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    edited July 5
    Four good ties, hard to call any one of them. Looking forward to the next couple of days

    But I'll go Germany, France, Turkey, Switzerland
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    "Germany haven't played in a Euro quarter final since 2016" the commenator says, with emphasis on how long it's been.

    So, one tournament then?

    Absolute wankpuffins
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    This is a bit of a feisty opening
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    The Spaniards absolutely loving the smell of German turf so far
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    Pedri off injured 
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    Pedri off injured 
    It was a foul, but wasn’t given.
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    You can't play commentators bingo in these Euro games, you'd have a full house after 15 mins with all the absolute guff they come out with 
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    edited July 5
    This is a bit of a feisty opening

    Starting to look like a massive understatement!
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    Gotta be scoring there Havs.
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    Sides playing with width and pace and whipping in crosses. I'm not used to watching this.
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    I assume the yellow cards only reset after the QF?
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    Anthony Taylor is a craven, despicable homer ref of the worst sort. Awful display so far
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    That's lovely, so lovely 
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    Spain are winning the tournament
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    I said to my mates whoever wins this probably wins the whole thing. Germany haven't properly turned up yet and they've only got 30 mins max to do so
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    edited July 5
    Germans need Fullkrug to pop up and save them
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    fenaddick said:
    Imo he can consider himself lucky, a stupid and inappropriate thing to do in front of a crowd so the fact it was also televised at an international tournament just makes it even worse 

    I don’t think he should have been banned but he gave them an opportunity to do it 
    If he hadn't been such a major star, I wonder if the ban wouldn't have been suspended...
    He's been very lucky, especially given how they've come down hard on the Turkish player.
    Come on they aren’t equivalent. One was a bit stupid and the other was a Far Right symbol. Not the same at all
    Agree, they’re totally different but knowing how weak UEFA are, would have put money on them both getting a ban to stop either side accusing them of bias (which Turkey are already doing).
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    Foul on Musiala just then, that's the kind of foul I'd like to see sin-bins added for. Not a footballing manoeuvre, just grabbed him by the waist to stop a counter attack, go sit in the naughty box for 5 mins
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    Fullkrug hits the post
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    Defender a huge chunk of his shirt there, pulled him of balance leading him to miss the shot - penalty?
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    Spain have really started to sit back like another Nation we all know about since they went 1-0 up, but we don't talk about that.
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    Muller on for Tah, Germans really going for it now bringing on a number 10/striker for a centre back
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    Spain have really started to sit back like another Nation we all know about since they went 1-0 up, but we don't talk about that.

    TBF, they've got a desperate Germany coming at them. I mean, sure, they're no Slovakia but...

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    Oh Havertz, needs to score that
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    sam3110 said:
    Oh Havertz, needs to score that
    Or square it
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    Oh la la 
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    THERE YOU GO!! - See thats why you dont sit back ;)
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    edited July 5
    Should be a tasty few minutes coming up. Spain left Wirtz completely understand marked
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    Fantastic play by Wirtz to keep it alive originally in the build up 
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