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General things that Annoy you



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    Builders still working down my road with an electric saw outside @ 9pm tonight whilst my Son tries to sleep

    Would say something but not on the best terms with my neighbours so not going to give them any satisfaction!! 
    Since moving to working at home I've realised just how noisy it is. If it's not the kids next door screaming and wailing for 8 hours a day in the garden, it's the constant, endless drilling, hammering, angle grinding, sawing, chainsawing going on up and down the road. It's doing my head in. 

    I kid you not, next door but one has had sessions of drum therapy going on one afternoon a week for a few weeks. They're an assisted living place so I can't really get too humpy with them but I never imagined I'd have to be making work phone/Skype calls with a musical bed of Native American drumming and a singalong in the background. 

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    Builders still working down my road with an electric saw outside @ 9pm tonight whilst my Son tries to sleep

    Would say something but not on the best terms with my neighbours so not going to give them any satisfaction!! 
    Put a brick through the house window and the builders van window 
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    Builders still working down my road with an electric saw outside @ 9pm tonight whilst my Son tries to sleep

    Would say something but not on the best terms with my neighbours so not going to give them any satisfaction!! 
    Since moving to working at home I've realised just how noisy it is. If it's not the kids next door screaming and wailing for 8 hours a day in the garden, it's the constant, endless drilling, hammering, angle grinding, sawing, chainsawing going on up and down the road. It's doing my head in. 

    I kid you not, next door but one has had sessions of drum therapy going on one afternoon a week for a few weeks. They're an assisted living place so I can't really get too humpy with them but I never imagined I'd have to be making work phone/Skype calls with a musical bed of Native American drumming and a singalong in the background. 

    Can you Sioux them?
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    Builders still working down my road with an electric saw outside @ 9pm tonight whilst my Son tries to sleep

    Would say something but not on the best terms with my neighbours so not going to give them any satisfaction!! 
    Since moving to working at home I've realised just how noisy it is. If it's not the kids next door screaming and wailing for 8 hours a day in the garden, it's the constant, endless drilling, hammering, angle grinding, sawing, chainsawing going on up and down the road. It's doing my head in. 

    I kid you not, next door but one has had sessions of drum therapy going on one afternoon a week for a few weeks. They're an assisted living place so I can't really get too humpy with them but I never imagined I'd have to be making work phone/Skype calls with a musical bed of Native American drumming and a singalong in the background. 

    Jeez I feel your pain.  

    There are projects around where I live to either side, to the front and to the back.  In fact the other morning I was in the garden at 8 am as the first plaintive revs of an angle grinder started up. I shouted out, 'AND WE'RE OFF'.

    I think this prolonged attachment to noise pollution is beginning to affect my mental well being.  I now dearly regret standing in that bowl of cold custard and singing Jerusalem at the top of my voice to the neighbourhood :/ .  
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    Criminal bin dipping cnuts pratting about with football clubs robbing them blind 
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    edited July 2020
    EFL determinedly looking the other way twiddling its thumbs while cnuts dismantle clubs and rob them blind
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    CARD...partly to blame for in your face crap to an owner who can exact revenge and it seems is. 
    Hopefully a joke that's gone over my head, but I fear not.
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    MrLargo said:
    CARD...partly to blame for in your face crap to an owner who can exact revenge and it seems is. 
    Hopefully a joke that's gone over my head, but I fear not.
    Don't engage the troll
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    edited July 2020
    CARD...partly to blame for in your face crap to an owner who can exact revenge and it seems is. 
    I think there's only 2 things that dithering old ctun cares about and that's money and doing things his way. I can't see him going till he gets what he perceives to be enough for the Club and it has to be his idea. Not sure anything fans have done and can do, will change that either way tbh mate
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    CARD...partly to blame for in your face crap to an owner who can exact revenge and it seems is. 
    You're really weird. 
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    The scam industry in India, and that the government over there is ignoring it.
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    Equally, the tax evasion and avoidance in the UK and that the government over there is ignoring it.  
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    Equally, the tax evasion and avoidance in the UK and that the government over there is ignoring it.  
    Not familiar wit that as I've not lived in England for many years. The scammers are robbing older people who are not very computer savvy of their life savings in some cases, it's brutal.
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    I have difficulty hooking a face mask around my ears, it keeps pinging off.  With much fussing I can get it to stay put, but it is all rather precarious. 

    I recently checked myself out in the reflection of a car window and to my horror discovered I was packing as good as a Freddie 'Parrot Face' Davies impression as you could possibly get.

    I have thus far used seven masks from the box which means that I have to face this humiliation another forty three times. 😷

    Freddie Parrot Face Davies - The 12 Days Of Christmas - YouTube 
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    edited August 2020
    Stripey bastards. 
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    The crap phone signal and ergo the rubbish internet connection on my holiday park in Dawlish Warren. 
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    Just logged on to Spotify and noticed a playlist called, 'Daily Wellness'. 

    I thinks I could do with some of that, so give it a try.  After some initial guff from Dolly Parton backed by a church organ the music started ... 2nd track up 'Under Pressure'. 

    That didn't last long.

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    Nooo, you can't improve on perfection. Whatever next, Boyzone to record Dark Side of the Moon? Rod Liddle to re-write Shakespeare? Del Boy Trotter to repaint the Sistine Chapel?
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    Stig said:
    Nooo, you can't improve on perfection. Whatever next, Boyzone to record Dark Side of the Moon? Rod Liddle to re-write Shakespeare? Del Boy Trotter to repaint the Sistine Chapel?
    In luminous paint?
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    iaitch said:
    Stig said:
    Nooo, you can't improve on perfection. Whatever next, Boyzone to record Dark Side of the Moon? Rod Liddle to re-write Shakespeare? Del Boy Trotter to repaint the Sistine Chapel?
    In luminous paint?
    Wish I'd thought of that.
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    Why, only on this site do I keep getting fecking adverts about Earwax. I haven't googled anything on this and don't suffer from it.

    [Stands back and waits for the inevitable].

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    Perf with surf.
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    Wilma said:
    Flies. They get in the house the very second you open a door, then seem unable to locate the same door to find their way back out and instead spend an age just bumping up against a closed window. If you then open the window, they fly off somewhere else and seem unable to find the way back to the now open window. They have the whole world to fly around in, most of which is much more interesting than my house! 
    Get a fly swatter. They're brilliant. 
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    Wilma said:
    Flies. They get in the house the very second you open a door, then seem unable to locate the same door to find their way back out and instead spend an age just bumping up against a closed window. If you then open the window, they fly off somewhere else and seem unable to find the way back to the now open window. They have the whole world to fly around in, most of which is much more interesting than my house! 
    Get a fly swatter. They're brilliant. 
    I wouldn’t go that far, she misses more than she hits...
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    Wilma said:
    Flies. They get in the house the very second you open a door, then seem unable to locate the same door to find their way back out and instead spend an age just bumping up against a closed window. If you then open the window, they fly off somewhere else and seem unable to find the way back to the now open window. They have the whole world to fly around in, most of which is much more interesting than my house! 
    Get a fly swatter. They're brilliant. 
    I do have a fly swatter and a disgusting hanging fly paper but this one was a particularly big buzzing thing that I wasn't prepared to chase around the house. It went out the window eventually. 
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