a job description for a recruitment analyst at spurs:

    Or failing the above having a parent who owns the business should be enough to see you fall into the job
  • From a governance perspective Sandgaard should not be answering questions on Linked IN, that’s just ridiculous.

  • Jac_52 said:
    I haven't got an issue with the owner suggesting the style of football he wants to see us play and promising to back the manager in getting the players needed to achieve it. It becomes more worrying when it gets like Roland explaining football tactics to a manager who is an ex England international. If Sandgaard thinks he has discovered the secret of success in terms of a playing style it is worrying in the extreme. There are many different paths but his backing is needed. With limited resources the approach has to always be a pragmatic one based on what you have and how your best players play.

    The problem is, I don't know which of these is correct and I doubt many of us do. There are lingering doubts about Sandgaard based on genuine clues. I would say not yet definitive but that in itself is worrying. And we should be open to this possibility.

    I agree with this. The turning point for me would be if Sandgaard is issuing Roland-esque emails or trying to dictate how training sessions should go.

    Currently I have no reason to think that this is the case and if anyone knows differently then they should be making it public very very quickly. Until then we have to accept that there is nothing wrong with an owner wanting a certain type of football and finding the staff to implement it.
     MS certainly tried at least once last season.
    This needs context.

    If he was at the training ground and saw a lacklustre group of players who were not putting a shift in then he’s more than got a right to ask for more surely?

    If he was there to effectively ask JJ to try something different in training then that wouldn’t be on.

    Context please.
    Is he right to question training at all if he’s just turned up without a clue what the coaches and staff have asked the players to do that day or how close to a previous or upcoming game it is? Martin Sandgaard is nowhere near qualified to even be near a first team coaching session, let alone questioning experienced and qualified coaches. 
    Or he might simply have been there learning and seeing more of what goes on at professional football club on a day to day basis.
    Getting a flavour of what goes on at the training ground the vibe, dressing room banter maybe, just the feel of the place.
    If I was in his position I would most certainly want to know more about everything that goes on at the club (within reason), including attending some training sessions and the day to day running of Sparrows Lane.
    Just another way of looking at it, which excludes any conspiracy theories.
    He has every right to be there as long as he doesn’t interfere, which I can only assume he hasn’t. 
    The entire point and discussion is that that’s exactly what he tried to do. 
    Did he ask questions or did he try to influence forcibly or just in passing. We all know there are so many ways of a conversation being processed, through tone of voice or brevity. Once the conversation is then passed on word for word to a third party but with an entirely different vocal inflection it can have varying interpretation.
    I realise I’m being a bit anal here but it’s quite possibly the case that some comment’s have been taken too literally.
    A touch of Chinees whispers perhaps?

    Apparently he took one look & said "Absolute Rubbish" Now what kind of idiot would say that without giving reasons why ?
  • DA9 said:
    Jac_52 said:
    I haven't got an issue with the owner suggesting the style of football he wants to see us play and promising to back the manager in getting the players needed to achieve it. It becomes more worrying when it gets like Roland explaining football tactics to a manager who is an ex England international. If Sandgaard thinks he has discovered the secret of success in terms of a playing style it is worrying in the extreme. There are many different paths but his backing is needed. With limited resources the approach has to always be a pragmatic one based on what you have and how your best players play.

    The problem is, I don't know which of these is correct and I doubt many of us do. There are lingering doubts about Sandgaard based on genuine clues. I would say not yet definitive but that in itself is worrying. And we should be open to this possibility.

    I agree with this. The turning point for me would be if Sandgaard is issuing Roland-esque emails or trying to dictate how training sessions should go.

    Currently I have no reason to think that this is the case and if anyone knows differently then they should be making it public very very quickly. Until then we have to accept that there is nothing wrong with an owner wanting a certain type of football and finding the staff to implement it.
     MS certainly tried at least once last season.
    This needs context.

    If he was at the training ground and saw a lacklustre group of players who were not putting a shift in then he’s more than got a right to ask for more surely?

    If he was there to effectively ask JJ to try something different in training then that wouldn’t be on.

    Context please.
    What right does he have to involve himself on training effort, or lack of?
    He’s an analyst, not his remit
    He’s barely an analyst. He’s only an analyst because daddy said so. I manage a team of data analysts. He wouldn’t even get an interview anywhere else. 
    You know this how ? 
    Take a look at Martin Sandgaard’s Linked IN profile.

    Its an absolute cringe feat, the guy has been working for his Daddy for 16 years.

    He may know plenty about the medical instruments field but he knows nothing about football.
  • Scoham said:

    That's interesting 
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Roland Out Forever!