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Next manager - Ben Garner confirmed (p256)



  • seth plum said:
    Iftikhar admits journeys are taking a lot out of us as Fort are beaten at  Wick
    Well they look fucking miserable enough... sign em up!
  • Scoham said:
    Looks like Blackburn are going for Duncan Disorderly (one of the best football nicknames alongside One Size and Loch Ness Drogba).
    I've always thought Big Dunc could be a decent manager
    I see him out running quite a lot while I'm riding my bike - he lives out near Birkdale. Still an absolute fucking unit of a man - you wouldn't want to get on the wrong side of him
  • every summer I never fail to understand how some people get themselves so worked up on a daily basis based on snippets and rumours. Some will be true, some won’t, but ultimately there’s nothing any of us can do about it. 

    We’re not playing a competitive game for another couple of months and they’ll probably be plenty of disappointment coming our way then, so just take yourselves down The Winchester till it comes a bit meaningful and don’t stress out on it all.

    Charlton ruin most of my year. I’m damned if I’m gonna let ruin the close season as well. 
    Bada bing
  • J BLOCK said:
    So weird we have a owner answering fans questions on LinkedIn (weird fans asking in first place too) 
    How he has the time as a big time business owner is beyond me. 
    Evidently, he has a much tried and trusted management team who pretty much run the business for him, into the bargain he pays them very well… all accounts.
  • every summer I never fail to understand how some people get themselves so worked up on a daily basis based on snippets and rumours. Some will be true, some won’t, but ultimately there’s nothing any of us can do about it. 

    We’re not playing a competitive game for another couple of months and they’ll probably be plenty of disappointment coming our way then, so just take yourselves down The Winchester till it comes a bit meaningful and don’t stress out on it all.

    Charlton ruin most of my year. I’m damned if I’m gonna let it ruin the close season as well. 
    Good point well made.  

    Must remember this in the coming days/weeks/months/years/decades!!!
  • edited May 2022
    I think we will make an appointment on Thursday. 
    That gives the new coaching team around 20 days to prepare for the training camp (the week after the 16th of June)
    5/6 weeks before the season starts (from training camp) 
    7/8 weeks total prep(since manager potentially appointed) 

    I wouldn't say that's to short and probably average. 
    If we haven't got a manager by next Monday I'll be more worried 
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  • I think we will make an appointment on Thursday. 
    That gives the new coaching team around 20 days to prepare for the training camp (the week after the 16th of June)
    5/6 weeks before the season starts (from training camp) 
    7/8 weeks total prep(since manager potentially appointed) 

    I wouldn't say that's to short and probably average. 
    If we haven't got a manager by next Monday I'll be more worried 
    What time on Thursday? To the nearest quarter of an hour please 
  • West2003 said:
    Having to wait for the owner to come over in order to appoint a manager is just bizarre. Imagine if Man Utd held off on naming Ten Hag because they had to wait for the Glazers to get through baggage reclaim at Manchester airport. Strange behaviour.
    Mate- you have'hit the nail on the head' What could be more important for the owner of a football club, than to oversee the appointment of a manager. I am not a business man but i would nt sleep at night, if i had this obligation on my shoulders. What is more imortant, than the thousands of employees and supporters that want good governance. His business bringing in income, is aleady established (or is it) Surely you could bring this issue forward a few days?--- Fact--At this rate we will be in a relegation battle next season, other than a MIRACLE, unless TS is going to spend some money which is highly unlikely Bottom line  He should have given J J a bit more time and player budget,As a bedwetter i'm off to the chemist for some adult 'pull ups'  Ah well- Its cheaper than wasting my dosh on Charlton TV
  • every summer I never fail to understand how some people get themselves so worked up on a daily basis based on snippets and rumours. Some will be true, some won’t, but ultimately there’s nothing any of us can do about it. 

    We’re not playing a competitive game for another couple of months and they’ll probably be plenty of disappointment coming our way then, so just take yourselves down The Winchester till it comes a bit meaningful and don’t stress out on it all.

    Charlton ruin most of my year. I’m damned if I’m gonna let it ruin the close season as well. 
     Nothing you can do about it-mm, Not entirely tue Mitigating circumstances are that the longer this drags on, many of us wont bother with Memberships and Chalton T V Just sinking into utter despondency Fact we are probably in a worse situation now ,than this time last season (unless TS has in mind ,to spend some money, which is highly unlikely) and will be in a relgation scap, next season
  • I just don't understand why there would be accusations of bed wetting...
  • I hope Saandgard will take a different approach this time around and instead of saying "we are going to **** this league next season". Instead he could say ~ "...we have no right to expect even a play off berth come May. We have no manager in place. We have released a lot of players and the squad needs a complete overhaul and rebuild. With time and the positive contribution that passionate fanbase bring I have every confidence we will see a year on year progression from hereonin. And our very ambitious club from boardroom to groundsman have a single focus for this club. To one day be playing against the very best teams in this country once again week in week out". 

    To me that takes the pressure off the next manager. Places us in reality once again and empowers everyone to be pulling in the right direction..
  • Scoham said:
    Looks like Blackburn are going for Duncan Disorderly (one of the best football nicknames alongside One Size and Loch Ness Drogba).
    I've always thought Big Dunc could be a decent manager
    Did well in a couple of spells with Everton as caretaker and can’t imagine him getting on well with Lampard.
    He won 1 game in 5 as caretaker manager. Caretaker is a bit different as it's only a short period of time though. Long term would he work?

    I feel like he'd be a bit in the Roy Keane mould where the players are half scared to do anything wrong as he might lay you out.
  • said this week may be to soon to get a new manager in but we will have a new man in place in next two weeks … again TS on LinkedIn 

    also we are not interviewing for a DOF 
    No wonder we can’t get a head coach/manager in, he’s too busy chatting to people on a job chat group 
  • As I've been saying for a while, TS the cuddlier/friendlier version of RD whose finding it very difficult to find a manager, that he wants, to work under his set up.

    I'm not convinced at this rate it won't be Euell or MS taking the teams to Spain!
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  • ChicagoAddick’s article on Ben Chorley makes an interesting point.

    Most of the posts on the transfers thread are about players that did well in their games against us or ex Addicks. Up and coming talents in the lower leagues don’t feature on tv or get snapped up by talent spotting managers on FIFA. A DoF with a recent track record of building up a squad almost from scratch would be a welcome addition in my mind. The Swindon link and the timing, as suggested by chicagoaddick, makes it more intriguing. 
  • Looks like Garner on holiday that’s what the delay is …. 
    Thanks for the daily updates, I really appreciate they are all so different it really keeps it fresh to see something new each day.
  • cfgs said:
    Looks like Garner on holiday that’s what the delay is …. 
    Thanks for the daily updates, I really appreciate they are all so different it really keeps it fresh to see something new each day.
    Timescales all fit into place Garner comes back end of week just when TS arrives in England… 
  • DubaiCAFC said:
    Sounds like TS is trying to be over smart with contracts, which is making it tough to close the managers.. performance related, and release clause that wouldn’t cost him much! Managers want to come, but they also need to look after themselves!

    Garner compo package was agreed, and were still trying to arrange personal terms, but as they were a long way apart TS started shopping again!

    Wouldn’t be surprised if another name enters the race, someone coaching in the premier league! I think by the end of this week we will have our manager!
    This sounds to me the most plausible reason why we haven’t got a new manager. I support performance related pay but it sounds as if footballer people aren’t yet ready for that step
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